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Heart's Flame: Paranormal Romance

Page 10

by Ann Gimpel

  Where was Barrett?

  She hadn’t seen him since he raced out of her bedroom. Even though it would hurt, she had to lay eyes on him again. She beckoned to Renn.

  The Fairy flew to her and hugged her. “Isn’t this just perfect?” she crowed. “That scepter is gorgeous. When things calm down, I want to get a better look at it. The day couldn’t get any better.”

  “Oh yes, it could.” Keira looked meaningfully at her friend. “Where’s Barrett? Have you seen him? He may not care about me at all, but the least he could do is be here to wish me well. Everybody else is.”

  The Fairy drew her finely arched brows together. “Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen him, but I’ll look. You stay here.”

  Keira eyed the crush of the crowd. “Not sure you have to tell me that,” she murmured. “Unless I used magic, I couldn’t leave this dais even if I wanted to.”

  A tall, regal woman clothed in turquoise robes swept her into a hug. As soon as she let go, a man dressed in full warrior regalia—leather from head to toe—pumped her hand. Keira glanced at a veritable sea of well-wishers and settled in to greet them all. If nothing else, at least maybe she could learn many of their names today.

  She drank again from the tiny mead cups as yet one more Sidhe toasted her. Good thing the glasses were small. She grinned to herself. She’d be pretty well sloshed if they weren’t.

  She scanned the crowd again. Wait! There they were!

  Excitement thrummed through her. She started to make her way off the crowded dais, and stopped. It felt like someone had stuck a dagger into her heart. Renn was practically dragging Barrett forward. Every few steps, he’d turn and she’d punch his arm or talk with him to get him moving again. The scepter got so hot Keira could barely hold it. A nearby linen tablecloth went up like a torch. She stuck a knuckle into her mouth and bit down hard. It seemed to help. She hurried toward the burning linen, but the Fairies had it under control.

  Keira turned away. Tears were treacherously close. The air around her crackled ominously. It wouldn’t do to have her new subjects see her weakness—or her out-of-control magic. She clenched her jaws hard together and sucked in a steadying breath. Her right hand hurt. She clutched the slightly-cooler scepter so hard, it cut into her.

  “My queen. You wished to speak with me?” The familiar tones of Barrett’s voice nearly undid her.

  She turned slowly. He was so gorgeous, it took her breath away. Like the rest of the Sidhe, he’d dressed for the occasion. Dark pants, a pale blue silk shirt, and a richly embroidered navy cape set off his broad-shouldered, slim-hipped build. Copper hair braided away from his face brought its clean lines into stark relief. His features were devoid of expression except for his pale blue eyes. They radiated discomfort and something else she couldn’t quite decipher.

  Now that Renn had all but dragged him to her, Keira didn’t know what to say. She swallowed hard. “I, ah, that is…” She cleared her throat and started over. “I wanted to thank you formally for rescuing me.”

  “You are welcome. If you would command me further, please do so. If not, please release me so I am free to leave. You seem to have your magic well in hand. My shop has been closed for many days. I need to return to tend it.”

  He transferred his gaze to the tips of his boots. It was a relief because looking into those tortured eyes was more than she could bear.

  She longed to touch him. Wanted him to pull her close, like he’d done that last night in his bed before he realized what he was doing. Embarrassment flooded her. Her face heated. She was acting like a fool. He didn’t want her. He was waiting for her to release him. “Of course you can go,” she murmured. “Maybe—”

  “Thank you, my queen.” He spun on his heel and strode quickly through the crowd. It parted before him as if they sensed something dangerous just beneath his surface.

  Someone tugged on her arm. Renn. “Go after him,” the Fairy murmured. “Do it now while you can still see him, and before he summons magic to leave.”

  Keira shook her head. “I’ve made a big enough ass out of myself.”

  “Goddess damn the both of you. Two stubborn, pigheaded—” The Fairy blew out a breath, then another. She sounded like a tiny steam engine. “Go.”

