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To Wed a Wanton Woman

Page 3

by KyAnn Waters

  “I’m a man, not an animal.” He stopped at the stove and poured her a cup of coffee. “Don’t treat me like one of your customers,” he said once they were safely out of earshot.

  “Oh darling, if I was doing that you’d look much happier.”

  They walked close together as they made their way to the stables. “I’m trying hard not to think about your profession, but you make it impossible.”

  “What is it you want from me?” she asked. “Have I mistakenly given you the impression I want something from you besides sex?”

  “I don’t want to simply take you to bed,” he ground out. “I aim to court you.” He said the words tentatively, still debating the notion himself.

  A flash of humor crossed her face. “Train, I’m only here for a couple of days.”

  He pulled a pouch of tobacco from his pocket. “That doesn’t give me much time, does it?”

  * * *

  “He’s ridiculous!” Marion paced back and forth across the kitchen as Allison made lunch for TJ’s youngest son, Michael. After leaving Train in the stables, she had searched out her friend. For the first time ever, someone had left her speechless. “No one is that stupid. Believe me; I’ve met plenty of stupid men.”

  Allison ordered her to sit down by pointing a wooden spoon at the table.

  “Everyone knows whores don’t get married.” With her elbow on the table, she rested her chin in her hand.

  “That isn’t true. But even if it were, it wouldn’t matter to Joseph,” Allison said. “In the beginning, he thought I was a working girl.” She put a plate of diced pork from the previous night in front of Michael along with a piece of buttered bread. “He didn’t care.” She shrugged. “He only worried that I had done, you know…with TJ.” She licked strawberry preserve from her thumb.

  Marion thought for a moment while she ate the bread with jam Allison set in front of her. “I can’t have children. Men who marry want sons to carry on their name.”

  “I have two children now.” She kissed Michael on the head. “I didn’t give birth to him, but I still feel like his mother.”

  Marion sighed. “Actually, I hate children. Every time one of the girls finds herself with a baby, I silently thank God he knew I was never meant to procreate.”

  Allison’s mouth fell open. “That’s a terrible thing to say.”

  “Terrible would be having me for a mother. Worse would be having me for a wife! You have to talk to him. Tell Train he’s being foolish.”

  “Marion, that is a wicked smile spreading across your face. What are you thinking?”

  “Just don’t discourage him completely. I’ve always wanted to ride on a Train.”

  Allison hurled a dishtowel across the room, hitting Marion on the shoulder.

  “Where’s your husband this morning?” Marion asked, changing the subject.

  “He took Sis for a ride.” She put a cup of milk in front of Michael. “Betty, you met her, Cake’s wife, asked if I wanted her to keep Michael. I told her no, but I’m sure she’d be happy if I changed my mind. We can meet up with TJ and Sissy.”

  “Where’s Sandy? I haven’t seen her since the reception.”

  “She wanted to go home. TJ sent someone with her. You seemed to be having a good time and she didn’t want to spoil it for you. Don’t worry. When you’re ready, we’ll take you back to town.” She tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. “TJ wanted to go on a honeymoon. I convinced him to stay home. Sissy has become his shadow. I know she’s excited for me to be her mother, but I don’t think she understands that she has to share her father. Hence, the reason for the ride.”

  Marion shook her head. “I like the sound of it, but I’m not very good on a horse.”

  “I heard you could ride just about anything,” Allison said, teasing. “In fact you’ve told me you prefer a big stallion.” Allison’s skirt billowed around her as she dodged a piece of flying pork Marion threw from Michael’s plate.

  “You’re right,” Marion stated. “I can ride anything.”

  Marion and Allison walked across the ground sending up puffs of dust around the hems of their full-length dresses. Allison carried Michael in her arms. Once inside the shack, he squirmed to be let down.

  Betty squatted down and opened her arms. “Howdy, big boy.” Betty scooped him up and faced Allison. “You need me to watch him, Sugar?”

  “Yes, and Sissy, too, as soon as TJ returns.”

