The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance

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The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance Page 32

by Aratare, X.

  Unlike the avenues outside where Gabriel had only seen schools of fish from a distance, in here the fish swam thickly around the coral and through the grasses. Gabriel followed four striped black, pink and yellow fish with spotted black tails as they drifted over one of the massive table-like coral formations. The fish had large black eyes tinged with pink, and Gabriel found them fascinating.

  Gabriel started swimming after them, wanting to see them more clearly. The fish led him to a section of delicate blue coral that had flat centers and ruffled-looking edges. The fish then darted over to a section of great star coral that had formed itself into a massive boulder. Each polyp was the size of his thumb. Gabriel happened to glance up from a section of star coral for a moment. He wasn’t sure what had grabbed his interest, but then he saw that there was the dim figure of another Mer swimming through the paths of the garden towards him and Casillus.

  So far in their tour of the Mer’s capital city Gabriel had not seen another merman. This made sense, as Casillus would have had to “imagine” that Mer being there. He was merely showing Gabriel the city itself, he wasn’t bringing it fully to life. But now there was another Mer coming towards them down the path.

  Casillus, who is that? Gabriel asked, for whoever it was must be very special to Casillus to have the Mer imagine him just for Gabriel.

  The unknown Mer had long dark hair and a powerful build. He swam gracefully, though he somehow still seemed surprised to be there and see them. Suddenly, it was as if the unknown Mer realized where he was and who they were, as he immediately began to swim towards them more quickly.

  I did not bring him here, Gabriel. I could not, Casillus said, shock tinting his voice.

  You mean he’s real? Gabriel sounded just as shocked and a little afraid.

  Yes, yes he is. More awe from Casillus.


  He is too far away for me to share this imagining with him. There is only one explanation for his presence. I believe you brought him here, Gabriel. Casillus laced his fingers through Gabriel’s. The awe had actually grown in the Mer’s voice.

  But I don’t know any Mers except you! How could I bring him here? Gabriel asked.

  It must be your gift. And I believe that some part of you does know him, or that you were thinking of him, for that is Aemrys Liseas, your ancestor, Casillus explained gently.

  Aemrys? Gabriel suddenly wanted to cover up his nudity. His cheeks flushed and he felt incredibly self-conscious now that he knew the Mer approaching them was real, not some made up merman. And what was worse was that this Mer was family. I—I—Casillus ... what do I do?

  There was no time for Casillus to answer as Aemrys was now floating in front of them. He had stunning deep blue eyes that were different from the Mers’ that Gabriel had seen so far but similar to his own. Aemrys had a strong jaw and an expressive mouth. His nose was aristocratic, and there was an altogether regal aspect to him. He regarded Gabriel with a singular intensity that once again had Gabriel squirming and wishing he had a swimsuit on.

  You are the one, Aemrys said.

  Gabriel unconsciously jerked back, as it was strange hearing a Mer voice in his mind other than Casillus’. Aemrys’ voice was deeper and sharper.

  I’m—I’m Gabriel Braven, Gabriel responded. He didn’t know what or who “the one” was.

  A slight smile curled Aemrys’ lush mouth. You are amazing.

  Gabriel’s eyes widened hugely. Uhm, really, I’m not. I’m—

  You are, Casillus interrupted. Gabriel, you have brought Aemrys into my mind even though he is still over a day’s swim away.

  But—but you were able to talk to him when he was even farther away! Gabriel exclaimed.

  There are Listeners who relay our voices back to the person we seek to speak to when we are too far from the city to reach them directly. Aemrys was the one who answered. But you are doing this without their assistance, Gabriel. Furthermore, you are more than speaking with me. You have brought me here. How shocked I was to find myself in my own garden again when I had been swimming in the deep just moments ago!

  It sounds impressive when you put it like that. Gabriel kept looking down at the path and then glancing back up at Aemrys’ face. His ancestor’s eyes were so intense. Gabriel felt like they were peering directly into him and he could hide nothing, so he decided not to try and confessed, The thing is I’m also finding you quite impressive, actually. A little intimidating, too.

