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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

Page 3

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Can we find a place?” I inquire with Gage.

  The gargoyle exhales a frustrated breath. After a few uncomfortable moments in silence he realizes neither Nassa, nor I, will be backing down and gives into our request.

  “I’ll reach out to the Manhattan clan and see if Marcus will host us,” Gage offers.

  “How long will that take?” I ask in desperation.

  Gage shrugs. “Not long to contact Marcus, love.”

  “I meant the training?” I correct.

  “As long as it takes before you’re ready,” Gage answers with a harsh look, ending my hopes of a quick entrance into the depths of Hell to retrieve my mother. Crap.

  “Yes or no, Eve?” Nassa poses.

  After I mull it over, I dip my chin. “I’ll agree to the training delay on one condition.”

  Gage’s brows rise to his hairline. “What’s that?”

  “Tell me why you call Nassa buttercup.” I pin him with a stare.

  Gage’s panty-dropping smile appears. “I’m not a kiss-and-tell kind of gentleman, love.”

  He pulls out a cigarette and his cell phone to call Marcus. My eyes meet Nassa’s in awkward curiosity. She swallows hard while watching Gage’s back retreat into the hallway.

  “I may have been in an altered state of vodka induced consciousness,” she defends.

  I bite my lip, trying not to laugh. “Oh. My. God. You totally slept with him!”

  “It was one time.” She shifts uncomfortably, causing Noir to squawk.

  Her agitation triggers an unstoppable laughing fit to fall out of me.

  Nassa rolls her eyes and walks past me to the doorway. “He has a nice ass.”

  Her admission causes me to laugh harder.


  I fidget in the back seat of the black SUV. It’s night and the tinted windows make it difficult to see outside as we drive to Marcus’s building. The leader of the Manhattan clan of gargoyles lives in the historic Ansonia building on the upper west side.

  Gage pulls into an expansive, well-lit underground garage. Once parked, my nerves sky rocket. The last time I saw Marcus was in London at the summit that Keegan, Asher’s older brother, organized to discuss war preparation with the other realms.

  During the high-level meeting, we learned Marcus’s second in command, and an old friend of the London clan, Morgana, was working with the Declan clan. She assisted Deacon’s mate, Jade, by setting me up in an attempt to turn me over to Lucifer.

  In the end, it was Morgana’s life that was taken that day. Before she turned to stone, the beautiful gargoyle mouthed the identity of the real traitor to me. A name I’m harboring from everyone until Michael confirms its validity. My breath hitches as I think of how this will affect Asher.

  Nassa grabs Noir’s cage and we exit the vehicle before walking through a set of glass doors, which open into a glamorous lobby. After we approach the concierge, Gage provides our names and the pretty girl behind the desk points down a wide marble corridor designed with delicate paneling and mirrored inlays.

  My eyes never leave the black and white tiled floor as we make our way to a set of posh elevators. A few moments later, the elevator dings, alerting us of our arrival on Marcus’s floor. Breathe, Eve.

  We step out into an entryway designed with a mix of modern and classic furniture sitting on what appears to be original herringbone hardwood floors. I take in the eccentricity of the oversized gilded silver mirror facing us from behind a wooden table.

  “Eve. Gage. Nassa. Welcome to my home.” The striking protector smiles kindly at us as we enter his residence. Relief floods me at his affectionate greeting.

  “Hi, Marcus,” I say and fold myself into his safe embrace. “It’s so good to see you.”

  The gargoyle’s tall frame relaxes at my statement. “Daughter of Heaven, you are welcome here anytime.” He kisses the top of my head. “That’s not an invitation out of guilt at what occurred with Morgana. That’s an invitation out of friendship and love for you, Eve.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper into his firm chest. God, he smells so good. Is that BLV? In my peripheral vision, I see Stephan, the second in command to Lord Valentin, Leader of the Vampire World. His presence drags my focus from the yummy scent exuding from Marcus.

  “Why does the witch have a bird cage? I’ve seen the movie. Is she trying to make a statement about us, amant?” Stephan asks Marcus in jest.