  “You bring her on by.”

  Allison kissed Michael’s cheek. “We’ll be by later to drop Sissy off.”

  Marion and Allison giggled on their way to the stable. “This is ridiculous. I’m terrified.” Marion held out her hand to Allison. “I’m shaking inside.”

  Allison and Marion walked up and down the stalls looking at the horses. “I don’t know which one you should ride. I always ride Sugar.”

  Marion giggled. “Are you going to tell me the story?”

  Allison raised her brows.

  “I’ve heard several men refer to you as Sugar. I know they weren’t talking about your horse.”

  Allison groaned. “I hate it. I know they all think it has some filthy overtone.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat. “Okay, so it does, but they don’t know it! TJ gave me the name. He said I remind him of the horse because I’m sweet tempered and easy to ride.”

  Marion continued to chuckle.

  “Afternoon ladies.” Train stepped into the stables and tipped his hat.

  “Joseph, you’re the man we need.”

  His gaze never wavered from Marion although Allison was the one speaking to him. Marion’s heart spurred to a gallop. His stare created a hot pooling in her center. It had been a long time since she’d anticipated a man’s attention.

  “Marion has as much experience with horses as I did.”

  Train shook his head. “That’s a damn shame.” There was a trace of laughter in his voice. “Come here,” he said to Marion.

  Allison gave her a little shove when she didn’t respond. Marion narrowed her eyes as he ran his hands along her arms. “Is this really necessary?” she asked with a thread of annoyance.

  “Oh absolutely.” Allison winked at Train. “Joseph knows everything about horses. He’ll even teach you how to ride bareback.”

  He swung his head around to look at Allison.

  “What am I missing?” Marion asked.

  “Nothing,” Train mumbled. “Use this to tie your hair.” He handed her a piece of rawhide. She clenched the rope between her lips and then reached around to put her hair into a ponytail. “Let me help.” He turned her around and gently gathered her hair. Shivers ran down her back. He pulled the rope from between her teeth.

  “Thank you,” she said, struggling with the awareness of his intentions. When he looked at her now, it sent an alarming heat into her chest. She stiffened her shoulders, swallowed hard, and boldly met his gaze. “Well, you’re the expert. Which horse should I ride?”

  His eyes twinkled. “This is Midnight Dancer.” He harnessed a beautiful black gelding. “He likes to run, but I think you can handle him.” He patted the horse on the back as Marion approached with caution.

  “He’s too big.” With hesitant fingers, she touched the horse’s snout. He whinnied and tossed his head, flipping his black mane. She smiled and tried again.

  “You like big,” Allison whispered in her ear.

  Marion glared.

  “Remind you of someone?” Train asked.

  The horse’s hooves landed heavy on the ground as he followed Train out of the stable. When the sun hit his black coat, it shone like polished onyx. “Give me a minute and I’ll saddle Sugar, too.” He went back into the stables, disappearing into the shadows to get the other horse.

  “We’re going to find TJ. Do you want to come?” Allison asked.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” he called.

  “What are you doing?” Marion whispered, grabbing Allison’s arm. “You’re supposed to help me discourage him, not create opport

  “Marion, I love you.” She touched her cheek. “That’s why I’m on his side.”

  “Side saddle or astride?” Train asked.

  Marion looked to Allison for an answer.

  “It isn’t proper, but I ride astride,” Allison said. “Out here on the ranch, who’s going to care?”

  “I’d rather ride in a buggy if you’re giving me a choice.”

  “Just like Allison,” Train said putting a saddle on Sugar.

  Marion noticed the quiet assurance he had with the animals. His knowing hands moved gracefully over the horse’s back. The strength in his shoulders strained against the fabric of his shirt. She wondered if he treated a woman in the same fashion.

  Sugar, the horse, stood still as Allison mounted. She adjusted in her saddle until she felt comfortable, then she pranced the horse around in a circle. “You’re a good girl,” Allison said, patting Sugar’s neck.