  Keira jumped. “What the hell? Did you just shock me?” A full-sized lightning bolt struck the ground next to Renn. Keira narrowed her eyes in consternation. She shied away from the power pouring through her. “Sorry. I—”

  Renn nodded. “Enough of this. I’ll shock you again unless you get moving. If you don’t catch up to him here, you’ll have to go to his shop, and he’s just bullheaded enough not to let you in.”

  “What do I say?”

  “Try the truth. It’s been in short supply between you two.”

  Keira tracked Barrett’s lithe form as she worked her way off the dais. He had a decent head start, and lots of bodies stood between them, all of whom wanted to hug her, shake her hand, and wish her well. She tried to hurry, the air around her electric with her frustration. Finally, she called magic and transported herself to the far edge of the gardens right in his path.

  His eyes widened when he looked up and saw her not ten feet from him. After what appeared to be an internal struggle, he smoothed his features. “My queen.” He bowed low and then straightened. “Was there something further you wished to tell me?”

  “Yes.” Keira looked around. They were as close to alone as they were likely to get. She mouthed a hasty prayer to Danu and closed the distance between them. Taking a deep breath, she laid her hands on his shoulders and gazed deep into his amazing eyes. “Right now I’m not your queen. You’re free to walk away from me if you don’t like what I have to say.”

  Heat rose to her face, and she squared her shoulders. The air around them crackled, but she ignored it. No matter how he felt about her, between the two of them, they could contain her magic if it truly got out of hand. “I would’ve let you leave, but Renn told me it was a bad idea.”

  She inhaled, blew it out, and did it once more to bolster her courage. “There’s something you should know before you go. Once I tell you, maybe you’ll want to stay… If you don’t, it’s fine. I’ll understand.”

  Keira shook her head and looked away because it was too hard to look at him. “Sorry, I’m talking in riddles, and I sound like an idiot. What I’m trying to say is I’m, uh, not sure how it happened, but I seem to have fallen in love with you—”

  “Did I hear you right?”

  Her head snapped up in time to see the carefully neutral expression on his face shatter. Hope blazed in his eyes and more than hope, love.

  She nodded, afraid to speak. Lightning crashed around her. He ignored it and drew her toward him. He covered her mouth with his. That kiss told her everything she needed to know. It was laced with love and desperation and relief. She wove her arms around him and kissed him back, telling him wordlessly that he meant everything in the world to her.

  Someone tapped her arm. She opened her eyes and saw Caelin, with Renn on his shoulder. Both of them were grinning like fools. Her magic had generated a pyrotechnic show that swirled lazily around her and Barrett like an old-fashioned kaleidoscope.

  “I do believe we’ll save the wedding for another day,” Caelin murmured. “For now you need to tend to your subjects. Both of you.” His dark blue eyes sparkled. He thumped Barrett on the back. “If you’re to be prince consort, that is. For Danu’s sake, Barrett, keep her power under some sort of wraps. People are talking.”

  “I thought that was supposed to be your job,” Barrett shot back.

  “I’m ceding it to you.” Caelin inclined his head.

  Keira moved out of the circle of Barrett’s arms and linked hands with him. “Come on.” She tugged gently. “Let’s do the right thing here. You can help me. Remember, I’ve only known I was Daoine Sidhe for a week. I’m sure there are more than a few customs I’m clueless about.”

  He smiled at her, and her insides turned to mush. “What
I really want to do,” he whispered in her ear, “is—”

  “I heard that.” Renn flew in front of him so her nose was practically touching his. “It will keep.”

  “Yes,” Caelin seconded. “No sneaking off. Our people have been without a true leader for far too long.”

  “Duty first, then?” Barrett smiled softly.

  Keira’s heart soared. A warm glow started in her belly and moved outward. She smiled back. “Duty first. But once we’re done, watch out!”

  “I’ll hold you to it.”

  She laughed. “As if I could forget.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Barrett thought the celebration would never end. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy socializing with other Sidhe. But knowing Keira was truly his for now and always made his spirit soar. He ached to hold her against him, and his cock wouldn’t leave him alone. It had been perpetually hard ever since she told him she loved him.

