The Red Moon: Moon Rising

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The Red Moon: Moon Rising Page 16

by J. M. Lyons

  took James head off. Slowly the bear dragged James' dead body

  off into the forest. "You, will not win mother." I said quietly in my


  I looked up into the sky as the moon still burned bright red,

  then I looked at everyone around me staring at me as the red glow

  pulsated off of me, then throughout the forest. I put both my hands

  out and felt the energy that I flowed throughout my body. I slowly

  lifted off the ground again and floated higher into the sky until

  once again I was just above the tree tops of the forest, I could see

  the red pulsing light emitting itself throughout the entire forest,

  over the lake, then up and over the entire Weeping Mountains.

  I slowly floated back down to the ground, as I felt the energy

  being released from my body. I looked up at the moon and

  realized that it was slowly turning back into a bright bluish white

  color; the pulsating light slowly diminished as well. By the time my

  feet touched the ground, the energy was gone. Everyone stood

  quietly watching me, staring at me, I could feel their eyes, their

  curiosity. Jon was right there to greet me when I reached the ground.

  "Mia, you're alright." He said, with a smile, as he hugged me

  tightly. I hugged him back just as tight, then gently pushed away.

  "Are you alright?" I asked, looking him over. "I'm fine, a little sore

  but other than that I'm good." He smiled. I hugged him again then

  turned to everyone staring at me. "Is everyone here alright?" I

  asked looking at every person that looked back at me. "I'm fine."

  Each of them said starting with uncle Tom and ending with Steve.

  Dad looked at me with his proud eyes, but didn't say a single

  word. Elders Wolf and Wing did the same. Everyone walked over

  to the fire pit and stood around it, but there was no fire. Steve was

  too weak to start one so dad placed a few logs into it and picked

  up some kindles. "Dad, you don't need that." I said, and with a

  wave of my hand a warm small fire ignited beneath the pile of

  wood. "I guess not." He said proudly.

  We all spent the night there, staring into the flames, not

  talking just listening to the sounds of the soft breeze blowing

  through the trees, the animals and insects rustling around in the

  tall grass and bushes that surrounded the camp, the water that

  flowed down the creek. Everything for that moment was back to

  normal. I wondered quietly to myself how long normal would last. In fact what was normal? How can I go back to normal if I didn't

  even know what it was anymore? Where did my mother disappear


  So many question still raised worry in my mind, but to have

  Jon sitting next to me holding me tightly so close everything felt

  safe again, it felt right again. I placed my head on his shoulders

  and kept it there. I didn't move, I didn't say anything but neither did

  anyone else. We all just sat there quietly, concentrating on the

  the flickering flames of the fire that burned brightly before us.

  This battle may very well be over, but I could feel it in my

  bones that something else was coming. I knew that my mother

  would not give up and the next time we met may just be the last for one of us.


  When the sun raised in the morning, I didn't wake to the sound of

  birds chirping, nor did I hear the rustling sounds of trees blowing in

  the wind. Instead after my fight with James was different;

  everything felt rather surreal, well for me it did. Nothing felt the

  same anymore. I felt a greater responsibility for my friends, my

  brother, my dad and especially for Jon. I just laid there in bed not

  moving, and trying not to think about anything.

  I tried to clear my mind as much as I could but there were too

  many questions that needed answers. I wasn't sure what to do or

  how to do anything for that matter. I knew that she would

  eventually return to kill everyone and take the scrolls as her own,

  but I wasn't sure what to do about it. I knew that I wouldn't allow

  her to hurt anyone any more, she took enough from me and will

  not take anymore. I thought quietly to myself, as the events of the

  past few weeks played through my mind, like a movie in rewind. Everything just sort of happened so fast, that I never really

  gave myself the time to sit and let it sink in. I slowly sat up in bed,

  looking around the tent. I got up and walked over to the many old

  boxes that grandma had saved; piled one on top of the other. I

  began to rummage through them, looking for anything that I could

  find; even if it would give me just the slightest bit of inclination of

  what I should do; but I couldn't find anything.

  Grandma had nothing that I could use to help me. I did find a

  bunch of old pair of jeans, though, and they fit me perfectly and a

  few tops that fit too. I put on a pair of jeans and a red top that

  squeezed my figure just right; they were stashed away in a box of

  old clothes. I slid on the old pair of boots that I had found a few

  days earlier and continued to look around investigating everything

  that was in the tent. I walked over to the pile of animal fur's, where

  I had hid the golden canister, I gently ran my hands over the plush

  and dusty fur's.

