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Darkest Night

Page 20

by James Cherry

  Marty hung up again, even more puzzled than before, as his brain attempted to sift through the dilemma. Just where were they? He picked up the phone again, dialed Doctor Shelia Stacey, and the doctor answered on the third ring.


  “Doctor Stacey, this is Marty Fellows. May I speak to Doctor Masuda, please?”

  Doctor Stacey replied with a touch of concern in her voice, “She is not here right now and I don’t know where she is. She went to pick up Doctor Chin at the airport and just disappeared. I called the hotel where Doctor Chin had reservations, and he never checked in either. I am worried, Marty.”

  A sudden thought hit him and he smiled wickedly. He stated confidently, “Doctor Stacey, I wouldn’t worry too much. I think I know where they are and I will let you know something when I find out.”

  “Please do, Marty. I am worried sick,” replied Doctor Stacey.

  Marty hung up the phone and searched through his address book for Ron Haymond’s number. He was slightly angry that the team had left on an expedition without even attempting to recruit him, even though he really didn’t care to go on another one of Doctor Burch’s wacky expeditions. The fact was that he had been completely left out, and that was insulting.

  He dialed the number and Ron’s wife, Marge, picked up after the second ring.


  “Marge, this is Marty Fellows. I am looking for Ron.”

  “He is not in the office at the moment.”

  “Office? I thought that this was his home number?” asked Marty incredulously.

  “No sir, this is Colonel Ronald Haymond’s office. He left a message here for you. One moment, sir.”

  Marty could hear her shuffling some papers about as she searched for the message. She said, “Sir, he left a note that says . . .” She hesitated for a moment before continuing, “Fuck you shit-head.”

  Marty gasped in surprise and replied, “You have got to be kidding. That’s it?”

  “Yes, sir, that’s it,” she answered.

  “I thought you were his wife?” Marty asked.

  “No sir, I am his receptionist. My name is Sergeant Marge Stanton.”

  “Just who the hell is he then? I take it then he is not an oil tycoon?” asked Marty.

  “No, sir, he is a Colonel with the Army. That is all I am at liberty to say. Thank you and goodbye."

  Marge rudely hung up on the astonished Marty.

  He held the receiver to his ear for a long moment, frowning at the thought that he had been deceived. Then, as he hung up the phone, a thought struck him. He realized that the military’s interest in Doctor Burch’s research must mean that there was some merit to the doctor's theories, that the doctor had been right all along.

  Marty rushed into his room, grabbed a bag, and haphazardly packed some clothes. Rushing out of his house and to his car, he threw the bag into the back seat, jumped into the car, and cranked the engine. Tires squealed in protest as he backed out of his driveway and raced down the road to Doctor Burch’s home.

  If he were to find out what was going on, the first place to look would be there.


  Doctor Chin gazed upon the creature which lay before him on a table. The sight was magnificent, beyond his wildest dreams. He had seen fossils of four winged dinosaurs called the Microraptor gui and had seen the fossils of a four legged two winged dinosaur called the Longisquama insignis, but the creature which lay before him was totally unique.

  Colorful feathers of reds, yellows, and blues, adorned the body all the way up to the base of the skull. The head, which was devoid of feathers, was horrific and snakelike with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

  Doctor Chin cautiously opened the mouth with a pair of forceps and examined the oral cavity. The large gently curving teeth were lined with tiny serrations along the edges, and they seemed to match the description of the tooth collected in Mexico. The lips were soft and rubber-like, shaped much like a round toilet plunger. He realized that the lips were designed to seal around a wound for maximum suction.

  For sucking blood.

  Doctor Sharon Sicinski moved into position behind Doctor Chin. Leaning in close, she quietly whispered, "Fascinating isn't it?"

  Unable to take his eyes off the creature, without turning around he replied, "You have no idea. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined studying a creature like this. It would have made my career to be able to study a fossil dinosaur with a configuration like, this but a living one? My God, this is amazing!"

  Doctor Sicinski smiled and moved away in order to give Doctor Chin some room.

  Doctor Sicinski was a prominent Zoologist with the Unites States Government and she had welcomed the advice of a paleontologist in order to help determine the classification and origin of the magnificent beast. So Doctor Chin was going to do his best to help out, by drawing upon years of paleontological experience, as well as his vast knowledge of the fossil records.

  Doctor Chin carefully poked the internal cavity, which had previously been dissected. He followed the long cut up to the throat and suddenly gasped in astonishment. Waving excitedly to Doctor Sicinski, he pointed to the neck area.

  "There, see that? What does that look like to you?"

  Doctor Sicinski arched a questioning eyebrow and responded, "That's the syrinx. It's used for sound production. It is highly modified and seems to be more evolved than a typical bird."

  Doctor Chin shook his head in disagreement and replied, "I am a bone and stone man and am not as familiar with internal anatomy as you are, but that syrinx looks to be more than just modified. It almost looks like a rudimentary larynx to me."

  Doctor Sicinski nodded thoughtfully and said, "Yes, we noticed that. It would seem that this is a highly evolved syrinx as most of the pieces are there such as the interclavicular air sac and the . . ."

