Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4) Page 19

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  The little old man, with pale-green wrinkled skin, wobbles over to us. His long ears stick straight out from each side of his head, which is covered by grey straggly hair. Every time the annoying little shit speaks, I can’t help but focus on his few yellow teeth.

  Godry raises a challenging eyebrow at Asher and waits expectantly. Sighing in annoyance Asher stands and pulls out a nickel. With a flick of his fingers, the coin floats into the air before being caught by the greedy creature.

  “I’d say thanks but it seems you’re getting cheap on me, lover boy. Got a girl now, so you got no money?” he taunts.

  A laugh falls out of me, from nowhere. At the sound, Asher turns and arches an eyebrow.

  “You think he’s funny, siren?” Asher asks in surprise.

  “No,” I respond, hiding a smile. “He’s an icky, little, annoying ass.”

  “Your girl is a bad-mannered and unkind human,” Godry shouts in his small voice.

  I ignore the outburst. “It’s just the nickel is so large and he’s so tiny.” I giggle again.

  Asher flashes me a sexy smile before returning his attention to the small being.

  “You know what the ladies say, Godry. Small feet, small-” The goblin cuts him off.

  “I guess you would know, dark prince. Rumor has it your pierced feet run small too,” Godry singsongs.

  I jump in front of Asher when he takes a threatening step toward the nasty being. “I can’t speak for you, but I can assure you, Asher has anything but small feet.”

  The goblin stares at me, hatefully. “Got your girl fighting your battles for you now?”

  “Fuck you,” Asher spits out.

  “To what do we owe this pleasant visit today, Godry?” I attempt niceness.

  “I’m here on behalf of Yester Castle and the Queen of the Quaboag Tribe,” he responds.

  “Why?” Asher grits out through his clenched teeth.

  “Asmodeus commands your presence at Demon Falls,” the being states.

  “He went through proper channels?” Asher asks in disbelief.

  “Aye. You’re to be there two days from now,” the goblin continues.

  “For what purpose are we being summoned?” Asher demands.

  Godry rolls his eyes. “Who the hell knows why the demon lord wants to see you. Hopefully, to kill the pain in the ass you call your girl. If he does, I would consider it a favor.”

  It’s my turn to take a step at the goblin. In response, Asher’s arms wrap around my waist.

  “Your message has been delivered. Leave, while you still can,” Asher commands.

  “You’re both welcome. It’s always such a pleasure,” Godry says sarcastically with a nasty look before glowing green and vanishing.

  I twist in Asher’s arms. “Why would Asmodeus want to see us?”

  “I’m not sure, siren, but I think I know who would.”

  17 Demon Falls

  THE SOUND OF SKIN STRIKING SKIN stops Asher and me in our tracks. My mouth falls open at the sight of Nassa’s right hand meeting Gage’s left cheek with a loud thwack. I wince at the sound, knowing there’s going to be a bright red handprint when Gage moves away. Damn, the witch can deliver a slap. Ouch.

  The bad-boy gargoyle doesn’t even flinch at the contact. He just remains standing between her parted, kicking legs, pinning her to the dark wood-grained surface of the desk as they both pant out in angry, heavy breaths.

  A cascade of desk accessories and paperwork is strewn haphazardly across the hardwood floor. My eyes run the length of the room, taking in the destruction and overall tousled state of Asher’s study. Broken frames, books, and knocked over lamps. It looks like a war zone.

  A slow smile curls on Asher’s lips. “Are we interrupting?”

  “No.” Nassa growls at the same time Gage grunts out, “Yes.”

  “We can come back,” Asher offers, throwing his thumb over his shoulder toward the door.

  Nassa pushes on Gage’s chest and wiggles out from underneath the sexy protector.

  “Get off me, Gallagher,” she rasps.

  Wearing a cocky smile, Gage stands, extending his hand to her. The sorceress takes it as he chivalrously assists her off the desk before running a hand through his disheveled hair. After a moment, Gage takes in the room and exhales loudly.

  “You really will do anything to get me to take my clothes off, won’t you, buttercup?”


  “Christ, stop fucking slapping me,” Gage bites out, rubbing his cheek.