  “A word to the wise, blood sucker. I have vervain. You know, on the off chance you get power hungry or the late-night munchies,” Nassa throws back at Stephan.

  “My tastes are more refined.” He snatches Marcus’s hand, placing a seductive kiss on it.

  At the gesture, I step out of the protector’s embrace and smile at the vampire. “It’s nice to see you again, Stephan.” I drop my chin in respect as I’ve been taught.

  “You too, daughter of Heaven. Or shall I say, your highness?” he asks with a Roman inflection before slightly bowing to me.

  I bristle at the title. “Asher and I are not together.”

  The handsome supernatural creature pulls his grey eyes from mine, turning them to Marcus. “Apologies, I was under the impression you’re now mated to the dark prince.”

  “I am. I mean…was…well…it’s complicated,” I stumble.

  Stephan offers a dazzling smile and pushes the wavy, brown, neck length hair out of his eyes. “Isn’t love always? A tale for another time then, doamnă frumoasă.” He turns to the rest of the group. “If everyone would kindly follow me and come make yourselves at home.”

  Marcus leans into my ear conspiratorially. “I told you I thought vampires were delicious.”

  His admission causes a light laugh to release. “That you did.”

  Stephan leads us into a large open living space with high ceilings. Each wall adorns glass windows and doors that open to terraces, showcasing the New York City skyline. There are warm tones of brown and taupe splashed throughout the furniture and woods. It’s masculine, yet welcoming.

  Marcus points to a rounded staircase that divides the living room from the dining room. “There are several bedrooms and bathrooms on the second floor, as well as a training area. Nassa, your friends are not only welcome here, but they’re also safe to train Eve. Feel free to snag any of the guest rooms with open doors,” Marcus says before pointing to the left. “Through that hallway, you will find the kitchen, a bathroom, office and library. There is also a roof garden if you’re in need of fresh air. In addition, the terraces are an appreciated distraction from the confines of being indoors.”

  “Thank you for your hospitality, Marcus,” Gage says. “We appreciate it.”

  “It’s what we do, Gage. Besides, I’m happy to help. Anything that Eve needs, she will have while here under our clan’s protection,” Marcus offers. “You all will.”

  “So, vampire, you’re living with the gargoyle?” Nassa asks Stephan.

  His eyes soften. “When I am in town, I stay with Marcus. Unfortunately, with the upcoming war, I will be otherwise detained throughout much of your stay.”

  Marcus catches Stephan’s hand again and squeezes, as an unspoken discussion seems to happen between the two, setting off a pang of sadness in me. I miss Asher.

  “It would seem Eve and I have a lot of catching up to do, so if you’ll all allow us a few moments of privacy,” Marcus says before he takes my hand and leads me to an open terrace.

  As soon as we walk out onto the expansive veranda, the warm evening air caresses me. Appreciating the ambiance, I take in the twinkling lights of the city before the protector’s critical face comes into view.

  “Last I knew, Asher was claiming you. By the color of your eyes, and the subtle changes in your overall looks, baby girl, I’d say he was successful.” He smiles at me mischievously. “Yet here you are, cavorting with the likes of Gage Gallagher, and a witch, whose father and uncle happen to be demon lords for the dark army,” he condemns.

  I swallow and pause for a moment before ret
urning my gaze to his. “Asher and I…we’re done. My priority at the moment is to save my mother, Marcus. Gage and Nassa are helping me,” I explain.

  Marcus’s eyes narrow at my words. “Asher’s royal decree to the protectors was that Michael and the Angelic army were to be the ones to extract Elizabeth.”

  I slow breath escapes me. “Michael needs to wait for the Angelic Council’s orders. They’ll take ages to rule and assign him the mission. You know this. I can’t sit around and wait for that to happen while she’s being tortured and God only knows what else, Marcus.”

  Deep brown irises hold my gaze. “And you think Michael can sit around and wait?”

  “His hands are tied. Mine are not,” I answer with a firm tone.

  A mixture of concern and understanding cross his face. “What about Asher? You’ve left him.” The quiet words come out as an accusation.

  “Asher has a better chance of existing longer without me.”