  I slowly pulled out the golden canister; holding it in my hands;

  I let my fingers run over the beautiful designs and inlaid jewels

  that covered it; memorizing every detail that covered the entire

  canister. I slowly sat down on the bed carefully placing the

  canister next to me. I moved my foot and kicked something hard and cold. I looked down and noticed my grandmothers small

  mirror that sat on the floor next to the bed. I slowly picked it up;

  taking note of the beautiful intricate designs that covered the

  entire mirror; it had the same inlaid jewels as the canister.

  I placed it on the soft fluffy bed next to the canister and stared

  at it; feeling my face flush with warmth as my eyes filled with tears;

  catching my heart for just a moment thinking about my

  grandparents. I leaned over and allowed the warm, salty tears to

  flow down my face. As I sat there, crying my tears dropped

  quickly, but then I realized that a few of my tears left a small

  puddle on the mirrors glass, and the mirror began to glow.

  "Mia." I heard my grandmothers soft voice. "My Mia, don't

  cry." She said. I slowly sat upright and wiped the tears away from

  my eyes. The soft muffled voice seems to have come from in front

  of me. I looked down at the bed and picked up the glowing mirror;

  I slowly began to wipe the small puddle of tears away; but realized

  that the reflection I saw in the mirror was not my own instead, it

  was my grandmother.

  "Grandma." I said with tears falling from my eyes. "I told you

  that I would always be with you in spirit." She said with a smile.

  "But; but how?" I said wiping more tears away from my face, holding the mirror tightly. "You found the magic of the mirror, Mia."

  She smiled at me again. "I need you grandma." I said trying my

  best to hold back the tears that wanted to fall.

  "No, my Mia, you don't. You already know
that you face a

  decision, a very important decision. Should you go on the quest to

  find the diamonds and finally rid the world of this growing

  darkness or do you leave the world to suffer it's fate as you watch

  it crumble to pieces." She said, looking at me through the mirror. "I

  don't know what I should do." I replied, desperate for answers.

  "Oh I think you do know exactly what you will do." She said as

  the glow of the mirror slowly began to fade; and as it's glow

  dimmed the reflection of my grandmother began to dim as well.

  "Grandma." I said allowing the warm tears to fall freely down my

  face. "Only you can find a way, my Mia, trust yourself, trust your

  instincts." She said, as she slowly disappeared; once again I

  found my own reflection in the mirror. She was gone.

  I placed the mirror back on the bed and sat there wallowing in

  sorrow and confusion, looking around the tent again. I walked over

  to the table and picked up my grandmothers old brush. I brushed

  my long red hair and twisted my feather back into place behind of

  my ear. I'm almost sure that I know what I need to do and how to do it. I thought to myself as I pulled the small bowl of water toward

  me and splashing my face, with hopes that no one would see that

  I was crying.

  I dipped my finger into the bowl of berries that my

  grandmother had made and ran it over my lips staining it red

  again. I stood there for a while; with my head hung down and my

  hands pressed hard onto the table. I tried hard to clear my mind

  and not think about anything, but unsurprisingly I couldn't shake

  anything from my mind. I did know one thing for sure though, I

  wasn't gonna let anything happen to my family, my friends or to

  Jon. Even if that meant that I would die trying to protect them.

  I went back to the soft fluffy bed and slowly sat down. I

  opened the golden canister and took out the scrolls that were

  tucked neatly inside. I grabbed the bowl of water and put two

  fingers in it; then as the water dripped off my fingers, I placed it

  onto one of the the scrolls, as the water seeped into the paper

  words once again began to appear, and as my grandmother did

  before; I stood the mirror up against the small old pillow and

  placed the scroll in front of it, as the words became clear: You will follow the path laid in front of you by the light of the red moon. You will be tested to ensure that you are worthy to hold such power. You will be faced with many trials as you pass through the mountain. If you remain true to your quest you will find the diamonds. You are the only one who can send this evil back to where it came from.

  I sat there for a bit, thinking about what the scroll said. I

  wasn't sure what to make of it. I knew in my heart that those words

  would eventually bring me and anyone else that chose to follow

  me home. I pondered the thought that what if no one wanted to

  come with me. As I thought about it after what happened last

  night I wasn't so sure I'd be going on this quest alone.

  I knew that I had to go and find the blood diamonds. I needed

  to finally rid the world of this darkness that has returned

  generation after generation. I knew that I needed to tell everyone

  what I had in mind. I slowly pulled back the door of the tent and

  peeked out and noticed everyone sitting around the fire; they were

  just staring at the flickering flames, the cool fresh air felt nice on

  my skin as I stepped out.

  "Mia." Tucker said scurrying quickly to his feet. Jon stood up

  too and walked over toward me. He put his hands on the side of

  my face and pulled it close for a kiss. I pushed closer and kissed

  him back; as he savored the taste of fresh fruit juice from my lips; and I the feeling of his soft none chapped lips on mine. "Mia." The

  elders all said at once. I looked around and noticed that dad

  wasn't there.