  Nassa’s eyes narrow at him in a dangerous manner. So much so that Asher lurches forward a bit in the event he needs to intercede. “I warned you, Gallagher, that if you called me that one more time, I would smack the shit out of you. As you can see, I keep my word.”

  “You say the sweetest things to me, buttercup,” Gage retorts.

  “What the fuck happened to my study?” Asher asks, looking around at the mess.

  “It’s just buttercup’s way of saying she’s smitten with me,” Gage says seductively.

  “You’re an idiot, Gallagher,” Nassa snaps, smoothing out her appearance.

  There’s an awkward silence for a moment before the sorceress begins to chant in Latin. At her words, the room magically begins to put itself back together again.

  “Sorry,” she mumbles once the mess is semi-righted.

  “If the two of you are done, we have some business to attend to.” Asher sighs.

  “What kind of business?” Gage asks, pulling out a cigarette pack from his pocket.

  “Asmodeus has queried an audience with us. Any ideas on why he would do that?” my mate asks in an aggravated tone.

  Gage brings the unlit stick to his mouth, hiding behind it. His eyes slide to Nassa’s and she shrugs. “I have no idea,” he says coolly.

  “Thought perhaps you would have some theories since you and the demon are close,” Asher challenges.

  “Not a clue,” Gage shoots back around the unlit cigarette, now dangling from his lips.

  Asher nods and studies Gage in the same way he does me when he thinks I’m being unforthcoming. Everything is a game of strategy to the protector. I watch him in fascination. I can actually see the moment cross his expression when he decides his next move.

  “Nassa, since he’s your uncle, I’d like for you to join us,” Asher requests.

  “Sure,” she agrees without thought or care.

  “I’ll be in attendance as well,” Gage adds, looking displeased.

  “What?” Nassa hisses through clenched teeth.

  Gage nods his chin at her. “Listen, buttercup, me agreeing to go on this recon mission doesn’t mean that things are serious with us. I need to know that you respect me. That you see more than just a pretty face and sexy body before we take that next step,” Gage says so sincerely, I almost believe him.

  “Fuck you, Gallagher,” Nassa bites out and storms away.

  Gage flashes a wicked smile. “I’ve got her right where I want her.”

  “Yeah, I’d say you’re definitely winning.” Asher chuckles.

  “The witch will come around. The ladies always do. Isn’t that right, love?” Gage winks.

  “Actually, I’m immune to your self-imposed allure,” I retort.

  “Do you ever get tired of hitting on anything with a skirt?” Asher asks.

  “If you had my looks and charisma, dark prince, I think you’d agree with my moral obligation to share them with the world,” Gage replies.

  I roll my eyes and storm out of the study annoyed with his ego.

  “It would appear that you’ve lost your charm, lady killer,” Asher teases.


  I stare at the full-length, ornate mirror as if it’s a foreign object waiting to attack me. Weird. That’s what this is. Just fucking weird. Every time I turn around, there’s some new, outrageous step I have to take, each one forcing me further into this crazy ass world.

  “I’m not going lie, Ash. This is a little too Narnia for me,” I huff.<
br />
  “It’s a simple portal, siren,” Asher says, slipping on his motorcycle boots.

  “You do realize walking through a mirror will mind screw with me, forever?” I question.

  Asher releases a light chuckle. “It takes too long to fly. We can’t all teleport and Nassa is not a strong enough sorceress to use candle magic to transport us. The mirrored portal is the best way to get to and back from Demon Falls,” he explains.

  My gaze meets Asher’s in the mirror. He watches me for a moment before his easy smile vanishes. The darkness filling his eyes becomes overwhelming, and captivating, as he holds my gaze. I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to.

  Slowly, he stands and steps to me, brushing my hair to one side of my shoulder before placing a kiss to his remaining bite mark on my neck.

  “Why can’t we just meet the demon lord at the Midnight Temple?” My tone is direct.

  “His invite. His location choice,” he answers with a grimace, lightly tinged with humor.

  I release a long, anxiety-filled breath trying to control my illogical reaction to the mirror.

  “You aren’t afraid, are you, siren?” His voice is low and soothing.

