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Sassy Ever After: Sassing Her Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 18)

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by Julia Mills

  Because he’s your mate… duh… accept the facts.

  Ignoring her inner voice, Olivia continued putting the pieces of the puzzle together. There was no denying his scent, hell his very being, the man and his dragon had called to her wolf just like all the stories she’d ever heard. It had taken all the woman’s strength to keep the beast from bursting forth and staking her claim on the dragon she believed to be hers.

  Neither being needed a Scenting Ceremony to know that the aroma of smoky cedar filling their senses and making the she-wolf want to drop to the ground and roll around like a randy pup signified their Fated Mate – the one the Universe had made just for them. It just didn’t make sense. A dragon?

  She wasn’t a snob or an elitist. Had no qualms with the legendary dragons, it was just that Olivia Kilbride had always thought of herself being mated to a big burly wolf. It was her comfort zone. She knew what to expect from a wolf… but a dragon? That was a stretch, even in her wildest imagination.

  More tired than she could ever remember being, Olivia soon drifted to sleep and was immediately transported to a mountaintop overlooking the ocean with the noonday rays of the sun dancing across its subtle ripples. Strong arms wrapped around her waist, soft lips kissed just behind her ear as a low rumble filled her mind, “Hello, mo mac tire beag. I missed you so when I awoke and you were gone.”

  Turning in his arms, she looked deep into the vibrant violet eyes of her mate. She loved when he spoke in the native tongue of their ancestors. Combined with his deep, rumbling baritone and sexy accent, it was irresistible. She couldn’t imagine a time when he wouldn’t take her breath away. Leaning into his embrace, Olivia sighed as his lips met hers. She opened completely, reveled in the arousal racing through her veins as their tongues danced in a sexy tango.

  Desire filled her being, growing stronger, more profound with every second. Whimpering with need at her mate’s bold advances, their hearts beat as one as her dragon stoked the flames of want and desire with his every touch.

  Spinning their bodies while maintaining their embrace, Olivia soon found her back against the cool of the stone behind her and her legs wrapped around her mate’s waist. Her panties were immediately soaked with her excitement as her mate rolled his hips between her thighs, teasing her throbbing clit feeding her overwhelming need to come. Raking her nails down his back, feeling the ripple of his dragon marking under her fingertips, Olivia held him close, digging her hands into the taunt muscles of his ass to keep him in place.

  Tearing his lips from hers, her mate nibbled along her jaw and down her neck as he slipped one hand under her bum and pressed his hips tighter to her center while his other hand traveled between her legs, ripping the silk of her panties and sliding two fingers into her already slick pussy. Olivia mewled as he fucked her with his fingers, turning her arousal into desperation.

  Shoving her hands into his long silken hair, the she-wolf pulled his mouth back to hers, and bit his bottom lip before sucking his tongue into her mouth. His resulting growl spurred her on as she rode his fingers with wild abandon, her orgasm careening towards her like an out of control wild fire. The pad of her dragon’s thumb found her clit and with little more than a touch Olivia was screaming her release as untold pleasure spread throughout her body.

  Not giving her even a minute of respite, her mate pulled his fingers from her pussy, let her wobbly legs slide down his body and spun her around, caging her in with his own body and placing their combined hands on the boulder before her. Moving one hand from hers and sliding it between their bodies, Olivia heard the telltale whine of his zipper a second before his lips were once again at her ear whispering, “I must have you, mo chroí. I must feel you wrapped around me, joined as one. You are my everything. You are mine.”

  His words ended just as his calloused hand rubbed down the globe of her ass, slipped into her pussy and out again just before the head of his cock slid into her sleek channel. Her nails scratched at the rock as in one slow glide, her dragon filled her so tightly she felt him in every fiber of her being.

  Their bodies fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. His chest was plastered to her back as he kissed her shoulder, whispering of his undying love and their eternity together. Pulling back, followed by a quick thrust that forced fire to rush through her veins and Olivia was lost to the pleasure. Over and over her mate thrust into her, forcing all thought from her mind, pushing her back to the edge of pleasure she had just fallen over mere minutes before.

