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To Wed a Wanton Woman

Page 14

by KyAnn Waters

  “Are you always going to be overprotective?”

  “It’s one of my strengths,” he teased. “You’re my weakness.” He squeezed her leg.

  Marion rode along the left side of the horses and Train flanked the right. Speaking in gentle tones, Train controlled the caravan at a practical pace. If he had a seasoned rider with him, he could’ve pushed harder.

  By mid-afternoon, Marion clearly became tired of the ride. Her eyes squinted against the early autumn sun. Swift breezes cut through the canyon feeling like pricks against their sunburned skin. “Train!” she screamed over the horses.

  He immediately rounded his horse behind the herd and rode beside her. “Ready for lunch? I thought I heard your stomach growl.”

  “If you’re in the mood to fill requests, I’d like a bit of shade.”

  Train removed his hat and placed it on Marion’s head.

  They left the horses next to the bank of the river. He retrieved their lunch from his saddlebag. Grease covered the outside of the paper bag full of chicken he’d picked up at the diner where they’d had breakfast.

  “What am I supposed to do at the ranch?” she asked with her mouth full of chicken. “I mean, as long as I can remember, I’ve worked. Now that I’m officially retired, what am I supposed to do with my day?” She licked her fingers one by one drawing Train’s eyes to her lips.

  “Help me build our ranch, visit with Allison and the children.” Marion rolled her eyes and groaned. “What do you want to do?”

  “I won’t bother Allison. The girl lives like a slave. Cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, it was all horrible.”

  Train leaned back supporting his weight with his elbows. “She doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, she acts as if she enjoys taking care of TJ, the children, and the house.”

  She leaned against his chest and kissed his lips. “I have every intention of taking care of you.” She leaned up and raised her eyebrows. “It’s the cooking and cleaning I hate.”

  “Then I guess we’ll live like pigs.” He toppled her to the ground.

  “And behave like heathens.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s a good thing Cake likes to feed me.”

  Train eased up. “I don’t want you hanging around Cake. Stay close to our place or visit with Allison. I don’t want you wandering around the property alone. Ready?” He stood and brushed off the seat of his jeans. “We should get going. I want to be home before dark.”

  As the day progressed, Marion watched Train’s body work in harmony with his horse. His jaw would clench when he looked in her direction and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. After giving up every aspect of her life, he couldn’t possibly doubt her fidelity. Banning her from everywhere except her own home was very authoritarian. Marriage hadn’t caused her to lose her autonomy. She dug her heels into Clive sending him into a run until she was riding along side Train.

  “Putting a ring on my finger doesn’t change who I am,” she said defiantly. “I do as I please, Train. Don’t think because you’re a great lover I’ll give up being an independent woman.” She took his hat off and tossed it to him. “I can still take care of myself.” She hoped her words stung the way she intended. Suddenly, she envisioned life sitting by herself in the one room cabin built for her, without the company of other girls or the attention of men. She had no desire to bed another, but that didn’t entail having no social life.

  They rode in silence until they crested the last rise overlooking the Bester ranch. TJ stood outside on the front porch waving as they rode toward the homestead. He came down the steps and walked briskly to the stables getting there at the same time Train was helping Marion down from Clive.

  “Welcome home.” He pulled Marion into a heartfelt embrace. They shared a special connection in losing Sandy. “Allison is waiting for you at the house. Michael’s cutting molars making all of our lives miserable.”

  Marion headed up the path. TJ turned toward Train. “Honeymoon over already?”

  Train pulled the saddle off Clive. “I hope you don’t mind me spending your money,” he said. “The mares are beautiful, but look at this.” He walked to the stallion. “I could have brought home a dozen more just like him.”

  “It looks like you did,” he said, indicating the grouping next to the stables. He ran his hand down a muscular leg. “He’s a fine looking horse.” Giving Train a friendly slap on the shoulder, he said, “Happy or not, Allison is going to want to celebrate with the newlyweds.”

