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Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1)

Page 20

by Laura Hopgood

  “Hold on a second, I thought you said that we wouldn’t run into this kind of trouble? You said, that water and food would always be available to us?”

  “And it is.” Crystaline answered through gritted teeth. “We just have to keep our eyes peeled. Look out for water streaks on the cliffs. If water is going to be anywhere, that’s where we’ll find it.”

  Right, so that was it. That was what James was now going to focus on. The young space warrior was so intent on finding that water, so intent in fact, that he hoisted the backpack-like bag over his two strong shoulders. Was it the thirst? Or was it Crystaline? James imagined finding that all important water, and he imagined the princess’ reaction. Crystaline would cheer up, surely?

  The next hour flew by pretty quickly. Not because James was having fun, but instead, the young space warrior was almost in a trance, a trance where he would scan the dry scene around him for even the first sign of water. So far, his efforts had been fruitless, and Morcees’ and Borcees’ constant sniggering was beginning to grate against the walls of his concentrating state. Just what were those two up to?

  Bringing James back into the world of reality, he saw Zach suddenly lurch forwards, hearing the all too familiar sound of the sworsha’s swirls of electricity.

  “What are you doing?” James yelled, seeing the purple of Morcees’ weapon prodding Zach’s back. Zach fell to the ground this time.

  Without thinking, James felt his own trouser pocket for his sworsha, but before he could grab his weapon, he’d been beaten to it, beaten to it by Crystaline!

  The princess bounded straight for Morcees, slicing through his legs with her purple weapon. The Urashan man was thrust up high into the air, before landing on the ground with a sharp thud!

  Before Morcees even had the time to register what was going on, the princess had him in her grasp, and like on the training day, Crystaline’s sworsha had turned blue, positioned ready to cut off Morcees’ head.

  Instead of panicking, Morcees let out a guttural laugh as the princess continued to grapple him from behind.

  “Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I wasn’t wrong was I?”

  Crystaline’s grip tightened.

  “Wrong about what?” her words were breathy, shaky. “You? Being a bully? What has that man ever done to you?”

  Zach brushed the dirt off his shoulders, shuffling nervously into Phil’s arms, as he realised that Crystaline was sticking up for him.

  Morcees continued to cackle.

  “What has he ever done? What has he ever done, Crystaline? I think you’re forgetting the facts.”

  As James looked into Crystaline’s eyes, he saw nothing but agony, nothing but a soul destroying pain. Her arms were trembling, shaking uncontrollably. At least her brother was by her side now, placing his hands placatingly over her quivering arms.

  “Come now, Crystaline. Put the weapon down. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  “You heard him!” Borcees had rushed to the aid of his friend. Though his lips were trembling, too. “Just let him go!”

  As her brother’s and Borcees’ words hit her, Crystaline gave one last pain filled grimace, then her weapon whooshed off, as she freed her arms from Morcees.

  The princess stood, eyeing Borcees as he rushed to his friend’s side. As she watched the pair, her expression was unreadable, filled with such a complex array of emotions: Pain, anger, shock, loathing, regret?

  Crystos tried to give his sister another gentle little touch. She merely swiped her arms free from his grasp, stomping off into the distance. Crystos rushed on after her, determined not to lose his sister.

  Morcees spat on the ground, eyeing the frightened little chugga, and the humans beside him.

  “Better catch up with the prince and the princess” he growled.

  Realising that he had no sympathy whatsoever for Morcees, James turned on his heels, racing on after Crystaline and her brother. The others weren’t far behind him.


  As it turned out, the Urashan princess hadn’t been trying to run away as such. Once the others had caught up with her, she had not sped away from them. Instead, Crystaline had merely continued to lead, just like she had done before the whole incident had kicked off. It were as if nothing had ever happened. The princess was still in an awful mood, silently brooding away as she continued to walk across the barren land.

