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Denying His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 1

by Briers, M L




  Copyright © 2013 by M.L Briers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents











  “Max, we have a problem.”

  When the Beta tore into the office, it brought Max’s head up. When he delivered the words Max hated to hear, it made his stomach clench and his jaw tighten in anticipation of the circumstances of those words.

  “Problem?” Max was already on his feet when he sought clarification from Doug. He didn’t want to hear it, but as Alpha what choice did he have? He’d worked to damn hard to let anything go wrong with his pack now.

  “Lisa was in town and she swears she scented a Fae…” Doug knew the reaction he was going to get and it didn’t take more than a heartbeat to see it right there on his Alpha’s face.

  “A Fae!” The low growl of menace left his lips as quickly as he shot around the desk. Car keys already in his hand, he headed for the front door with Doug trailing behind him.

  “Now we don’t know who she is, she may just be passing through…” Doug tried to reason with his Alpha. He’d thought about not telling him at all when his mate had mentioned the Fae, knowing that this would be Max’s reaction, and yet he needed to cover all the bases. If the Fae were back, then they’d have to deal with it one step at a time. But here was Max going off half cocked, and that was never a good sign.

  “Well then we shall help her on her way.” He growled out. Wrenching open the front door and stalking towards his truck. That was the second door that got no tender loving care from him today as the hinges creaked in protest at his handling.

  Doug was already around the other side and sliding into the passenger seat before he had time to think, as his Alpha powered up the engine and shoved the gearbox into drive.

  “Perhaps she’s visiting, or…” That was as far as he got. The look that Max shot him told him to keep his mouth shut. The Alpha was in no mood to listen to reason right now, and he pitied the poor Fae he had put in Max’s sights.

  “Can I get a large? I need a large after the morning I’ve had. Thanks.” Darby amended her coffee order and turned to look out of the window at the quaint little town. She’d always longed to live in a place like this, and it would be a great place to come and visit on holiday, relax and kick back without the menace of city life, or city dwellers to drag her down. But her damn car braking down on her here, now, well that was an annoyance she could well do without.

  “Here you go. Come again.” The woman behind the counter beamed her a bright smile as she delivered her much needed coffee and her change, she thanked her. You didn’t get that in the city, genuine hospitality, not forced out on a need for a paycheque at the end of the month. Yep, she could live in a place like this, she told herself as a man held open the door for her as she left and she smiled and thanked him. Nice place, friendly people…

  And a lunatic driver who thought he was at Silverstone. The truck skidded to a halt up the road, almost mounting the pavement, and she shook her head and turned back towards the garage. Every town had its problems, she told herself, dismissing the one bad thing she’d seen of this place so far. Still, she reasoned, she had only been here a few hours.

  The heavy hand on her shoulder had her turning and jumping in place. Her inner city defence mechanism kicked in and she gave the best scowl she could muster as she found herself looking back at the culprit. Six foot odd of pure all man, all muscle, and all mine, she told herself, at least in another life, she berated herself for even thinking it.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Those deep angry tones left her with the distinct impression that she should be afraid, and yet she couldn’t quite rouse that inclination within her.

  “Get your damn hand off me or you’ll be pulling back a stump.” Darby let him have her best line. And she kind of meant it too, although she would rather have not had to issue that warning to a damn Lycan, and a very unfriendly one to boot.

  “Your kind…” He snarled and she raised a brow and a level of annoyance that far exceeded what she thought she could muster.

  “My kind? Down boy…” She tossed back at him and from the reaction she saw on his face, the wince closely followed by even more anger, she would have thought she had reached out and slapped him, which might just well happen if he kept this up.

  “Don’t test me, Fae.”

  “Don’t growl at me, Wolf.” She spat back. She had no idea where all of this venom was coming from, but this guy needed to back the hell off.

  “Not here, Max.” The second wolf put in over his shoulder, looking around for signs that they had been overheard.

  Max reached out with a large hand and cupped her elbow, as if he were going to help her across the road like she was an old lady. Instead he clamped a death grip down on it and started walking her towards the nearest side street.

  “What the hell do you think…?” Darby started to put on the brakes, but it didn’t help, he was way too strong for her to get away from and the momentum of his steps meant she either kept up with him or she hit the pavement. “I’m not going down there with…” She started to protest when her eyes took in the dark and dingy alleyway. It looked like a muggers paradise, and she shot a look over her shoulder as he marched her down, noting his Beta stayed at the top of the street, keeping lookout no doubt, Darby thought, going through all the scenario’s in her head of what the hell it was that this Lycan wanted.

  “What’s your damn problem?” She hissed at him, causing him to issue a low deep growl, as he turned her around another corner and thrust her back against the wall.

  He certainly didn’t look too damn friendly as he released her elbow and leaned in over her. His eyes had taken on that menacing black glaze that she knew only too well and he had palmed the wall with one hand to the side of her head, threateningly. And boy did she feel threatened.