  “I don’t think Marion is ready to be nice yet.” Train slipped his hands into his pockets. “I overstepped my rights as a husband. And for the record, Marion doesn’t like being told what to do.”

  TJ laughed. “You’ll learn the art of gentle persuasion about the time you realize women have all the power. Come on.” They walked to the stables. “We’ve got a few more stalls to clean out.”

  Train followed him. He stopped when he recognized the familiar furnishings. “What the hell is this?” He ran his hand over the black lacquer desk that used to sit in the middle of Sandy’s office. “Did you inherit this shit from Sandy?”

  TJ smiled as he looked over his shoulder at Train. “No, you did.” He pulled the door open to the first stall. “Marion asked me to bring it home.”

  “And you did? Did you even try to discourage her?” Train shook his head in disbelief. “I’m going to live in a brothel.” He turned to TJ. “Where’s the red stuff? Tell me she didn’t convince you to bring home heart shaped sofa?”

  “This is it. Charlie helped me move a bed out to your place. You’ll sleep in your own home tonight.”

  “I’d rather hoped I wouldn’t be doing much sleeping. Looks like I ran out of luck.” TJ’s laughter followed him into the nearby pasture where the horses waited.

  * * *

  Marion knocked twice, waited, and knocked again. She could hear Allison running toward the door. They laughed and embraced. Allison nearly dropped Michael who was riding on her hip.

  “I have been dying of curiosity. Tell me,” she demanded with a smile.

  “I told you I was determined to ride a Train.” She held out her hand for Allison’s approval. “If he would’ve welcomed me aboard the first time I met him…” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I would never have gotten off.”

  “You can’t believe how happy I am you’re here. I get lonely for the fun we had before I came to the ranch. I love being married, but TJ works until dark most nights. Sometimes it feels like the only time I do get him to myself is when we’re in bed. Believe me, you’ll understand once the newness wears off with Train.”

  A warmth flowed through her. “I can guarantee I’ll never let that happen.”

  Allison put steaks in a pan and diced potatoes to fry. “Growing up in Boston, I never questioned where the food I ate came from. Cake is amazing. I enjoyed his mentoring until he demonstrated how to cut off a chicken’s head. We quickly came to an agreement that he does all the butchering.”

  Marion laid her head on the table. “Don’t make me sick.” She raised her eyes and looked at Allison. “I know how to boil water. If it isn’t a fruit or vegetable, I’m not sure how to cook it. I hope Cake doesn’t mind if I take home dinner to Train every night. Otherwise we’ll starve.”

  “Or eat with us.”

  Allison took plates from the cupboard, which reminded Marion of the beautiful dishes she took from the brothel. “Did TJ talk about Sandy?” Marion asked.

  Allison shook her head. “He’s afraid I won’t understand. He didn’t say it outright, but because he had a relationship with her, I know he’s hurting. I loved Sandy, too.”

  “I’m glad I left. I wouldn’t want to be there without her.”

  “Hi.” TJ came into the kitchen with Train two steps behind. “The horses are happily housed.” He came up behind Allison. “Smells good, I’m hungry.”

  Train met Marion’s gaze from across the room. With the slightest tilt to his head, he motioned her
into the hallway. Allison and TJ were too busy looking into the pans on the stove to notice her leave.

  He stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Are you still mad?”

  “No.” Her voice held a hint of amusement. “But I expect us to kiss and make up anyway.” She put her hands on his chest. “Let’s eat because if you expect me to cook, you’re not going to get a good meal for a while.”

  Train and Marion laughed with Allison and TJ until late into the night. “You should stay here tonight,” Allison said when Train yawned and stretched his arms over his head.

  “We can’t,” he said quickly, which caused Marion to giggle. She was feeling the effects of a few too many glasses of wine.

  “I might wake the kids.” She put her finger over her lips. Train wrapped an arm around her waist to support her while they walked to the door.

  “Don’t worry,” he said to Allison’s concerned expression. “She’ll sober up once I put her on Clive.”