  Needing to come more that she needed to breathe, Olivia begged, “Please… please, mo Dragon beloved…”

  “Yes, mo ghrá. Yes. Mianach gonaí.”

  She couldn’t stop the smile that crossed her lips as he called her his love and stated she would always belong to him. Their love was so complete, so beautiful, at times not even she could believe how blessed she was.

  His hands closed even tighter over hers as he growled, “Say it! Say it, now!”

  Her body closed even tighter around his as he drove in and out of her with such force the words spilled from her lips, “Yes, yes, mo ghrá…yours, always yours.”

  Her words pushed some button deep within her mate. His strokes became frantic. His cock branded her as his for all eternity a mere second before she was flying high, the intensity of her orgasm stealing the breath from her lungs. Sure nothing could feel any better, Olivia suddenly felt his canines sink into the flesh of her shoulder. The mixture of pleasure and pain shattered whatever control she had been holding onto. Lights, like fireworks, burst behind her closed eyelids. She screamed and moaned and begged. Her nails extended into the claws of her wolf and fur replaced hair on the side of her face and the backs of her hands. One final thrust and her dragon was roaring so loud the ground beneath her feet shook.

  “Mine! Anois! Gcónaí!”

  Her pussy sucked him deep inside, her body loving the feel as he bathed her insides with his warm semen. She never wanted to be anywhere but in his arms. Mini orgasms continued to rock her core as his cock slid from her pussy and he spun her around.

  Kissing her like she was the most precious thing in all the world, her dragon lifted her into his arms and started down the trail towards their home. “Oh, mo ghrá, my Olivia…”

  “Olivia Kilbride?... Miss Kilbride?”

  A hand on her leg had Olivia jumping to her feet, juggling her empty coffee cup and shouting, “What the hell?”

  Blushing as she saw the grin on William’s face. Praying she hadn’t been talking in her sleep, Olivia shrugged, “Sorry. Guess I was more tired than I realized.”

  “That’s quite alright,” he replied, touching her arm and pointing to the couch as he continued, “Have a seat.” Once they were sitting he asked, “Do you know this man?”

  “No, why?”

  “He keeps calling your name and then in Gaelic, which by the way I haven’t heard for more years than I want to admit, he says my little wolf.”

  The doctor stared, waiting for the explanation Olivia didn’t have. It was unnerving, especially after the dream she’d just been pulled from, which is the only excuse she had for staring back and biting her tongue. She feared if she opened her mouth everything she was thinking would just spill out and there was no doubt in her mind it would lead to tragic consequences.

  After a few seconds of looking at one another, William stood and motioned for her to do the same. “What about you come back and see our patient? Maybe you can get more information than we’ve been able to.”

  Nodding, she followed the doctor into the hall just as all hell broke loose. The lights flashed overhead, a voice called ‘Code Blue’ over the loud speaker at the same time a nurse with long dark hair ran out the double doors yelling, “William! William, come now! It’s the dragon! He’s not breathing.”

  Olivia stood completely still. Her heart skipped a beat. There wasn’t enough air in the entire building. It felt like the world was suddenly moving in slow motion. Stumbling to the wall, she gasped as a low rumble filled h
er mind.

  “Help me, mo mac tire beag. Please… help me…”

  Chapter Four

  Fear, cold and unforgiving, ran its icy fingers down her spine. Visions of the man, the dragon, from her dreams filled her mind. Was it him? Could it be? Were Fate and the Universe stepping in, taking control? How could all this be happening? If she ever got home, Olivia swore she’d never leave again. The world outside Gaelach Lán territory was freaky beyond compare even on its best day.

  Pacing the hall, peeking through the clouded windows on the doors clearly marked with a large bright yellow sign stating ‘Authorized Personnel Only’, she prayed the voice, her dragon, if that’s who it was, would speak again. Not knowing whether he was alive or dead was driving both woman and wolf crazy. No amount of good old rationalization could calm either one.

