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Broken (The Onyx Wolves Book 2)

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by Raven K. Asher


  “The Onyx Wolves”

  By: Raven K. Asher

  Other Books By: Raven K. Asher

  “Barely Alive” (The Story of Alexis Rose) Book 1

  “Running Scared” (The Story of Alexis Rose) Book 2

  “Dead End” (The Story of Alexis Rose) Book 3

  ”The Complete Story of Alexis Rose” Books 1-3

  “Losing Levi”

  “When Worlds Collide and Stars Align”

  “The Hidden Angel” (The Angels Evermore) Book 1

  “Damage Me”

  “Colton Clark” (A “Damage Me” Novella)

  “Eden One, Season One (Episodes 1-12)”

  “Alone” (Among the Dead Trilogy) Book 1

  “Bound” (The Onyx Wolves) Book 1

  Text copyright ©Raven K. Asher 2014

  This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give, copy, scan, distribute or sell this book to anyone else.

  Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms.

  Any people or places are strictly fictional and not based on anything else, fictional or non-fictional.

  Table of Contents

  Other Books By: Raven K. Asher

  Table of Contents

  1-Starting Over

  2-Broken Dreams



  5-Break my Heart


  7-Back to Reality


  9-Drinking Games

  10-Giving Up

  11-Hard Choices

  12- Home-Sweet-Home

  13-Moving On

  14-Second Chances

  15-Kiss Me

  16-Swept Away

  17-I Spy

  18-Tattle Tale

  19-Playing with Fire

  20-Time Flies

  21-Making Up

  22-The Alpha Run

  23-Love Conquers



  26-Wedding Day


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  1-Starting Over

  Nothing seemed real anymore.

  Days go by without me even moving from my spot, lying on my bed still in my wolf form.

  I had no reason to get up.

  My heart was broken, my soul was broken, and I had no want nor will to go on with my life without Gage.

  “Parker, Sweetheart, you need to get up and eat something.” London tries to convince me to once again get up and move.

  It wasn’t going to work.

  It hadn’t worked for the past week that he had been trying.

  The only reaction I give him is a low groan.

  London sighs roughly as he paces the room and runs his hands over his hair. “You can’t stay in here forever, Parker. Your pack needs you, I need you.”

  “And I need Gage.” I whimper as I change into my human form.

  It was the first words I had spoken since we had returned to Gage’s father’s home.

  He remains quiet for a few moments as he stops pacing and turns to look at me with sadness in his yellow eyes.

  “Sweetheart, he isn’t coming back.” He whispers softly. “He wouldn’t want you lying here letting yourself wither away.”

  I remain silent as he sighs and then sits down on the edge of my bed.

  “Please, don’t give up.” He pleads gently.

  “What do you expect me to do, London?” I ask with a hint of anger.

  I knew what he wanted me to do but there wasn’t any way I was going to do that, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t.

  “You know what you have to do as a female alpha.” London replies.

  “And you want me to choose you?” I spit out before continuing on without giving him the chance to answer my question. “You’re the reason I lost Gage in the first place. If you wouldn’t have been so selfish then he would still be alive.”

  London bows his head and nods. “I know that and I will carry that guilt for the rest of my life.”

  “Good, you should feel it, and you should never forget what you’ve done to me.” I snarl.

  “I won’t, all I can do now is try and make it up to you.” London replies sadly.

  Suddenly Rowan bursts into the room with a low growl in London’s direction. “Get out, now.”

  Without a word London stands to his feet, his head bowed in submission as he then walks out of the room leaving me and Rowan alone.

  “What do you want, Rowan?” I sigh roughly as I turn to lie on my back.

  “I just…I heard what he was talking to you about.” He replies.

  “And you want to put in your two cents.” I ground out as I glance in his direction.

  He nods. “You know you have to pick Gage’s second, you have to pick me.”

  I laugh abruptly. “I don’t have to do anything, Rowan.”

  “Gage wanted me to take care of you, Parker. It was the last promise that I made to him and I intend to keep it whether you agree to it or not.” Rowan growls out in frustration.

  Shaking my head I look to him with disbelief. “I really thought that you were different than the rest of the wolves, Rowan. I can’t believe you would actually stoop to London’s level just to get what you want.”

  “It’s what’s best for us all. The pack is falling apart without you, they don’t know what to do and they’re falling into their own pits of despair.” Rowan explains.

  I had no idea that they had been falling apart like that.

  Of course I hadn’t exactly opened myself up to feel anything from them.

  “I’m not going to force you but please just eat something, give our pack some hope.” Rowan then adds quietly.

  Groaning dramatically I give in. “Fine, I’ll eat but that’s it. I want to be alone.”

  Rowan nods and then quickly leaves the room.