  Train stood in front of Marion. His chest blocked the horses from her view. She looked up into his eyes, shadowed by his cowboy hat. “Don’t worry. I’m going to have my eyes on you all day.”

  The overt sensuality of his words surprised her and made her warm. “I’d appreciate it if you’d also find time to watch the trail. I don’t want to get lost.” She put her hands on his shoulders while he helped her onto the horse. “Try to stay focused on the task at hand.” She smoothed the folds of her dress, and then looked over to find him watching her. “What are we waiting for? Get on your horse and tell me what to do.”

  Allison laughed. “A few months ago, I said the same thing. TJ and Joseph taught me how to control a horse. I struggled, too.”

  Marion grappled with the simplest of commands.

  Train continued to correct Marion without sounding impatient, although Marion grew tired of the exchange. Midnight Dancer pranced, anxious with the inexperienced rider.

  “Relax, Sweetheart,” Train said, keeping his horse close to hers to keep the animal calm.

  “He doesn’t like me,” she said. “I should be riding a calm horse like Sugar.”

  Train shook his head. “Marion, it would be a lot easier for both of us if you accept that I know what you need.”

  Allison broke into laughter. “Tie a lead on, Joseph. We’ll walk for a while until she feels comfortable.”

  Sugar and Allison led them. Marion’s horse didn’t appear to like being tied to Train’s. He liked the inconsistent directions from Marion less. He followed with his head down breathing heavy through his nostrils.

  Train kept peering over his shoulder. Marion mimicked his moves trying to get a feel for the reins.

  She gave him a half-hearted smile and tried to look more composed than she felt.

  “There’s TJ,” Allison said, spurring her horse into a gallop, leaving them.

  Train stopped his horse and dismounted. “Ready to go it on your own?”

  Marion’s heart jumped in her chest. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. “Will you stay close?” Her voice cracked.

  He rested one hand on her thigh and the other on the saddle. “As close as you’ll let me.”

  She found his proximity disturbing and exciting. Yesterday, all she could think about was the physical attraction she felt. Now that she knew his intentions ran much deeper, her stomach was unsettled. Never had a man wanted her for anything but to bed.

  “I should think a couple of yards would be fine.” Her answer was so serious he started to laugh.

  By the time Train was back in the saddle, TJ, Allison, and Sissy had returned.

  “Sissy rides alone?” Marion asked in horror. The little girl sat upon a large brown and tan paint. “Well, if she can do it, so will I. She’s only a child.” Marion sat up straighter.

  “I’ll ride with her over to Betty’s,” Allison said.

  “I’ll go with you.” TJ maneuvered his horse along side Allison’s. “Train, why don’t you take Marion into the north fields? We’ll meet you in about an hour.”

  Allison and TJ took off in an easy pace for Sissy to keep up with. Her little form bounced on top of her horse as she followed close behind her parents.

  “I can’t believe Sissy rides that big horse.” Marion shook her head. She watched them ride away.

  “She’s been riding since she was old enough to sit on a horse.” Train’s mount fell into step beside hers. “Do you want children someday?”

  Marion choked as she laughed. “In my business, children are a distraction.”

  “I see your point.” He glanced out over the fields of brush and scrub. “I’ll race you to the lake,” he said, changing the serious nature of the conversation.

  “You just put me on a horse, and now you want me to race this beast? You must think I’m a loon.”

  He sent a daring smile in her direction. “You can name the prize.”

  She looked down at her horse’s strong legs. His tail swished against the insects buzzing around. Something in the way his hooves pranced on the ground said he itched to stretch his legs and run. Marion figured with what she lacked in experience, she made up for in weight differential. Where her stature was thin, the mold of Train’s body was like twisted steel. “If I win, we go swimming.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Not what I expected. Hardly scandalous at all.”

  “Naked, Train. We drop our clothes at the water’s edge and frolic naked. And that’s not all. I can’t swim so you have to stay close to me.” She winked. “Very close.”

  Train licked his lips. “I’m not sure whether I should give Clive his head. What if I win?”