  “You are my problem, Fae.” He growled, showing just enough of his fangs for her to swallow down what felt like her whole damn tongue.

  “So, your thing is to scare women is it?” She snapped out, getting a grip of herself and facing him head on. She knew she’d said the wrong thing when his eyes and nostrils flared and he had that look about him, the one that said he was about to rip her damn head off.

  “Do not insult me.” He almost snarled. There was a definite reach of his top lip towards his nose and she knew she should have backed the hell down, but this guy was jumping up and down on her last nerve.

  “Seriously? You come out of nowhere without a by your leave, growling like a feral beast, grab my arm, force me down an alleyway, snarling and drooling, with fangs, and you expect me to be nice?” She spat out, feeling her grip tighten on the coffee cup in her hand and speculating whether to toss the contents over him or not. “What’s your damn deal, Mr?” She added for good measure.

  “You’re Fae.” He growled and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

  “Yeah, state the obvious why don’t you.”

  “Fae aren’t welcome in this town.” Max growled down at her. If she hadn’t of know it, she damn well did now, he thought, taking the first full breath inwards since the momen
t that Doug had announced her presence, and his nose twitched with the familiar scent of the Fae. Then her true scent came through, lavender and fresh cut grass, and femininity, lots of femininity.

  “Well put up a damn sign…” She hissed and he growled down at her again. He was done talking, she was leaving, and fast.

  “Get out of my town…” He went to turn away, and she knew she should have kept her mouth closed, but…

  “Your town, who died and made you king?” She snorted and he spun back towards her, leaning down with his face just inches from hers.

  “The last Alpha…” He informed her with a little more of his fangs than she needed to see. “Care to join him?” Max offered. The fact that the last alpha had passed quite peacefully in his sleep didn’t have a damn bearing on this matter, he told himself, pining the loss within him.

  “Tell me, does it make you feel big and badass to go around picking on little Fae? Do you get a kick out of it?” He growled one more time before he turned away from her again, dismissing her. “Does it really compensate for the lack of manhood…?” She chuckled to herself, but when he turned back around she knew she had gone too far. Oops, did that class as a challenge? She wondered as he came back at her. Pinning her against the wall with his hips and she could feel the hardening of his arousal right there and then, pressed right up against her stomach.

  “Wanna find out just how well my manhood works?” He offered and she found herself in the usual position of not being the hell afraid of him anymore, even if all the signs pointed to the fact this guy had a screw loose.

  “Not even with someone else’s body.” She offered up to him and watched those jet black eyes narrow on her. The way she saw it, she’d won and he’d lost.

  “Get out of my town.”

  “Love too. Just waiting on the garage to finish repairs…” She informed him, “Or should I be running for my life away from you?” She chuckled to herself, with the realisation of why she found him so damn amusing.

  “I’m warning you, Fae…”

  “I’m sure you are, Alpha. Can I go now, or do you need to growl some more?” She wanted to get away from him, if only for the fact that he looked so damn sexy with that dark scowl on his brow. She was seriously considering climbing up his legs to get to his chest so she could wrap herself around him and lick over those brooding lips.

  “Just get the hell out of my town.” He growled, taking a step away from her and frowning with the annoyance he felt.

  “No problem, but I’m sure you’ll miss me when I go.” She shot back over her shoulder as she walked back towards the other one, who turned to look at her. He seemed relieved that she was still in one piece as she gained ground on him. “You’re Alpha was amazing,” She rolled her eyes suggestively and Doug went to open his mouth, “The size of his penis? Wow. Who needs longevity when you have that much girth?” She fanned her face with her hand for good measure before giving him a wink and walking on by.

  Max overheard what she said and growled his annoyance at her mischievousness. Damn Fae, always causing trouble. He stood next to Doug and watched the sway of her hips as she strolled down the road. His wolf whined and his hardness twitched in his jeans, and he tried hard to ignore the itch of a thought that was playing in the back of his mind.


  His wolf growled the information straight into his brain and Max felt it like a punch to his nether regions. Oh hell no.

  “You ok, Max?” He turned to look at his Beta, but his damn brain wouldn’t offer a word to give to his mouth. “Because you look kind of green.” Doug offered lightly. He didn’t know what was up with his pack brother, but something had turned his stomach. “I’m not saying that green doesn’t suit you…”


  “But if you’re going to hurl, could you do it before we get back in the truck?” Doug was rambling and Max was freefalling, caught up in the reality of what his wolf was telling him.


  “I guess the Fae got your tongue…” Doug couldn’t help but chuckle, and then he became deadly serious. “Did she do something to you?”

  “Mine.” Was the only damn word that would come out of his lips and it shocked the hell out of him. Doug’s mouth dropped open and his eyes flicked to the back of the woman walking away down the street, before returning slowly to rest back on his alpha.

