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Broken (The Onyx Wolves Book 2)

Page 3

by Raven K. Asher

  “It’s Parker. My name is Parker.” I reply before changing back into my wolf form.

  He grins to himself before turning his back towards us.

  “I think he likes you.” London groans into my mind as we eat together.

  It was weird that we still had our connection from before but I chalked it up to loosing Gage. Things had to have reverted back to the way it had been before he had broken what London and I had had.

  “He doesn’t like me or what I am, London.” I disagree.

  “Want to bet?” London challenges.

  “What are we going to bet?” I consider.

  London looks towards me with his yellow eyes for a moment before glancing towards Blue. “If he does like you, you know what you’ll have to do.”

  I nod my head once. “Fine, then let’s see how well he does like me.”

  Without warning London pounces on me and grabs my neck between his sharp teeth. He wasn’t hurting me but to anyone looking at us it would appear that he was.

  I whine and in an instant Blue is standing above us with a gun drawn to London’s head. “Let her go or I will shoot, wolf.” He warns.

  “I told you so.” London boasts in my mind before letting me go.

  Blue’s eyes meet mine with concern and I instantly curse my luck.

  He did seem to care about me even while I was in my wolf form.

  How that had happened so quickly I had no clue but London had been right, it needed to be put to an end.

  A human couldn’t be with a wolf, especially not a male human to a female alpha wolf.

  It was strictly forbidden.

  “Are you alright, Parker?” Blue questions and then shakes his head as he turns. “You probably have no clue what I’m saying. God I’m an idiot.”

  Changing into my human form I reach out for him but pull my hand back at the last moment. “You’re not an idiot.”

  He turns to look at me with surprise. “So, you could hear me?”

  I nod and smile bashfully. “We can understand everything you say while in our wolf forms.”

  He nods and then frowns as London’s arms wrap around my waist and his chin rests on my shoulder.

  “We can communicate between each other while in our wolf forms too.” London adds.

  Blue nods and turns his attention away from us as his jaw ticks with anger.

  “Come on, Sweetheart, we need to get some rest before we go out tonight.” London insists.

  “What happens tonight?” Blue questions curiously.

  “It’s a full moon.” I reply easily.

  Blue grins and then frowns again as London tugs me over towards my bed and pushes me to lie down.

  He then moves in behind me before wrapping his arms around me.

  I couldn’t help it as my eyes remained glued to Blue’s.

  It just felt too much like I was staring straight at Gage.

  Snaking his hand up between us, London growls low for only me to hear before his claws dig into my skin slightly.

  “Don’t do this, London. I can’t do this to him.” I beg quietly.

  “You have to do this in order for him to understand his place.” London snarls before his claws dig deeper.

  “Right now you’re mine.” He then commands as he pulls his claws out and then pushes me onto my back before snuggling his face into my neck.

  I moan softly as his lips trail a path down my neck.

  “You will be mine again, won’t you?” London whispers into my ear.

  “Yes, I’ll be all yours.” I reply.

  Closing my eyes I allow London to sweep me away in a wave of passion.

  His lips trail over my skin as his hands find their way under my clothing.

  When the door opens and then slams shut behind us London stops and then rolls onto his back. “That didn’t take as long as I thought it would.”

  I snort. “You mean it didn’t last long enough.”

  He chuckles and pushes up on his elbow. “I’m not going to force you to choose me. I’ve already promised you that.”

  I nod my head. “I know but it felt wrong to do that to him.”

  “Why did it feel wrong, am I missing something?” London asks with a raised brow.

  I sigh roughly. “I felt something with him earlier.” I confess. “It was like a pull towards him or something but it couldn’t be anything since an alpha can’t have a bond with a human.”

  “You need to stay away from him.” London warns.

  “It’s not like I can have him as a mate, London. For one, we only ever have one true mate, and two he’s not a wolf if you’ve forgotten.” I reply.

  “I haven’t forgotten, just be careful, Sweetheart.” He sighs softly before kissing my lips.

  Pulling back he lies back down on the bed and closes his eyes.

  “I’m going to get a shower.” I state and then get up off of the bed before moving towards the bathroom.

  Closing the door slightly I begin the task of stripping out of my clothes before turning the knobs on the wall to get the water flowing in the shower.

  As the water runs hot I step under the flow of water.

  I close my eyes as it washes over my body.

  As I run my hands through my hair I imagine Gage’s hands wrapping around my waist. I pretend that he was here with me.

  I imagine his lips trailing down my neck and then as his hands moved across my body.

  Moaning softly I imagine him turning me around before lifting my legs up around his waist. My mind runs away with itself as I moan again.

  My eyes open again and in front of me is Blue.

  The water beads off of his hair as his eyes stare deep into mine.

  I don’t push him away.

  Instead I run my thumb over the scar on his eyebrow before pulling his face towards mine for a deep, passionate, kiss.

  Everything abruptly fades away as I wake up with a jolt.

  I sit up in my bed and pant for my next breath.

