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Chasing the High

Page 21

by Beth Michele

  I mashed my lips together to attempt to hide—something. I didn’t know what. Laughter? Happiness? Whatever it was, it was all fucking good. “Yes, I’d love some. Thanks.”

  She set the pitcher on the countertop along with two glasses. As she poured the water, she made sure a few lemon slices made it into my glass. “So Sam tells me you’re from the Bronx.”

  “Yup. Born and bred.”

  “It’s funny,” she sipped her water, “I only hear the slightest accent.”

  After taking a long drink, I placed the tumbler down. “I guess I shed it over the years.” My finger circled the rim of the glass. “I had some things I wanted to leave behind. I guess that was one of them.”

  Laura nodded like she understood. I had no doubt, she did. I couldn’t imagine the shit she heard from her clients. My crap was only the tip of the iceberg. “I was sorry to hear about your mother.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So you work at Saks?” The topic change was swift, and it was obvious she picked up on my reluctance.

  I breathed out a quiet sigh of relief. “I do. For several years now. It’s a great job.”

  Laura lifted her hand in the air, in what appeared to be an apologetic wave. “I’m partial to Bloomingdale’s, to be honest. I have a love affair with that store.” She laughed, swirling the lemons around her glass. “Just ask my daughter. Once I go in, it’s like falling into an abyss. And in my high school days, forget about it. I’d go to the store just so I could get the brown bags.”

  His mom was exactly like Sam described. Being a psychologist, for some reason I pictured her more serious. She was actually anything but. A different kind of warmth brewed inside me at the prospect of spending more time with her, and his whole family.

  Sam tore into the kitchen, ready to save the day. “I came to rescue Drew.” He placed his hand on my shoulder. “I could hear the screams from the living room.”

  “Sam Stone.” His mom batted him playfully on the arm. “I’m not that bad.”

  “You can be.”

  She narrowed her eyes at Sam then flipped me a grin. “I’m pretty sure he can hold his own. Isn’t that right, Drew?”

  “It absolutely is, Mrs.—Laura.”

  Sam bent to kiss my cheek and it was a direct line to my smile. I loved that he was so affectionate with me, even in front of his family. He rested his elbows on the countertop, arm touching mine. “Charmed her already, did you?”

  Her gaze drifted between us and she let out a dreamy sigh. “I’m going to take myself into the living room to make sure your father hasn’t turned on sports. I shall return.”

  As soon as we were alone, I slid my hand around Sam’s neck and angled his head for a quick kiss. “I love your mother.”

  His tongue darted out to swipe over my top lip. “You’re kissing me because you love my mother?”

  “No, I’m kissing you because I love you. But your mother is pretty fucking fantastic.”

  “Your lips are pretty fucking fantastic,” he whispered against my mouth.

  “Sam, unless you want me walking around with a hard-on in front of your family, do not say fuck around me.” He lowered his hand under the island to cup my erection. I jerked back. “Jesus.”

  “Okay, boys.” His father marched in and I pulled away so fast that I whacked my leg on the countertop. I winced, tossing Sam an evil glare. “How about—”

  Commotion sounded at the door and Sam grinned. “Your surprise is here.”

  “My surprise?” I studied his face, but it gave nothing away.

  “Yup.” He reached for my hand, locking our fingers together. “Come on.”

  We walked out into the expansive entryway to discover Mia, and Joe. Joe?

  My gaze snapped to Sam and he beamed a shy smile. “My family is here. I wanted yours to be here, too.”

  I looked away as my throat closed up. This meant more than I had the ability to express with words. But I had to say something. “Sam—”

  “You can thank me later,” he whispered, and I had every intention of doing just that. He gestured toward the foyer with a nod of his head. “Now go.”

  Before I had a chance to get to Joe, Mia stepped in front of me. “We meet again, Drew. And let me just say it’s about time, too.” She blew a big red bubble that popped silently. “Thank goodness you came to your senses.” Her head tilted to the side and she peered around me. “Right, Sam?” I chuckled, looking back to catch his blush. “Anyway,” her eyes met mine, “welcome.”

