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Broken (The Onyx Wolves Book 2)

Page 8

by Raven K. Asher

  It works for a moment until London joins us with a low snarl. “Get away from her, Brock.”

  Brock chuckles amused as he looks at me. “I can see why you were running away now, and why you’re so willing to give up.”

  “Just take me and leave them alone.” I clip out.

  Brock shakes his head again before he turns his attention towards London. “You should have killed me when you had the chance, London.”

  “I’ll kill you now.” London threatens.

  “It seems your little Hunter friend has you beat on that point, London.” Brock motions towards Blue and his gun that was still trained on Brock.

  In a swift move Brock places my body in front of his. “Go ahead and shoot now, Hunter. She will be the one to die not me.”

  With a growl of frustration Blue lowers his weapon.

  “Ahh, so the Hunter likes you.” Brock whispers into my ear. “That little fact might just prove to be useful.”

  “Leave him out of this.” I reply.

  “And you like him too?” Brock then questions curiously.

  “No, why would I like him, he’s a Hunter.” I clip out harshly. “He’s just a good distraction.”

  Blue’s eyes flash for a brief moment with hurt at my words.

  It was the reaction that I had wanted, the reaction that could possibly get him out of this situation alive.

  “What do you want, Brock?” London barks out.

  “I’ve already gotten what I came for, London, and she’s already agreed to be mine. All I need now is for you to lets us leave freely.” Brock responds.

  “I’m not going to let you take her. She belongs to me.” London argues.

  Brock buries his nose into my neck for a moment to take a deep breath of my scent.

  Looking back to London he shakes his head. “She doesn’t smell like you, so no, she doesn’t belong to you.”

  I silently curse my earlier shower.

  London’s scent had been washed away completely.

  Hurt flashes in London’s eyes as he realizes what I had done.

  “Just let her decide for herself what she wants, wolf.” Blue then barks out.

  Brock laughs amused for a moment before letting me go with a hard shove.

  Within the blink of an eye he rushes towards Blue catching him off guard. His gun falls from his hand and Brock grabs it before it can hit the ground.

  In the next moment Brock presses the gun to Blue’s head.

  I scream out.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.

  “Please, stop, Brock. I’ll do whatever you want just let him go.” I plead as I crawl closer to them.

  “Let him go.” London snarls tensely.

  Brock snorts and then pulls the trigger.

  The shot rings out and I watch in horror again as Blue’s body hits the ground, dead.

  My scream cuts through the dark room as I sit up in my bed.

  “Whoa, Sweetheart, you’re alright.” London grabs me quickly.

  A light flips on suddenly and Blue’s face comes into view.

  “How long was I out this time?” I whimper.

  “We just went to sleep a little while ago. You had a few drinks and then fell asleep so I put you into bed. I barely even got to sleep before you woke up.” London explains.

  “So, we didn’t get drunk and sleep together?” I ask quietly.

  London’s brow raises in question but he shakes his head. “No, we didn’t, Sweetheart.”

  I nod and then begin to sob into my hands. “I can’t do this anymore, London. I don’t know what’s real anymore or what has actually happened. I can’t keep living like this. It hurts. It hurts too much to watch him die over and over again.”

  “Shhhh, I know, Sweetheart.” London replies gently as he holds me tightly.

  “What’s happening to her?” Blue asks gently as he sits on the edge of my bed.

  “She’s stuck in this cycle of death. Since her mate died their bond was broken and in turn it’s breaking her. If she doesn’t find a way to break the cycle it will end her, she will go mad until she kills herself.” London explains.

  “How can she break it?” Blue then questions.

  London doesn’t answer him for a few minutes as he runs his hand over my hair.

  When he does speak it’s the simple truth. “You, we think you’re the one who can break this cycle for her.”

  And there it was the truth was out there now.

  Everything was up to Blue now.

  If he decided not to help then that would be the end. I would find someone to end my suffering so that I could be with Gage again.

  “How can I help, I’m human and a Hunter?” Blue then states.

  “We’re not sure yet but we have people looking into how we can help her. The only reason we’re here is because of a dream she had. She keeps seeing you in these dreams.” London replies.

  Blue sighs roughly as he stands back to his feet.

  “You don’t have to help me.” I whimper.

  I needed to give him an out so that he didn’t feel pressured into anything.

  “Can I think about it?” Blue questions gently. “Do I have time to make a decision?”

  London nods over my shoulder. “You can take your time. We will respect any decision you make.”

  With a hard nod Blue grabs his jacket and leaves our room.

  I whimper and London leans back to kiss my forehead. “Everything will be fine. He does care for you whether he knows it yet or not.”

  “Tell me everything that has happened since we’ve gotten here.” I insist. “I need to sort out what has been real and what hasn’t.”

  London nods as he begins rocking me in his arms softly.

  “We’ve only been here for a day. This was our first night sleeping here. Earlier we had a few drinks with some Hunter friends of Blue’s.” London begins.

  “Matt and Lake, right?” I interrupt.

  London nods. “Yes, Matt and Lake, we played a few games and had a great time.”

