Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4) Page 20

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “We’re done here. You have nothing of consequence, Asmodeus,” Asher spits out.

  “No?” the demon coos as if he knows a secret.

  My heart plummets and my senses heighten at his demonic manners. The king snaps his fingers, and instantly, a panel slides open in the wall, revealing a hidden door.

  “Come out, my love. We have guests,” Asmodeus says.

  A vivid emerald light shines from the doorway as the regal woman floats into the chamber wearing a smug smirk. I stand there, motionless. My lips part in shock as Asmodeus offers his hand to her. She takes it of her own accord before leaning down and planting a completely inappropriate kiss on the demon lord’s lips.

  Aroused, the demon king growls in hunger and murmurs, “My queen.”

  “What the hell?” I roar and immediately regret it when the hellhounds become agitated.

  At their threatening manner, Asher and Gage flank my sides and release their wings.

  Ignoring the outburst, the graceful woman straightens and releases the demon lord’s lips.

  “Hello, my love,” she hums and strokes his cheek gently.

  “Our guests.” Asmodeus motions to us and the beautiful woman turns to face the group.

  “Welcome, Batya.” Lady Finella bows gracefully to me. “Protectors. Sorceress.”

  I swallow and take a confused step back. Seriously, what the hell is going on here?

  “There is nothing to fear, Eve,” she says in a warm, gentle angelic voice.

  “Have you lost your fucking marbles, your grace?” I retort on a soft whisper.

  The regal fairy smiles at me. “Please be kind enough to discontinue the unpleasant language. It is most unbecoming,” she scolds.

  “You’re consorting with the demon of lust and my language is embarrassing?” I shoot back.

  At my words, her chin lifts higher and the gold rune tattoos that normally glisten and move on her skin turn green, matching her eyes and Grecian dress. She smiles in a maternal manner, but the light and warmth that she once radiated, isn’t there anymore.

  “I adore you, Eve. I could not be more pleased to see you. That said, I do wish you to keep your temperament in control,” she continues as if we’re having afternoon tea.

  “And if I don’t? Will you slice my throat and leave me for dead?” I retort.

  I’m met with silence as Lady Finella becomes less regal and more rigid at the question. “It would be in your best interest not to misinterpret my fondness for you, Eve. Trust in that, if you continue to insult my mate, I shall devastate you.”

  “Your mate?” Asher asks from my left.

  Asmodeus looks triumphant. “You of all people should know, dark prince, that every king needs a queen.”

  Then it hits me. “Where there is darkness, there is light.”

  18 Old Enemies

  BLOOD SURGES THROUGH MY VEINS as my breathing becomes erratic. I inhale a shallow breath, allowing this new information to sink in. From my peripheral vision, I watch Gage’s accusing eyes slide to Nassa for confirmation. The sorceress shakes her head in denial and confusion. It would appear she had no clue about her uncle’s nuptials.

  “That’s why there is no darkness in the Kingdom of the Fae? The law of balance requires light and dark but instead, you bound yourself to the darkness, preventing it from entering your kingdom,” Gage assesses.

  “I did forewarn Eve, during our last audience, that the presence of darkness in my kingdom was not as visible as in other worlds,” she offers without a smile.

  The warm breeze from the fireplaces shifts the air, pushing long lockets around Lady Finella’s face. She tucks the glossy red strands behind her ears and studies me with concern. Sensing the change in her feelings, the demon extends his hand toward hers in almost a comforting manner.

  Asmodeus uses his index finger to trace the motion of her ruins. At his touch, they calm.

  “Do you play chess, dark prince?” the demon’s whisper is directed toward Asher.

  “Yes.” Asher’s answer comes out clipped.

  “Then you are aware the queen is the most powerful piece?”

  “I am,” Asher replies.

  Asmodeus places a chaste kiss to the fairy’s palm. “Unlike knights or pawns, there’s only one queen. She sits in the middle of the first rank, next to the king, guarding against threats.”

  “Your point?” Asher asks, bored with the instructional.

  The demon raises his gaze and pins me in place with it. “Due to her high value, the queen is often used as bait, to lure an adversary into a trap.” Asmodeus studies my reaction.