  Aemrys reached out and cupped Gabriel’s face. His expression was incredibly tender. I would not have you intimidated by me for all the oceans of the world. I have dreamed of you, wished for you, but thought that such dreams and wishes would never come true. I thought there would never be a child descended from Tabatha and I that would take to the water. But here you are. And you are magnificent! Beyond my imaginings.

  Gabriel felt Aemrys’ yearning then. It was so huge and all-encompassing for a moment that he felt like he could fall into the dark hole of emotions that existed in the Mer and never escape. Gabriel found himself reaching out and touching the center of Aemrys’ chest. He wanted to stop that pain.

  I’m here. I’m with you. Whatever part of me connects back to your son, I am proud of it, Gabriel said. I’ll do whatever I can to heal this hurt in you.

  Aemrys was suddenly embracing him. Another torrent of thoughts and emotions flowed from his ancestor into him. Love, loss, acceptance, and finally, a small peace. You already have.

  The hug seemed to last both a long and a short time. Casillus floated a foot away, one of his webbed hands still on Gabriel’s shoulder. Once again, there was tenderness in his eyes.

  Aemrys will be with us to assist with your final transition, Casillus said. While there was no way to tell if someone was crying underwater, it was clear that the Mer was rather emotional about their meeting. He was so happy for Gabriel.

  For his part, Gabriel felt rather amazed. He was so used to having only two people in his family, but now there were Casillus and Aemrys, too. And through Aemrys he sensed there were so many more who wanted to meet him and love him. He swallowed the ball of tight emotion that welled up in his throat.

  So you’ll be with us for—for real tomorrow? Gabriel asked Aemrys.

  His ancestor nodded. I will. And I cannot wait to show you this place myself and for you to know it as your home. Though … His deep blue eyes slid over to Casillus. Though I think you will have another home as well. A home in the palace?

  Yes, that is my wish, if it is Gabriel’s, Casillus said mildly, though there was nothing mild about those words.

  Gabriel’s head jerked towards him in shock. Are you … Casillus … are you … He couldn’t get the words out.

  Casillus touched his cheek. I will never leave you, Gabriel.

  Oh, Casillus … oh, I … I … Gabriel clutched the Mer against him. I love you.

  He felt Casillus curl tighter around him. He had said the words easily, and he meant them.

  Forgive me for interrupting this moment, but I believe I am fading from this joint dream, Aemrys said gently.

  Immediately, Gabriel turned back towards him. Aemrys appeared to be literally fading out of sight.

  Please don’t go! Not yet! Gabriel pleaded. Now that he had touched Aemrys’ mind, he realized that it would hurt to let it go, to not have the Mer with them. Gabriel reached out and grasped Aemrys’ outstretched hand and his ancestor became sharp and clear again.

  Aemrys smiled. Our minds will always be touching, Gabriel. I will not be gone. I will just be swimming to you.

  It’s just … Again, words failed him.

  Aemrys caressed his cheek. I know. But let the desire to see me again help with the pain of leaving those you care so deeply about on land.

  Yes, yes, you’re right. I know that I have to let you go for now. You need to be returned so that you can see where you’re going, Gabriel realized. He would feel terrible if Aemrys swam headfirst into an outcropping of coral because of him. I wouldn’t want you to be la
te for our meeting tomorrow.

  I will swim even faster than I already am. Tomorrow I will hold you in my arms for real and our minds shall be as one, Gabriel, Aemrys promised. He then turned to Casillus. Keep him safe. Do not let him return to the temple.

  Gabriel was shocked that Aemrys knew of the temple let alone their plan to return to it. Casillus must have shared it with him, or perhaps Aemrys had read it from his mind. However he had discovered it, Gabriel objected, But we have to get the statue of—

  Aemrys interrupted Gabriel’s objection, Let Casillus do this. He cupped Gabriel’s cheek again. It is too dangerous for you to go to that place. I foresee … His dark blue eyes went distant. I foresee great pain and suffering if you do. Please stay away from there, Gabriel. Promise me this.