  “Thanks, Mia.”

  Joe stared at me with warmth in his expression as I veered around Mia to meet him at the door. “Hey, old man.”

  “Hiya, son.” He pointed a shaky finger at Mia. “You see who I gotta ride here with? She’s somethin’ else, that one. And you shoulda seen the black car that brought us here. It was somethin’ else too.”

  “How are you feeling? You look even better than when I saw you yesterday morning.” I offered him my arm but he flicked it away.

  “Now don’t go fussin’ over me, son. You know I don’t like that.”

  His continual stubbornness made me grin. “Okay, Joe.”

  Laura and John came over and after everyone was introduced, John steered us into yet another living room. This one had a large flat screen television and a massive sectional couch that engulfed half the room. What fascinated me most, though, was the old-time jukebox and Star Wars pinball machine sitting in the far corner. I made a beeline for it, peering into the glass to check out the song choices. Sam appeared by my side, standing close enough that our shoulders were brushing.

  “This is so fucking cool. I haven’t seen a jukebox in ages.”

  “You should see the room down the hall.”

  I glanced over at him. “What’s down the hall?”

  “A movie room with theatre seating and a huge projection screen. Popcorn maker too. And across the hall from that is pool and ping pong, oh, and air hockey.”

  “No shit?”

  “Nope.” He shrugged. “But they’re just things, you know.”

  I chuckled, knocking his shoulder with mine. “Screw that. I say we dance first and then I’ll take your ass in a game of pool.”

  “You realize I’ve been playing pool with my dad for years, right?” Sam puffed out his chest and I laughed.

  “And your point, cockyboy?”

  He snorted. “If anyone’s ass is getting taken, it’s yours.”

  My eyes zoned in on his lips and I whispered, “God, I fucking hope so.”

  “What’s going on over here, lovebirds?” Mia bounced over, literally, right between us. I coughed into my fist like it could hide the hunger on my face and the current erection I was sporting behind my zipper.

  Needless to say our conversation ended there, and it was probably a good thing. For a while after that, Sam and I were separated. Mia showed me around and talked my ear off. I didn’t mind because she packed a punch and was completely adorable. She also filled me in on all things Sam. Once she was done, John got a hold of me and we spent an hour or so playing pool and conversing about everything from his career in football, to the time I spent backpacking around Italy for a few months after college.

  “Everything Sam told us about you was true.” He laid a hand on my shoulder. “I’m very happy the two of you were able to work things out. You’re a good influence on him. I can see how much you care about one another, and as his father, that makes me pretty damn happy. Of course,” his expression turned serious, “if you hurt him, I’ll come after you with everything I have.” My eyes bulged and he threw his head back in laughter. “Kidding.”

  I feigned wiping sweat from my brow. “John, you had me running scared there for a minute.”

  He slapped me on the back. “Nah, I talk a good game, but I’m harmless. Except when I was on the football field and those days, I’m afraid, are over.” The sound of Laura’s voice echoed down the hall and he smiled. “But now, I have something better. And being with her gives m
e a different kind of high—the best kind really.” I hid the smile his words brought to my face. He was so fucking right.

  As we made our way down the winding hallway, the smell of butter and basil floated in the air. John lifted his chin and inhaled. “That doesn’t smell half bad.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I’m the one who usually does the cooking. Tonight she insisted, though. So whatever you do, just smile and act like it tastes good.”

  “Perfect timing.” Sam’s gaze was full of mischief when we returned to the living room. He was seated next to Joe, who was grinning. Mia sat beside Sam, gleaming, as she twirled her pink braid around her finger. “So Joe here was just telling us how your nickname was ‘trouble’ growing up. Wonder why that was?”

  “Don’t you worry,” Joe chimed in as I sent Sam a mock glare. “I’m about to tell ya.”

  “Please, Joe. Do enlighten us,” Sam countered, not taking his teasing eyes from mine.

