The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance

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The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance Page 33

by Aratare, X.

  It is. Casillus put his hands on Gabriel’s waist and swam them forward. I will have to show you.

  Oh, yeah, I’m sure you’ll have a lot to show me, Gabriel teased.

  They leaned in together for another kiss before breaking apart and swimming towards the palace’s main gate. The main gate made House Liseas’ look like a child’s door in comparison. There was another elaborate glass-like latticework, which glittered at them like the strands of a spider’s web caught in the sun.

  Casillus, this is so stunning. Gabriel couldn’t stop gazing at the magnificent palace. I knew you were a prince. I understood you were royalty. But I guess I didn’t understand it fully! Seeing the palace makes it clear you aren’t an ordinary Mer—though from what I’ve seen I don’t know what an ordinary Mer is!

  I do not think of this place as only my family’s, but as all of the Mers’. This place represents our past, our present and our future. It is a responsibility to reside here as much as a wonder, Casillus answered him.

  Gabriel snuck his arm around Casillus’ trim waist. I can’t imagine living here. I mean I want to, but it’s like a—a monument or something.

  While there are places inside that feel personal to me, the palace as a whole is too grand for me to ever think of it simply as a home, Casillus agreed. In fact, I have not seen every room inside yet myself.

  We’ll have to make it a goal to see every single one then, Gabriel said.

  It is times like these that I am grateful for a Mer’s long life. For the palace grows, and there is always more to see, Casillus explained.

  So we can never really see it all, can we?

  We can try.

  Casillus took Gabriel’s hand. They swam to the center of the gate and without Casillus having to touch it, the latticework retracted and allowed them to swim inside. To say that Gabriel was stunned at the beauty of the outside of the palace was not an overstatement, but the inside truly took all words and thoughts away.

  The gate opened into a long vaulted chamber. The ribs of the vault were gold while the walls were crimson. There was a ramp, also gold, that led up to a four-story tall wall covered in crawling vines and flowers so vibrant that Gabriel was dazzled by their colors. The vines branched off from a brilliant center stalk. The whole of it reminded Gabriel of the old evolutionary tree he had seen an etching of in a science book. There were no thrones before the tree for there was no need to sit in the ocean, but Gabriel guessed that this was the throne room. He could feel it even without Casillus telling him.

  Your parents wait there when they are holding audience, don’t they? Gabriel pointed to the space in front of the wall with the tree.

  Yes, any Mer can come and speak to them when they are here before the Tree of Life, Casillus agreed.

  Tree of Life? That’s the vine thing?


  Gabriel’s eyes slid from the Tree of Life to the other walls. The walls were all carved with various scenes of Mer life. Gabriel found himself swimming over to one of the panels, which was several times taller than himself. He recognized the mysterious Zed’s work immediately.

  The panel was carved with the image of vast forests of kelp being harvested by the Mers. Assisting them were dolphins and octopi. Another panel was engraved with a representation of the court house with Mers streaming in and out of its impressive halls. But it was the third panel he drifted towards that stopped him cold. It contained a carving of a temple located deep in a trench. There were no other structures around it. There were no carved representations of Mer or fish swimming towards the yawning doors at the temple’s base. The temple was alone, sitting solitary and resplendent in the deep. Gabriel would have recognized it even without having seen its twin on land.

  It’s—it’s a temple to—

  Do not say its name, Gabriel! Not here, Casillus cautioned. But yes, it is what you think it is. This is how I recognized the temple at the settlement. I have passed by this panel almost every day of my life.

  Is this where the statue will go? Gabriel asked.

  Yes, it will be safe there. Casillus shook himself. But come, let us go see brighter things, better places.

  Gabriel silently agreed and took Casillus’ hand once more. He cast one last glance back at the carving of Cthulhu’s second temple before resolutely looking ahead of himself again, determined not to think of the temple or the way the open doors seemed to urge him to come close, to come inside.

  Once again there were no stairs, but instead circular openings above their heads that led to the upper floors. Gabriel was not surprised that access to those floors was cut off by more of the latticework.