  I … Gabriel looked over at Casillus and saw that the Mer wanted him to promise as well. I promise. Though I don’t like others going into danger while I stay out of it!

  Aemrys chuckled softly. Spoken like a true Caller and member of House Liseas. He began to fade again. This time Gabriel had to let him go, but still his heart ached from it. Tomorrow, Gabriel, we will be together.

  Aemrys faded away altogether, leaving just the waving sea grasses and the spectacular coral around them.



  Casillus put a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder as they both continued to look at the empty space where Aemrys had just been a moment ago.

  Finally, the Mer said, Come, let us leave House Liseas.

  Gabriel nodded. His chest felt tight, though not from lack of air. Okay.

  I believe it would be better for Aemrys to show us around this House when we are truly here, Casillus said.

  Yeah, that would be good, Gabriel responded faintly, still struggling with the remnants of the grief he felt at Aemrys leaving. He shook his head and gave Casillus a rueful smile. I was such a liar. I didn’t know I was, but I totally was.

  A liar? What do you mean? Casillus looked perplexed.

  I used to tell myself and everyone else that I didn’t need anyone other than Corey and my grandmother. I believed it, Gabriel said. But then I met you and now Aemrys. I’m a mess over meeting him for just a few moments. I miss him already in a way that I can’t—can’t explain.

  Casillus drew Gabriel against him. You held yourself apart, Gabriel. It was too painful for you to reach out and not feel anyone reaching back.

  Because humans can’t touch minds? Gabriel guessed, still feeling faintly fragile from Aemrys’ departure. He suddenly realized though, that he could still feel his ancestor in the back of his mind, and that they could speak if he willed it.

  That is correct. Humans are sadly limited in this way. Casillus drew his fingers through Gabriel’s hair. But you are not alone, Gabriel. A whole family awaits you. Both your family and my own.

  Gabriel recalled what Casillus had said to Aemrys. You want me to live with you in the palace, don’t you? With your parents and the rest of your family?

  Yes. Casillus lowered his head and looked up at Gabriel through his lashes. If you are agreeable to it.

  This is more than just living together, though, isn’t it? Gabriel asked, a smile curling his lips.

  Casillus swished his feet nervously, but then went still again as he looked up into Gabriel’s eyes. Yes, it would be.

  I know that you weren’t prepared to say any of this yet, but your hand was forced when Aemrys asked that question about where I would be living, Gabriel said, remembering how Casillus had felt almost a touch of dismay at the other Mer’s probing question.

  Not because I do not want this, but because—

  You wanted to ask in a particular way and at a particular time? Yes, I understand and I—I do want it, too, Casillus. I want to live with you, Gabriel said.

  He knew that he was actually agreeing to something far more. Mer marriage, he supposed. That’s what Casillus meant. Joining fully. Gabriel mentally snorted to himself. Here he was completely content to say “yes” and bind his life to Casillus’ forever without another thought. Corey would stare at him and laugh when he heard this. All Gabriel’s claims about love and longing had been proven so wrong, at least in regards to his own life. Never in his existence had he contemplated marrying before his best friend, but it looked like he would.

  Casillus, though, looked flustered. I wanted to give you time and—

  I know. And I will give you all the time you need to ask the way you want to, but the answer is yes, Gabriel said with a certainty that had him feeling like he could fly as well as float. I won’t have you rushed, though. We have all the time in the world, don’t we?

  Casillus cupped his face. We do. And I shall spend every minute of it with you.

  They leaned in and kissed. It was their first full kiss underwater. Gabriel expected to taste salt, the brine of the sea, but perhaps his taste buds were already used to it from the flow of salt water down his throat and into his lungs and stomach. Instead, there was a sweetness that reminded him of the momos. Gabriel’s tongue sought more of that taste eagerly. There was no need to break apart for air as their gills worked independently from their mouths so the kiss went on and on as their bodies spun in the faint current. They only separated when Gabriel wanted to look into Casillus’ blue-green eyes. Their arms were still wrapped around one another loosely. It was so peaceful to spin slowly over the coral and between the towers of seaweed.