  I admitted defeat, retreating to a nearby chair as Joe recalled details of my childhood. Half-listening, my gaze wandered the room. Sam’s family was a trip, and somehow, Joe and I fit in here perfectly. For the first time in so fucking long, there were no storms brewing inside my chest. There was only calm—and love. Something this mouthy, troubled kid from the Bronx never expected to find.

  “I CAN’T SEE anything.”

  Drew’s fingers were laced with mine as we sat in the back of the taxi. He insisted on tying a dark blindfold around my head before we left. For a second, a brief thrill rolled through me that maybe he intended to ravage my body—but no such luck.

  The cab came to a halt and Drew slid off the seat, taking me with him. Around me, tires screeched and I could hear crowds rushing about. Horns were honking and people cursed under their breath. The scent of coffee filled my nose and then disappeared. Where the heck were we?

  As I tilted my head to listen closer, the constant sound of wheels fell onto my ears. It overshadowed Drew’s whispers to the taxi driver as a trunk slammed shut. I was trying to put the pieces together when Drew grabbed my hand again, leading me… I had no idea where.

  Until I heard it.

  I paused, and felt Drew still at my side. My lips spread into an enormous grin. “We’re at the airport.”

  “Eh, shit.” Drew removed the blindfold and I blinked, adjusting my eyes to the light. “I guess the flight announcement and the sound of the planes was a dead giveaway.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He glanced away and I could see he was fighting his own smile. “Well…” He shrugged, his gaze coming back to mine. “We’re going back to where it all started.”

  Excitement built inside of me and spilled out all over the ground. “We’re going to Hawaii?”

  Drew shoved a hand in his pocket, his cheeks flushing red. “Yup.”

  “But what about your work?”

  “I had a week of vacation coming to me, so, yeah.”

  I closed the small gap between us and cupped his jaw, smoothing my thumb over the rough stubble. “You know, for someone who claims not to be romantic, this is pretty darn romantic.”

  “Just don’t tell anyone,” he whispered, and I cut his words off with a kiss. It was quick, our tongues tangling briefly, but enough to show him how much I appreciated his gesture.

  From that point on, you couldn’t wipe the smile from my lips. The idea of a whole week alone with Drew, this time as a real couple, with nothing but sand and gorgeous beaches surrounding us—I couldn’t think of anything better.

  By the time we boarded the plane, we had enough energy bouncing between us to ignite a fire. I took the seat by the window and Drew collapsed beside me. He was barely comfortable before I reached for him and wound our fingers together. I stared at our entwined hands, thinking about how much my life had changed in a little over a year. And how happy I was.

  As if reading my thoughts, Drew held up our joined hands. “I’m having déjà vu. This is where it all started.” He shook his head and smiled. “It’s weird how it seems like a lifetime ago. Like I almost can’t remember a time when I didn’t know you. That’s fucked up.”

  I snorted. Drew never ceased to make me laugh. “I’m not sure that’s how I would describe it, but yeah, I know exactly what you mean.”

  His expression softened. Blue eyes found mine. “Being with you… being us… makes me happy.”

  My heart soared. I brought his hand to my mouth for a kiss. “Me too.” My thumb trailed small circles over his knuckles. “You know who else is ecstatic? My family. They love you, and Joe too. My mom is thrilled you come over for weekly dinners now. She likes to keep everybody close, and it bothers her to no end that Mia likes to saw the leash off.”

  Drew laughed, unbuckling his seatbelt once we were airborne. “Your sister is such a trip.” The humor faded from his smile a little. “Joe told me she’s been visiting him once a week. She goes to play bingo with him at his complex. That’s… well, he loves it. I honestly think it makes his whole week. Better than seeing me, and I’ve got serious bingo skills.” He smirked. “If you can imagine that.”

  “Yeah, she told me. She really enjoys his company.” My head felt heavy and I tipped it back against the seat. “He always tells her great stories.”

  “Speaking of which… how’s your story coming along?”

  I rolled my head to look at him. “Good.”

  He frowned. “That’s all I get? I’m on the inside now.”

  I chuckled, edging closer to his lips. “Yup.”

