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by Jane Kemp


  an erotic short collection

  by Jane Kemp

  All rights reserved copyright 2012 by Naughty Daydreams Press







  (My Wife’s Secret Desires Episode No. 1)

  by Jane Kemp

  All rights reserved copyright 2012 by Naughty Daydreams Press

  Korrine drove through traffic, feeling her frustration grow as the minutes and the morons accumulated. Her husband, Max, had called her on her lunch hour and spoken to her briefly, just telling her that he needed her to get home right away. His voice had seemed strained and when she had tried to get details from him, he had just hung up and ended the call.

  She had no idea what the hell was going on with him lately. He had been so secretive, shutting his computer when she came into the room or hanging up on a conversation when she suddenly appeared. He smiled a lot but he never really seemed to want to talk. Yes, she knew he was a male and that men didn’t like to talk, but still, she figured he owed her a little more after five years of marriage.

  Granted, things hadn’t been very smooth for them this past year for the two of them. First, she had lost her job and had had to go into the world of job-hunting again after a steady job of six years. She had eventually found something, but the stress had lingered and it had made her cranky and irritable. Another big issue had simply been time. Max worked at a hospital, newly graduated out of his internship into a rotation as an emergency room doctor. And, of course, with her new job at the advertising agency, she didn’t feel she could skimp on hours so early on in her association.

  They hadn’t had time for intimacy. In fact, Korrine had spent a great deal of time fantasizing. It all started with one of her fashion magazines that as part of its monthly sex column, had a few paragraphs about women’s top fantasies. She wasn’t feeling great about her sex life at home, so she went to the magazine’s website and bookmarked the list of top ten fantasies. It had been her masturbation mainstay for months. She dreamed of threesomes, domination, sex in public, and even the darker fantasies, the fantasies of being dominated and even of being taken against her will. She had never been more sexually stimulated and so unfulfilled.

  So, it had been a hard few months with little time spent together and that’s what made Max’s call so strange and its urgency so powerful. Suddenly, a car swerved into her lane and she laid into her horn as her jangled nerves fought to gain some control. She was only fifteen minutes from her home and she prayed for the strength to make it without totally losing her cool.

  When she pulled up into her driveway, she didn’t see Max’s car and she wondered if he had parked in the garage or if maybe he had run to the store for something. She thought it was entirely possible that he had been called into work and whatever he had needed her home for was now on hold. She sighed, exhaustion hitting her hard. She wasn’t even sure that she was that disappointed at the thought that he wouldn’t be home after all.

  She got out of her car and trudged up to the front door, trying the knob and finding it locked. Pulling her purse around, she dug through it to find her key. Opening the door, she stepped inside to perfect quiet. “Hon?”

  There was no answer and she walked into the kitchen to set her things down on the table and grab a drink from the fridge. She grabbed a beer and then leaned on the counter to remove her shoes and feel the instant relief that came at the end of a hard day of work. She left the kitchen in her stockings, the beer in her hand, and headed for the stairs. As she climbed up, she called for her husband again, but there was still no answer. She was sure, at this point, that she was alone in the house.

  She decided to take a bubble bath. She felt the need to relax and maybe, spoil herself just a little. So, when she got to her room, she went right to the bathroom, set the beer on the counter and started the spigot right away. Then, looking under the sink and sifting through the various bottles of lotions and shampoos and hair gels, she found some bubble bath and poured some into the bath.

  She stripped out of her business suit and her stockings. Then, she dropped her bra and panties on the pile. It felt so good to be a little free after all day at the office. She stepped over to the bath and dipped a toe into the water and, satisfied with the temp, she turned the water off.

  Right then, she felt arms wrap around her waist and a hand cover her mouth and her body tensed, ready to scream. But she was moved quickly into the bedroom where she saw with astonishment that there were straps hanging from all four corners of the bed. She hadn’t even looked at the bed when she came in or she would have noticed and she would have run. Now, she was being pulled over to the bed and the straps by a very strong armed man.

  He flung her on the bed, and she popped up, obviously preparing to run or scream or both. But he pointed a warning finger at her, and she stayed quiet and still. He wore a mask and a heavy sweatshirt that somewhat hid his build, but she could tell that he was strong from the way he had practically carried her to the bed.

  Leaning over her naked body, he reached for the far strap that hung from the headboard and then grabbed her wrist and secured it with the strap. Moving around her trembling body, he secured the other three straps to her other wrist and both ankles. She was shaking so hard, her teeth were chattering, but then he did a strange thing. He put his hands on her shoulders and stroked them lightly over her body, along her sides and then around and over her flat stomach. They continued down her legs, just brushing her shaved mound as they moved all the way down to her feet. And then he stood up and he left.

  She didn’t understand what was going on as she lay there strapped down and naked. But she had felt her body respond to the stranger’s touch and she couldn’t help but wonder why he had walked away and not touched her sexually. Then, her thoughts were interrupted by someone stepping into the room and she craned her head to see if the man had returned.