  Olivia had tried telling herself, as well as the large auburn wolf presently trying to burst forth and make her presence known, that they hadn’t even met him yet. Didn’t even know if he was truly ‘the one’. Reasoned that he was a dragon and there was no way the Fates or the Universe in their infinite wisdom would mate a wolf with a dragon. Singed fur and scales between her teeth didn’t sound appetizing in the slightest. But no amount of internal banter could stop the growing feeling within her heart and soul that this man… this stranger… this dragon, was theirs and that life as she had known it would never be the same.

  Finally, after wearing a path from the exit doors to the double doors, Olivia made her way back into the waiting room, gave into her need and called her brother. After getting his voice mail three consecutive times, she tried Star and once again listened to a prerecorded message that made her want to scream. Izzy, like Olivia, never carried hers, so there was no reason to even try.

  Olivia thought about using their mental communication, but if they weren’t answering their phones then it stood to reason that they were busy and she most assuredly needed their undivided attention for the bombshell she was about to drop. It was no use, she was on her own. It was time to put on her big wolf fur and buck up.

  Jumping back to her feet, Olivia had just started to pace when she ran right into Ellie. “Whoa, there girlie. What’s up?” The blonde chuckled, grabbing Olivia’s arms to keep them both from falling. “I got a call from Natalie, the receptionist. She said our stranger wasn’t doing well.” Then she nodded to the bag in her hand. “And I figured you needed some fresh clothes and maybe some of Mom’s awesome leftovers.”

  Opening her mouth to say she wasn’t hungry at the precise moment her stomach growled so loud both women burst out laughing, Olivia shook her head, “Guess I am hungry.” She stepped back. “And clean clothes would be great.”

  Taking the bag, Olivia began to explain, “I have no clue what’s going on with the dragon. William came to tell me…” she quickly decided not to tell Ellie that the dragon had called her name and instead said, “the guy was awake. He asked if I wanted to talk to him, to see if he knew Marrok.”

  Ellie was nodding her head but had that look in her eyes. The one that said she knew there was more to the story and she was bound and determined to find out. Rushing to keep the conversation going in an effort to keep her new friend from prying, Olivia went on, “William was taking me back to see him and…” She looked towards the door, remembering how it had felt like her world was crashing to a fiery end before continuing, “In the blink of an eye someone was yelling over the intercom, alarms were going off and a nurse hollered for him to come because their patient wasn’t breathing. That was almost four hours ago and I’ve heard nothing.”

  Olivia worked hard to keep her tone neutral with just the appropriate amount of concern but none of the mixed feelings of longing and need wreaking havoc in her heart and soul. Apparently, Ellie wasn’t buying it because her next move was to pull Olivia in for a huge hug and commiserate, “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that alone.” Pulling back but keeping ahold of Olivia’s upper arms, Ellie added, “Were you able to talk to your brother?”

  Shaking her head and stepping back, Olivia sighed, “No. All I get is voicemail.” She plopped onto the couch. “I’ll try again later.”

  As if he’d somehow sensed she needed his help, Marrok chose that moment, as inopportune as it was, to return her call. Pressing the green button on the screen, she lifted the phone to her ear and as cheerily as she could chirped, “Hey, bro…”

  “What’s wrong? You never call me more than once and always leave a message. What’s happened? Do you need me to come get you? Olivia, dammit, answer me.”

  Marrok had interrupted and was speaking so quickly all Olivia could do was listen until he took a breath, then as only a sister can answer a brother, she rolled her eyes and with an exasperated sigh said, “You have to shut up for me to answer.” She looked up at a snickering Ellie and smiled at her new friend before continuing to her brother. “No, I don’t need you to come get me. Nothing has happened to me. I was calling to see if you knew how to get in touch with the dragons.”

  “The dragons? Why?” He sounded surprised, but infinitely calmer than he had been a few seconds before.

  “Well, I went out with the Wolfe’s to check their borders after all the rain Mother Nature decided to dump on us and while we were out there they found a man buried in the mud.”