  “Hey there, daydreamer!” Her musical voice brought him back to the present. He looked about. Fewer than fifty guests remained. “Would we be breaking any social covenants if we left?”

  She leaned into him. Her scent was intoxicating. Spice and wildflowers and something uniquely Keira. A soft blue mage light burned off to one side. They’d done a bit of experimenting, and it seemed to siphon off just enough power to keep the rest of her magic barely manageable.

  “I think we could risk it. The few who are left are so drunk, they’ll never notice.” He glanced at her. “Where do you want to go?”

  She laughed. “Right here on the lawn would suit me fine. If there are more private choices, what are they?”

  “Well, there’s your room here. Or I could take you back to the shop.”

  She cocked her head to one side. “Let’s go to your place. It will feel more like it’s ours.”

  Happiness overflowed. His own bedroom was his first choice too. “Sure. I need to let Caelin know.”

  “I’ll go with you. Last I saw him, he and Renn were sitting on the dais chatting it up with a bunch of Fairies.”

  Caelin glanced up as they drew near. He actually looked a shred tipsy. Renn was perched in his lap.

  Barrett stepped close. “We’re leaving, oh fearless leader.”

  “That won’t be my role any longer. Unless there’s another war.” Caelin scrunched his face in concentration. “Where will you be?”

  “My place.” Barrett leveled his gaze at Caelin, silently daring him to contradict their plans.

  Caelin jabbed a finger at Keira, but he was smiling. “Fine, but be back tomorrow. Our queen’s lessons are far from done.”

  Barrett gestured toward the sky. It was beginning to lighten in the east. “It’s already tomorrow. We’ll return the day after. Oh, and I’ll be moving into my old room here at least some of the time, so Keira can have a choice of where we bed down at night.”

  “Fine,” Caelin growled, but Barrett wasn’t fooled. The Daoine Sidhe leader had softened, not a lot, but enough to make a difference. His time with Renn had tempered some of his sharper edges.

  “Excellent plan.” The Fairy clapped her hands together and elbowed Caelin. “Once we get rid of these two lovebirds, it means we’ll actually have some uninterrupted time together.” Laughing, she burrowed into Caelin’s arms.

  “Don’t know why I didn’t think of introducing them a couple of centuries ago,” Barrett muttered. “It would’ve made Caelin a hell of a lot easier to live with.”

  “Come on.” Keira tugged at him. “Take me home.”

  He drew her close and summoned magic. The walls of the shop rose around them, and Barrett folded her tighter into his arms. He kissed her, gently at first. After all, she had to be tired. She’d been tending to guests for the better part of fourteen hours. Even though he didn’t want to, he could wait until she’d rested.

  She opened her mouth under his. Circling her arms around him, she laid her hands on his butt pulled him close.

  Maybe she’s not as tired as I thought.

  His cock throbbed, reminding him it had been ready for a very long time.

  She must’ve felt it, because one of her hands moved between their bodies and cradled him. She broke away from their kiss.

  “You have no idea how many hours I spent dreaming about you holding me like this.” Her mage light flared brilliant blue and crackled. She squinted against its sudden glare.

  “Oh yes, I do.” His face split into a broad grin. “Because I spent at least as many longing for you.”

  She stepped away from him and yanked pins from her hair. Blonde locks spiraled around her torso. She eyed him speculatively. “Well?”

  “Well, what?”

  “Aren’t you going to carry me across the threshold or something? And undress me and ooh and aah over my unparalleled beauty?”

  Her musical laughter filled the room.

  It was infectious, and he laughed right along with her. Being with her felt so right. He’d bedded hundreds of women—maybe thousands. When you lived as long as he had, you lost count. But he’d never cared for any of them. Not really. Not like he longed for Keira. She completed him, made him feel whole in a way no one else ever had.

  “I can do all those things.” He held out his hands to her, and she took them. “All of them. Which would you like first?”