  A few minutes pass by until someone I never expected to be here walks through the door with a plate piled high with food in each hand.

  “Daddy, how did you get here?” I whisper as tears clog my voice.

  “London and Titus helped me bring London’s father’s pack down. London helped me regain control of the Onyx pack again.” He replies as he places the plates of food down on the dresser in the room before turning to hold his arms out to me.

  I stand quickly and fall into my father’s arms as I begin to sob.

  “I want him back.” I cry.

  My father’s hands hold me close. “I know, Parker, but he isn’t going to come back. You’re going to have to move on.”

  His words were like knives stabbing into my heart.

  “I can’t move on, I just can’t.” I whimper.

  My father pushes me back slightly so he can look into my eyes. “Sometimes as an alpha we had to do things that are difficult. You need to think of your pack. They are young and so are you. You might end up finding someone else who can fill that void that you’re feeling right now.”

  “Who do I choose though? Rowan and London both want to fill that void now but I just can’t be with either of them. I know it goes against pack rules to pass up Gage’s second but it hurts just to be around him.” I reply honestly.

  “You follow your heart, Parker. That’s what I should have allowed you to do from the beginning. Follow your heart and let it lead you in the direction that you need to go.” He replies gently.

nbsp; “But all my heart wants is Gage.” I whimper again.

  “I know it does and that feeling will never go away but you need to continue on with your life.” My father sighs.

  Nodding my head I sigh softly and then step away from my father.

  I take a few moments to compose myself before looking up to him with a small smile. “What did you bring for me to eat?” I ask changing the subject.

  He smiles sadly. “I brought dinner for the both of us, I brought your favorite.”

  For the first time since Gage’s death I smile genuinely.

  My father motions for me to sit down on my bed before he picks up a plate of food and holds it out for me to take.

  I take it from him and quickly dig in.

  Dad chuckles as he sits down next to me to eat his own plate of food.

  Once he finishes his plate he laughs and stands to his feet. “I’ll go get you some more to eat if there’s anything left.”

  I nod and hand over my empty plate before he walks out of my room.

  I had literally licked the plate clean.

  Sighing softly I look down at my hands as the deep sadness that had consumed me returns.

  Tears pool in my eyes once again and I whisper the one name that held my heart. “Gage Massey, what have you done to me?”

  I could hear him as if he was sitting right next to me. I could imagine him laughing and then whispering something sweet into my ear before kissing me.

  My heart ached that he couldn’t be here.

  It ached that I wouldn’t be able to kiss him again.

  The wolf inside of me begins to whine with the pain. She missed Gage just as much as I did and she longed to be with his wolf again.

  Her whine falls from my lips and in an instant London rushes into my room.

  “What’s wrong?” He questions quickly as he takes my face into his hands.

  “She’s hurting.” I whisper as I look into his eyes.

  “I can take away her pain. I can take away your pain too if you’ll let me.” He replies gently. “I won’t do anything else unless you want it, just let me help you.”

  As another whimper leaves my lips from my inner wolf I give in.

  I couldn’t fight the pain anymore.

  I didn’t want to feel it anymore.

  “Please, help me.” I plead softly. “Just make the pain go away.”

  London nods once as he searches my eyes while his hand slowly moves around to the back of my neck.

  “I still love you, Parker. I always will and I will do anything to make you smile.” He whispers right before his claws dig in deep.

  A moment later a peaceful bliss engulfs me and I close my eyes.

  I fall into London’s arms. “I missed this.” I smile.

  “I know you did, Sweetheart.” London replies.

  My father and Rowan burst through the door abruptly and skid to a stop as they glance between me and London.

  “What did you do?” Rowan clips out in anger.

  Smiling happily I move from London’s arms over to Rowan. “He didn’t do anything. We were just talking while I was waiting for my father to return.” I answer for London.

  Rowan looks into my eyes for a moment before looking towards London over my shoulder. “What have you done, London?” He growls.

  Laughing softly I place my hand against Rowan’s cheek in order to turn his attention back to me. “He didn’t do anything, Rowan. Just leave him alone, for me.”

  Rowan’s eyes soften before he nods his head. “Okay, but I want to talk to him for a moment alone.”

  I grin and nod before moving over towards my father. “Let’s go see what we can find to eat. I’m still starving.”

  He nods absently before leading me out of my room and into the hallway.

  As soon as the door shuts Rowan lets out a fierce growl.

  I can’t help but pause by the door to hear what they were going to say to each other. I was worried that they were going to fight.

  My father raises his brow but I only motion him to go on without me.

  He sighs roughly before walking away.

  Turning my attention back to London and Rowan in my room I lean my head against the door to listen better.

  “What did you do to her, London?” Rowan growls angrily.

  “I did what she wanted. I took away her pain.” London replies.