  The leader of the Manhattan clan takes both my hands in his. For a fleeting moment, I’m distracted by how light my skin appears next to the darkness of his. “Protectors don’t fall, Eve. Did you even consider that just maybe, Ash will exist longer with you by his side?”

  My stinging eyes lift and lock with his. “He won’t,” I whisper my heartache. “I’ve made sure of it.”

  At his intensely distressing stare, my heart clenches, forcing me to escape his scrutiny. I walk around Marcus and place both hands on the glass railing, trying to catch my breath. A few quiet moments later, I feel Marcus behind me. Gently, he lifts his hand brushing my hair to the side, so he can speak close to my ear.

  “No matter what’s happened, baby girl, I promise you, Asher’s pride will survive a thousand thrashings at your hands. But his soul…his soul cries without you, Eve. Every protector can feel his despair; including you now, so don’t deny it. I’ve seen the way he watches you. Breathes you. Whatever you’ve done, nothing will destroy his love for you or the soul connection you two share.”

  A small whimper falls from my lips. “I’ve destroyed he and I. Forever, Marcus. No matter how I ache for him, what I’ve done can’t be forgiven. It’s over.”

  “Heartache is inevitable when true love is at stake. That’s how you know it’s real and worth fighting for, baby girl,” Marcus says quietly. “There’s nothing that haunts a man more, than knowing he’s one world away from the love of his life.” He releases my hair, planting a solemn kiss on top of my head. “Think about that tonight while you’re watching the stars without him.” He steps back and leaves me in silence.

  3 Unforgiven

  I STILL AND STRAIN TO HEAR IN THE DARKNESS. The scent of sulfur washes over me. I can sense his shadow, hunting me. The purring in my veins intensifies the closer he gets. My ability to sense high-level demons, is a new gift courtesy of my mate bonding with Asher. And this demon is close.

  Asher’s face flashes through my mind and my gut twists. The raw ache of not being with him becomes more intense with each passing day. Don’t think about him, Eve. Focus.

  As the demon approaches, my fingers twitch instinctively, wanting to remove my daggers from their sheaths. I wait. The air shifts, becoming bitter and stale around me. Without moving, I slide my eyes to the right as a cloud of smoke slithers its way over my shoulder. No matter how hard I try to control it, my heart slams against my chest.

  I allow the creature’s wisp of vapor to move in front of my throat before my eyes snap forward focused on the shadow hugging the wall. Instantly, I transport myself into the dark silhouette, away from the evil being.

  With newfound agility, I turn to face the creature and release my daggers from their leather casing, crossing them in the process. At the sound of scraping metal the demon snarls. In response, I take on a warrior’s stance and my grip tightens in preparation of a fight.

  The being stands taller. “You’re mine, daughter of Heaven.”

  I smile at the hollow threat. “You want me? Come and get me, hellion.”

  The demon lunges at me as I twist away with incredible speed, another gift of my bonding. Now facing the opposite way, I connect my foot with its back and a sudden stream of light flows through me and into the creature. Oh shit. That’s new.

  The beast howls in pain as the luminous burst burns his skin. What the hell? I stare in shock at the singed spot while it smokes. Taking advantage of my moment of distraction, the creature slams his clawed hand into my stomach, sending me staggering backwards as I work to regain my breath. Fuck that hurt.

  I look down and try not to think of the blood that’s seeping out of the open wounds, onto my shirt. Don’t panic. I know it’ll heal shortly. Ignoring the ache, I growl at the demon.

  “Do you know what I’m going to do to you for this?” I seethe with a fake smirk.

  “Why don’t you stop yapping and show me, Batya,” he taunts while advancing on me.

  There is no time to think of a smart response. Instead, the demon throws a ball of fire at my head, forcing me to duck and roll on the floor before pushing myself up. I stand behind the demon with his back to me and notice how heavy I’m breathing. I have to end this before I run out of energy. It’s already taking too long.

  With lightning speed, I rush for the creature like I’m going for his throat. He turns, sensing my strategy and I change course. Bending low, I allow my dagger to find its way into his leg. I hit the floor with a hard thud and grunt in pain. Quickly turning onto my back, I watch as black tar seeps out of the cut my knife inflicted. I smile in triumph.