  His piercing glare had the opposite effect. I continued to laugh. “Man, that’s fucking cruel.”

  “A little.”

  “All right.” He sucked his tongue between his teeth. “But my memory is long. And I’m Italian, so revenge is in my blood.”

  “Hmm…” The corner of my mouth kicked up. “Feel free to take that out on me any way you wish. Use your imagination.”

  He let out a short laugh. “Don’t try to distract me with your sexual innuendo. I need to focus on my revenge.”

  “It’s pointless though.” I waved my free hand up and down my body. “I mean, look at this.” He did look. His gaze strolled lazily over me as that tongue, the one I knew intimately, skated over his lower lip. Goose bumps found their way to the surface of my skin and I shifted in the confined space. “Okay, enough looking.”

  HAWAII GREETED US with a tropical storm that brought heavy rains and wind, giving us an excuse to hole up in our room. To my surprise, again, Drew had splurged for a suite. He’d been doing more and more of that in the past few months. My initial reaction was to make a big deal about it—because it felt like a big deal—the way my heart could never manage to slow down whenever we were together. But I understood a lot of this was new to him and didn’t want to draw attention to it. I wanted him to be at ease. The same way he always made me feel.

  “Are you going to tell me what your new story is about?”

  After dining on room service, we were sitting side by side on the bed. Drew tried to be sneaky and peek over my shoulder at the laptop. He thought his periodic neck stretches were discreet, but he couldn’t have been more obvious.

  “No.” I chuckled, angling my screen lower so he couldn’t see it. “We’ve been over this. You know I don’t like to talk about my stories until they’re finished. I kind of have a thing about it.”

  “Well, I have a thing too.” He grinned. “And there’s no way in hell I’m revealing my next surprise. You’ll just have to wait it out like the rest of us common folk.”

  My eyes drifted from my keyboard to Drew’s mussed dark hair, his hands laced behind his head, naked body stretched out beside me on full display. Waiting? Definitely not an option.

  With a light smack, I closed my laptop and set it on the bedside table, making sure Drew saw me run my gaze all along his form. His cock twitched from the attention and my mouth watered. “Have I ever told you how good you look in bed?” Positioning myself by his feet, I pushed his thighs apart and c
rawled between them, placing a single kiss to the head of his erection. “Because you look really,” one more kiss, “really,” and another, “good.”

  He moaned, dropping his head back. God, was he sexy. Everything about him. It came from what was inside and trickled out. Most days, I had a hard time resisting him. I needed to touch him. Wanted to fuck him. To show him the love he filled me with.

  “You’re not trying to sweet-talk me, are you, Sam?” His words were already rough with lust as my tongue darted out to circle his tip. “Fuck.” He groaned. “Because it… won’t… work.”

  “Mmm,” I hummed, licking the smooth skin along the underside of his cock. “Are you sure?” My tone was teasing as he gripped the headboard, already arching his hips, wanting more. I loved when he lost control.

  “Sam.” His voice had a pleading edge to it—and I loved that too.

  I cupped his balls, kneading them between my fingers. “Something you want?”

  “Oh, God. Suck me. Suck my cock.”

  Hearing him say the words in such a desperate way made me want to drag every ounce of pleasure from his body. I trailed my nose along his length, breathing in his musky scent. My lips followed, and I opened to take him in my mouth. His whimpers of satisfaction as my tongue worked him over, swirling and licking, had me rubbing myself against the cool sheets.

  Before long, I was groaning too, getting off on how his body was responding to me. He gyrated his hips, seeking more of my mouth—and I gave it to him. I took him deep, loving the salty pre-come leaking from his slit. It spurred me on, and I wanted to swallow the taste of him. God, he tasted good.

  “Oh, fuck, that’s so good.”

  His cock filled my mouth as he fucked my face. I slid my lips up and down his erection, continuing to massage his balls. Saliva slipped out from the corner of my lips as I sucked harder, faster, deeper, until Drew’s legs began to tremble. My hand wrapped around him, stroking his base, jerking him through my fingers.


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