  “No shit? And he’s a dragon?”

  “You got it in one.” She winked as Ellie mouthed she was going to see if she could get information about the dragon’s condition then added, “Since I had explained that you were rescued from hell by a group of Guardsmen, the Wolfe’s wanted me to see if you knew how to contact them. I’m sure by now your new friends are looking for this guy. He appears to have been out here for a while.”

  Her brother was silent. She heard him breathing, could tell he was thinking and waited until he finally asked, “And why are you so worried?”

  “I’m not,” she answered way too quickly with way too much enthusiasm which was confirmed when Marrok chuckled, “Yeah, try that one again and this time remember who you’re talking to.”

  Once again rolling her eyes, wanting to tell him everything but not wanting anyone to hear, she used the code they’d been using since she was a little girl and they discovered their ability to speak to one another mind-to-mind, “Don’t mind if I do,” then went on speaking her thoughts while keeping the phone to her ear like she was listening, “I don’t really know. There’s just something about this guy.”

  “What do you mean ‘something’?” Was Marrok’s growled response as Olivia prepared to tell him what she believed was happening.

  “Oh, hell, Marrok, I don’t know.” She sighed. “Just something…” Rushing on, finding it hard to not scream, she added, “something weird, something unsettling, something that is driving me crazy and making it impossible for me to walk away.” She took a deep breath. “There! Is that what you wanted to hear? That your little sister is losing her mind? Do you feel better? Do you now know why I called three times but left no messages? Are you satisfied?”

  Knowing she was being completely unreasonable, irrational and screeching like a loon, Olivia stopped, seething, needing to pace, but staying put and waited, tapping her foot, for Marrok to answer. It took almost a full minute and when he did she could hear the smile in his voice, which only served to irritate her just that little bit more but she still listened.

  “I’m pretty sure you’re not losing your mind and I’m absolutely positive you know that. I’m also gonna take a leap and guess that you’re sure or at least almost certain that this dragon is your mate.” He paused, leaving Olivia waiting on pins and needles to hear what was to come, not wanting to give him any more information that he could use against her.

  He only wants what’s best for you…

  Ignoring her conscience, she was just about to speak when Marrok finally continued, his tone less jovial but still very brotherly, “Have you scented him?”


  “Have you spoken to him, at

  Blowing out the breath she hadn’t known she was holding, Olivia decided to just blurt out what had happened and pray that Marrok didn’t have her thrown into the wolfy insane asylum. “Okay, here’s the thing. I started to have these dreams…”

  “Whoa, do I want to hear this?” Marrok chuckled, obviously trying to lighten Olivia’s mood but only irritating her all the more.

  “Shut the hell up and ewww.” Completely blocking out her dream as not to let anything embarrassing slip, she prayed her brother couldn’t hear the little white lie in her voice as she sighed in disgust, “They were nothing like that, perv. Seriously, you need a girlfriend.” Huffing to further drive home her point, she then added, “Most of the time it was just a feeling. I would dream and be restless. I blamed it on all the chaos with you being gone but then I got here and… well, things got worse.” Stopping, she walked to the door to see if anyone was coming. When she found the coast was still clear, Olivia took the phone from her ear and put it in her pocket, before heading outside, continuing to talk when the cool air hit her face, “I’d heard his voice…calling to me. Asking for help.”

  Walking along the sidewalk to the far side of the Clinic, Olivia counted her steps as she waited for her brother to respond. The longer she waited the more worried she became about what he was going to say. Turning the corner just as Marrok began to speak, Olivia walked to the bench under a tall elm tree in the middle of a bed of flowers and sat down, listening intently.

  “Well, Little Sis, it looks like you’ve found him… your mate.” She knew he wanted to say more but was waiting until they were face to face. “You don’t suffer the hunger like our males but from everything I’ve heard and seen, you’re exhibiting all the signs. If it wasn’t meant to be a wolf, I admit I’m glad it’s a dragon. They’re good people. At least in my limited experience. Have you spoken to him?”


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