  Not so unlike Crystaline, James was busy brooding too, watching as the little chugga had bravely resumed his position of walking alongside the bad tempered Urashan princess.

  Morcees was a dick! James had always suspected this, but now he knew. Crystaline was right, the man was a bully. Why else would he just launch an attack on Zach like that? What had Zach done to him? Absolutely nothing. James was sure of that. He had no idea what Morcees’ problem was.

  Although James hated to see Crystaline in any form of pain, whether that be emotional or physical, the situation had certainly shed a new light on everything. Crystaline’s sticking up for Zach had certainly won her yet more brownie points. Brownie points which only James would allocate to those he had a favourable opinion of. His opinion of Crystaline had always been a favourable one, but now it was even more so.

  As the sun continued to glare down on him, James remembered how parched and famished he felt. Feeling suddenly desperate for water, the young space warrior began to scan the cliffs all around him. He remembered what Crystaline had said; she had told everyone to look out for water streaks. James searched the cliffs to his left - nothing. Then the cliffs to his right. One of these cliffs was taller than the others angled at odd, step-like shapes. The structure was a light shade of pinky purple, with something dark and wiry running through it like cracks, streaks...streaks! James stopped in his tracks, squinting his eyes for a closer, more focused look at the cliff. The streaks were dark, dark purple. Dark in the very same way that water would darken a rock.

  “Hey, you guys,” he called. “That cliff over there, what are those streaks?”

  Crystaline stilled along with everyone else. Her eyes followed James’ pointing finger to the cliff in question.

  “That’s our water.” she said, walking towards James. “Give me your bag.”

  James looked a little lost for words.

  “What? Why? We’re all going up there, aren’t we?”

  “No. The rest of you are to wait by that big bulky boulder over there. I’ll get us our water.”

  James eyed the huge hulk of purple rock several metres to his left, then he eyed the princess. True, he didn’t fancy the climb, but Crystaline couldn’t do this alone.

  “I’m going with you.”

  Crystaline sighed, frustrated.

  “No you’re not. You’re going to wait by that boulder with the others. Now just give me the bag.”

  “Crystaline!” Crystos had stepped forwards, “you can’t go up there alone. It might not be safe. Either me or James will go with you.”

  Crystaline shook her head, completely exasperated.

  “Well one of us needs to stay down here and keep an eye on everyone else. We can’t both go, Crystos.”

  “Then let James go with you.”

  Crystaline shook her head again, her gaze shifting to James.

  “Can you climb?” She asked him.

  James nodded, trying to ignore the look of concern on Phil’s face.

  “Yes, I can climb. Phil, I’m doing this. I’ve been trained for this.”

  Phil shook his head, as if to say: no James, you’re not doing this, you can’t...please. The human captain knew his attempts of dissuasion would be futile.

  “Just be careful up there. I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  James nodded respectfully, pleasantly surprised by his captain’s lack of protest.

  “So then,” he said, turning to Crystaline, “what are we waiting for?”

  Chapter 17

  After leaving everyone else in the shelter of the ginormous boulder, James and Crystaline began their journey to the
water soaked cliff.

  As James continued to walk, he noticed the plumes of dust billowing up around his ankles. The ground was hard and dusty. He could even hear the sounds of his and Crystaline’s footsteps. The princess’ movements were soft and orderly, whilst James’, well, they weren’t all tromping like Phil’s, but they weren’t quite as delicate as Crystaline’s either.

  As the cliff drew that bit nearer, James squinted his eyes, realising that his and Crystaline’s footsteps weren’t the only ones he could hear. Something was behind him, scurrying. James halted, turning around to face the little chugga who had followed him.

  “Chugga-chugga? What are you doing over here? You’re supposed to be with the others.”

  Crystaline’s footsteps stopped, as she swung her body around to face James and the little chugga.

  “Get back there!” She hissed, much to the surprise of James.

  The poor little creature gave a nervous little whimper. It would not move.