  I sigh. “Did we play truth or dare?”

  London chuckles lightly. “Yes, we did.”

  “And did you challenge Blue to kiss me?” I ask next.

  He snorts in response. “I did.”

  “And…?” I press for more information.

  “And he kissed you. It was hot if you ask me.” London grunts.

  “Did I fight with Blue at all?” I inquire next.

  London shakes his head. “No, not that I know of, you two have been a bit distant but the two of you seem to be getting along fine.”

  “He keeps looking at you, watching you. It’s like he’s warring with his inner Hunter on whether or not he should like you.” London adds.

  “Do I even have a chance now that he knows what’s going on?” I whisper softly.

  London nods confidently as he places his hands on either side of my head. “You have a huge chance to end this cycle, Sweetheart.”

  I nod and then lay my head against his chest. “I hope you’re right because I don’t think I could handle watching Brock kill him again.”

  “What do you mean? Is that what you saw in your dream?” London asks.

  I nod my head. “Yes, but you killed him so I don’t have to worry about that happening, right?”

  London remains silent and I move to look up at him. “You did kill him, didn’t you?”

  He remains quiet.

  “Please, tell me you killed Brock.” I plead softly.

  “I didn’t kill him. I ran after you instead.” London confesses my worst fear.

  Jumping up I quickly search for my boots. “I have to find Blue. I can’t let anything happen to him.”

  London quickly grabs his boots and slips them on as I put mine on.

  We both rush out the door to our room and skid to a stop. There in front of us was Brock holding Blue’s gun to his head.

  My dream was quickly becoming a re

  I step forward. “Please, don’t hurt him, Brock.”

  “He’s a Hunter, Parker.” Brock snarls. “All Hunters should die for hunting down and killing our people.”

  “He’s a friend.” I try a different angle.

  Brock snorts. “He may be a friend to you but he’s no friend of mine.”

  “What do you want, why are you here, Brock?” London chimes in.

  Brock turns to point at me. “I came for what should have been mine. I came for her.”

  “Then leave the Hunter out of this and let’s settle this on pack terms.” London replies as he takes a step forward.

  Brock shakes his head. “I’m done with pack rules. This time I’m getting what I want.”

  Taking another step forward I raise my hands. “You can have me just let him go.”

  London tries to stop me but I give him a look.

  “Why should I let him go?” Brock snarls.

  “Because he means nothing, you’re getting what you want so he doesn’t need to be involved in any of this.” I argue.

  “He means nothing.” Brock repeats but doesn’t move the gun pointed towards Blue’s head.

  His finger flexes on the trigger and I do the only thing I can think of.

  I rush forward and slam into Brock’s body.

  He falls to the ground but not until after the sound of a single shot rings out.

  Brock snarls and fights against me until London joins me.

  “Finish what you should have done, London.” I command him.

  London nods and I let go of Brock.

  Standing to my feet I pant for my next breath before I turn to look at what damage the gunshot had done.

  On the ground was Blue.

  His chest had a patch of blood staining his shirt and he was sitting still in shock.

  I rush over to him and press my hands against his wound as I push him gently to lie down on his back.

  “He shot me.” Blue whispers.

  I nod as tears fill my eyes. “Yes, he did.”

  “I’m sorry.” Blue apologizes.

  “Why are you sorry?” I whimper.

  “I’m sorry that you have to watch me die.” He replies gently.

  I choke on a sob.

  Behind me a bone crunching sound breaks through the silence of the night before London growls out fiercely.

  A moment later he joins me by my side.

  I look to him hopelessly. “I can’t fix this, he’s dying.”

  My sorrow overwhelms me as Blue’s eyes shut.

  “You can save him, Sweetheart.” London abruptly states with hope in his voice.

  I look to him confused until he motions towards the vial hanging around my neck, Gage’s vial.

  “I can’t do this to him. I can’t take his choice away. He’ll hate me for making him into one of us.” I argue.

  “Even if that happens he’ll still be alive.” London reasons gently.

  London had a point.

  Maybe Blue would learn to accept it like Damon and Harley had.

  Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance.

  Breaking the chain of the vial I hold onto it for a moment before pulling the small wooden cap off of the top.

  Taking the vial I slowly pour the liquid into Blue’s mouth before closing my eyes to chant the words that would change him forever.

  The words feel heavy on my lips as I speak them out loud.

  When I finish London takes my hand into his for support. “Let’s get him back into the room.”

  I nod and stand to my feet while London picks up Blue’s body.

  Before we get the chance to move Pops rushes towards us with a small group of Hunters all armed and ready for a fight.

  Coming to a stop in front of me he motions towards the body that was lying on the ground. “What happened?”

  “The young alpha from the Blackwood pack is dead.” I reply shortly.

  I turn to walk away from Pops but he stops me with his hand on my arm. “What happened to Blue?”

  “He was shot so I did the only thing I could to save him from death.” I answer softly.

  Matt and Lake move forward.

  “What did you do to him?” Matt growls.

  I smile sadly but remain quiet.