  “What do you want? And be reasonable,” she said. “Don’t ask for anything you know I won’t do. This isn’t a difficult choice considering what I want.”

  “I want you to stay an extra couple of days and get to know me better.”

  Marion didn’t give Train a response, but instead dug her heels into Midnight Dancer and took off in what she hoped was the direction of the lake. She heard Train shout an expletive as he issued a command to his horse.

  Marion leaned in close to the horse and tried not to look at the blur of ground underneath the thundering hooves. She closed her eyes to the sting of the wind and hoped Midnight Dancer knew to stop when he got close to the lake. The pounding of the horse’s hooves vibrated through her body as she leaned into the mane and prayed she wouldn’t fall.

  Muscles she didn’t know she had ached. Her chest tightened. She couldn’t catch her breath. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as her teeth bit into her bottom lip.

  As if sensing Train’s approach, Midnight Dancer increased his speed. She would scream if she could find her voice. Scared yes, but strumming beneath the fear, adrenaline surged.

  When her horse finally broke from the run, her breasts tightened. Deep in her core, a tingle turned to a throb. When she opened her eyes, the sun reflected brightly off the water of the lake. Midnight Dancer had delivered her prize.

  “I can’t believe you cheated,” Train said, pulling his horse next to hers.

  “I take advantages where I find them. Don’t be a poor sport because this time the odds weren’t in your favor.”

  He jumped from his horse. “I’ll remember not to play poker with you.”

  “Wise idea if you don’t want to lose your money.” She put her hands on his shoulders as he helped her down. Her body hummed as it slid down his. His clothing hid what her hands discovered; Train was hard and raw from ranch work. She wanted nothing between her and the corded muscles beneath her fingers. She wasn’t used to the sensation. Men had lost their mystery, yet Train awakened unfamiliar yearnings. She took a deep breath and tried to quiet her anticipation. As she stepped back, she brushed her hands against the side of her dress. “Now what was the wager? Oh yes--” Her triumphant laughter filled the air. “Swimming.” She turned her back to him. “I’ll need some help getting out of my dress.” She lifted her ponytail.

  Train quickly slipped the buttons. “Are you sure this is
what you want?” He glanced around to see if they were alone. Who knew when TJ and Allison would return? They could ride up at any moment and find them.

  She stepped out of her dress. “Are you worried you won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself?” she asked as she pulled the tie from her hair. “Because you don’t need to worry. I want your hands on me.” She stood completely naked. Soft curves and long muscles, Marion ran her fingers through her hair letting it fall around the swell of her naked breast.

  Train’s gaze traveled down her body, noticing a few faint scars marring her silken skin. He longed to run his mouth over every detail, committing it to memory.

  “Come on, Train.” Marion smirked, heading toward the lake’s edge.

  He stripped off his shirt and dove into the water still wearing his trousers.

  “That wasn’t the deal,” she said when he resurfaced.

  “You cheated and I lied.” He filled his mouth with water and spit it out in a thin stream. “I know my limitations.” He dived again and came up right beside her. He shook the water from his hair. “You were right. I do want my hands on you so this was a good idea.”

  She put her hands on his chest. Her delicate touch caused an instant reaction. His cock, trapped in his trousers, throbbed. He ached to free himself, letting his erection stretch toward his navel until he could bury himself in Marion’s trim body.

  Water glistened against the smooth swell of her breasts. His hands trailed up the slick planes of her lower back, tracing the contours of her torso. His palms cupped her buttocks.

  Marion drew in a deep breath and pushed his head under water.

  Train popped up. Marion squealed when his hands wrapped her waist. He picked her up easily and tossed her into the water with a splash. Train found it difficult to determine if she were choking or laughing as she found her footing.

  “Damn.” Train issued another slur of profanity when Marion dove gracefully beneath the water. She lied about not being able to swim. He dived below the surface and swam after her. Within a few powerful strokes, he had caught up to her and grabbed her ankle.

  “I don’t want TJ and Allison to find us like this,” he said as they treaded water.


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