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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

Page 15

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  Tugging gently on my wrist, Asher guides me into his warm arms. With my ear pressed against his heart, I droop in his embrace. “I can help you,” he insists, kissing my head.

  I pull away and step out of his embrace. “I’m good. Just tired, and I promised Callan I would help with dinner tonight.” Another lie. “Did Nassa leave already?”

  Asher drags his hands through his hair, shooting me a fierce and protective look. “Yeah. She’s informing Lunette and the Royal Court about the priestesses. If they don’t already know.”

  I hug myself. “They were seers, Ash. Wouldn’t they be able to see the attack coming?”

  Asher exhales roughly. “Possibly. I don’t know what happened for sure yet, siren.”

  Leaning up on my toes, I place a soft kiss on his cheek before heading to find the one gargoyle I know can help me keep my secret. “See you at dinner, pretty boy.”

  Asher nods once. I can tell he’s fighting an internal battle to let me walk away. After searching the entire house, I walk into the kitchen and come to a complete stop, basking at the comfortable sight.

  Callan is standing over the stove, wearing an apron embellished with a photo of a mushroom on it. I’m A Fun Guy is written across the image. Loveable, dorky gargoyle.

  The adorable protector turns and smiles at me noticing his apron. “It’s cool, right, Eves?” He winks. “Get it. I’m a fun guy. Only mushrooms are fungi. It’s a play on words, cutie.”

  My gaze meets his. “I get it. Cool? No. But your admirers will love it,” I tease.

  Callan’s eyes twinkle with amusement. “They will, won’t they?”

  I roll my eyes. “All four of them.”

  “Hey, I have way more fans than that, cutie,” he banters and turns back to the stove.

  “Whatever you say, gargoyle.” I snort and take a seat next to Abby at the kitchen island.

  I watch in silence as she dices jalapeño peppers. Callan’s loud shout startles us both.

  “What the hell is he doing?” I ask her in a hushed voice.

  We both turn to witness Callan, with great dramatics, throw seasoning into a large pot. Each time the spice hits whatever is inside the container, he screams BAM like a nut job.

  “Making chili.” She giggles and slides her gaze to me.

  “Chili?” I don’t hide the surprise in my voice.

  “The other day, when you manifested guacamole, you mentioned being sick of sweets. Plus, he’s entering a chili cook-off competition. The BAM is because he thinks he’s Emeril Lagasse. Just ignore it. He likes to role play when he’s cooking.” She shrugs. “It’s cute.”

  “Cooking isn’t the only time I like to role play,” Callan purrs in a suggestive tone while wiggling his eyebrows. He strolls over to where we are seated, coming up behind Abby and attacking her neck, snacking on it with loud kisses before taking a seat and slicing limes.

  “Watching you two must be what it’s like for a child to watch their parents smack lips.”

  “Baby, we’re grossing Eve out again,” Abby sings with a less than apologetic look.

  A mischievous expression crosses Callan’s soft features. “Cutie, don’t tell me you and your mate haven’t discovered the fine art of role playing.” Here we go, once again.

  My mouth drops open. “I didn’t realize role playing was a fine art. And does no one in this clan respect boundaries? You do realize my mate happens to be your brother.”

  Abby shoots me an amused glance before clocking her mate in the back of the head.

  “Callan Thomas, stop it right now,” she warns. “You’re making Eve uncomfortable.”

  “Again,” I grumble, playing mindlessly with a leafy bunch of cilantro.

  Callan chuckles while rubbing his head. “Will you spank me, Abs, if I don’t stop?”

  Abby’s peach lips incline in a smirk. “Maybe.” Dear God, please make it stop.

  Callan puts down his knife and turns his expression serious as he faces us. “Eves, it’s important for Abby and I that sex education happen in the home. Basics might have been covered in your health class, but you need all the proper information to make smart and informed decisions about your body.”

  “Please, just stop,” I whisper in mortification.

  “For instance, if you didn’t like Ash’s piercing during the act of sexual pleasure, rather than aggressively stabbing him in the heart with a dagger, perhaps next time you could just communicate how upsetting it is for you to have his silver balls play with you,” he continues, amused with himself. “Also, in the future, running away with a chain smoker is a bad idea.”