  “Oh, that’s not good.” Doug shook his head. Screwing up his face in a winced of pain for his friend and a grimace of knowing just how this had to play out.

  Doug went to open his mouth again when Max started off down the road after her. Then he stopped, as if someone had pulled him backwards and he turned back around towards Doug, who just shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He heard the growl that rolled through his Alpha’s chest and couldn’t help the silent chuckle that washed through him. For the first time in his life, his alpha looked indecisive.

  Max took a step back towards Doug but came up short again. Damn, but he had an itch to follow that damned Fae, and yeah, he knew why, but it still gnawed at his gut. His eyes locked onto Doug’s and he riled with annoyance, the mirth in those damn eyes as they stared back at him made him want to plant his fist in his Beta’s face, and yet the urge to turn around and follow her overrode anything else.

  “Damn it!” He growled, turning on his heels and stalking off after her. Taking no time at all to catch her up, he saw her back straighten just a little as he drew up alongside her.

  “More threats, or do you just have a decision making disorder?” She didn’t bother to look at him. She’d already sensed him before he even got to her. She guessed it was the mating thing because other Lycans never had quite such an immediate effect on her body or her psyche before.

  “We need to talk.” His growl was softer, but it was still a growl and she didn’t much appreciate it.

  “Really, because I thought we did that, and you were quite clear.” She had the upper hand this time and she was damn well going to enjoy it.

  “I may have been rash…” He bit out and she snorted a chuckle.

  “Nope, your gushing apology isn’t going to impress me, Alpha.” She bit out, using her coffee cup to hide her amusement as she took a sip.

  “You know what’s going on here, Fae…” He bit his tongue. “What’s your damn name?” He growled out and she hitched one brow up and tossed him a drop dead look.

  “Gee, when you ask me so nicely and all…” He reached out one large hand and touched her arm, and she felt the power of that touch right to her very core. She wanted to smack his hand away, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “Tell me your name, please.” He tried again, when what he really wanted to do was walk up to the nearest wall and head butt it, probably a lot more than once. He’d really screwed this up, or was this just really screwed up? Either way, he was in trouble.

  He hadn’t even noticed that they had walked into the garage, or that his friend and neighbour was standing there staring at him, not until her smile widened for the guy and she batted her eyelashes at him and then he turned daggers on the poor unsuspecting married man of four.

  “Can we help you, Wayne?” There was a definite possessive edge to his tone and Darby watched the poor guy swallow his tongue as he held out her car key and invoice for her.

  “It’s all fixed, Darby. Thanks for your business…” He shoved the keys and invoice at her before he turned tail and practically ran away. “Got work to do.” He said over his shoulder as Max turned his glare back to Darby, his eyes softening like his stance.

  “Darby.” The word rolled on a low deep growl from his tongue and she felt her knees go slightly weak. That was more than enough for her to tell her it was her cue to get the hell out of town before he decided he wanted to claim his mate.

  Darby set off for her car without a word. Tossing her coffee cup in the bin on route, she yanked open the door and slipped behind the wheel. Shoving the keys in the ignition and hearing her baby purr to life around her gave a grea
t sense of satisfaction, but not half as much as when she slammed the door on him and let her window down just a tad.

  “Well it’s been… enlightening.” He went to reach for the door handle but she hit the locks. “Have a nice life.” She called out as she threw the gearbox into drive and stomped on the accelerator leaving him standing there speechless as he watched her go.

  The sudden realisation hit Max and his wolf all at once. Their mate was getting away.

  Hunt. Mate.

  That wasn’t good. His inability to do anything held him in place for the time it took his brain to kick his backside into gear, and then he off and running down the street after her car.

  Doug leaned his back against the trucks door and savoured the last of the autumn sunshine as the tree’s offered their leaves all around him. He just loved…

  The sight of his alpha racing down the middle of the road, waving his arms like an idiot and chasing a car like a frigging mental dog. The sight of the Alpha’s mate in absolute hysterics in the driver’s seat of the car he was pursuing, her hand hitting the steering wheel, over and over, and real god-damn tears on her cheeks. Wow, that was something you didn’t see every day of the week.

  It seemed her laughter was contagious and he started to chuckle. By the time she had drawn level with him, Doug was slapping his thighs and half folded over with laughter. Through his own tears he could see the dark glare that his Alpha shot at him and tried damn hard to pull a serious expression, but it just wasn’t happening for him, and he had to force his fist into his mouth and turn away, his other hand slapping the top of the truck in the hopes that some pain would help him out.

  The sound of her hysterical laughter as she drove past made him convulse with laughter and he hit his forehead against the top of the truck… Nope that didn’t help either, but he bit the bullet and turned back, hearing Max’s mate call out of the open window.

  “Here boy!” Before her hysterical laughter reached out to him again, and she was lost somewhere between hysterics and the vapours.


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