  "Where's dad?" I asked looking at Tucker. "He went to pick up

  Lily, she was supposed to be here last night but unfortunately she

  wasn't able to make it." He said, with a slight smile. "Oh; ok." I

  replied. "Mia, come and sit. After last night we have quite a bit to

  talk about today." Elder Wolf said, with a concerned look on his

  wrinkled face.

  "I know. I have something I need to talk to all of you about

  too; but I need to wait for my father first." I replied, as I stepped

  closer to the circle of men surrounding the fire. "You look nice."

  Jon said, standing beside me. It was just like him to make the right

  comments at the right time. "Thanks." I whispered back with a

  smile. "I like your lipstick." He said softly, slightly turning his head

  to look at my face. "My grandma's very own." I chuckled, looking

  back at him.

  Dad and Lily got back to the camp late in the evening. I think

  the elders were growing tired of waiting; but there was no way that

  I would let them tell me anything, nor would I say anything without

  my dad right there to hear it too. The air was thick with worried thoughts and tightly bundled nerves. The eventful few days have

  took it's toll on my family and my friends. It took it's toll on me

  more than anything else.

  Tucker and I went over to Lily and hugged her with all our

  might. "I'm so glad that you're here." I said with a smile. "So am I,

  Mia. I'm just happy to know that you are all ok." She smiled,

  looking around at some familiar faces and others that were not so

  familiar. She sat down with dad near the fire and put her hands

  out over it. The air started to get cold again, as it began to chip at

  all of us.

  "Dad; now that you're both here; there's something that I

  needed to say, but I wanted to wait for you first." I said standing

  there in front of everyone. Jon, Tucker, Steve, and Jim stood up

  as they waited on what I was about to say. I think they already

  knew exactly what was going on, but was afraid to say anything.

  As the nerves continued to build in my stomach, I heard the words

  of my grandmother. I already knew what I had to do and I knew

  that I would do it.

  "Dad, Lily, Elder's, Uncle Tom; I'm going after the diamonds

  and I'm going to rid this world once and for all of this demon, and

  she will never return to harm any one of you or us. The generations to follow, will never be plagued with this darkness,

  and they will never have to fight her or any of her descendants or

  followers ever again. What happened last night will never take

  place again." I said with authority, as I meant every single word

  that I said.

  "Mia baby, I knew this time would eventually come. I knew

  that you were going to go on this quest." Dad said, with a

  saddened look on his face. "I think your ready for anything at this

  point Mia; but remember self control and control your emotions."

  Elder Wing said, with a stern look on his face. "You be safe, and

  you guys keep her safe; if not you'll all have to deal with me."

  Uncle Tom said, as he hurried off toward the creek, without saying

  anything more. "Mia, I might not know or even understand what is

  going on, but you come home to me; ok." Lily said as she started

  to cry. "I will." I sai
d; looking back at her, then stepping closer to

  hug her again.

  "My quest will begin in the morning; I don't know how long it

  will take, nor can I tell you exactly where I am headed. I cannot

  promise that nothing bad will happen; and I can't promise that

  none of us will return unharmed. I will say this; if you do decide to

  come with me, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe; and I would hope that you would do the same for me." I said,

  looking at the Elemental's that were now standing in front of me.

  "Will you join me, on my quest to rid this world of the darkness

  once and for all?" I asked. "Yes, we all will." All four of the

  Elemental's answered.

  For the rest of the evening our camp was very quiet; there

  were no loud noises, no laughing, nothing. Everyone seemed to

  be in deep thought about our quest. Each person with their own

  set of fears and worries. Each one struggling with the thought's of

  what if? Sadly these were things that I could not do anything


  I spent most of the night in my tent, looking over the scrolls

  from my grandmother. I stayed there, sitting on the bed studying

  the drawings that were on it. I also spent a long while thinking in

  my solitude. I wanted to have all the answers, I wished there was

  a book that I could read to tell me exactly what to do and what

  would happen. My own fears and worries troubled my mind; but

  the thought of it affecting my quest quickly settled my mind.

  Just a few weeks ago I graduated from high school, afraid of

  entering the world of adult hood and all that came with it, finding a

  job, going to college, my cheer squad, my friends. Yet here I am; tomorrow we set off on a quest to find the legendary blood

  diamonds, so that we can fight this darkness and protect

  everything and everyone that we loved. We were just kids; well

  I'm just a kid who never left my father's side. There was no

  pretending that I was afraid but there was no other way.

  As I sat there thinking I couldn't help but wonder, what this

  quest would bring. What would transpire during our quest. I was

  happy though, that the Elemental's would accompany me; but

  then I worried about how I would keep them safe. When dinner

  was ready I sat with everyone to eat. Still they were all quite. I

  could feel the fear that weighed heavy on everyone's energy. As


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