  I don’t even want to share with you what I’m thinking. “Oh. My. God…Callan—”

  “Awkward as it may be, cutie, sex education is our responsibility,” he says, motioning between himself and Abby.

  I press the cilantro between my fingers, releasing the scent of orange to avoid hitting him.

  Abby nods her head in agreement. “It’s true.”

  “As your guardians, it’s our job to guide you, setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy sexuality,” he says mechanically. What the fuck is he rambling about?

  I exhale and throw an irritated look his way. “Did you read that somewhere?”

  Abby giggles. “He did. It’s in a book called How To Talk to Your Teen About Sex.”

  “Do I even want to know why you’re reading up on how to discuss sex with teens?”

  “You were a teen virgin. Someone had to be prepared to have the talk with you.” I just stare him. Mouth agape. Cheeks hot pink. “In case you had questions,” Callan continues.

  I face plant on the counter. “Jesus. Christ,” I mumble into my arms.

  “You are using protection, right?” Callan snorts. Oh. My. God.

  “No, baby, she’s on the pill. According to Elizabeth, since she was sixteen,” Abby whispers like it’s a secret. “Also, Asher and she are both clean. I checked their medical records.”

  I moan into my elbow. “Why do you know so much about my medical history?”

  “It was in your file when we became your protectors,” she says offhanded.

  “Just remember, Eves, open communication is key,” Callan adds.

  “Okay. Good talk, thanks.” I bolt to my feet, met by their mutually amused laughter.

  “Sex education is an ongoing conversation in this household, cutie,” Callan states.

  “Good to know. Hey, do either of you know where Keegan is?” I ask, changing topics.

  Both gargoyles freeze and look at me like I’ve grown six heads.

  “Keegan?” Abby repeats.

  “Keegan,” I confirm.

  Callan knits his brows. “Why are you looking for Keegan, cutie? Gonna tattle on us?”

  I try to come up with a plausible excuse. “No. Though I should. You two are insane and should have your heads examined. Anyway, Asher asked me to give Keegan something.”

  Abby’s face scrunches like she just sucked on a lemon. “Why on earth would Asher do that?” she squeaks. At my hurt appearance, her face goes apologetic. “Sorry, it’s just, given your relationship, I’m surprised Asher would ask you to do anything involving Keegan.”

  I let out a breath. “I get it, Abby. I was just wondering if you’d seen him is all.”

  Callan stands, planting a quick kiss on Abby’s temple before returning to the stove to stir the chili. “Try the study, Eves. It’s still early in the States. He’s probably on a conference call, checking in with Tadhg and Leo about Katana,” he states over his shoulder.

  “Thanks,” I return, ignoring Abby’s worried expression.

  Hurriedly, I turn and head to the study before Mom and Dad explain in great detail how gargoyle babies are made. Once I reach the slightly ajar wooden door, I knock quietly.

  “Enter,” Keegan barks, sounding distracted.

  At the unwelcoming invitation, I push into the room and freeze when I see the annoyed look he’s giving me from behind a mahogany desk. The intimidating gargo
yle is surrounded by mounds of club paperwork. He sits up straighter and lifts his chin at my presence.

  “Eve,” he says briskly. “Asher isn’t here at the moment.”

  “I’m here to see you, actually,” I respond, closing the door behind me.

  Keegan’s brows pull together as he stares at the shut door. “Me?” His voice is confused.

  “Is this room still sound proof?” I question, wringing my hands in a nervous manner.

  A deep scowl forms on his handsome face. “Yes. What’s going on, Eve?”

  I take a seat in the chair across from Asher’s not-so-charming brother. “I need your help.”

  “You’re asking for my assistance?” he questions with disbelief lining his tone.

  “You’re the only one I can come to at the moment.” I exhale.

  “I don’t understand. I’m sure that whatever disagreement you and Asher have had, you two can work it out on your own. I’d rather you not bring me into it,” he says dismissively.