  “You can’t let her ride a horse in her condition,” Allison said. “Take her upstairs.” She looked to TJ for support. He avoided her glance, dropping his gaze to his boots. “Tell him it’s too dangerous. She’ll fall off.”

  “Be careful, it’s dangerous,” he said, closing the door behind them.

  TJ turned to Allison. “Don’t look at me like that.” He grabbed her around the waist. “I like it when you get a little corned.” He kissed the tip of her nose, the bone of her cheek, finally pressing his lips to hers. “I enjoy the taste of whiskey in your mouth.” He handed her his drink.

  “I can’t,” she said.

  He laughed. “Why not? I remembered a few times when you tried matched me drink for drink.”

  “Since I figured out the reason I’ve been sick is because I’m going to have a baby.” A flicker of apprehension fluttered in her chest. She hadn’t thought about how she’d tell him. It just slipped out. “It makes me sick.”

  TJ had two children from his deceased wife. He was a wonderful father, but they’d never spoken about whether he wanted a larger family.

  TJ halted the glass halfway to his lips. The color drained from his face.

  The silence lengthened between them making her even more uncomfortable. “Oh no.” She covered her mouth as a lump rose into her throat. “I thought you’d be happy.” She turned away and fled toward the stairs.

  It took a moment for TJ to respond. He caught her halfway up the stairs. Scooping her into his arms, he carried her into their bedroom and deposited her on the bed. “I’m surprised. Not unhappy,” he said, cupping her cheek in his hand.

  “Then don’t scare me like that.” She slugged him in the chest. “I’m glad I’m going to have a baby. I want a house full of children.”

  “Youngins are great, but not so many that you don’t have time for me.” He helped her out of her clothing.

  “As I’m sure you already know,” she said, holding his face. “I wouldn’t want to go without this either.”

  “How long before the baby comes?”

  She shrugged. “Can’t be exactly sure. Maybe five or six months.” She hadn’t had a monthly menses in a while but because her belly was still flat, she figured that another reason must be the cause. But she’d felt the flutter—felt her baby move. Now she was sure. She was going to have a baby.

  * * *

  Marion laughed with the wind whipping against her face as Train rode Clive bareback along the hillside. “You have to hold on, sweetheart,” he said when she released her grip on the mane and let her hands roam up Train’s thighs. He brought the horse to a slow canter. “Hold on, we’re almost home.”

  Marion twisted around until she could unbutton the front of his shirt. Letting her tongue slide leisurely across his chest, she placed her mouth over his nipple.

  Train jerked the reins hard bringing Clive to a halt. He jumped from the horse taking Marion with him. Laying her on the ground, he lifted her dress. In a quick jerking motion, he undid the buttons of his jeans. She could only suck in her breath as he spread her thighs and penetrated her deeply.

  “Train,” she cried.

  He pounded hard and fast. Marion arched off the ground. Muscles quivered, her inner walls tightened like a glove to Train’s thrusting cock.

  “Oh god,” she careened into orgasm. Train quickly followed.

  They lay gasping for breath in the cool evening air. “One of these times, I’m going to make slow love to you.”

  She laughed. “Or you can take me just like that as often as you like.”

  Train tucked his cock back into his jeans and adjusted her dress. “Let’s go home.” He stood and held his hand to her. She clasped his fingers then he helped her back onto the horse.

  A few minutes later, Train tied Clive to the front porch. “Should I close my eyes before I enter the house?” He couldn’t begin to imagine his home as a small replica of the Dusty Rose.

  “Don’t complain. You were the one who said you didn’t have much time to build furniture. Now you don’t have to.” She slid her hands up his chest. “I thought you were supposed to carry your bride over the threshold when taking her home for the first time.”

  Train grabbed Marion around the waist and tossed her over his shoulder. He turned the handle and stepped into the dark room smelling of fresh cut timber. “I’ll get a fire started.” He set her down next to the table that once graced the kitchen of the brothel.

  “This feels like home, doesn’t it?” she said, lighting the lantern.