  We can’t be too mad at Aemrys for saying what he did, Gabriel joked. It just led to our first underwater kiss.

  Casillus chuckled and rested his forehead against Gabriel’s. Too true. Aemrys has always been clever. He knows that such a connection of our great Houses will be a serious matter. He wants to prepare your House for that moment.

  Gabriel laughed. It sounds like he’s preparing for a political alliance!

  He is, Casillus said with a wry smile.

  Oh, right, you’re—you’re a prince and … Gabriel blinked. Joining with Casillus suddenly seemed a bit more overwhelming than simply linking his life to the Mer’s.

  Casillus kissed Gabriel’s lips lightly. Do not think on it yet, Gabriel. We will not rush. He was smiling softly. You said you wanted to see my home after House Liseas. Do you still wish to?

  Gabriel nodded. Please.

  Casillus and Gabriel swam out of the glorious garden of House Liseas, back through the room with the momos hanging from the ceiling and then past the artwork by the forgotten artist, Zed, displayed in the round room. In no time they were again on the vast avenue, the Kingway.

  Everywhere I look there is something amazing to see, Gabriel confessed.

  When we are truly here, Gabriel, you will realize that my imaginings are but a poor representation of the true beauty and wonder of Emralis, Casillus told him.

  Then I’ll be speechless for days! Gabriel laughed.

  Let us see if the palace has a similar effect.

  Casillus led him around yet another curve in the Kingway and the avenue abruptly broadened even more. They were at its end. Before them was the most fabulous structure that Gabriel had seen so far in the Mer city, probably the most fabulous structure that he had ever seen anywhere. It was the palace. His mouth fell open and, indeed, he was speechless.

  The palace was not just one tower but hundreds of them all connected to a central base. It was so big that Gabriel had to turn his head from side to side just to see all of it. Unlike the other structures, which were all one main color with different colored veins, the palace was a riot of colors. There were crimson, blue, green, gold and silver towers. The central base reminded Gabriel of a rainbow as all of the colors streamed up side by side until the split where they divided into their individual hues in the towers.

  Is it just you and your parents living here? Gabriel finally got out. Three people for all of this?

  No, all of House Nerion resides in the palace, Casillus answered. It is the largest House.

  Have all kings and queens come from House Nerion? Gabriel’s gaz
e swung from one side of the palace to the other.

  Yes, though we intermarry with all of the other Houses so that other points of view are heard and we do not become an echo chamber, Casillus said.

  Since Mers don’t die, how is it determined when the old king and queen step down and a new king and queen take their place? Gabriel asked.

  We change every thousand years. My parents are only in their hundredth year of rule, Casillus explained. But it is not only a king and queen who can rule. Sometimes there are two queens or—

  Two kings? Gabriel waggled his eyebrows at Casillus.

  Yes, Casillus said, and he looked meaningfully at Gabriel.

  Are you—wait a minute, if you’re a prince does that mean you are going to become king? Gabriel stammered.

  That is not always the case. The Elders tell us who is next in line to lead, Casillus said.

  And have they said who that person is? Gabriel prodded.

  But Casillus would only smile and say nothing more.

  Gabriel shook his head and turned back to the palace. In front of the massive structure there were three huge “fountains” of coral. As he and Casillus neared them, Gabriel felt heat flowing out of them. The coral disguised more of the vents that let out warm water and minerals. They swam between two of them and Gabriel relished the heat that wrapped around him. He flipped over onto his back and kicked his feet leisurely. The palace rose above him like some magnificent flower, blooming forever in the deep.

  One of Casillus’ hands stroked down his back and lingered at the base of his spine. A trill of desire ran through Gabriel and he spun over to see Casillus swimming beneath him. There was a playful smile on Casillus’ full lips. Gabriel darted in for a kiss. The shift around Casillus’ hips caressed Gabriel’s thighs. Their cocks brushed against each other’s.

  Making love in the water must be incredible, Gabriel murmured.


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