  But the person who stepped in was not her husband or the strange man who had grabbed her and tied her down. Her mouth opened in shock as she saw her husband’s friend, Darrin, step into the room. What shocked her and kept her from calling out to him for help was the fact that he was walking in completely naked.

  Darrin had always been the one of all her husband’s friends that she had felt a strong attraction to. He was a tall, blond, hard-bodied god with a quiet voice and a kind temperament that didn’t seem to match his macho image. But it was always his soft hazel eyes that caught her attention, and there had been a few times when she had felt like he was watching her. Of course, Max teased her about her “boyfriend,” and she was very careful to be only distantly polite when she was around him. To see him suddenly appear after she had essentially been abducted ad restrained, brought on a whole mess of conflicting emotions, some of which were very physical.

  “Darrin?” Her voice whispered his name, and she knew it was barely audible, but he smiled at her and then he moved over to the bed.

  He didn’t say one word to her. He just climbed onto the bed and moved to straddle her chest. Suddenly, his cock was right in her face and she looked up at him in surprise as he moved forward and pushed into her mouth.

  The feel of his weight on top of her as he slid his dick into her mouth and then her throat was overwhelming. Her body seemed to come alive and she felt all her pent up sexual tension burst to the surface as her lips wrapped around his thick sha

  His movements were steady and not too rough. He gave her time to adjust and time to catch her breath and she began to forget that she was tied up as she got into using her mouth to make him hard. She heard him groan and felt a thrill travel through her, knowing that she was the reason he was groaning. She began to move her head up and down faster and around as much as she could in her limited scope of movement.

  Then, his hands suddenly gripped her hair and she yelped in surprise as he began to fuck her throat like he would her pussy. Her panic welled up again as his dick thrust in and filled her mouth, cutting off her air and making her struggle beneath him. She tried to turn her head, but he held her hair even harder, using it at times to yank her forward as he moved around in her sore throat. His balls smacked her chin as he pushed all the way in and then held himself there, feeling her throat spasm around him. She felt like she couldn’t last much longer, and she felt an incredibly strong ache grow in her pussy as it felt wave after wave of intense feeling in rhythm to the hard thrusts of Darrin’s shaft into her mouth.

  Finally, he pulled out and got off her chest and she gasped for air, not even seeing him as she squeezed her teary eyes shut and sucked in air. She opened them again when he put his hands on her breasts and squeezed hard, pinching the nipples and giving them a slight twist that made her cry out and made her pussy grow wet with her juices. She looked in shock at her husband’s friend and tried to shift away from him, but he put a large hand on her stomach and held her down.

  Then, his other hand began to slap at her nipples one after the other until they were hard little bullets that sent agonizing pleasurable spasms straight to her pussy. When he stopped she was moving her ass around on the bed, trying to deal with the need she felt between her legs. But Darrin moved his hands down her body now, and he ran them along her legs, calming them and making her vibrate with anticipation.

  When he moved them back up to cup her mound, she gasped and moaned with such need that he smiled at her again. His hands gently squeezed for a while, making her moan more and she felt tears of frustration form in her eyes when she suddenly felt his fingers shove into her hole and begin to explore, stroking her tight walls until he found her special spot and then, he began to move his fingers frantically, causing her to cry out as she tossed her head back and forth, her dark hair falling over her face as she squirmed.

  He worked his fingers inside her until she felt her muscles tighten and then, a rush of warmth flooded her body and an intense release ran through her body, making her shudder. As her orgasm overtook her, she wasn’t aware of Darrin until his weight was bearing down on her and his cock was thrusting into her spasming pussy, keeping her climax going hard. Suddenly, he began to talk and the room filled with their voices as he pushed into her. “Oh fuck, Korrine, yes, so good, so fucking good!” His words were breathy and were drowned by her loud moans, but she heard enough to make her body feel everything more intensely.

  She was moving so hard against him that her restraints were pulling hard on the end rail of her bed and the rattle joined the racket. Darrin began to move faster inside her and his lips met hers as his hands gripped her shoulders and his body fell more heavily on top of her. Finally, he thrust hard and then, pulling out, he scrambled up to grab at her head and bring her mouth to his cock. She opened wide, her sore lips stretching to take in his thick throbbing shaft and he pushed into her throat, spurting in long hard spurts that made her choke as she tried to swallow it all.

  When he was finished, he rolled off her weary body and stood by the bed, smiling like a little boy who expects to get in trouble. He leaned down and gave her a kiss and then he walked out without a word, leaving her still tied to the bed and completely bewildered.

  A few moments later, Max walked in. He wore the sweater she’d seen earlier. He held the mask in his hand. He leaned down and kissed her and began to undo the restraints. “You arranged this, Max?” She wanted to sound indignant, but she realized even as she said it that her voice was filled with wonder and not anger.

