The Red Moon: Moon Rising

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The Red Moon: Moon Rising Page 15

by J. M. Lyons

  there is never rain during the summer, let alone a massive storm.

  Through my concentration I heard a deep evil voice. "Mia." It said,

  which sent shivers down my back. I shook my head in complete

  disbelief. "What, what did you see?" Elder Wing asked. "I heard a

  voice calling my name." I said, turning to a stunned Elder Wing.

  "Mia, the other night you floated into the sky, do you

  remember that?" He asked. "Yes, I know I did but the energy that I

  felt was so overwhelming. It was like I could barely control it." I

  replied. "It has a lot to do with your emotions. You must control

  that in order for your powers to be effective for you to use, if not

  it'll just go haywire." He said. "Mia, what do you truly remember about your mother from

  when you were a child?" He asked. "Not much other than she left

  us; my dad, my brother and me. Why is that something that seems

  to always come up?" I asked with a slight attitude, not

  understanding what she had to do with anything. Just then Jon's

  words came back to me, ringing in my head. “What if they are the

  ones we had to defeat?”

  "Did you know that your mother was apart of the reason that

  your grandparents also left back then?" He asked. "Um; no I

  didn't. I do remember that one stormy night she was sitting in front

  of the fireplace with our dog, then dad took me to a closet with

  Tucker and closed the door. The next morning she was gone and

  so was my dog Dougie." I replied, starting to feel the hurt that I felt

  when my dad told me that she was gone.

  "Your mother Mia, is a spawn of the demons that have been

  trying to take the red diamonds for well over thousands of years."

  He said, just looking at me. "What?" I said, as I swiftly jerked back.

  "I'm not sure how much your grandmother told you about all of

  this, but if she didn't tell you then I will. I think you really need to

  know, so that you understand what is being asked of you." He

  explained. "What do you mean?" I asked suspicious of where the

  conversation was leading.

  "Mia, you will have to eventually defeat your mother." He replied

  sincerely, trying his best to not sound so apprehensive.

  "Alright, I can do that." I said, as I accepted his statement quickly.

  "Mia this will test your ability to control your emotions, if you fail we

  will all fail." He replied.

  "I won't fail, I will not let her win." I said, as I shook my head.

  I put my hands out and pulled every bit of energy that I could

  from the forest around me, and I could fell that energy pulsating in

  and out of me. The invisible force that I could feel nights before

  was back again, as I continued to pull the energy in. "Hold that

  energy in the pits of your body, Mia." Elder Wing said, as he stood

  aside watching. "Focus it into a ball." He said. I did as I was told

  and focused all that energy into a tight ball; a tight pulsating light

  formed, and it continued to build in front of me.

  “Now push it away from your body.” He instructed. I pushed

  the energy out and away from my body, right into a huge rock that

  was buried deep in the ground. The rock up rooted itself and flew

  across the small open field over the drop then hit the lake with the

  force of a plane, splashing the water high up into the sky. As the water lifted into the air I pulled the energy from the lake and felt

  the water lifting, I put my hands out and pulled harder, I could feel

  the water as it lifted higher and higher into the air; soon it lifted

  above us, I closed my hands that were now positioned just above

  my head and the water fell all around us, as the soft mists of the

  water kissed our faces.

  "Wow." I said, stunned at the power that flowed through my

  veins. "I think wow, is an understatement." He laughed. "Come on

  I think it's time that you meet with Elder Wolf." He said, as he led

  me back along the long windy path, back to the camp. As the

  evening air began to cool everything around us, we got closer to

  the camp. Elder Wing held a steady stride well ahead of me.

  I felt like something weird going on, like someone was

  watching me; like something was close but I could not see it. I felt

  an energy surrounding me, a bad energy; it was like something

  was going to happen. I felt my body instinctively go into fight

  mode. I pulled the energy from around me and let it build inside of

  me. I felt the ball of energy building stronger and stronger within

  me as the feeling of danger also grew around me.

  Suddenly everything went absolutely quiet; not a single

  movement could be detected, no wind, no trees moving, not a single animal or insect made any noise. I slowly looked around at

  my surroundings taking note of everything, then I took notice that

  Elder Wing was no longer in my sights, and I couldn't tell which

  way he went. Thinking that he hurried along the path, I too hurried

  along the path quietly, but very observant constantly looking

  around. Then I could sense a large being behind of me on the

  path. I stopped dead in my tracks, I didn't move, I took small light


  The energy ball continued to build, but the power that was

  already compacted in me was immense. I spun around quickly

  and released the ball of energy at this large being that stood there

  behind of me, knocking it off it's feet. Before I could take notice of

  what or who it was I pulled the energy of the wind right out of the

  sky pushing this being on the ground back into a tree. "Mia, stop."

  I heard. I quickly stopped the wind from blowing and I released

  any energy that continued to build.