  My eyes never stray from his face as I lift the piece of paper I took from Gage and gently place it on top of the piles of business-related paperwork consuming his day.

  Keegan releases a heavy sigh, taking the notepaper, unfolding, and reading it. He looks at me from beneath drawn brows. “What the hell is this?” he bites out as intimidating as he can.

  I swallow and release a slow breath. “The name of our traitor.”

  Dark eyes pin me in place. “The name of our…” He pauses, relooking at the stationary. “I’m not sure what kind of game you’re playing, but I’m not amused, Eve,” he says roughly.

  I squeeze my eyes shut and then open them, catching his angry glare. “Morgana said the name to me before she died. Knowing the kind of destruction this would cause Asher, and this family, I asked Michael to confirm if there is any truth behind her accusation.”

  Keegan watches me, unblinking, his face dead. “And did he?”

  “My mother’s captivity shifted his focus. He’s recently assured me he’s looking into it.”

  His hard gaze softens the slightest bit. “Why come to me with this now, Eve? Why not just wait until Michael confirms or denies this to be truth? For all we know, Morgana was lying.”

  I wipe a sweaty hand over my forehead, brushing some long hair off my face. “Gage got a hold of the note and is threatening to take what’s on it to Asher as a form of retaliation and proof of what happened to Camilla. I came to you because I need your help to continue to protect Asher, and the clan, from this information until Michael can get back to me.”

  There is a long, awkward silence that lingers between us as Keegan absorbs everything I’ve said. A frown forms on his mouth as he allows the consequences of the truth to sink in. When it finally does, he rubs his hands over his face in a frustrated manner then stands and walks to the window. My heart rate spikes at the act because it reminds me of Asher’s mannerisms.

  The heavy rain pelting against the glass pane is the only sound filling the study. Keegan’s expression turns to one of inner turmoil. He brings his left arm up and leans it above his head on the glass. A few moments later, his forehead falls heavily on his forearm.

  “That name is blood, Eve,” he strains. “My family.”

  I swallow the guilt I’m harboring and force my watery eyes to stop stinging at the sight of the broken gargoyle. After a long, drawn out silence, I finally muster the courage to speak.

  “I know. I’m sorry. It’s why I can’t tell Asher until I know for sure,” I whisper.

  “Why you?” he asks, more to himself than me. “What would she gain from telling you?”

  I inhale. “I think Morgana knew my knowledge of this would prevent any future I would have with Asher and this clan.” Fucking Morgana. Even dead, she’s making my life hell.

  Keegan’s shoulders fall in defeat. “How very strategic of her,” he replies in a cool tone.

  A deadening coldness seeps into me. I can only imagine how difficult this is for Keegan to come to terms with. My mind drifts to Asher. How the hell will I be able to look at his crushed face, the way I’m looking at Keegan’s, knowing I caused the pain?

  Several long moments pass before he drags his attention back to me. Taking a step closer, he studies my face. The color in his has drained, leaving him unnaturally pale.

  “I’m so sorry, Keegan,” I whisper in a pained tone. “I can’t imagine what you’re feeling.”

  “In order to protect Asher, and the rest of this family, you need to tell me everything,” he demands without emotion and a blank expression.

  My chest squeezes at the lack of feeling in his voice. I nod, and begin to ramble, starting with Gage’s theory about Camilla and ending with my recent astral projection visit to Paris.

  When I’m done, Keegan looks like he’s about to be sick before schooling his features.

  “Thank you for coming to me with this,” he barely chokes out.

  “What are you going to do?” I ask on a quiet murmur.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. If this is true, I’m forced to decide whom to protect. As uncomfortable as this is for both of us, I suggest we continue to keep this quiet, for now. Let’s keep the clan focused on war preparations.” He pauses and inhales before continuing. “I’ll look into things on my end through my connections.”

  “What about Gage?” I ask worriedly.

  Keegan’s eyes harden and his stance is rigid. “He won’t be an issue, you have my word.”


  “I’ll reach out to Michael to see where his investigation is at this point,” Keegan says. “Hopefully, the archangel will disprove the allegation and then this goes no further.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” I push with caution.