  I lie and shake my head, pushing away the dread spreading over me like a wildfire.

  Asher drops his chin to my shoulder and holds my eyes. “I will protect you, always.”

  I force a small smile before Gage’s voice drifts in from the doorway.

  “With our history, love, you might want to put on something waterproof,” Gage muses.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Asher asks with narrowed eyes.

  An evil smirk crosses Gage’s lips. “Apparently, your mate likes getting wet with me.”

  At the statement, Asher spins on his heels and steps menacingly at Gage.

  I quickly snatch his arm. “Let it go. He’s just pushing your buttons.”

  Nassa walks in and immediately Gage’s focus transfers to her.

  “Now that buttercup is here, shall we?” Gage motions toward the creepy portal.

  Nassa growls in a low, sexy tone. “Stop calling me buttercup, Gallagher.”

  Gage’s lips lift slowly. “I thought we were at the nickname stage of our relationship. No?”

  Ignoring Gage, the sorceress releases commands in Latin. At her words, the mirror begins to ripple like water. “We’ve got five minutes before the portal closes.” She walks through like it’s an everyday occurrence. Awesome. Gage is at her heels, leaving Asher and I.

  Asher’s hand slides into mine, his lips at my ear. “I’ve got you, siren.”

  I nod once and let him lead me through the portal to Demon Falls. My vision begins to swirl and distort. My body and mind twist in the darkness. Beyond the mirror, we travel rapidly though the spatial distortion of the gateway. Asher’s hands grip mine the entire time.

  Once on the other side, he holds me up, allowing me to compose myself and get my bearings. On instinct, my hands wrap around the leather on his wrists. Cradling my jaw, he runs his thumbs along my cheeks. Asher studies me with such intensity my eyes water.

  “All okay, siren?” he whispers.

  “Yeah,” I squeak out, dropping my hands.

  “Most beings puke their first time,” Nassa grates. “You didn’t. Good job.”

  I throw her a confused look. “Thanks. I think.”

  The gloominess here is unyielding. Electrified by bursts of thunder. My eyes gaze upon the dark, decrepit chateau in the distance. Its unkempt gates hang off the stonewall supports, squeaking in the harsh wind. Everything is grey and ominous, the castle, the sky, even the dead grass. Thunder rumbles in the sky in warning.

  Oddly, there is one pop of color. Blood red flowers sit atop vines covered in thorns. They wrap around the top of the gated entrance, hanging like a portentous welcome to a place that forebodes pure evil.

  “Your uncle has a nice place here, buttercup,” Gage quips.

  The sorceress snorts. “It’s not like I summered here when I was a kid, Gallagher.”

  We start the long walk to the entrance doors. Raindrops begin to fall, relentlessly. The sound causes a continual hum, which should be comforting. Instead, each drop becomes louder and louder, almost like a countdown.

  Soaked, I slide my gaze to Gage. “I’m starting to think you do this on purpose.”

  “Seeing you wet and bothered is half the fun, love,” his smooth voice says.

  “Shut up, Gage,” Asher snips.

  “When you said Demon Falls, I was expecting waterfalls or something jungle-like. Not a dark, gloomy castle in the middle of nowhere,” I mention as we reach the doors.

  “This is where demons come to fall. Literally. They enter hell here, love,” Gage explains.

  “Demon Falls Castle is known as the gateway to the Nine Hells,” Nassa adds.

  “I guess it’s official. I’ve literally been to Hell and back.” I exhale.

  The doors open without being prompted by a knock and we enter. Once we’re, they slam shut, causing me to jump as they confine us in the lifeless castle. A deep chill runs through the air and seeps into my wet clothing and skin. All of us shake off the excess water and my teeth begin to chatter, more from nerves than the cold.

  “Are you okay?” Asher’s voice is low.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m scared shitless, Asher,” I whisper shout.

  Asher steps to me and drops his chin, looking me in the eyes. “Don’t freak out, siren. This is a simple meeting. I’m here. Nothing is going to happen to you, yeah?”

  “A simple meeting my ass. With the King of the Nine Hells, no less,” I ramble with raw nerves. “And don’t tell me not to freak out Asher, after you brought me into the depths of Hell through a mirror,” I continue my irrational rant. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Technically, you’re only at the gates, love,” Gage corrects. “Not in the depths of.”

