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Sassy Ever After: Sassing Her Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 18)

Page 5

by Julia Mills

  “Good,” Olivia answered, looking to Ellie who was smiling and nodding, “Yep, I was just trying to figure out where this guy might’ve come from.”

  “Any ideas?” William asked as he opened one of the dragon’s eyes and shined a light into it before doing the same to the other.

  “I’m thinking he might’ve been out at the old chapel. I’m gonna call Dad and have him send someone to check.”

  “Good idea. I’d like to know where he’s been. It might help with his treatment.” William looked up at Olivia. “But like I said, I think it’s all up to his dragon at this point.”

  Stepping out of the way, so the nurse could change the bags on the pole next to the dragon’s bed, William went on, “He must be getting stronger. His progress is remarkable compared to when I last saw him. Maybe the antibiotics and fluids are helping.” He looked at Olivia with a twinkle in his eye that she chose to ignore. “Hopefully, he’ll be awake soon and can answer some questions. It would sure help us all.”

  “Okay, looks like that’s all I can do here. I’ll talk to y’all later,” Ellie waved over her shoulder as she pulled back the curtain. “I’m gonna go talk to Dad and Caleb about sending some guys out to the old chapel.” The blonde glanced over her shoulder, “You take care, Liv. I’ll be back later.”

  Shaking her head at whatever hidden message Ellie was trying to share with her, Olivia had to smile at the use of her nickname. She’d told them all to call her ‘Liv’, but Ellie had been the first to do so and Olivia figured it was an attempt to bond. Maybe the blonde was hoping ‘Liv’ would share all her deep, dark secrets.

  I need to stop being paranoid and figure out what to do about my mate in that bed.

  “Are you going to stay the night?” William asked, quickly adding, “Not that I mind, it would be nice to go home and rest, knowing he had around the clock attention.”

  Shrugging in an attempt to act like it was no big deal, Olivia nodded, “Sure, I’ll stay. I’ve got nothing better to do until my brother calls back.” She raised the bag of leftovers from where it was hanging off her wrist. “Besides I have all this good food and cookies. I’ll just get something to drink and I’m good to go.”

  “Great, I’ll let the nurses know. They should only be in about every four hours to check his vitals and IV.”

  “Thanks, William,” She looked down at her dragon, “For everything.”

  The doctor walked over and touched her shoulder. “You are very welcome. Just doing my job.” His grip squeezed for a split second before he whispered, “I can see what he means to you. No one here will hold anything against you. Of that you can be sure.”

  Unable to speak past the lump in her throat, Olivia simply nodded and kept her eyes on her dragon’s face, squeaking out, “Thank you, William,” as he turned and left the cubicle, closing the curtain behind him.

  A nurse soon arrived saying they were going to move her dragon to a room and that Olivia would have to wait outside then meet them on the other side of the Clinic. So, after heating up her food in the microwave in the waiting room then washing up and changing into her clean clothes, Olivia made her way to the farthest corner of the facility and into the last room on the right next to the fire escape.

  Well, I guess I can make a quick getaway, if I need to.

  After shutting the door, Olivia spread her food out on the table in the corner and was just about to eat when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Pulling it out, she smiled at the goofy picture of her brother that came up every time he called, hit the green button and in a hushed tone said, “Hey, Marrok, what’s up?”

  “Just checking in on you. How’s the dragon doing? Still talking?”

  “No, he never really woke up.” Pausing for just a second to decide how much to tell him, Olivia was just about to continue when her brother grumbled, “Tell me all of it. Leave nothing out.”

  “How the hell did you know what I was thinking? It drives me crazy when you do that.”

  “I know you,” Marrok chuckled. “You never pause unless you are trying to decide what to say or trying to lie, neither of which ever works for you, no matter how old you get.”