  “How do you know that’s what she wanted?” Rowan asks.

  “I gave her the choice. She couldn’t take the pain that she was in and the pain that her wolf was in.” London explains. “I love her and it killed me to see her in that much pain so I did the only thing I knew to do to make it better.”

  “Damn it, London.” Rowan curses softly. “You didn’t do anything else to her, did you?”

  “No, I wouldn’t do that to her again, all I did was take her pain away.” London answers. “She’s free to choose what she wants to do now and she’s free to choose who she wants.”

  “How long will it last?” Rowan then questions.

  “I don’t know. It may last a day or it might last a week. When she does begin to show signs of her pain then I will take it all away again until one of us can break the bond she had with Gage.” London replies.

  Hearing enough I step away from the door and quietly move down the hallway.

  Instead of joining my father I walk the opposite way.

  I go towards the front door that would take me out of this place.

  As soon as I open the door the bright sunlight shines down on me.

  Shielding my eyes, I look for a path to escape. I didn’t belong here anymore. I needed to leave this all behind and find a place where I did belong.

  Looking back into the house one last time I take a deep breath and let it out before moving forward.

  It was now or never.

  Luckily I find a motorcycle in the driveway that I could drive away without anyone noticing.

  I hop on it and quickly turn the keys that had been left in it.

  “Stop, Parker, don’t leave.” London yells suddenly as he rushes out of the house with Rowan hot on his heels.

  I couldn’t stop though.

  Shaking my head I back the bike out of the driveway and onto the road.

  Harley, Damon, and Dillon join London and Rowan at the front door to watch me as I speed away.

  Their pain seeps into my mind but I quickly block it out.

  I was hurting them but I didn’t know what else to do.

  The conversation I had overheard told me that I should have been feeling the same pain as they were, but I didn’t feel anything.

  I felt numb.

  Right now I was going to take my father’s advice and run with it.

  I was going to follow my heart.

  “Please, don’t shut me out completely, Parker. If you’re going to run at least keep in touch so I know you’re alright.” Rowan chimes into my mind. “I’ll take care of our pack until you return to us.”

  “Thank you, Rowan. I’ll be back soon. I just need this time alone to figure things out.” I reply into his mind.

  “If you need anything just call and we will come running.” He adds before our connection dwindles.

  With the road before me I clear my mind.

  I was ready for whatever was going to come my way.

  2-Broken Dreams

  After driving for a few hours I come to a familiar hotel.

  I pull up to the front and shut off the engine of my bike before hopping off of it.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. Is that you Parker? What are you doing here?” Pops laughs as he walks out to greet me.

  He holds his arms out to me and I quickly go to him and wrap my arms around him.

  “I needed to get away for a little while.” I reply as I lean back from his embrace.

  He nods his head as he glances away from me before looking back at me sadly. “I heard what happened, Parker. I’m sorry that happened to you.” He pauses for a moment before continuin
g. “How are you doing?”

  “I feel nothing thanks to London.” I sigh and rub the back of my neck where his claw marks were still scabbed over.

  Pops glances back at my wounds before searching my eyes. “He didn’t force you, did he?”

  I shake my head. “No, I asked him to do this. I couldn’t handle my pain anymore.”

  Pops nods his head before stepping back. “I take it you need a place to stay for a little while?”

  I nod. “I do but I’ll pay you.”

  He shakes his head. “You don’t need to pay, but you can help me with something.”

  I raise my brow curiously. “What do you need my help for?”

  “I lost a group of Hunters a few days ago. We can’t find them at all. They were on a mission to capture a wolf for your father but I haven’t heard from them.” He begins to explain.

  “How can I help you find them?” I ask curiously.

  “I need your tracking skills.” He answers simply.

  I nod my head and smirk. “Alright, I’ll help you the best that I can.”

  This would get my mind off of things and if I was lucky maybe I could help save someone’s life.

  “Great, come on and I’ll get you settled into one of the rooms.” Pops grins and then motions for me to follow him.

  “You’re going to have to watch yourself a bit. The hotel is full of Hunters and while most of them are tolerant of wolves a few might be a bit of trouble. If you have any trouble though just call me, okay.” Pops explains as I follow him.

  “Okay.” I reply and glance around at the prying eyes watching us closely.

  As we stop in front of one door Pops turns to face me. “I have someone else staying in this room right now but there’s an open bed. It’s the best I can do right now.”

  I nod in understanding. “It doesn’t matter to me, Pops. I’m just grateful for your kindness.”

  He smiles. “I know. Your roommate is going to be helping to find our missing Hunters so try and get along with him, okay.”

  I nod again and smile.

  Opening the door wide, Pops then motions for me to go ahead in. “I’ll get you some clothes and any supplies you might need. I’ll have them dropped off later today.”


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