  “You heard me!” The princess continued, her voice slightly louder and sterner. “Get back over to that boulder!”

  “Crystaline!” James was trying to placate the ill-tempered princess. He felt sorry for the little chugga who’s eyes were now glazed with tears. “Is it so bad that he comes with us?”

  “Yes! He can’t climb! Not like we can! It’s not safe. Chugga-chugga, you listen up. You get back there with the others, NOW!”

  The baby blue animal would still not budge, forcing Crystaline to stomp up dust from the ground, in an attempt to shoo the loyal little chugga away.

  “Go!” She yelled, “Stop being such a pest and following me around the whole time!”

  That was it, the princess’ harsh words had done it this time. One little tear streamed from each of Chugga-chugga’s eyes, as he slowly backed away.

  Crystaline’s finger was still raised in the air, her eyes watching guiltily as the little creature made its way back to the boulder.

  “That was a little harsh, don’t you think?” James pointed out, still surprised by the princess’ sudden outburst.

  Crystaline turned on her heels, resuming her journey to the cliff.

  “It was for his own good.” she tried to convince herself.

  Another few minutes of silent travel had passed between the pair, and now, at long last, they had arrived, staring up at the humungous cliff which towered directly above them.

  “So this is it?” James said, hearing the sounds of trickling water up above him.

  “Are you sure you can climb?”

  “Yes.” James promised, eyeing the grooves in the rock-face which he would use. It was true, the climb looked undesirable, but James wanted that water. He needed it.

  “I think we just need to climb to that first flat level. The water sounds close.”

  James agreed, or he hoped that Crystaline’s assumptions were correct at least. He watched as the Urashan princess felt the cliff for its holes and its ridges, working out and planning her ascent. Then, without a further word, the princess was off, climbing the rock with ease. James followed on, determined to keep up with the skilled princess.

  The climb wasn’t too hard. The rock-face had enough holes and bumps which James could use to ascend the thing. Occasionally, however, the odd bit of rock would break free from his grasp, forcing the space warrior to flail around for a new bump to grab hold of.

  James was relieved when at last, he’d climbed the thing, reaching that first flat level. Crystaline had definitely been right, the water was here, flowing down from the higher levels of the cliff, running down the creases of the rock like a tap.

  “Perfect!” James said, pleased with himself, as he and Crystaline rushed over to the trickling water. “I reckon we can get all three of these bottles filled with this, don’t you?”

  Crystaline held out her hand expectantly.

  “Just pass me the cylinders,” she hissed.

  Feeling slightly ruffled, James removed the bag from his shoulders, unfastening it to retrieve the first of the three bottles.

  As Crystaline held the cylinder underneath the water, filling it up like she would do via a tap, James felt his tongue caressing his dry chapped lips. Soon his thirst would be quenched.

  “The next bottle.” Crystaline ordered, swapping the filled bottle for the empty one.

  James felt the heaviness of the filled container in his hand, as he watched Crystaline’s impassive face. The young space warrior was tempted to guzzle down that entire bottle right now. Though he was sure that the princess would not approve of such an action.

  As the second cylinder brimmed full with water, James noticed several small rocks, trickling down from the upper part of the cliff. Both he and Crystaline paused, searching the rock above them for any sign of sounds or movements.

  “Anything?” James asked her.

  Crystaline shook her head.

  “No, just give me the third bottle.”

  James complied, searching the princess’ expression for a reason for her foul mood.

  “I don’t get this.” He whispered.

  “Get what?”

  “This. The way you’re being today.”

  “And how am I being exactly?”

  James shook his head, trying to summon the strength to speak up.

  “I don’t know, Crystaline. You’re just not being you. Who I really think you are. You’re acting like you did when I first got here.”

  Crystaline raised her eyebrows incredulously, handing James the final filled cylinder.

  “You’re saying I’ve changed?”

  James nodded, placing the bag back on over his shoulders.