  “Right you are,” she snorted, some of the tension she’d been feeling floated away as she spoke to her brother. “Well, I did what you said and used our connection to give him some of my healing magic and strength but…” She blew out a breath. “But, while I was doing it, I saw some of his memories.” Her voice sounded shaky, even to her own ears, as she powered on. “He’s been through a lot. I saw just a glimpse of him being tortured.” She swallowed. “And have you ever heard of the Fiach Dubh? Their armor had a raven on the crest and I think they were monks before they were soldiers, if I put all the pieces together in the right order.”

  She heard the low growl in his voice, more wolf than man, when he said, “Yes, I’ve heard of them but according to legend, they’re all thankfully… dead.”

  “Yeah, well, so were the dragons. Remember?”

  She heard him breathing, knew he was trying to calm down and needed to know the reason. “And why are you so pissed? Is there a history I don’t know about? I’ve never heard you talk about these guys.”

  Sounding almost normal once again, Marrok explained, “Yeah, when I was a young pup we had a run in with some of them… at least a hundred years ago. We didn’t leave many alive, only the ones that ran. Not soon after, we got word they were all destroyed in a battle with another pack. No one’s heard from them since. Why?”

  “I saw two of them in his memories. They were holding him captive and beating the living shit out of him.” She looked to her dragon, still resting peacefully. “And Ellie thinks he was being held right here on their property in some abandoned church.”

  “No shit?” Marrok whistled. “Those guys are bastards. They were super religious and then something happened. They began hunting paranormals and trying to recruit humans to help by lying and spreading hate and fear. There were rumors of demon worship, but to the best of my knowledge, no one has heard from them in at least a century.”

  “Real nice guys, huh? Well, that’s what I saw along with the Gaelic name this dragon called them.”

  “This dragon?” Her brother snorted. “That’s how you’re gonna play it?”

  “What the hell else do you want me to call him? I don’t know his name. I’m not saying the ‘M’ word out loud for fear I’ll have to explain. So yeah, ‘this dragon’ is the best you’re gonna get, for now.”

  “Okay, okay, okay… calm down. I understand. I was just messin’ with ya’.”

  “I know, it’s just that…”

  “No need to explain. Sorry, I touched a nerve.”

  “And I’m sorry I overreacted, but speaking of ‘this dragon’,” she added extra emphasis to show she was over it and moving on before asking, “Have you heard back from the ones you know?”

  “Not yet, but I’m sure I will in the next day or two. They are hard to get a hold of and I’m pretty sure only one of them had a cell phone. Remember these guys make us look young. Some have been around centuries… with an ‘s’, if you get my drift.”

  “Not very technologically advanced, huh? The whole ancient race thing must be a bummer in the twenty-first century.”

  “I have a feeling at least a few of the ones I met are truly the ancient ones. At least that was what their accents, speech patterns and the way they dealt with things told me.”

  Chuckling, Olivia agreed, “Yeah, I get the same feeling from this guy. Even when he speaks in my mind, it seems like he’s crossing the generations, ya know?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I know what you mean.” Marrok seemed distracted then he said, “Is someone checking on that old church you mentioned?”

  “Yes, Ellie said she was having her dad and husband send some guys out.”

  “Good, you let them do that. I don’t want you coming across one of those Ravens, if they are still around. You’re tough but those bastards are just plain ruthless and damn near

  Holding up her free hand in surrender even though he couldn’t see her, Olivia agreed, “I heard that in your voice when I first mentioned them. I’m staying the hell outta the way.”

  Marrok cleared his throat then in a serious tone asked, “Have you decided if you’re bringing ‘that dragon’,” she knew he couldn’t help but tease her again but listened as he went on, “home with you? Or are you gonna go with him? Or…”

  “Or what, Marrok?” Olivia jumped on the way her brother had left his last question hanging in the air. “Am I going to walk away and hope he finds me… again? Is that what you want to know?”

  “Hey, Sis, calm down. I didn’t mean…”

  “You didn’t mean to what? Piss me off? Give me advice? Ask questions you know I don’t have the answers to? What, Marrok, what?” She was breathing heavy and ready to hang up on her brother when she stopped ranting but waited to see what he said.