  “If you undress me out here, we may well end up fucking on the carpet, which would be just fine.” Her expression turned serious. “I love you. I know it sounds crazy, but it feels like our souls were bonded in another life. I knew it almost the moment I first laid eyes on you in your shop. And when we made love in Were Calls…” Her voice ran down, but her heart shone through her eyes. Echoing her emotions, her mage light glowed like a beacon.

  “You don’t have to say any more. I understand because I feel the same way. Turn around. I’ll undo the fastenings on the back of your gown.”

  His hands trembled as he undid the row of small buttons. Once he unfastened the last one, he hesitated. The clean lines of her back and the swell of her buttocks were so beautiful, they took his breath away. He eased the fabric off her shoulders. The silk pooled at her feet. She stepped out of the dress and turned to face him, naked but for a pale pink chemise adorned with tiny golden flowers. He ran his hands down her body reveling in its lush curves.

  “Hurry.” Her breath came faster. She reached for the buttons holding his cape and shirt in place.

  He moved close to make it easier. God, but he wanted her. It was all he could do not to push her down onto the Oriental rug and bury himself in her body.

  His cock screamed, Yes, let’s do that. Now.

  His cape fell to the floor, followed by his shirt. He reached under the hem of her chemise and pulled the thin silk over her head. She shook her hair back, and he couldn’t stop staring at her amazing body. She was even lovelier than he remembered. Full breasts, tipped with pink-gold nipples, sat high on her chest. Her ribcage tapered to a slender waist. Lush hips flared, supported by shapely, long legs, and her sex was crowned with a riot of tight, golden curls.

  Barrett leaned forward and fastened his mouth on a nipple. She moaned. He sucked harder and placed a hand on her other breast. He felt her fingers grapple with the buttons of his pants. His hips thrust forward with a will of their own. His cock knew what it wanted: Keira’s hands, mouth, or pussy. It didn’t care which or in what order. His pants puddled around his ankles. He let go of her long enough to step out of them. He reached for his shorts, but she beat him to it. They joined his pants in a heap on the floor.

  She closed her fingers around his cock, moaned softly, and fell to her knees before him. He wanted to tell her not to. That he didn’t know if he could control himself, but she closed her mouth over him, all heat and fire, and he stopped thinking. He buried his hands in her hair, lost in the wonder of her mouth and fingers on his body.

  He felt a familiar tightening in his groin and pulled away reluctantly. “If you keep doing that, I’ll come.”

  She tilt
ed her head back and smiled up at him. “And you’d rather come in another part of me.”

  Instead of answering, he sank to her side on the floor and pulled her against him. He kissed her, tasting himself on her tongue, and it drove him crazy with wanting her. Barrett couldn’t wait any longer. He eased onto his back and helped her straddle him. When the heat of her body closed over him, it took all his control—with a smattering of magic mixed in—not to come.

  With his hands on her hips to set a rhythm, he drove into her. Her muscles tightened around him. She had to be close. Her breath was hot against his neck. She made little mewling sounds deep in the back of her throat and tightened her hands around his shoulders. Pushing upright, she sat astride him, her eyes brimming with delight.

  “You’re so amazing,” she purred. “I wanted to look at you.”

  Barrett tried for a response, but he’d moved beyond words.

  His cock grew even harder. His balls ached for release. Being able to see her incredible body and fuck her at the same time was mind-blowing. Her nipples were gorgeous, long and hard. He let go of her hips to caress them, loving how her back arched when she pressed her breasts into his hands. He moved a hand downward and rubbed her clit. She made a very feminine noise and ground herself against him. Nails dug into his shoulders, and her muscles clenched and released around his cock as climax took her. He’d never felt anything quite so exquisite.

  Everything turned to molten heat. He said her name over and over, told her he’d love her now and forever. His balls tightened and then he was coming. Shooting his very essence into the woman he loved. Binding their souls and their lives together.

  She collapsed atop him, her limbs twined with his. He probably fell asleep because time seemed to have passed before he heard her say she was cold.

  “Well, no wonder.” He laughed. “We never even made it to the bedroom.”


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