  “Suck it, gargoyle,” I shoot back in annoyance.

  “Pretty sure we already did that once,” he retorts with a challenging brow lift.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Asher steps toward Gage and Nassa steps in.

  “Eve, your pure soul is just reacting to being this close to hell. It’s why you’re human freaking out,” the sorceress explains. “Gallagher, come with me and stop being an asshole.”

  Wordlessly, he allows the petite sorceress through the entryway. My eyes track their movements across the room before Asher and I follow.

  “Care to explain what Gage was talking about, siren?” Asher’s voice is tight.

  “In the Land of the Leprechauns I was hit with a purgio. It was the only way to get the poison out,” I offer in a curt tone.

  “I see,” Asher says with a ticking jaw.

  “Leprechauns are evil,” I add.

  “Most shit in my world is,” he replies in a clipped tone.

  My head begins to spin. I cover my temples with my fingers and push the hard beat of my pulse back hoping to ease my oncoming migraine. Unable to find my voice again to respond, I continue following Gage and Nassa.

  Chilly air breezes through the passageway, causing me to shiver. Old fashion wooden lanterns hang beside doors throughout the hallway, their flames weak and dim. The castle is dark and empty. Void of existence. There are no windows. My eyes strain for the slightest speck of light, but other than the muted lanterns, there is none.

  I’m suddenly aware of how my sense of sound and smell has heightened to compensate for the lack of light. The castle walls weep with eerie cries and pleas. The distinct scent of sulfur and metallic blood soaks into every part of me, causing bile to rise up my throat.

  We reach a set of doors and Nassa turns offering a small, awkward smile before pushing them open. A gush of heat escapes the room, rushing at us. The heat is a welcome reprieve from the cold rain and chilly passageways. It’s so hot that within seconds, we’re dry.

  Entering the large empty room, I notice nine lit fireplaces. A large, red, Oriental rug covers the
entire floor. A black leather medieval chair, with intricate wooden carvings of demons, sits in the center of the room. It’s the only piece of furniture in the vast space.

  I try not to flinch when I see nine Barghests sleeping soundly, one in front of each blazing fireplace. Two more hellhounds flank the chair, one on each side, sitting calmly and watching our every move as they protect the demon king himself.

  Asmodeus’s muscular body sits straight, embodying royal posture. His boots are firmly planted on the floor, lengthening his black leather-covered legs. He’s wearing a white button down shirt, top buttons open and sleeves rolled, revealing his tattoos.

  Black irises watch us wearily. They study in a calculated and penetrating manner before the demon speaks. “Welcome to Demon Falls,” he utters in a low, hypnotic voice.

  “My lord.” Nassa dips her chin in respect.

  “Niece, you’re lovely, as always,” he purrs in an inappropriate and suggestive tone.

  “Asmodeus,” Gage bites out. “A little warm in here, don’t you think?”

  The demon lord smirks wickedly before turning his hungry gaze to me. Slowly, his eyes roam over my body, devouring me. “Eve, you’re looking…edible.”

  “Creepy uncle,” I reply, irritated by his smugness.

  Asher steps in front of me, slightly. “You summoned?” His tone is harsh.

  “In my home, its insolence to not take a knee, dark prince,” Asmodeus responds.

  “My allegiances being what they are, I’m sure you’ll excuse my refusal,” Asher retorts.

  In response, the hellhounds growl, including the sleeping ones. The demon strokes the two next to him in a soothing manner, quieting them down. When my eyes follow his movements. His lips snarl. “They guard the gates.” He motions to the fireplaces.

  “Those are the gates?” I question dumbly. I guess I expected actual gates.

  “The very ones,” Asmodeus’s lips turn sadistic.

  “Why are we here, Asmodeus?” Asher asks icily.

  The demon king sits back in his chair and tents his fingers under his chin. “You have something I need, and in return, I have something you want.”

  Gage snorts. “You have nothing we want, demon.”

  The demon lord’s eyes narrow at Gage. “Watch your step, gargoyle. You are no longer in my favor, nor I in yours.”


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