  I don’t give him the satisfaction of one. Instead, I straighten my spine and lift my chin.

  At my silence, Asmodeus slides his focus to Gage. “And sometimes, the queen is deliberately sacrificed, in order to gain a more favorable tactical position for victory.”

  I turn and watch Gage. He doesn’t react but his jaw tightens at the insinuation.

  “Greed. Power. Control,” the demon king continues. “It would seem life is like a game of chess. Each move is calculated and well strategized, so in the end, one side will rise to power, and the other will fall to fate.”

  The fairy queen’s expression turns soft as she strokes the demon king’s hair.

  “It would seem your future queen, dark prince, found comfort in confiding in mine. We watched. Waited. Befriended. Every move was calculated and strategized until it was time for my queen to take down yours. You see, my little pawns, in this centuries old war it began, and will end, with the bloodlines of Adam and Eve.”

  Asmodeus meets Asher’s unreadable expression.

  I watch Lady Finella, watching me. The scrolls. The divination of redemption. During our visits I’d told her all about them. Everything. I pinch my brows and shoot an angry glare at her. “I entrusted you.” My voice is low and accusing. “I confided in you. You…you used that trust and friendship to aid in the cause of the dark army? To tip the scales in their favor?”

  The queen has the nerve to throw a maternal expression at me. “My realm was fortunate to welcome you, daughter of Heaven. Despite my deceit, I cherished and embraced our friendship. If nothing else, take comfort in that,” she offers sincerely.

  My expression turns from anger to astonishment at her words. “Take comfort?” I repeat heatedly. “You forget, your grace, I’ve seen how you treated your friend. Priestess Arabella.”

  The fairy has the gall to actually look hurt and saddened. “In times of war, Eve, sides most definitely must be chosen. My dear friend, Arabella, chose incorrectly,” she says softly. “I appreciate that you are young and naïve, but recognize this, realms must fall, so that kings may rise. Arabella’s death, as with all the priestesses that day, was for the greater good.”

  “You’re fucking insane,” Nassa spits out my thoughts.

  “My dear niece, is that anyway to speak to family?” Asmodeus chastises in a low growl.

  “Apologies, my lord. How should one speak to family when they’re plotting world domination?” Nassa counters.

  “After our last conversation, Asmodeus, I was under the impression Eve’s existence was of no consequence,” Gage reminds.

  “At that time, her divine existence wasn’t. Eve’s death would have merely been a slap in the face of the Angelic Council. However, I smelled the gargoyle bond all over her in my club and saw it in her indigo eyes. When my queen learned of the divination of redemption, she informed me that together, through a mated bond, the dark prince and divine weapon are fated to conquer the end of days. You weren’t mated before. Now that you have enlightened Asher’s soul, causing you to fully ascended we have a divine problem. Which brings us to why you are here today. I have something you want and you have something I need.”

  I stiffen, given the information recently imparted on us. Asmodeus’ expression hardens as he snaps his fingers again, prompting the wall panel to reopen. After a moment, Deacon, the leader of the Declan clan of gargoyles, and his ma
te, Jade appear.

  At the sight of the second woman, beaten and bleeding between them, my heart drops and the bile rises in my throat, threatening to come out.

  “It would appear that you’re not the only divine being to trust the wrong queen,” the demon king says.

  “Hello, little girl,” Deacon drawls as he pushes my mother forward and she lands with a hard thud on her knees and palms.

  I lunge to help, but Asher grabs my upper arms from behind, holding me to him.

  “Let go of me,” I roar at him with tears in my eyes.

  “No,” he yells back firmly.

  “When Michael extracted Elizabeth from Lucifer, the archangel hid her within the Fae realm, under the protection of my queen. An unfortunate misstep on the warrior’s part,” Asmodeus explains. “Deacon and I have a business arrangement. We will hand your pathetic human mother over to your protector, and in return, you will come with us. Deacon will end your life, severing your mate bond to the dark prince, allowing our side to rise to power and yours to fall to fate. Just like your bloodline predecessors, Adam and Eve.”