  Unfortunately, she would never find out since her dragon picked that moment to open his eyes, spear her with a look so full of emotions she couldn’t discern one from the other and rasped, “Do not yell,” he cleared his throat, “at your deartháir.” He swallowed and winced, making Olivia reach to fill his water as he went on, “He only wants what is best for you.”

  Chapter Seven

  “How long have you been laying there awake?” Olivia asked, after promising to call Marrok back and disconnecting the call. She almost laughed out loud at how sassy the first words she ever spoke aloud to him sounded, but she was being her true self and if they were really going to spend forever together, then her dragon had better buckle up.

  Her mate raised his hand and instead of taking the cup of water she offered, wrapped his fingers around hers and captured her eyes with his intense violet gaze. From one heartbeat to the next, it felt as if he’d become a part of her, that missing, elusive piece she hadn’t known was absent but now knew she would never be able to live without. Her soul felt lighter. Her wolf gave a low sexy growl welcoming her mate while Olivia’s heart filled with a warmth she had no doubt was the undying love of her Fated Mate.

  Olivia had been told by not only her brother, but every Elder she’d ever spoken with, that a union with one’s true mate defied all logic and explanation. She’d always walked away shaking her head and thinking how crazy they sounded, but now she knew the truth… was experiencing it firsthand. They had been right. She’d never in all her years felt anything like looking into the eyes of the one man in all the world who completed her with a simple touch.

  Goose bumps raised on her arms, her nipples tightened against the silk of her bra and her pussy grew wet as he tightened his grip on hers making the callouses on his fingers rub against the back of her hand. His pupils dilated and his nostrils flared as she watched his kissable lips curl into a knowing smile.

  Pulling her hand away, embarrassed and turned on and feeling incredibly out of sorts, Olivia went to speak, had to clear her throat and then said, “You need to have some water.” Handing him back the cup, this time careful to avoid touching him, she added, “And I need to get the nurse.”

  “Please don’t.” He gasped, trying to sit up and coughing until Olivia was forced to grab the cup of water before it hit the floor.

  Setting it on the table, she pushed the button to raise the head of his bed and helped the Guardsman lean back. Turning to leave to get the nurse, Olivia immediately spun back around when her dragon’s hand closed tightly around her wrist.

  “You need the nurse,” she scowled.

  “I need you.” His raspy voice was little more than a whisper, but there was no denying his meaning. That along with his alluring Gaelic accent and the look of pure longing in his eyes made her heart skip a beat and her wolf push to be set free.

  Going for her default reaction of sarcasm, Olivia raised a single eyebrow and sassed, “You come back from the dead and that’s the best pickup line you’ve got?”

  A look of confusion crossed his face a split second before he barked out a rough laugh which led to more coughing. Picking up the water as he took a breath, Olivia raised his bed a bit more and handed him the cup, ordering, “Take a drink, Romeo. Worry about flirting later.”

  She loved the laughter in his eyes as he did what she said and ended up laughing herself when he teased, “Romeo, huh?” directly into her mind.

  Still chuckling, she countered with, “Well, I don’t know your name,” out loud to which he countered, “Angus… Angus MacLendon, my sweet Olivia. But I would answer to any name that fell from your beautiful lips.”

  Working hard not to blush, Olivia thanked the goddess when the door opened and in walked the night nurse, Amelia. The look on her face was priceless, her surprise also evident in her tone. “Well, lookie there, our patient is awake.” Thankfully, she provided Olivia with the distraction she needed to pull her hand from Angus’ grip and step away.

  “Yeah, isn’t it great? I was just about to come get you, but he needed a drink of water,” she offered, moving even farther into the corner so the nurse could make her way to Angus’ bedside.

  “I need you more than the water.” His voice drifted through her mind.

  Giving him a wide-eyed look and putting her index finger across her lips behind Amelia’s back, Olivia answered, “Not now,” and bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from smiling when his low gravelly chuckle rumbled through her.

  While taking his pulse, Amelia commented, “You’re making great progress. William, your doctor, is going to be so happy that you’re awake.” She wrote something on the clipboard she carried before putting a thermometer into his mouth and adding, “He’ll be in first thing in the morning.”