  “If he doesn’t, Eve, the war outside won’t be the only one this family will be battling.”

  Taking in a steady breath, I stand to leave. I’m suddenly overcome with the overwhelming need to comfort Keegan. Without thought, I dive at him and pull him into an awkward hug. Keegan’s spine goes straight, but after a few seconds, his arms uncomfortably encircle me.

  “Thank you for your help,” I murmur and release him.

  His expression goes serious. “You must really love Ash, to come to me like this.”

  “A wise gargoyle once told me that sometimes, it takes only one person to believe in us. Support us. Stand by us. No matter what, to set us on our chosen path and fulfill what we were born to do,” I repeat Keegan’s words back to him. “I won’t let him fall. I love him.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Eve, because by the grace, if this is true, he’s going to need you more than ever. We all are.” He exhales roughly. “In the same vein, are you prepared for the fall out when they discover you’ve known about this the entire time?” Keegan questions.

  “Are you?”

  “Either way, I lose someone that I love very much.”

  “You’re the one who told me this wasn’t a fairytale, Keegan. It’s real life. I’m beginning to comprehend that everything worth having comes with a sacrifice, even love,” I say firmly.

  Keegan cracks a small smile. “You’re starting to sound just like Asher.”

  “Must be the bond,” I quip and move toward the door.

  “Eve, before you go, I need to say something. If you ever stab my brother in the heart again, I will rip yours out with my bare hands. Mated or not,” he threatens.

  I catch his eyes with my own. “Understood.”


  I face Keegan one more time.

  “Coming to me with this information shows great loyalty to this clan. I’m honored to have you be part of, and protect, my family.” He dips his head in respect. “Zhen pri, tu-tim.”

  My lips tremble and part but nothing comes out. To have earned Keegan’s reverence and a place in his family has rendered me speechless. After a few moments of rapid blinking to keep my tears at bay, I find my voice.

  “Family first,” I repeat his Garish words befo
re retreating.

  14 Beauty in Darkness

  I STAND LIKE A STATUE IN THE DARK ROOM. Studying the supernatural being sitting in a corner chair. His silhouette is black, obscured in the shadows. A soft sigh parts from my lips at the sight of him and I feel myself slipping deeper into all that is Asher St. Michael.

  The bond tethering us creates awareness in him, of my presence. Asher doesn’t move. Instead, he gives me a dark look, full of shadows and deep daunting thoughts. Each one marks him, taking him to that place that makes him dangerous in a way I’m drawn to.

  I make my way to him, taking my time. The intensity billows between us. Wordlessly, I climb onto his lap, positioning my legs around the outside of his thighs as I settle into his body. With care, Asher brushes some of the stray pieces of hair off my face. Holding my cheeks in his palms, his thumbs brush across my cheekbones.

  With each touch, I become more and more his.

  “I know you’re hiding something from me, siren,” he whispers the statement.

  I don’t answer. It’s true. He knows it. I know it. What he doesn’t know are the lengths I’ll go in order to take care of him, protect him.

  “I love you,” I say quietly. “You’ve shown me there is beauty in darkness.”

  He tilts his head to the side, watching me. For a tense moment, we just stare at each other without speaking. My body begins to hum with excitement and heat. The feverish flames within me begin to climb my skin.

  All of the sudden, I’m overcome with this powerful need to have his hands in my hair, his marks on my skin, and the taste of him in my mouth. The need becomes overwhelming.

  Asher wraps a hand around my knee, pulling it over his hip, repositioning me closer. My other knee slides to the other side of his hip of its own violation. As I sink back to his body, I realize the only thing preventing him from sliding into me is our clothes. At the thought, my eyes flutter closed, and I arch into his chest.

  Warm fingers caress the pulsing mate mark on my lower back while Asher leans into my neck. “Finish the bond with me, siren,” he murmurs the plea. “Truly be mine, forever.”

  My hands find their way into his soft hair, pulling him closer to my pulse. Gently, he nips the spot on my neck, causing me to release a deep, throaty moan. At the sound, Asher pushes on my lower back, rocking me on his lap. My lips part at the contact. Holy hell.


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