  “No, love bug,” my mother barely says from her position on the floor.

  Deacon kicks her in the ribs. The pain causes her to pass out.

  At the hit, I flinch forward, still gripped by Asher. “Yes!” I shout. “I’ll do it.”

  “No, you fucking won’t,” Asher growls and slides an angry gaze to the demon.

  “Checkmate, dark prince.” Asmodeus throws a sinister smirk at Asher.

  In an instant, the flames in the fireplaces acting as Hell’s gates rage higher. In response the hellhounds get to their feet, growling and snapping their jaws. The air in the room becomes still. Suddenly, Michael and Uriel materialize into the chamber, looking pissed off.

  With their warrior bodies on full display, both archangels extend their wings to their full height and lengths. Behind them are Keegan, Callan, Abby, and McKenna. The protectors look just as menacing as the angels with their raven wings and severe warrior stances.

  “ASMODEUS!” Michael bellows.

  The sound of the archangel’s strong voice echoes around the chamber. The hounds howl and the flames climb again in response.

  Michael produces a lightning bolt and violently slams it into the center of the room. The angry force causes parts of the walls to crumble, opening holes to the outside. The torrential rain continues in the land, unrelenting in its assault.

  The demon king doesn’t even flinch. Asmodeus doesn’t move an inch as another bolt rains down, smashing the floor directly beneath his feet. Slowly, he lifts his dark eyes, meeting Michael’s jade green ones.

  Holding the demon’s stare, the warrior of Heaven manifests tiny lightning bolts before releasing them with perfect precision. Each one lands with little effort, into the Barghests. The hounds whine in pain before they fade into blue flames.

  At the sight, Lady Finella moves closer to Deacon and Jade.

  “Killing my dogs, unprovoked, Michael?” Asmodeus tsks. “How unsuitable, archangel.”

  “You took what’s mine,” Michael seethes in a tone that makes me tremble.

  “So you destroy the Gates of Hell?” Asmodeus yells with his arms extended.

  “Return Libby to Uriel’s arms at once, demon. Or suffer under my wrath,” Michael roars.

  Asmodeus stands in a threatening manner. “In case you’ve forgotten, warrior of Heaven, this is MY HOME! Wrath is one of HELL’S TRAITS!” he responds angrily.

  Michael stands strong, unaffected by the demon’s outburst. In response, the archangel simply expands his soft, white wings. At their full height and length, the warrior somehow appears even more threatening. “Asher, remove Eve from my presence at once.”

  “No!” I scream, fighting against Asher’s hold.

  Asher leans into my ear. “Eve, listen to me. This is Michael’s battle. He’s earned the right to fight for Elizabeth, as her mate,” Asher says in a stern tone. “He needs you to step aside. Your presence splits his focus. He cannot fight for her while worrying about you. It’s his duty to protect her, do you understand?”

  I release a frustrated growl and Asher locks me tighter in his embrace. My gaze slides to my unconscious mother and then to Michael’s taut back.

  “Fine,” I answer through a tight jaw.

  With my back to his chest, Asher pulls us into the safety of the clan.

  Abby leans into my ear. “Eves, your dad is hot when he’s pissed.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I mutter as her eyes twinkle with excitement.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m just observing.”

  “More important than Michael’s hotness.” Callan lowers his voice. “Why do I get stuck going to the cold realms while the witch and traitor get to do all the cool shit like this?”

  Asher sighs. “Not now, Callan.”

  “Fine.” Callan huffs. “This discussion is happening though. Just because I’m the youngest doesn’t mean you guys can baby me and send me on all the crappy missions.”

  “Does this look like an appropriate time to have this conversation?” I question heatedly.

  “I think the Gates are making you cranky. Or is it the weather?” Callan asks.

  “You seriously have a problem focusing,” I scold and point to Michael and Asmodeus.

  “It’s an angel and demon fight. Trust me. Gargoyles are not needed here,” Callan replies.

  “Eve, ready to see your dad in action? It’s about to get insane in here.” Uriel beams.

  “I think it’s already insane in here,” I mutter.

