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Sassy Ever After: Sassing Her Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 18)

Page 9

by Julia Mills

  Slowly dropping to the ground, the dragon let out a soft growl that sounded more like a hum of satisfaction as Olivia ran her hands along his jawline, dropping her hand under his chin to tickle the soft, lighter-colored scales that protected his throat. Making her way to his front paw, she chuckled, “When you said to climb up your paw, you really meant climb up your paw didn’t you?” She laughed out loud. “I could fit between these big ole toes of yours and these talons… wow, I’m glad dragons don’t need nail files.”

  A throaty rumble shook the dragon’s body as she started her ascent and smoke rolled from his nose as he chuckled along with her joke. Using his scales as handles and footholds just as Angus had instructed her to do, Olivia climbed her dragon until she was at last sitting at the base of his neck, tucked between several of his large scales, covered with the blanket from her pack. One final wave to the Wolfe’s and she hunkered down for the long ride to the Gaelach Lán Pack territory… to home.

  Being airborne was one of the best, but weirdest, sensations Olivia had ever experienced. At first, she was disoriented and couldn’t look down without feeling nauseous. Only Angus’ voice in her mind, kept her from throwing up all over his wing.

  “Just focus on a single object or point and breathe deeply. It may take a minute but you will adjust and then the real fun begins.”

  She hadn’t known what he meant until she answered a few minutes later. “You’re right. I feel better and the world looks so beautiful from up here. Thank you so much.”

  “It is my pleasure and if you think this is pretty, hold on, I’m going to show you spectacular.”

  Doing as Angus suggested, Olivia held tight to his scales as the dragon dropped in altitude, dipped its massive body to the right so that she could see several turtles and schools of fish swimming just under the surface of the shimmering waters below. Laughing like a child on the playground, Olivia held out her hand as Angus let the tip of his colossal wing dip into the cool stream, spraying a fine mist across his broad torso.

  Later, after she’d awakened from a nap, she was surprised to see a flock of seagulls flying beside them and asked, “Where are we?”

  “Over the Gulf of Mexico. Won’t be long now.”

  Just then her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. Retrieving the device, Olivia smiled as she saw Marrok’s picture and ducked under her blanket to avoid the noise from the wind whipping around her before answering, “Hey, bro. What’s up?”

  “Just wanted to let you know that two of the dragons I met are here, as well as their Commander. They’re all excited to meet their long-lost brethren, as they keep calling him, but wanted me to tell you to keep it a secret. They want to surprise him and they have something special for both of you.” He paused, quickly adding, “And before you ask, I have no idea what it is.”

  “Yeah, sure, Marrok,” Olivia chuckled. “I know you’re like a vault. Even if you did know, you would never tell.”

  The low rumble of his laughter was enough of an answer, the jerk knew what her surprise was and wasn’t going to tell. But that was okay, Olivia could wait and even more than that, she was excited to see her dragon’s reunion with his kin. She could feel the sadness, like a hole in his heart, from spending so many years without the community of other dragons.

  He’d told her so many stories about them and even let a few tears fall when they were alone after she’d confirmed that Marrok had indeed met one called Kyran and another named Kayne. Her brother hadn’t known anyone named Drago, the one they called Commander, but now that he’d told her the leader Angus thought so highly of still lived and was waiting to welcome him home, Olivia’s heart was bursting with joy for her mate. She couldn’t help but feel like there was more to the story of Angus and Drago but knew her mate would share when he was ready. As a wolf and a woman, she knew the importance of family, whether they were by blood or by choice, and that her dragon would have the comradery of those he had shared so much with meant the world to her.

  Of course, it made her think about their discussions about where to live. Angus had graciously said he didn’t care as long as he was by her side. And while the thought was sweet, she also wanted him to be happy. It was still something…

  “Hey, sis, you still there?” Marrok’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  “Oh crap,” She snorted. “I’m here. Just thinking.”

  “Yeah, I figured. Make sure you have him land on the far side by the cottages. I made sure all the branches and debris was cleared from the meadow. We had a big storm that made a mess a few days ago and I didn’t want your dragon getting a splinter.”