  “Yeah. You have. Think back to that night when you first rescued Chugga-chugga, you’d have never shouted at him like that.”

  “I was thinking of him! He couldn’t climb this cliff!”

  James bowed his head down shyly.

  “I know,” he agreed, “but it’s not just that. Yesterday you were fun, and today you’re mad, you’re angry, you’re hurting.”

  Crystaline looked as startled as she was exasperated.


  James looked bravely into the eyes of the princess.

  “That’s right. That’s what this is, isn’t it? You’re hurting over your mother, over your father, what he...what he...” James stopped to look into the blazing eyes of the princess. A searing hot flame was beginning to incinerate its way through those beautiful golden irises of hers. Instinctively, James began to back away from Crystaline, towards the cliff’s edge.

  “What?” Crystaline whispered, her rage flaring. “What did he tell you?” Her words were a shout this time.

  James held his hands up in an attempt to placate the princess.

  “Crystos just told me some things, that’s all. He worries about you, Crystaline. He’s torn. He wants to help you, but...”

  “But what? What does he want to help me with exactly? My brother has no right shooting his mouth off about matters which don’t concern him. And you!” Crystaline prodded James’ chest with her finger, “You have no right to even mention my mother or my father. Do you understand? My life is of no concern to you. My pain, is of no concern to you.”

  James felt the cliff’s edge with his foot. He stopped, feeling Crystaline’s aggressive body leaning right into him. Would she push? Would she push him right off that cliff?


  James and Crystaline looked horrified, each staring momentarily into each other’s eyes as they began to fathom the sound they’d just heard.

  “Crystos...” Crystaline whispered, as she and James both turned to face the cliff’s edge. It wasn’t just Crystos, they were all there, running frantically towards the cliff. Yelling, pointing, pointing at something up on the cliff behind them. With their bodies still interlocked together, James and Crystaline turned to face one another, their mouths both gaped wide open, as they heard the terrible thud landing right beside them. Both James and Crystaline gave one little
grimace, before turning their heads to face what had just landed right next to them.

  There, with its wings digging into the cliff was the creature, the massive, threatening yellow eyed creature. James studied the bright red, luminous triangular crest of the being’s head, and then those glowing red streaks on the flying animal’s wings. The streaks were like blood, bright blood, which signified danger.

  The animal’s mouth opened, unveiling a black lacerating tongue surrounded by razor sharp teeth. The thing screeeeeeeched! Flapping its ginormous wings, and raising its eight feet tall green body into an aggressive stance. James wanted to open his mouth, to ask Crystaline what the giant winged creature was. It reminded the young space warrior of a dinosaur, a pterodactyl, an alien pterodactyl, which had scared the life out of him. James could not even summon the strength to speak, and he knew, he knew that Crystaline was probably suffering from the same problem. He could feel the princess’ heart beating wildly against his chest, her eyes watching on in horror as four more creatures landed, and dotted themselves around at certain points of the cliff.

  The lead animal’s eyes locked onto James’, and for a moment, James wondered if just his stare would be enough to scare the creature away. Instead of scaring the animal, the young space warrior saw only its temper flaring. The creature’s mouth opened and shrieked, writhing its body into a position ready to strike.

  James felt Crystaline catching her breath next to him, sucking out her words from the air.

  “Gersher,” she whispered, her grip tightening around James, as she began to pull him and her closer to the cliff’s edge. “RUN!”

  That was it - James’ body sprang into action in sync with Crystaline’s, as he and her began their descent from the cliff. The young space warrior could hear the sounds of yelling, of screeching, of wings flapping and of rocks falling all intermingled together to create a sound: the perfect definition of chaos.

  As James continued to climb his way down the cliff, he couldn’t help but notice that the rocks all around him were getting bigger. As he jumped free from the cliff, James was horrified to see boulders upon boulders of heavy rocks, plummeting down towards him and his friends.


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