  My eyes drift over to where Blue was sitting up in his bed panting for his own breath.

  My eyes widen as I take in the look of want in his eyes as he glances over towards me.

  Next to me London moves and I look down at him alarmed before turning my attention back towards Blue.

  He was standing now and quickly slipping on a shirt.

  Not a word is said between us as he looks towards me once more before leaving the room altogether.

  What had happened between us couldn’t have been real.

  It just wasn’t possible to share thoughts like that.

  My mind had just run away with itself, that had to be it, and we had woken up together because something had startled us both.

  That was the only explanation that I could come up with.

  To think it was anything else was dangerous.


  The next morning was less than graceful.

  Running under the full moon with London hadn’t stopped my mind from working in overdrive. I just couldn’t stop thinking about the dream that I had had.

  My heart had pounded in my chest every time I had closed my eyes to relive it.

  When London and I had called it a night and went back into our room to lay back down my eyes had met Blue’s as he lay in his bed across from me.

  We didn’t say a word to each other. We had just stared into each other’s eyes until I had drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep.

  Groaning I stretch my hands over my head before turning towards London who was sitting up in the bed reading something on his phone.

  He grunts as I stretch again.

  But as I realize the undress I was in he does too and looks towards me with wide eyes. “When did you get undressed?” He questions as his eyes heat.

  I shake my head and try to think of when I had done it. “I honestly have no clue.”

  London’s hands quickly move under the blankets but before he could touch me I jump out from under the covers to stand on my feet.<
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  London smirks triumphantly as I try and fail to cover my bare body.

  I try to grab for the blankets but he pulls them away from my grasp.

  In a last ditch effort to escape him I run straight into the bathroom and slam the door shut in his face before locking it.

  I turn around and close my eyes as I let out a deep sigh of relief.

  That relief is cut short when someone coughs awkwardly in the room with me.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I groan before opening my eyes to look at Blue as he stands wide-eyed and frozen in shock at the sink with a toothbrush in his mouth.

  His eyes roam over my body for a moment before he grunts and closes his eyes.

  “Come on out, Parker. You have to get your clothes somehow.” London teases from the other side of the door.

  I snort and try to cover myself.

  “Just hand me my clothes and stop playing this game, London.” I clip out as I turn my back towards Blue and open the door just enough to peek out at London.

  He only waves my clothes in the air from his spot on the bed.

  Slamming the door shut again I groan and turn back around.

  This time as I turn I come face to face with Blue.

  He doesn’t say a word as we stare into each other’s eyes.

  Want and need was clearly written on his face but anger was held deep within his eyes. He didn’t understand any of this any more than I did.

  We were supposed to be enemies.

  Blue’s eyes suddenly harden before his hand comes up to wrap around my neck. He moves his mouth towards my ear and breaths heavily for a moment before speaking to me. “Stay the hell out of my head, wolf.”

  His warning both shocked and scared me.

  It confirmed my fears that we had been sharing the same visions and it proved that we were somehow connected.

  With his hand still at my throat Blue moves swiftly to place his lips against mine.

  He kisses me with as much passion as Gage would have before he pushes back and then lets me free from his grasp.

  I gasp for my breath and move away from the door before rushing back through it not caring one bit to be naked in front of London.

  London sits up immediately alarmed as I snatch my clothes from his hands and hide behind him as I quickly put them on.

  “What happened…?” London begins but trails off as Blue walks out of the bathroom.

  He turns towards me. “Did he hurt you?”

  I shake my head as I glance towards Blue. “No, he didn’t hurt me.”

  London then turns his attention back towards Blue. “I swear to god if you hurt her I will kill you myself.”

  Blue snarls. “Just keep her the hell away from me.”

  With that Blue walks out of our room leaving me and London alone.

  “What the hell happened in there, Parker?” London demands as he lifts my chin up to look at him.

  “Nothing happened, he just scared me. I didn’t realize he was in there with me.” I lie.

  He could clearly see that I was lying to him.

  “You are pushing your luck with me, Parker. I don’t want to do something drastic in order to keep you away from him but you’re honestly giving me no other choice.” London growls frustrated.

  “He doesn’t want to be near me, isn’t that enough?” I whimper as his hand clamps down onto the back of my neck.

  London shakes his head. “You need to stay away from him too, Parker. It goes both ways.”

  “I will.” I promise.

  Searching my eyes for a moment London nods his head and lets me free. “I’m going to watch you and if I think for even a moment you two are getting close I will fix the problem.”

  I nod my head in understanding.

  His warning was loud and clear.

  If I didn’t stop whatever was between me and Blue then he would by taking away my freedom, London would make me his.

  Slipping on my socks and then boots I grab my keys to my bike and move to the door. “I’m going to go for a ride to clear my mind, okay?”

  London nods as he sits on the edge of the bed. “Don’t be gone too long.”

  I nod my head and then leave the room behind making my way towards the front where my bike was calling my name.

  Hopping on it I look up just in time to catch glimpse of Blue as he watches me through the front window of the main office.