  Another lightning bolt strikes inside the room, pulling our attention back to Michael. The stream of light produces a large gold sword in the archangel’s hand. The demon rolls his eyes in annoyance at the sight of the gleaming weapon.

  “Your dramatics leave much to be desired, warrior of Heaven,” Asmodeus taunts.

  Michael lunges for the demon lord and Asmodeus ducks to the side. The demon moves behind Michael grabbing a hold of the back of the archangel’s neck. Without hesitation, he picks up the angel as if he weighs nothing and throws him like a football through the castle’s wall, into the open field behind the chateau. I flinch at the sight. Crap. That has to hurt.

  Michael’s wings flap, holding him in mid-air as the demon follows on foot. Outside, the wind begins to whip viciously and the rain increases its brutal impact. Both forces of nature spill into the chamber through the gaping hole in the wall in the shape of Michael’s body.

  The rest of us watch in awe as the two supernatural beings stand off.

  “Holy shit,” I exhale.

  Uriel chuckles in front of me. “They’re just getting started, daughter of Heaven.”

  I look toward the other side of the room and see that Deacon and Jade have disappeared.

  “Deacon and Jade are gone,” I point out.

  “They’re not the mission today,” Uriel states without a glance in my direction.

  In an instant, Uriel has Lady Finella constrained with an invisible force, keeping her from escaping. “We’re not finished yet, your grace,” Uriel states in a frosty tone.

  Outside, Asmodeus produces a pair of large red and black wings and becomes airborne. Simultaneously, the demon and angel spring at one another. The force of their collision sends both plummeting to the ground, struggling for control.

  They hit the ground hard and the wet earth gives way, producing a large crater in the ground. The angel and demon grab, strike, and shove one another, over and over again. After a while, both warriors become covered in a mixture of water and blood as they continue to battle in a test of will and strength.

  “Give up, Asmodeus,” Michael spits.

  “Go to hell,” the demon barks.

  “I could watch this all day,” Uriel says with a gleam in his eyes. “Unfortunately, we have some loose ends to tie up in here.”

  Uriel approaches the fairy queen with a wicked smirk. “It�
��s such a shame. So much beauty and kindness, hidden behind so much deceit and evil.”

  Lady Finella raises her chin at Uriel. “Do your will, archangel.”

  He nods once. “I take no pleasure in what I’m about to do, your grace.”

  At his words Lady Finella slides her emerald eyes to me. “It is my wish, daughter of Heaven, that your heart be open and forgive whatever treachery I committed in the name of love, sacrifice, and protection.” The words are a repeat of a conversation we’d once had.

  I sink further into Asher’s chest. My eyes sting with tears and my mind struggles with my mixed feelings. I study the queen one last time. Despite her treachery, I know she cares for me. “I grant you redemption, your grace,” I whisper.

  She bows her head once to me and straightens her posture. My eyelids slide closed.

  “Will you not beg me for mercy?” Uriel’s loud voice bounces off the castle walls.

  “I shall not,” Lady Finella answers in a strong.

  Moments later, the only sound I hear is Uriel’s Angelic Sword, slicing through the stilled air, followed by a painful bellow Asmodeus releases outside at the realization that his mate connection was just severed by Lady Finella’s death.

  When I reopen my eyes, I focus on Uriel’s sad expression.

  “Nassa, Gage will escort you back to the royal court. Please be kind enough to inform them the Angelic Council has taken care of their traitor.” Uriel’s tone has become formal.

  Nassa pauses for a moment, sliding her focus between the archangel and what is left of Lady Finella. After a few seconds, she nods once and leaves with Gage.

  Asher has slightly released his grip on me slightly and I shift my focus to my mother. Without words, I run over to her motionless body and kneel feeling for her pulse. It’s faint under my fingers. I ignore the grunts and thunderous battle happening just beyond the castle and focus on my healing energy, trying to push it into her.

  Asher bends next to me. “What are you doing, siren?” he asks gently.

  “Trying to heal her,” I answer without looking at him.

  “Stop,” he commands in a soft tone and places his hands on mine.


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