  Angus nodded, keeping eye contact with Olivia, his gaze a living breathing entity. She could feel him everywhere, fusing himself to the very fiber of her being. It should have felt like an invasion. The she-wolf normally would’ve pushed him away, would’ve looked for a way to escape, would’ve wanted no part of someone she knew virtually nothing about winding his way around her heart and soul, but instead of wanting to flee, she wanted more… she wanted to be by his side…she wanted him.

  Watching as Amelia laid her clipboard to the side and began her physical examination, Olivia nearly hyperventilated when the nurse pulled the covers down and revealed Angus’ amazingly muscled chest. She remembered what he’d looked like covered in mud and what remained of his clothing but it was nothing compared to the sight before her.

  Trying to look away but finding it impossible, Olivia’s mouth watered with the need to mark every inch of his massive shoulders, her fingers tingled with the need to tease his nipples and caress the granite plains of his six-pack abs. Her dream from before came rushing back. Her body flushed with desire. Her pussy was instantly slick as visions of her soft curves wound around his hard body, as she loved him as only a true mate can, filled her mind.

  Grabbing his cup of ice water, Olivia downed every drop, set the cup back onto the table and forced herself to look anywhere but at the man who was becoming a physical need she had no idea if she was prepared for. She knew he was aware of the effect he had on her and was also sure if she looked up he would have that damn shit-eating grin on his face that she was already beginning to find lovingly familiar.

  Cleaning up the food she hadn’t been able to eat as Amelia finished Angus’ exam, Olivia was just about to make an excuse to leave the room when the nurse said, “William said you are spending the night. Is that still the case?”

  Busted! Thanks, Amelia.

  But she couldn’t blame the nurse for her own lack of control. Nope, there was no one to blame but herself and Olivia had never believed in running away, no matter how uncomfortable the situation. Plastering on a smile, she tossed her bag of food, minus the cookies, into the trash and turned towards Amelia. “Yes, ma’am, I’m just going to get a cup of coffee to go with my cookies and I’ll be right back.”

  “Oh, let me get that for you,” Amelia offered, touching Ol
ivia’s arm as she walked by. Opening the door, the nurse stopped and looked back, asking, “Cream and sugar?”

  “Yes, please.” Olivia knew her smile was a little too bright and her words a little too cheery but she was way out of her element and had never done very well with uncomfortable situations. That was Marrok’s gig. He was the politician, always knew what to say, never blurted anything out, but he wasn’t here and this was her mate.

  Slowly turning back towards Angus, Olivia was still smiling, unsure what to say when he patted the bed beside him and asked, “Would you sit with me until I fall asleep?” He looked deep into her eyes. “I simply want to hold you in my arms.” She saw him swallow. His eyes closed for just a moment and when they opened his unshed tears nearly broke her heart as he whispered, “I truly believed I would never live long enough to know you.”

  Unable to resist the pull of her mate, his need for her and the love she felt growing within her, Olivia put the rail on the side of the bed down, took off her boots and crawled into bed next to her mate. Careful not to cause him any pain, she let Angus direct her movements and soon found her body flush against his side with his strong arm wrapped around her and her head resting on his chest.

  She listened as her heartbeat slowed to his and soon beat in sync with the man’s Fate had given her to love. Laying her hand across the blanket that covered his stomach, Olivia was shocked when using his enhanced speed, Angus used his free hand to pull the cover down, letting her flesh touch his, then groaned, “Oh my Heavens, I love the feel of your skin against mine.”

  Holding her breath, Olivia fought the arousal setting fire to her body from the inside out as the electricity of their connection seemed to send sparks to every erogenous zone she had and a few she’d only just discovered.

  Inhaling, Angus’ chest vibrated, making her nipples so hard they were almost painful as he murmured, “If only I had the strength to love you as I desire, mo mac tire beag milis. Your scent, so fresh, so wild, so very you, is driving both myself and my dragon crazy with desire.” He sighed. “But our day will come… very soon, mo ghrá, very soon…”


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