  He quickly looks away and I start the bikes engine before taking off down the road.

  The wind blows through my hair as I ride along the roads absently. I didn’t care where I was going or where I would end up.

  I just needed time and space to think.

  Of course I couldn’t pull my mind away from Blue.

  Before I know it I’m pulling into a familiar cemetery. It was the one where Titus had buried Gage’s body.

  I stop my bike and get off of it before moving towards Gage’s grave.

  It was hard to miss with the large wolf statue standing guard over it.

  Kneeling down I press my fingers into the dirt that yet had to grow any grass over it.

  His headstone held a photo of him in it.

  Reaching out I trace my finger over his lips.

  “I’m so sorry.” I whisper softly. “I feel like I’ve lost my entire world. I wish you were here to tell me what to do next, I’m so lost.”

  “Why are feeling lost?” Titus asks suddenly from behind me.

  I turn to him and begin to tear up.

  Reaching back I feel for the marks that should have been left from London but they were no longer there which meant I was feeling everything, raw and unfiltered.

  He holds his arms out to me and I quickly move into them.

  “Things are a mess, Titus.” I whimper.

  He sighs softly as his hands run over my hair. “You know you can tell me anything, Parker. I won’t judge you.”

  I nod and look up to the man who had become like a second father to me. “Did you ever have any other sons?” I ask.

  Titus closes his eyes for a moment before opening them back up while nodding his head. “I did have another son. He was born to a human mother. He was born a year before Gage was born, why do you ask?”

  “I think I found him.” I begin. “And I think I have some sort of connection with him.”

  Titus breathes out slowly. “That could cause problems.”

  I nod in agreement. “It already has that and the fact that he’s a Hunter.”

  Titus curses as he takes in my admission. “I never wanted him anywhere near this life, damn it.”

  “He doesn’t seem to know anything else but the Hunter’s life. He explained that wolves like us killed his family.” I explain. “Pops told me that they are searching for a sister of his who I’m guessing is also a Hunter.”

  Again, Titus curses. “This is truly a mess.”

  I nod my head. “What do I do, Titus? Why am I feeling a connection to him?”

  “It has been heard of but only on a rare occasion. Sometimes it’s the blood that draws a true mate near. It might be the fact that the same blood that flowed through Gage’s blood flows through this Hunter’s blood.” Titus replies.

  It sort of made sense but it brought up so many other questions.

  “We shared a dream.” I blurt.

  At this information Titus’s eyes go wide. “Did you ever share that kind of connection with Gage?” He asks.

  I shake my head. “No, that’s something we didn’t have between us.”

  Titus turns his back to me for a moment before turning around. Placing his hands gently against my cheeks he sighs softly. “Then the bond between you and Gage wasn’t a true bond. It was close but you may actually have a true bond with this Hunter.”

  “How is it possible when I feel this much pain for Gage?” I whimper as I rub my chest over my heart.

  Titus smiles sadly. “Sometimes a broken heart can hurt just as badly.”

  “But what will I do considering he
is human and a Hunter? It’s against all of our laws for me to be with him unless he is an alpha and a wolf.” I question.

  “Let me figure that out for you, Parker. I’ll see what the Great Books have to say and I will come to you when I figure out a way.” Titus replies as he pulls me close for another hug.

  As we part I turn and look to Gage’s grave. “Do you think he would want me to move on?”

  “He would want you to be happy.” Titus replies.

  I nod and close my eyes. “I wish he was still here.”

  “He is and will always be in your heart no matter what happens.” Titus replies as he pats my shoulder in a comforting way.

  “I must get back before London misses me.” I sigh after a brief moment of silence.

  “Be careful until I figure things out for you, Parker.” Titus orders.

  I nod once and walk over to Gage’s headstone before placing my hand against the cool grey stone.

  A moment later I walk towards my bike with a heavy heart.

  There was no way to know what was going to happen next but at least I wasn’t completely alone, I wasn’t going to be on my own.

  And I wouldn’t be lost forever.

  There was hope.

  5-Break my Heart

  The whole ride back towards the hotel my heart remains heavy.

  Parking my bike in the back of the hotel I slowly make my way towards my room.

  My hand pauses over the knob for a moment before I turn it and walk in.

  I look around quickly and spot Blue in his bed, but he wasn’t alone. There was a blonde haired girl lying under him.

  Frozen in shock I watch with my heart breaking in two as Blue looks back at me with a glare.

  Thankfully London grabs me and yanks me back out of the room before slamming the door shut.

  The damage had already been done though.

  And I suddenly had to hide that pain behind the pain I still felt for Gage’s loss.

  The odd thing was that Gage’s loss was becoming bearable.

  I could handle the pain that his death had caused which meant one thing.

  Our bond hadn’t been a true one.

  London tugs me along towards the front of the hotel before someone hands him a bottle of alcohol.

  I snatch it from his hand and down half of the bottles contents before following London inside a room with a group of other Hunters.


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