  Train sat on his haunches in front of the fireplace and stacked a few pieces of kindling. “It ought to feel like home.” The flame flickered to life. “I don’t suppose in all the… stuff--” he said, preferring another word to describe her belongings, “--you brought a kettle for coffee.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Actually, I did. Just one problem, I don’t know where it is. TJ probably kept everything together.”

  He tossed a few logs into the fire. “I’ve been away from the ranch for a while.” He stood and wrapped his hands around the nape of her neck to feel the silkiness of her hair. “Unless you want to wait until I’m done working for the day, I won’t be much help to you in here.”

  “I guess that answers the question of what I’ll be doing with myself.” She ran her fingers over the buttons of his shirt. “Allison said something to me tonight.” She looked in his eyes. “In a few months they’ve fallen into a routine. He works during the day, Allison takes care of the house, and so at night when the children go to bed, they finally find enough time to be together. Promise that won’t happen to us because I wouldn’t be happy.”

  He momentarily forgot what he was going to say because of the intensity of her eyes. Train took her hand and put it on his chest, over his heart. “Feel this. When you touch my shirt, my heart races. Imagine what happens when you actually touch me. I used to walk around biting the inside of my cheek so I wouldn’t embarrass myself when I thought about you. I know you want more than perfunctory sex before bed.” He kissed her forehead. “As long as you’re honest, I promise I’ll never fail to give you what you need.” He tilted her chin to look into her eyes. “That means sometimes you’re going to have to tell me what you want. You won’t hurt my feelings.”

  “I never want us to be ordinary together.” Marion covered her mouth with her hand when she yawned. “Let’s go to bed.” She reached behind her head and unhooked her dress. “It was nice of TJ to bring out the bed, and Allison to put on the sheets.”

  Train put another log on the fire and Marion climb beneath the blankets naked.

  “I don’t want to get the sheets dirty,” she said to his quizzical stare.

  Train blew out the lamp and joined her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Marion woke when she heard Clive whinny outside. She glanced out the window in time to see Train ride off toward the ranch. She climbed back into bed and instantly fell back to sleep. It seemed only a moment passed, and he returned.

  “Good morning,�
� he said, waking her with a kiss. “I can’t stay but I brought you breakfast.” He stood and headed out the door.

  “Train, wait!” she called. She grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her body.

  He paused long enough to turn in her direction. “TJ’s waiting.” He mounted Clive.

  “What am I going to do all day? The crates are in the stables and I don’t have a horse. Wait for me.” She hurried into the house, stepped into her dress, and returned buttoning the front. Her full breasts swayed beneath the thin material. She hadn’t taken the time to put on a shift. Train’s stare locked onto her fingers. The muscle in his jaw tightened. “I’ll have breakfast with Allison and bring one of the horses home.”

  “TJ can wait. Finish getting dressed.”

  She smiled and took a deep inhale pushing her chest forward. “Don’t you think I look respectable?” She held out her hand for him to help her onto the horse. “It’s ridiculous to keep TJ waiting when Allison is the only one who’ll see and she’s seen me naked.”

  Sitting behind him, her breasts bounce with the horse’s gait.

  “I’ll saddle a horse for you before I head out. And tonight I’ll bring the crates with the wagon.”

  He dropped Marion off in front of the homestead. She watched his tall frame, sitting proud on the saddle. His horse galloped off toward the stable to join the other men clustered there.

  She knocked.

  “Come in.” Allison lay on the couch with a glass of water on the low table and a cool cloth over her eyes. “I’ll be fine in a minute. There’s coffee on the stove and biscuits under the towel.”

  “Are you sick?”

  Allison removed the cloth and watched Marion approach. “Not sick, I’m going to have a baby.” She tried to sit up, then immediately lay back down. “And before you extend your sympathies, you should know I am very happy and will not take kindly to cynicism.”

  Marion didn’t detect any humor in the way she sounded. “You’re already behind schedule. So if you were feeling good, what would you be doing right now?”


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