  As I explained earlier, coming to see the king and queen in the throne room is something that any Mer can do, but we need privacy for our own quarters, Casillus said as they swam together towards the first latticework opening. The crystal bars retreated before them like the others had.

  Casillus then had them swimming up countless floors. Each one that Gabriel glimpsed seemed more fabulous than the one before it. He saw floors and walls encrusted with what looked like diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other precious and semi-precious stones that glowed softly with a mesmerizing inner light. There were floors of pure clear crystal. There were rooms where the walls and ceilings were covered in brilliantly flowering plants of every hue that bobbed lazily in the currents. Finally, they stopped their upwards swim as they entered a space that Gabriel immediately knew was Casillus’.

  The floor was made of deep blue lapis lazuli. The walls were a creamy white stone. Flowering purple plants wound up columns that framed a vast doorway into a room beyond. Even from where they were, Gabriel could see that the next room had a massive balcony screened in by a thinner, clearer version of the latticework of the gates. It allowed one to see out without obstructing their view. And what a view! Gabriel swam towards it eagerly.

  He passed by what looked like a large fluted clam shell the size of a Volkswagen Beetle that was closed tightly. Its outside was a pearlescent white. He also swam by a vast, smooth wall where a mural had been started. Small pots of thick colored gels still sat on the ground before it. Brushes were attached by cords to hooks in the wall so that they would not be swept away by the mild current in the room. The brushes were not the only things attached like that. The Mer had no need for closets or dressers for clothing. Instead, he saw several silken shifts similar to the one that was tied around Casillus’ waist also attached to hooks on the walls. Yet as curious as he was about Mer life, Gabriel barely had eyes for any of this, for outside the balcony that ran the length of the room was a scene of wonder.

  And I thought House Liseas’ garden was amazing! Gabriel cried.

  The courtyard was so large that Gabriel could not see the other side of it, but within its vast circumference there was the most spectacular reef. His lips parted and his eyes widened. Bright stalks of towering seaweed stretched up so far that Gabriel could nearly reach out and brush their tops with his fingers even though they were rooted ten stories below. There were acres of yellow-green lettuce coral, forests of tree coral, mounds of the strangely insectile bubble coral, and then an ocean’s worth of waves of fan coral.

  Casillus floated beside him, one hand on Gabriel’s lower back. This is known as the Life Seed Reef. There is at least one of every species of plant and coral that we have discovered growing in the ocean here. As new ones are found we bring them here and plant them where they will grow and thrive.

  Gabriel could well believe Casillus’ statements. The variety of plant life was staggering. But it was the profusion of fish, everything from silversides to parrotfish, that really stunned him. He saw large turtles paddling their stumpy limbs as they strained their heads forward. He felt a momentary qualm as he caught sight of a tentacle between two of the leaves of lettuce coral, but it was a pinkish color and belonged to a normal-sized octopus that quickly hid itself again in one of the openings in the reef. Then there were the larger predators. Sharks glided with predatory grace over the
tops of the table-like coral. Many a fish twitched away from their dead black eyes. Gabriel gave an even greater gasp, though, when a dolphin abruptly swooped up to the balcony and the latticework disappeared to let it in. It immediately went to nose around Casillus, who laughed and rubbed his hands over its head.

  Gabriel your gift is at work again! You have aided me in summoning Ieshles! I did not think I would be able to introduce you until we were truly in Emralis! Casillus cried.

  I have no idea how I’m doing this, Casillus. I had no idea you had a … ah, dolphin for a friend.

  The dolphin let out excited squeaks and circled Casillus happily.

  Our minds are linking far more deeply than before, Casillus explained. You do not need to consciously know what I want to assist me. But I assure you that this is your doing, for I could not do it myself.

  Well, I’m glad to meet any friend of yours. Gabriel stared at the dolphin’s sleek gray body with wonder.

  He is my best friend and usual partner in crime, though I could not bring him with me on my journey. Ieshles, meet Gabriel. Gabriel, Ieshles, Casillus introduced them.

  Hello, Ieshles, Gabriel greeted the dolphin.