  When the dust settled I saw Elder Wolf crouching over with

  his back against the tree, in pain. "Elder Wolf? Oh my god I'm

  sorry." I said, hurrying over toward him. I pulled him forward off the

  tree. "I'm so sorry Elder." I said, feeling so stupid, like maybe I

  really wasn't ready for any of this. "Mia, that was the point of what I did. I needed to know that you could do it, and do it by yourself."

  He said, with a painful voice.

  "But I could have really hurt you Elder." I replied. "Ah yes, you

  very well could have, but you controlled your emotions and did

  what you needed to keep yourself safe." He said, as he shrugged

  his shoulders. I helped him to his feet and we walked slowly back

  to the camp, with elder Wolf limping slowly along side me.

  When we got back to the camp I helped elder Wolf sit by the fire,

  as the night air chipped at his painful body. "What happened?"

  Dad asked, as he stirred a pot of something cooking.

  "Ha, ha, ha; looks like she got you huh?" Elder Wing teased.

  "She sure did. David your daughter will do fine." He praised, as

  he tapped me on my head. Everyone began laughing hysterically.

  All of a sudden I could hear birds chirping in the distance; this

  chirping was not your normal sounds instead it sounded like it was

  in a panic.

  "Elders, Elders." I heard as the chirping got closer. "The

  darkness grows just beyond the barricade. The Elemental's will be

  back soon. Thomas got hurt." Wing said, fluttering his little wings
br />   in utter panic. Dad, Elder Wing, and Elder Wolf picked up sticks

  that were filled with funny looking patterns; that leaned on the logs around the fire; together they hit the ground very hard, and made

  a bright red and green pulsing light with every time the sticks hit

  the ground.

  Suddenly the camp was surround by the red glowing eyes of

  animals. "Go now and keep the Elemental's safe, and bring

  Thomas back." Elder Wolf commanded, with that said the red

  eyes disappeared back into the forest. The air grew very cold and

  the sky grew very dark. I looked up at the sky and saw that the

  same over cast that was above the town earlier was now swirling

  around the forest stretching far and wide.

  I put my hands up in the air to feel the energy that built above

  me. I could feel a dark energy, an evil energy, and energy so

  black that it began to burn the palms of my hands. I dropped my

  hands down quickly; shaking it, trying to cool the burns that I felt.

  A loud crashing sound grew louder and louder until I saw the large

  bear come running out of the path to the old tree, he had uncle

  Tom on his back. The bear brought uncle Tom to dad, laying on

  the ground to make it easier for uncle Tom to get off.

  "What happened?" Dad said. "That damn devil is just beyond

  the barricade and her puppet's gonna get through it soon." He

  replied sliding his body off the bear. I looked over toward the path and noticed that Steve, Jon, Jim and Tucker was running back to

  the camp. "Is everyone here?" Steve asked looking around. I

  looked around and nodded my head.

  Steve quickly moved away from everyone in the camp and

  waved his hands as he slowly spun around in a complete circle.

  All of a sudden around the entire camp; Steve built Up a wall

  made completely out of fire, he raised his hands high above his

  head, raising the fire higher and higher until it was as high as the

  tallest tree. He made his hands into fist, pulled it close to his body

  then hit it on the ground, and the red and orange glow of the

  flames, turned bright white. The heat of the fire pushed the tree

  tops back and away.

  I could hear a deep growling that slowly got louder and

  louder, as it got closer to the camp. "That sounds like animals." I

  said, taking a few steps forward trying to listen hard. "Those are

  demons." The bear insisted. Jon and Jim took up post with Steve

  near the burning wall. Jon stretched out his hands splitting the

  ground until it opened up into a wide massive ditch, surrounding

  the entire camp as well, placing it just behind Steve's wall of

  flames. Jim knelt down and touched the ground inside the ditch

  pulling the water up from under the forest floor filling the ditch to it's rim, then he closed his hands with a circular motion making the

  water swirl in a counter clockwise circle right around the entire


  I watched quietly, as the nerves built in my stomach. Tucker

  stepped up behind of me. "Mia, are you ready?" He asked, staring

  hard at the wall of fire and swirling water before us. "Yes; I have

  never been more ready." I replied, as I felt the darkness getting

  closer to the camp. “I saw them Mia.” He said still staring ahead.

  “Who.” I replied looking back at him. Tucker never answered me;

  we all just stood there quite.

  Jon quickly ran over to me, and held on to my hand. he turned

  me around to face him. With his soft smile he leaned in and kissed

  me so softly on my lips. "I love you Mia." He said. I returned the

  kiss and smiled. I didn't want to say anything, when this could be

  the last time that I ever hear these words from Jon. I don't think he

  minded because he didn't say anything more.