  She heard the levity in his voice and joked, “Yeah, could you imagine the size of the tweezers we’d have to use?”

  “You better be careful, he might do a barrel roll and dump your ass right off his back,” Marrok barked with laughter.

  “Ha-ha-ha,” Olivia mocked. “I made sure I had all my mental blocks in place as soon as you said surprise. You’ll be so proud. I am actually getting good at putting them up when I need to. My senses are even sharper now that I have my mate and I would hate for someone to hear my thoughts like I can hear all of theirs.”

  Sputtering and chuckling at the same time, Marrok coughed, “Damn, Liv, you made me spit my coffee but thank the goddess, you’ve learned to shield because, and let me make this perfectly clear…I do NOT want to hear any lovey-dovey crap. Got it?”

  “HA!” Olivia laughed out loud, “I cannot wait until you find your mate.”

  “I can,” Marrok mumbled then in a louder tone added, “Now, hurry up and get home. Star and Izzy are dying to talk to you and said they’re ready to alter Mom’s mating dress or make a whole new one, whatever you want. To say they are driving me nuts, is an understatement. I love them like sisters, but you know girl talk is really not my thing.”

  “I know, bro. Thanks for keeping ‘em company. We’ll be there in about an hour and a half. Love you.”

  “Love you, too. Be safe.”

  “That was Marrok,” she said to Angus while putting her phone back in her pocket. “He can’t wait for us to get there and said he finally got a hold of your brethren and they will be there in the next day or two.”

  Holding her breath, waiting for her dragon’s answer to be sure he had no clue what their family on the ground was really planning, Olivia breathed a sigh of relief when he answered with such joy. “That is wonderful. I cannot wait to see them and to meet your brother and all those so dear to you.”

  “Well, get a move on, dragon man. We’re almost there.”

  His chuckle vibrated the scales Olivia sat on as her dragon snickered, “Your wish is my command.”

  The next ninety minutes seemed to take forever and with every mile they traveled Olivia’s excitement grew. She couldn’t wait to see the surprise on her dragon’s face when he was reunited with the brothers of his heart.

  About thirty minutes before the sun rose over sea, the red dragon began its descent and Olivia got her first glimpse of the tops of the trees that sat on the territory belonging to her pack. She was home after what felt like forever, with her mate… life simply could not get any better.

  “Hold on, mo ghrá, we are about to land and it can get bumpy.” Angus snickered, “I don’t want to drop you on your bum in front of your brother before we are properly introduced.”

  “Marrok would just point and laugh,” she chuckled. “But I thank you, mo Dragon, for your consideration. Love you.”

  “And I love you, mo stór,” he said a moment before she was eye level with the leaves on the trees and she held on tight as a jolt rocked the dragon’s body from his feet hitting the ground right before he jogged, slowing gradually until they were standing still.

  Stuffing the blanket in her pack, Olivia scrambled off her mate and once on the ground ran about a hundred yards away then stopped, turned and watched the spectacular dragon become the man she loved more than life itself. Waiting while Angus took a moment to straighten his clothing
and get his bearings, she squealed when Marrok’s hand touched her shoulder and spun her around.

  “Oh, my goddess,” she shrieked, throwing her arms around her brother’s neck and holding on tight while Marrok swung her around, whooping and hollering with happiness.

  Olivia’s feet had just touched the ground when Angus appeared at her side, his hand outstretched to her brother. She watched as the two men who meant the world to her, met and shook hands.

  Angus was the first to speak, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Marrok. My name is Angus MacLendon and,” he paused and as he looked down and wrapped his arm around Olivia. “And I humbly ask for your sister’s hand in mating and marriage.” He held her even tighter. “She is the love of my life and I simply cannot imagine living without her.”

  A huge smile broke across Marrok’s stubbly face as he pulled on Angus’ hand bringing the couple in for a hug and said, “You have my blessing and all the support I can give you for all my days.”