  The dolphin immediately circled Gabriel, studying him with its black, intelligent eyes. After a circle and a half it appeared to find him acceptable and it nosed one of his hands for petting. Gabriel tentatively ran his hands over the dolphin’s skin, enjoying the soft yet rubbery feel of it beneath his palm.

  He loves you already, Gabriel. I am not surprised, Casillus said, and there was a warm glow of approval over their bond.

  Don’t dolphins need to surface for air, though? Aren’t we too far from the surface for him? I’d imagine that we are actually way too deep for most of the other creatures here, too, Gabriel asked, remembering that reefs, as well, were normally much closer to the surface, needing sunlight.

  We have places where air is brought down in large bubbles and stored for Ieshles and the others like him who require it, Casillus answered. All life is sustained here by our will.

  That sounds an awful lot like magic!

  We have long been able to control the sea in small ways. No one can truly control it completely, but we are able to alter it to suit our needs, Casillus explained. Ieshles suddenly bobbed its body and chittered with happiness. Casillus laughed. Yes, yes, my friend. Thank you for the thought!

  Ieshles then swam rapidly away, the latticework disappearing to release him back into the reef and, presumably, back to his real home.

  What thought did he have? Gabriel asked.

  Casillus framed Gabriel’s trim waist with his hands. His expression showed immeasurable fondness as he looked at Gabriel. He only wanted to remind me that many long for my return home.

  Gabriel looked away from Casillus. The Mer prince should be in the Mer city, but instead he was babysitting Gabriel. Casillus touched his chin.

  I would wish to be no place else but here, Gabriel, the Mer assured him.

  Gabriel lifted his head. I know. But it’s good to have a reminder of what you’re missing by staying with me.

  I am giving up nothing! I have gained everything, Casillus told him firmly.

  Gabriel gave him a quirked smile. I just feel so lucky to have you with me. Gabriel’s left arm swung out towards the reef. Such beauty seems almost unreal.

  The reef is beautiful, but you are so much more so, Casillus murmured.

  Gabriel turned back to the Mer. Love has blinded you.

  Casillus smiled. Love has opened my eyes.

  Mine as well. Gabriel ducked his head. What a fool he had been about love! Corey had been right from the beginning. His personal Cupid knew him all too well.

  I did not bring you here only because I wanted to show you the palace, Casillus said suddenly.

  Gabriel turned his head to regard the Mer curiously. What other reason did you have?

  Casillus’ eyes were hooded. I want to make love, Gabriel. Right here. With the Life Seed Reef before us and the palace at our backs.

  A rush of heat went through Gabriel and his cock twitched between his thighs. He didn’t answer the Mer with words. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Casillus’ neck and drew the Mer in for a kiss. He had been so afraid of the sea for so very long and now he was going to make love in it. It would not be a dream this time. It would be real.



  Casillus’ hands slid down Gabriel’s back, cresting over the swell of his buttocks until they came to rest cupping his ass cheeks. Heat built between Gabriel’s legs and there was a slickness between his buttcheeks that had nothing to do with the seawater. His heartbeat thudded heavily as Casillus’ fingers slipped into his crevice. Would he feel the slickness there? Would Casillus know that Gabriel was already prepared for him from just a simple touch? Maybe it hadn’t been just that one touch, but the entire time they had been in the city together. The glory and wonder of swimming with his lover through their new home had brought him to the cusp of cumming now without any more stimulation required.

  Why are you afraid of me knowing how eager you are for our coupling? Casillus, of course, already knew his thoughts.

  Gabriel’s fingers played down Casillus’ muscled front. I’m so exposed with you. You know everything.

  Know my thoughts and feelings then, Gabriel. Reach out and embrace my mind. I will hide nothing from you either, Casillus murmured.

  I ...

  Gabriel almost said that he did not know how. But that wasn’t true. He knew he was still holding back. He could feel it. His reluctance came from the last shred of his remaining fear that fully bonding with Casillus would risk the destruction of his heart if the Mer ever went away.

  But even if I don’t bond fully with him, my heart won’t survive losing him anyways, Gabriel thought. So why not actually enjoy being with him fully even if it does only last a short time? Why hold back?