  He turned back towards dad, who was totally concentrated on

  uncle Tom who was hunched over in utter pain. The Elder's stood

  diligently watching the flames that surrounded the camp, listening

  to the growing growl's that were just beyond the flames. "Mia, do

  you know where the scrolls are?" Elder Wolf asked. "Yes, and they are safe." I said aloud. Suddenly the growling stopped and

  all that could be heard was the sound of the crackling flames and

  the swirling water.

  "Mia, I've come for you my dear." I heard a woman saying in

  the most evil voice I have ever heard. The thought of what elder

  Wing told me about my mother made me think; I’ll bet this is her;

  then it made me angry, very angry. The very thought that it was

  because of her my grandparents left us so long ago, the thought

  of her leaving me as a child. I felt the anger burning and bubbling

  in my body.

  "Mia, I've come for you Mia." The voice said again. At that

  very moment I knew that it was her. I fell backward to the ground

  this time, feeling the evil starting to flow from the ground. The wall

  of flames began to get smaller. "You fools, you really think your

  cheap tricks, are going to stop me from my destiny." She said with

  a laugh. Steve pushed harder with every bit of his being making

  the flames burn brighter and hotter. Suddenly Steve fell back onto

  the ground weakened by the evil that sucked his power from him.

  Jon helped him up, slowly backing up toward the safety of the

  camp. Steve laid there still, all his energy sucked out of him. The

  wall of flames slowly started to go down and dim back to it's orange and red color. The flames began to slowly flicker.

  Jim pushed his power forward, holding his fists tightly close to

  his body, then lifting it into the air above his head; lifting the water

  high, just as high as Steve's wall of flames once stood. "Ha, ha,

  ha. Keep hiding behind your little magicians Elders; I'll get those

  scrolls." She said still laughing. The Elders looked at each other

  worriedly, as they watched her slowly overcome each barricade.

  Tucker got next to Jim and called the winds to him. He

  pushed it outward right in front of the wall of water and swirled it,

  creating a perfect tornado that spun around the entire camp. "Ah;

  my son." She said. Suddenly a small portion of the wall of water

  opened up and a tall thin shape stepped through, before it closed

  up again. The thin shape put it's arms up and blocked the wind as

  it got closer. "Ha, ha, ha. Like I said Elders, the scrolls are mine."

  As the shape got closer I notice that I knew who this person

  was. "Dad; it's James." I said out loud, looking over at dad. James

  got closer to Tucker and in one powerful kick Tucker went flying

  across the small clearing fronting the camp. Jon ran over and hit

  James a few times, but James overcame him, throwing Jon into a

  tree. I watched as Jon's limp body hit the tree with such a force

  that the tree broke in half as his body slide slowly to the ground. "Jon." I screamed, as I took a deep breath. I stood up from

  Steve's side, I noticed that James was walking toward us. I felt my

  anger grow, I felt my hatred grow, I felt the energy that surrounded

  me. I felt the weakened powers of the Elemental's, the old power

  of the elders and uncle Tom and my dad. I felt the energy from

  the weakening flames, the water and the wind that surrounded the
  camp, the energy from the ground of the forest, the energy from

  the Weeping Mountains.

  A red light pulsated from my body, instinctively I place my

  hand in the sky above me, pulling the dark energy from the clouds

  that had built up above us. I pulled the energy out of the sky

  making it very weak, allowing the moon that was now high above

  us shine it's light throughout the forest. James got closer to the

  camp; he was getting closer to Steve, to my dad.

  "Mia, you will not win. Join us and help us conquer the

  world." James said, now glaring at me. The energy flowed

  throughout by body, throughout my blood. Suddenly the light of

  the moon began to change, it's brightness dimmed until it burned

  bright red.

  "No." I heard the woman say. The light of the moon shined

  directly upon me as I pulled an energy that I have never ever felt before into my body letting it fill my every being. I floated off the

  ground with my eyes closed, as I continue pulling the energy.

  Then I could see her, through the wall of water, through the dust in

  the wind. I saw my mother.

  "You will not win mother." I demanded. "Yes I will." She said,

  with her evil laugh. I slowly floated back to the ground where

  James and I stood face to face. I took a step back and braced

  myself as James came charging at me. I pulled a small ball of red

  energy between the palms of my hands and threw it at him,

  pushing him back as he dug his feet into the ground. Again and

  again he charged, and with every charge another energy ball met

  him head on. But I got impatient with this and I wanted to

  challenge my mother.

  "Is this all you've got?" I screamed out toward my mother. I

  raised my hand into the sky and felt the energy of the moon

  building even more; until finally I threw my hand forward and a red

  pulsating light emitted from my palms right through James,

  sending him flying back toward my mother. The wind that swirled

  around the camp fell, as did the wall of water. My mother was

  gone, and any animal that was there, was gone as well. James hit

  a tree in a powerful thud, shaking the ground like an earthquake. Just as that happened, the bear ran off toward him. I heard a

  loud scream, so I squinted my eyes to see what was happening.

  The bear took James arm off in one bite. On the second bite he


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