  Embracing them tightly, the Alpha started to chuckle, loosened his grip and stepped back. “Now, my new brother-in-law, how about you turn around. I have an engagement, or maybe it’s a mating present, oh hell, just turn around, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  Olivia stood next to her brother as she watched Angus turn around, his face suddenly aglow with amazement and happiness. Stalking towards the three Guardsmen who was heading towards him, the four formidable warriors met in the middle of the meadow and it was like they’d never been apart.

  The tallest among them with long dark hair and a thick brogue, wrapped Angus up in a back-slapping hug. “Ah’m soo damn glad to see ye.” She knew immediately he was Kyran just from the description and his brogue.

  Next came the one Olivia had no doubt was Kayne from his shining blonde hair and easy laughter. Holding Angus at arm’s length, the Guardsman she also remembered was the Son of Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun, chuckled, “Look at you, old man. What’s with the Father Time beard, the wolves on the other coast don’t have razors?” before hugging Angus.

  Lastly, her dragon stood before the most regal of all the Guardsmen. She knew immediately from his stance and the way he held his head high that he was the Commander, Drago, and more than that, Angus’ brother. That was the secret he hadn’t been ready to reveal. She saw in his heart and soul that he hadn’t believed Drago lived and until he knew for sure, had been unable to share that tiny piece of himself with her.

  Watching her mate looking at a man whose every feature so resembled his own was astonishing and made up for his secrecy. Silence filled the meadow for several long minutes. Olivia could feel the plethora of emotions welling up in her mate. When he finally did speak, the crack in his voice brought tears to her eyes.

  “Hello, brother,” Angus swallowed hard. “I truly thought never to see you again.” He put his hands on Drago’s shoulders. “Tell me that you did not suffer for every day since I last saw you.”

  Shaking his head, Drago smiled, “Not every day, but we will have time to swap stories later. I want to tell you that I have found my mate.” The Commander nodded towards Olivia with a wink. “As I see you have been united with yours.”

  At the mention of her name, Olivia crossed the meadow, stood beside Angus and was introduced to his brethren. The brothers hugged then Drago added, “I cannot wait for you to meet my Alisha, as well as Alexander’s son, our nephew, Rayne. He is also a Commander, mated and a father. You will be very proud.”

  “I already am, just to see you all.” Patting Kyran on the back, Angus asked, “And is there something you need to tell me?”

  Nodding and chuckling, the tall dark Guardsman winked, “Aye. Ah too hae foond mah mate. A beaootiful banshee Ah cannae wait fur ye tae meet`.”

  Grinning with mischief dancing in his eyes, Olivia’s mate looked at the demi-god and teased, “And you always did have to do everything the hard way. Have you found your mate, Kay?”

  “Dad has, but as usual, I will be the last to know.”

  The group of Guardsman burst out laughing as Angus hugged Olivia tight and kissed the top of her head. “Thank you so, mo mac t”ure beag milis. What an amazing surprise.”

  “It was all Marrok. I just had to keep the secret.”

  “What a lucky dragon I am to have found such a wonderful family.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next forty-eight hours was absolute chaos and Olivia loved every minute of it. She, Star and Isabella spent every waking hour making her gown. Angus, Marrok, Finn and the Guardsmen insisted on getting the garden behind Wolf Hall, the place where all the historical documents of their pack were kept, as well as, all Council meetings and important decision were made and recorded, ready for the ceremony.

  Angus had explained that in his culture, it was the man who planned the entire mating ceremony, including the woman’s gown, but had immediately deferred to her when he saw her friends’ fretful expressions. It was yet another way her mate amazed her with how much he truly cared. It was obvious he had more surprises coming and just knowing that little tidbit made Olivia giddy with excitement. She’d caught bits and pieces of secret conversations between he and Drago, but Angus was too quick. He immediately caught her eavesdropping, kissed her breathless, then sent her on her way telling her it would be no fun if she spoiled the surprise.

  Finally, the day came when she would be officially mated to the man of her dreams in the way of her ancestors. It was the first of two special ceremonies she and Angus would have to celebrate their union and give thanks to the powerful forces that brought them together.