  Slowly, Gabriel put his hands on either side of Casillus’ face. His thumbs ran along the Mer’s high cheekbones. He relished Casillus’ physical beauty, but the true beauty of the Mer was inside, and that was where he wanted to be.

  Gabriel consciously stretched out his senses. For the first time, he felt the barrier between them. It was a permeable barrier that many thoughts and feelings could breach, but not all. It was a barrier that he had created. All he needed to do was move through it and he would be inside of Casillus’ mind completely just like the Mer was in his. Once he did that there would be absolutely nothing separating them ever again if he chose it.

  Do not be afraid, Gabriel. I love you, Casillus said. His blue-green eyes did not even blink.

  Gabriel stared into them and then he moved. Not physically, but mentally. His consciousness simply slipped through Casillus’ eyes and then he was inside the Mer. It was like being embraced by light. Casillus was radiant sunlight streaming through the bluest water. Gabriel luxuriated in it. There was no fear here. No darkness. No grief. No aloneness. All was Casillus. All was light and wholeness. A perfect joining.

  I am with you, Gabriel. Always and forever. Casillus’ words were more than words. They were promises. They were sacred vows.

  I love you, Casillus. I love you, Gabriel breathed.

  But suddenly, on the edge of his vision, there was a blot of blackness. It was not from Casillus. It was another mind. Another mind that was with him just like the Mer’s was with him. But this entity was nothing like Casillus. Or rather it was the exact opposite of his beloved Mer. Where Casillus was light, this being was darkness.

  Who are you? Gabriel asked, surprised that his voice did not waver.

  Its presence was a velvety blackness that called to him. It was a magnet that he could not resist. He imagined what it would be like to be wrapped in that silky darkness and caressed ...

  Cthulhu. He hadn’t meant to whisper the name.

  He heard his own name being called, but it sounded like it was from far away. Casillus was calling for him. Somehow he had moved out of
his lover’s mind and towards the something else, and the Mer was calling him back.

  I’m—I’m here. The world seemed to spin and Gabriel was suddenly back in the Mer city with Casillus. Cthulhu—or rather his awareness of the being, was gone.

  Casillus’ blue-green eyes were troubled. You were with me fully, and then—

  It’s okay, Casillus. I’m with you. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, Gabriel assured him even as something inside of him shivered with an unnatural longing.

  Something happened, the Mer insisted.

  I saw—saw another mind, Gabriel confessed.

  A look of understanding filled the Mer’s gaze. You saw my connection to our people. No wonder you were drawn away.

  Gabriel meant to tell the Mer that it was not other Mers who had drawn him away. No Mer or man could ever distract him from Casillus. It was Cthulhu, and it frightened him that he had gone so very eagerly towards the darkness that was that being. But no words came.

  Casillus caressed his face and said, Everyone is anxious for you to return to us.

  You … Gabriel paused and swallowed. You are the one that matters most to me.

  Casillus’ mouth covered his and their tongues slid together so slick and warm. The Mer sucked on Gabriel’s lower lip until it was swollen and red as his fingers continued to quest between the globes of Gabriel’s ass. Suddenly, Casillus lifted Gabriel up above his head with ease until Gabriel was stretched out horizontally above him.

  Casillus? Gabriel asked, his voice filled with laughter and surprise at the Mer’s unexpected action.

  We are not bound by the rules of the land, Gabriel. We can do so much more in the sea, the Mer said with a chuckle.

  What is the sea going to allow you to do with me up here? Gabriel laughed as he floated above the Mer, his body somehow adjusting to keep him level and in place.

  Let me show you, the Mer said.

  Casillus then started kissing the backs of his ankles. Gabriel pointed his toes in pleasure. The kisses almost tickled, and he had never been touched in that way. The Mer continued to kiss up the backs of his legs from ankles to knees. He felt the light brush of Casillus’ long hair drifting between his thighs. Those lips sucked and kissed the tender skin just above the backs of his knees. He was working his way up. Then the Mer was kissing his inner thighs. That soft, sensitive skin that loved to be touched. Gabriel shivered and spread his legs farther apart.


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