  Doctor Chin cut her off and said, "But explain that little thing there." He pointed at a protruding mound of flesh.

  "I am not sure yet, more testing would have to be done," replied Doctor Sicinski.

  "Looks like an epiglottis to me," said Doctor Chin smugly.

  "I don't agree, it is not possible to have a syrinx with an epiglottis. Birds do not have an epiglottis in order to prevent food from entering their . . ."

  Doctor Chin interrupted, "So what is it then?"

  "Like I said, I don't know yet. We have a specialist coming in to dissect the syrinx to discover how it works and what the extra pieces are for."

  Doctor Chin gently poked the mound of flesh and said, "It looks to me that these creatures could make complex sounds with that modified vocal system of theirs. These things could possibly perform amazing feats of mimicry."


  Doctor Burch sat in the helicopter, waiting patiently as they circled in preparation to land. They had flown all night to the research lab in order to study the young dragon that the military had captured.

  Even though all of the doctor's wildest dreams had come true with the discovery of the creatures, he didn't feel elated, but instead he felt dejected. The military was on an all-out crusade to wipe the magnificent species from the face of the earth, and it was all because of his research. He knew he had to do something to stop it.

  He looked up at Bo and Carter, who sat directly across from him, and could hear them chatting excitedly about old times. He then glanced to his left and saw Ayako sleeping fitfully, tossing and groaning to some unseen bad dream. He shut his eyes and pictured his team in his mind. His team, no, his friends, they had pledged their unwavering support, no matter what. He was truly honored and touched by their devotion, but he cared too much for them to have them destroyed by his actions. He made his decision. At the first opportunity he would attempt to save these creatures from extinction.

  Without the help of his friends.

  The helicopter finally landed at the lab and the team disembarked. A sergeant met the team at the helipad, and led them through security checkpoints and into the interior of the b
uilding. The doctor had no idea where they were, or where they were going, and he didn't care. He just shuffled along indignantly, oblivious to his surroundings, lost deep within his own thoughts.

  The team finally entered a brightly-lit room and was stopped for decontamination. Bo and Carter were separated from the group, and led away by a soldier who explained that only doctors were allowed in the examination room. The two men were assured that they could watch through a viewing window overlooking the room.

  Doctor Burch and Ayako thoroughly washed their hands and face with anti-microbial soap and then they donned white protective suits and biological masks. After placing latex gloves over their hands, they were led into another room that bathed their bodies in a bright UV light. They stood immobile for a period of five minutes before another door finally opened, allowing them access to the examination room.

  Doctor Chin and Doctor Sicinski looked up and smiled as Doctor Burch and Ayako approached.

  Doctor Burch eyed the creature and asked flatly, "So, this is the chupacabra."

  Doctor Sicinski replied, "Whatever you want to call it, doctor. Tentatively we have named it Tetraskelos petomaiophis."

  Doctor Burch blinked in surprise, his Latin a bit rusty. He asked, "A four legged what?"

  Doctor Chin grinned and said, "Tetraskelos means four legged, petomaiophis means flying serpent."

  "Fitting name, so what have you learned so far?" asked Doctor Burch, his interest peaked, despite the brewing storm clouds hanging about his head.

  Doctor Sicinski began detailing their finds as Ayako and Doctor Burch listened intently.


  Marty had broken in through the back door of Doctor Burch's house some thirty minutes earlier and had thoroughly searched the whole place in a frantic attempt to find any scrap of evidence about where the doctor may have gone. After a fruitless search, the irritated young man sat down upon the doctor's reclining chair. As he pondered the situation the television remote on the end table caught his eye. He grabbed the remote, turned on the television, and flipped to a random channel. Background noise always seemed to have a calming effect, and helped him think.

  He rubbed his chin as he tried to recall anything that the doctor may have said in the past to indicate where he may have ventured off to. Mexico seemed out of the question, because the doctor didn’t have enough time to organize a return trip.

  Or had he?

  Something on the television nagged at the back of his mind and he focused his attention upon the local news.

  . . .as shots were heard late in the night. It sounded as if a battle had taken place just outside the sleepy resort area of Cable Wisconsin sometime after 2 A.M. Three campers in the area claimed that a helicopter gun-ship engaged a large flying creature with missiles and machine-gun fire. Many local residents believe that the flying creature is the same one that has been responsible for the deaths of twenty-six people over the last three days. Military officials have declined comment on the matter, stating that the events this morning was just a training exercise. Sarah Everest reporting live from Cable, Wisconsin.

  Marty quickly switched off the television and rushed out the front door. Everything was starting to make sense as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

  He now had a strong hunch where Doctor Burch was. He jumped in his car and began the long drive to Cable, Wisconsin, determined to find the elusive doctor.


  "Doctor Burch, there is someone here to see you, sir."

  A voice aroused the doctor from his much-needed sleep. He looked up to see the face of a young corporal staring at him from the doorway.

  He groaned and asked, "Who is it?"

  The corporal said timidly, "Marty Fellows, sir. Do you want me to send him away?"

  The doctor quickly sat upright at the mention of the name. He said, "No, send him in."

  The corporal retreated from the door and Marty confidently strode into the room.