  “You left the website up, baby. I’ve been planning it for a while.” He rubbed her wrists, helping circulation return where the straps had restrained her.

  “The website?”

  “It’s number nine, honey. The Woman Gets Dominated.” That website! The fantasies! He had made one come true. He had fulfilled one!

  She stared at him in shock, and then a slow smile spread over her face. “I can’t believe you!”

  He smiled and stood. She watched him unbuckle his belt. “You know the best part, Baby?” His voice was husky as his pants dropped to the floor. “There are nine more fantasies, and I have every one of them planned.”


  (My Wife’s Secret Desires Episode No. 2)

  by Jane Kemp

  All rights reserved copyright 2012 by Naughty Daydreams Press

  Korrine didn’t know what she had done to deserve the night she had had last night, but she hoped she would have many more of the same. Last night, she had come home after a typical grueling day at work and after her husband had requested she get home right away, and she had soon found herself grabbed naked from her bathroom and tied down to her bed by a masked man who had seemed to appear as if by magic.

  What had happened next had been the strangest most exhilarating sexual experience in her life. As she lay tied down and fearful, her husband’s best friend, Darrin, had walked in, completely naked, and he had proceeded to fuck her silly until she was coming harder than she ever had in her life.

  But it was when her husband had come in after Darrin’s departure, twirling the mask on his finger, that she had been completely bewildered. Her shock wore off, though, as Max untied her and they made love in a wilder fashion than they had for a long time. She learned that Max had seen her browsing over a list of women’s sexual fantasies and had thought that making them come true for his wife would be one step in healing the distance that seemed to be growing between them.

  They were both incredibly busy professionals, she in a new job with an advertising firm and he with a new job as an emergency room doctor. Their hours were erratic and both of them had found it hard to completely leave work behind. Korrine had felt especially lonely on the many nights that Max had to work the night shift, and that had been when she had come across the list of fantasies. Of course, she had been embarrassed when she first had learned that Max had found the list, but after her wild night, she was also incredibly thankful.

  Now, she sat at work, going over in her head the various images of the night before and she sighed as she felt her body respond. She made herself turn to her computer and look at the latest storyboard for a commercial for a fast food joint, when she quickly took a look at her email and saw a message from Max. Wondering what her husband was up to, she clicked it open and read: It’s school time tonight, get home and get in uniform. It was signed The Professor.

  Well, after that, Korrine couldn’t concentrate on anything else at work, so she left a little early and headed home, weaving her way through traffic with her head filled with possibilities.

  When she finally made it home and parked in the driveway, she once again noticed that Max’s car was nowhere in sight. Guessing that eventually, he would be home, she hurried up to the door and stepped inside. Nothing unusual greeted her, so she made her way to the kitchen where she saw the box sitting on the table with a note on top. Grabbing it, she read the note quickly. Get dressed and come upstairs was all it said.

  She pulled off the top and saw a school uniform that looked like it came right out of an anime cartoon. She pulled out, one by one, a plaid skirt, a white blouse, suspenders, long knee-high socks and saddle shoes that made her think of being a Japanese school girl. Together, the outfit looked kind of silly and entirely, wildly slutty. Giggling, she gathered it all back in the box and ran upstairs to their room to get changed.

  Korrine was impressed that eve
rything was the right size. When she had finished dressing, she took a look at herself in the mirror and decided to put her hair into pigtails. She even managed to find some hair ribbons buried deep in her cosmetic bag. Then, she took another look at the final effect and couldn’t believe how innocent and slutty she was able to look at the same time. She pretended to act bashful and shy like some school girl walking home from school, and then she turned and flipped her skirt up and enjoyed the sight of her bare ass under the plaid pleats. She hadn’t put on panties, thinking that if it wasn’t in the box, Max didn’t want her to have it on.

  She then heard the front door close and she sat down on the bed, her legs bouncing excitedly, waiting to see who and what would walk through the door. Finally, she heard steps on the stairs and then, Max was there, wearing a tweed jacket with patches on the elbows over a dress shirt and slacks. He held a pipe in his hand, not lit because he wasn’t a smoker, and he wore fake glasses that were perched charmingly on the bridge of his nose.

  Korrine guessed that she was to wait for Max to let her know what to do, so she didn’t run up to him or say anything. He stepped into the bedroom and walked over to the chair by the closet and sat down, crossing his legs and pretending to smoke like some scholar contemplating the nature of the universe by the fire. Finally, he looked at her. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  She looked at him, confused at first, and then guessed that she should play along. “Um, I’m sorry?”

  “Sorry?!” Suddenly, he jumped out of the chair and crossed to the bed to stand in front of her. “You little slut, I’ll bet you don’t even know what you have to be sorry for.”

  Korrine had to admit he was right. “Um, no, I don’t know.”

  “Sir.” Her husband commanded imperiously.

  Again, she was confused for a moment and then, she understood that he wanted her to address him as Sir. “Uh, no, I don’t know, Sir.”


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