  I couldn’t tell them that I had made their friend into a monster, one of the very monsters that they hunted down and killed.

  Matt charges forward to grab onto me. “What did you do to him, what did you do to my best friend?” He pleads.

  Pops grabs him away from me. “You need to leave here now, Parker. Take Blue and London to your home and don’t return.”

  I nod once and force back the emotions raging inside of me. “I’m sorry.” I whisper my apology before rushing into our room to gather our bags and what clothing I could.

  I also grab Blue’s things and quickly move back outside with London.

  Thankfully Pops had gotten the Hunters to return back into their rooms within the hotel.

  “I’ll call Rowan to pick us up.” I state as I fish my phone from my bag.

  He picks up on the third ring.

  12- Home-Sweet-Home

  “The Hunters aren’t going to start trouble with us now are they?” Rowan questions as we sit in my room waiting for Blue to wake up.

  I shrug. “I don’t honestly know but I do believe I’ve made some new enemies.”

  “What about him, is he going to hate you for this?” Rowan then asks as he motions towards Blue.

  I nod my head. “He probably will.”

  “Are you going to be able to place him into our pack?” He then inquires.

  “She isn’t going to be the one to do that.” Titus chimes in as he enters the room. “He’s going to be entering into my pack. He will be introduced as an alpha and I will teach him what he needs to know.”

  “When will he become part of our pack?” Rowan asks Titus curiously.

  “He will only become part of your pack if he chooses Parker to be his mate. We can’t force any of this upon him. Taking on the responsibilities of an alpha will not be easy for him.” Titus explains gently.

  “He’s going to hate me.” I sigh. “There’s no way he’s ever going to forgive me let alone choose me to be his mate.”

  Suddenly Blue coughs.

  “You should leave, Parker.” Titus suggests.

  I nod and stand to my feet before leaving the room.

  I walk down the hallways with a heavy heart until I find myself in my father’s office.

  He looks up from his work. “Is he waking up?”

  I nod. “I believe so.”

  My father stands to his feet and makes his way over to me. “Everything will work out for the best. For now you need to fit back into life here.”

  “How exactly am I going to do that?” I inquire.

  “You’re going to go back to school.” My father answers simply.

  “Seriously, you want me to go back to school?” I blurt.

  He nods his head as he steps back. “You won’t be going back alone. Rowan, Harley, Dillon, and Damon will be joining you.”

  “What about London?” I ask curiously.

  “He is not welcome in this house. He needs to return to his pack anyway so that they can find a mate for him.” My father replies sternly.

  My father hated anything that even related to the Redwood Pack.

  Even though London had been the one to help him Dad didn’t treat him with any kindness.

  When we had brought Blue here London had to leave us at the main gate.

  “I cannot forgive him for what he and his father did to my pack and what he did to you.” My father adds.

  I understood his reasons.

  If it hadn’t been for London helping me through some of my worst moments I would have hated him just as much as my father did.

  He also held a part of my heart.

  Through the things that we had shared I had come to love him.

  My love for Gage
had always been stronger though.

  “Parker, did you hear me?” Dad asks with a raised brow.

  “What did you say?” I ask quietly.

  He shakes his head. “It’s not important.”

  “Go and be with your friends, Parker.” He then motions for me to leave his office.

  I nod and walk out absently.

  “There you are.” Harley squeals as she runs towards me with Ariel by her side. “We’ve been looking all over this massive house for you.”

  I laugh softly and hug my best friends close.

  “Did you know that this place has, like, ten bathrooms?” Harley gushes.

  “Did you not see the basketball court or the bowling alley?” Dillon adds as he joins us with Damon.

  “Don’t forget the full bar down in the basement with three big screen TV’s.” I laugh.

  “I think I could get use to this.” Damon grins. “Who knew I’d ever end up in a place like this, and all it took was a special girl.”

  Harley blushes as he tugs her under his arm.

  “I missed you guys so much.” Ariel chimes in. “It’s awful that Gage died and then his brother got so sick.”

  I nod my head and Look to Dillon as he shrugs.

  They had to feed her lies so she wouldn’t figure out our secret.

  “Hopefully Blue will make a full recovery.” I reply.

  She nods and pulls me in for another hug. “Next time bring me along. I hated not knowing what had happened to you.”

  “You will be the first to know.” I promise.

  “Okay, so what should we do with our last free day before we have to go back to school?” Dillon asks as he claps his hands together.

  “Shall we do a movie night?” Harley grins.

  Everyone nods in agreement and I lead the way down the hall and into the large theater room.

  Memories of Gage flood my mind as I stand by the door and watch as my friends find their seats and Dillon heads down to the front to start a movie.

  I wanted to join them but to be honest my heart wasn’t into having fun.

  All I could think about was Blue.

  I watch as Harley and Damon snuggle together on one of the couches and then as Dillon moves to sit with Ariel.

  My heart felt so alone.

  Harley glances back at me and waves me forward to join them.

  Still, I couldn’t move.

  She stands up and joins me at the door seeing my distress. “What’s wrong, Parker?”


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