  “Enough.” Marcus’s stern voice floats over us and the lights flicker on.

  I drop my head back to the ground and release a harsh breath, grateful that the protector stopped this when he did. When I rise on my elbows, I meet the shocked expression of Ethan. His gaze falls to his designer jeans, his face a mixture of pride and annoyance.

  “These were my favorite,” he whines. “You totally owe me two hundred bucks.”

  Ethan is an upper-level cambion and Nassa’s friend. Instead of being born from the union between a fallen angel and human, Ethan is the product of a human and demon. He can shift into his demon form at will, which has been helpful during my training sessions.

  “You actually hit me this time, daughter of Heaven,” Ethan says as the side of his lips lift.

  “I did. I’m getting faster,” I say, pointing to the spot my dagger is embedded in his leg.

  “No. You’re becoming more strategic,” Marcus offers as he extends a hand to me and assists me off the ground. “You still need to work on speed and endurance, Eve.”

  The leader of the Manhattan clan pins me with his chocolate irises. “What was the spark of light she shot into Ethan, Gage?”

  “I’m not sure. My guess, it’s something from the ascension since it’s not a power that Asher possesses, therefore nothing he gifted her during the bonding,” Gage answers, approaching from behind Marcus.

  “Well, whatever the fuck it was, it smarts,” Ethan says, releasing a light laugh before yanking my weapon out of his leg, wiping it on his jeans, and handing it back to me. Gross.

  I wince. “Thanks,” I mutter, taking my barely clean dagger.

  Ethan’s stormy grey eyes meet mine. “Had I been a mid-level, I would be a goner. These past few weeks have been beneficial to your strength and reaction time.”

  I sigh my disappointment. “Not an ancient though?”

  “It’s only been a short time, baby girl,” Marcus reassures and kisses me on the temple.

  “Time that I don’t have,” I remind the group as my mind drifts to my mother.

  “Why don’t you both get cleaned up? Be sure to have Nassa give you the medicinal balm to speed up your healing. Ethan, if you don’t mind, come see me before you head out.”

  “Will do, man,” Ethan responds. “You’re doing well, Eve. Don’t be discouraged. It takes years of battling demons to learn what you’re picking up in a small amount of time.”

  “Thanks.” I
feign a smile before he leaves to find Nassa.

  “You alright, love?” Gage questions from a chair near the now lit fireplace. Huh. Guess that’s where the ball of fire landed.

  “I’ll live to see another day.” My voice is neutral.

  “I wasn’t talking about the wounds you can see. I was referring to the one you can’t.”

  “My focus is on training and saving my mother. The rest is unimportant.” I lie and plop in a chair next to his. Crap. I need to find Nassa. These cuts really sting.

  Gage studies me for a bit. “You’re taking on more of his supernatural abilities every day.”

  I twist and face him. “It’s sort of weird. Right?”

  He shrugs. “Camilla and I didn’t have the chance to see how our bond would change her.”

  “I’m sorry,” I reply with sincerity.

  “Don’t be, love.”

  I hold his gaze. “Late at night, when it’s quiet, I swear I feel Asher,” I admit on a murmur.

  Gage smiles sadly at me. “It’s part of the bond. It should wear off soon enough, love.”

  I ignore the painful lump in my throat. “I’m afraid I’ll feel cold and empty without it.”

  “You will.”


  An angry clap of thunder crashes overhead. The gale force winds swirl like a tempest in the hot summer afternoon. The combination both draws me in and warns me away. Ominous clouds churn and dance over one another, blanketing the sky and the flower-filled meadow in darkness, as danger lurks closer.

  I watch the plant life fold into itself protectively, like a cowering child. My light brown hair twists and whips with the forcefulness of the wind. I struggle to stand in the storm. Squinting, I scan the open field, searching out the threat I sense is near. I see nothing though.

  “Does he still love you, daughter of Heaven?” a measured female voice asks on the current of air. “So young and beautiful.”

  I whip around in a circular motion to see where the voice is coming from.

  “I smell your aching soul. You yearn for him. And he you.” The magnetic voice trails off.


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