  Olivia along with her two best friends had been up pretty much all night. Even when they were finished with preparations and in bed, Olivia had barely been able to close her eyes and had jumped up before the alarm went off, leaving her friends to sleep. Getting a cup of coffee, the she-wolf stepped onto her deck and sat watching the sunrise through the trees. It hadn’t been more than fifteen minutes when the sliding glass door behind her slid open and out shuffled her friends groaning and yawning.

  “Good morning you two. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “No,” Star sat down next to her, “The alarm went off.” She took a sip of her coffee. “You’re certainly up early.”

  Stopping to yawn again, Izzy picked up the conversation and added, “We thought you would sleep in at least a little while.” The raven-haired beauty sat down on the deck cross-legged and patted Olivia’s knee. “But it looks like someone would rather be mated to that hunky dragon than catch a few z’s.”

  Batting her eyes and using her best southern accent, Olivia teased, “Oh my, I believe I would.”

  The females all burst out laughing then continued enjoying their coffee until Izzy looked at her watch, jumped up and said, “Come on, we need to get started. We’re supposed to be at Wolf Hall by sundown and you still have to wash and dry all this gorgeous hair of yours.” The tall curvy brunette, gently picked up some of Olivia’s thick auburn hair, letting the strands gently fall through her fingers. “And… you want it in some kind of updo. That alone is gonna take half a day.” She snapped her fingers. “So, chop, chop, people. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Shaking her head, Olivia looked at Star and rolled her eyes, pretending to be irritated. “You would think this was her mating day.”

  “Can you even imagine what we’ll be going through then?” Star snickered.

  Sliding the door open and tapping her toe on the deck, Izzy joked, “Ha-Ha-Ha, you two are so funny. I’m never getting mated. It’s the single life for this wolfie. Now, get your butts out of those chairs and in this house or I’m calling Finn and Marrok and a couple of those hot friends of Angus’.” She pretended to have the shivers and added, “The Universe knew what she was doing when she put those boys together.”

  Shaking her head and grabbing Izzy’s arm as she walked by, Olivia pulled her friend into the house while laughing, “Girl, you go into heat around anything with facial hair. How do you expect to stay

  Pouting while trying not to laugh, Izzy mock whined, “I do not.” Then she laughed out loud, “I didn’t say I wasn’t gonna play, just that I wasn’t gonna stay.”

  “Oh, hell,” Star chuckled, following the others into the house and shutting the door. “Do we need to talk about the last vacation we all took in South America and all the werepanthers? I thought we were gonna have to have you inoculated for Cat Scratch Fever and if I remember right weren’t you thinking about bringing one home?”

  “Oh hush, darn you. Can’t a girl have a little fun?”

  The ladies were laughing again as Olivia jumped into the shower and her friends began to lay out everything they would need to get her ready. The rest of the day was filled with fun and stories while the three friends reminisced and got ready for the big event.

  As the grandfather clock in the living room chimed seven ‘o’ clock, Star and Isabella were sliding Olivia’s white silk gown over her head. Looking in the mirror, the she-wolf was instantly misty-eyed. The dress her friends had made was absolutely perfect. From the sleeveless design, to the scoop neck lined with tiny pearls, to the way the tapered bodice that showed off her voluptuous chest, she couldn’t have asked for better. The accent of the deep red silk ribbon tied around her waist brought out the tiny red dragon flames and dark wolf paw prints the girls had embroidered on to the skirt which flared at her rounded hips and flowed freely to the tops of her feet. She would be barefoot for the ceremony, so had painted her toes a bright red and planned to wear her white ballet slippers for the walk to Wolf Hall.

  Her eyes made their way back up to her face, and Olivia was even more amazed. She didn’t ever wear much makeup and her friends had done a wonderful job of making her look fresh and bright with a little eyeliner, mascara, blush and a magnificent mauve lipstick.

  They had done her hair just as she’d envisioned. It was up on top of her head in a loose French chignon that showed off the natural waviness of her hair with random curls around her face, on her shoulders and down her back. She loved that they used her mom’s ruby-jeweled combs and thought of her parents as she also put on the diamond earrings Marrok had had made for her out of a pair of their father’s cufflinks. With her friends by her side, Olivia walked out of her house, down the sidewalk and into the night, knowing that when she returned, she would be mated and with the man she loved.


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