  "Doc, how ya doin?" Marty said and offered a weak smile.

  "Marty, how the hell did you find me here?" asked Doctor Burch in bewilderment.

  Marty responded, "I saw the news about a firefight with flying creatures near Cable, Wisconsin. I just put two and two together and figured you were in on it. Did you know that Ron was military and not a rich millionaire from Texas?"

  "I found out a couple of nights ago,” the doctor replied. Yawning, he pointed to the door, indicating that it should be shut, and Marty quickly complied.

  The doctor asked, “You still didn't answer me on how you got here."

  Marty took a seat in a hard plastic chair and began, "Well, after I got to Cable, I asked some locals and they pointed me in the direction of the battle. I drove there and was stopped by a military checkpoint. I begged, pleaded, and threatened them but they wouldn't let me in until I finally told them I was an associate of yours, and I was supposed to have joined you in the study of the flying creatures. I also mentioned to them that Colonel Ronald Haymond was expecting me. The soldier made a call to his superior, and they let me in. They escorted me to what appeared to be a camp, but it was all but deserted except for a few remaining soldiers filling in holes. They told me to wait for the next helicopter and they placed a guard on me.” Marty shook his head and growled, “You know I had to wait several hours before it arrived?” He then shrugged and finished, “They then put me on that helicopter and flew me here."

  "They let you in that easily?" asked the doctor.

  Marty frowned, "Easily? Damn near impossible. Ron was at the camp when I first arrived, and it seemed the only reason he let me into the camp was to rub it in my face that I was wrong. I had to do some serious groveling before he finally agreed to let me join you here."

  Doctor Burch cackled loudly and said, "Marty, I would never have thought that you would have stooped to groveling."

  Marty scowled in response and said, "I wanted to see what the hell the military wanted with you. I have yet to see any evidence of flying monsters."

  "So, you want evidence? Come with me. I have been waiting a long time to prove to you that I was right all along,” said the doctor in a much more serious tone.

  Doctor Burch led Marty down a winding hallway until they stopped in front of the decontamination room. They entered and went through the washing process, donned their protective gear, and passed into the next room for the UV decontamination. Once this was accomplished, they moved into the inner chamber that housed the partially dissected corpse of the young dragon.

  Doctor Burch watched in silent amusement as Marty’s jaw dropped in awe at the sight of the creature. The young man slowly walked around the table, poking at various places on the corpse. Stopping suddenly, Marty looked up at the doctor in wide-eyed appreciation.

  “Doctor, this is real. Do you know what this means?” gasped Marty.

  The doctor smugly replied, “Yep, it means that I am right and you are wrong. So, what do you have to say?”

  Marty frowned for a moment as he realized the implications of the doctor’s statement. He finally sighed in resignation and said, “I am sorry, Doc, you were right and I was wrong. So, are you happy now?”

  The doctor laughed and replied, “Yes, I am.” He moved to stand beside the awestruck young man and clapped him on the back. “Now, let me show you some interesting features of this creature.”

  As the doctor pointed out various features both internally and externally, Marty appeared to listen with genuine interest and with a newfound sense of respect.

  Chapter 17

  Doctor Burch sat in a quiet room located next door to the lab and studied the latest data collected on the young dragon. He had left the lab by himself as Marty had wanted to stay and study the creature further. The doctor was currently studying how the dragons spit acid and was looking for anything in the computer database that touched light upon the subject.

  He rubbed his bleary eyes, which were strained from staring several hours at a monitor. He closed the database an
d scanned the directories looking for anything else of interest. The folder Operation Eraser suddenly caught his eye and he opened the file to read the data.

  The file not only detailed the systematic eradication of the dragons, it also contained a map showing major concentrations of the elusive creatures. Interestingly enough, most of the dragons seemed to be concentrated in the Andes region of South America.

  He frowned as he realized that something wasn’t right. It appeared that he had been misled once again as Colonel Haymond and General Crowell had both told him that they had no idea where the major concentrations of dragons were and that they needed his help in tracking down the creatures. But it appeared from the data that the military already knew.

  He clicked on another file and read the contents. He read with interest about how the military used satellite tracking and new experimental radar systems in order to calculate the population and position of the dragons. And the data indicated that just a few days ago, there had been around three thousand known living animals worldwide. But a graph spelled out the single minded determination of the military. On the current date, the population of living animals had declined to less than two thousand.

  They killed a thousand dragons in two days? The doctor was shocked and appalled at the figures. The military had launched an all-out worldwide assault with the use of fighter jets, helicopters, and ground troops in order to destroy the dragons. And a report showed that most of the assaults were carried out during the night and were aimed in flushing out dragons, forcing them into the air. And as soon as the vengeful dragons took to the air, awaiting aircraft immediately shot them down.

  There was no escape for the hapless creatures.

  Doctor Burch could hardly believe his eyes. He had no idea that the military could organize so quickly, and launch attacks so swift and deadly, that over a thousand dragons could be killed in two days. At five hundred deaths a day, Doctor Burch estimated that within a week the dragons would be completely exterminated, or at the very least the breeding population would be brought down so low that the species wouldn’t be able to sustain themselves.


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