Broken (The Onyx Wolves Book 2)

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Broken (The Onyx Wolves Book 2) Page 10

by Raven K. Asher

  That explained a lot.

  The Laken Pack were from the north and most times lived a life free from any human contact, they were for the most part wild.

  It explained Ford’s appearance too, and his grey eyes.

  “What pack are you from?” I ask curiously.

  Emmett grins. “I’m from the Draco Pack.”

  My jaw literally drops.

  I had never known a single wolf that had come from that pack. They were secretive and just as rare as a full blooded Onyx wolf.

  “I didn’t even know that pack still existed.” I whisper in shock.

  Emmett chuckles again. “Well, we do.”

  I smile and then motion towards the door. “Do you have a ride?”

  He shakes his head. “I was hoping to catch a ride with one of your pack members.”

  “You can ride with me.” I insist.

  His grin grows and once again his dimples wink at me. “Okay, then lead the way.”

  I nod and stare at him for a moment.

  There was just something about him that seemed oddly familiar. I just couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

  There was also the faint hint of danger hidden his eyes.

  Shaking my head softly I turn and lead Emmett from the classroom and down the empty hallways until we reach the parking lot where Rowan and the others were talking to Ford.

  “Are we ready to get back home?” Dillon grunts as he moves to my side and wraps his arm around my waist.

  “We’re ready to go. Emmett’s going to ride with me and you guys get the enjoyment of having Ford’s company.” I reply.

  Harley gives me a glare as Ford moves to her side to wrap his arm around her shoulders. “This is going to be a fun ride.”

  In a split second her eyes change and Magnus growls fiercely. “Get your hands off of me.”

  Ford’s eyes widen as his arm falls from Harley’s shoulders. “Holy…how is that even possible?”

  “Let’s just chalk it up as a huge mistake.” I answer him. “And we will tell our story as soon as we get home, okay.”

  Ford nods his head before everyone begins piling into the truck.

  “Where’s our ride?” Emmett questions with a raised brow.

  “It’s on the other side of the truck.” I reply.

  He nods and then moves around the truck with me following close behind.

  Once he sees my bike he turns to look at me surprised. “I never took you for a bike girl.”

  I grin. “Are you afraid?”

  He shakes his head. “Hell, no, I’m just surprised.”

  Turning to face me fully, Emmett points towards my bike over his shoulder as he smirks. “Can I drive?” He asks.

  I genuinely smile before tossing him the keys.

  Not wasting a moment for me to change my mind Emmett climbs onto the bike and pats the back for me to get on.

  Slowly I move forward.

  Getting onto my bike with Emmett was a huge step, I was moving on.

  I was giving someone a chance to find their way into my heart since Blue didn’t seem to want to fill that void left from Gage’s death.

  It was time for me to take that next step.

  I was ready to be happy again.

  14-Second Chances

  As Emmett drives up the long driveway to my house I begin to grow anxious to see Blue.

  I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  And I couldn’t wait to hear his voice.

  Pulling to a stop I slide off of the bike before Emmett gets off.

  “That was absolutely amazing.” He states excitedly.

  “Please, tell me that wasn’t the first time you had ever driven a bike.” I reply. “Tell me that I didn’t just put my life and my baby into the hands of a first timer.”

  He laughs as he puts his hands up into the air. “Hey, I didn’t get us killed, did I?”

  I shake my head and laugh. “No, but next time warn me.”

  He nods his head.

  Rowan and the others pull up next and before they begin getting out of the truck the front door to the house opens and Titus walks out with Blue.

  I take a step forward and Titus and Blue stop.

  “Where are you going?” I ask worried.

  “We’re going back to the Shadow Pack. Blue needs to learn with my pack before he is able to lead his own.” Titus replies.

  My eyes turn to Blue. “Can I talk to you before you leave?”

  He looks to Titus for permission before nodding.

  Leaving everyone behind I walk past Blue and into the nearby forest that surrounded my home. Blue follows along until I stop.

  I take a moment before turning to face him.

  “Were you even going to say goodbye?” I whisper.

  Taking a step closer to me he shakes his head. “What would it have mattered? You already seem to be moving on and you don’t need me here.”

  I shake my head disagreeing with him. “I do need you here.”

  “You don’t even know me, Parker. I’m not Gage, I’m nothing like him and you need to realize that. I can’t give you what he did.” Blue argues.

  “I know that, Blue. At least give us a chance though, let us see what this connection between us is and give us a chance to get to know each other.” I nearly plead.

  Stepping closer to me Blue lifts my chin. “I have to leave. If you want any chance for us I have to learn all of the laws and rules for your, our kind.”

  “Does that mean you’ll give me a chance?” I question hopeful.

  “Give those other alphas a chance first and if you still want me when I’m ready then I will give us a chance.” He reasons.

  “I’ll only give them a chance if you kiss me before you go.” I push.

  A smirk spreads across Blue’s face before he leans in to press his lips against mine gently.

  It begins as a tender kiss but quickly changes into something more.

  His tongue presses against my lips and I open for him.

  Our tongues dance together as his hands grab hold of my hips and my hands snake their way around his neck.

  “Please, stay with me.” I plead as he kisses down my neck.

  Stopping he sighs and then looks into my eyes. “You know I can’t, Parker.”

  “Then I’ll pick you, if I pick you now then you’ll have to stay.” I argue uselessly.

  “That’s not how this works from what I’ve been told, Parker. I have to become an alpha first I’m still a beta, and you can’t pick me unless I’m an alpha.” Blue replies.

  It was the difficult truth that I was going to have to come to terms with.

  “I still need to get past this anger I still hold towards you for making me into the one thing I hated most too. Time apart will help with that, okay.” Blue adds gently.

  I nod and bite my lip.

  “Give the others a chance, okay.” Blue states softly.

  I nod my head again and fight back my tears. “I don’t know if I’m really ready to move on though, I’m scared to leave him behind.”

  Blue knew who I was talking about even without me saying his name.

  “But you’re so ready to jump into a relationship with me?” Blue replies and then continues on without letting me answer him. “I’m not him and I can’t replace him. If you’re not ready to move on with any of those alphas out there then you’re not ready to be with me.”

  He was right of course.

  I couldn’t argue with him.

  “Just promise me you’ll come back.” I whisper quietly.

  He nods. “I’ll be back.”

  Pressing his lips to mine he seals his promise.

  “I don’t think I could stay away from you even if I tried. I’ve been fighting this between us since the first moment I saw you in my room at the hotel.” Blue confesses with a small grin.

  With one last kiss he turns and leaves me alone.

  I listen as he joins Titus and then as a car door closes and then drives away.

p; At that moment I break down.

  I kneel on the ground and cry.

  What had just happened between Blue and I proved that I was still broken but it seemed that I had somehow ended the vicious cycle of watching him die.

  At least I hoped that I had.

  If I had to endure it again I didn’t think that I would be able to survive.

  “Parker, are you alright?” Emmett calls out suddenly.

  I rush to wipe my tears away and to stand to my feet. “I’m okay.” I reply with emotion cracking my voice.

  I curse myself for letting him hear it.

  As an alpha I wasn’t suppose to show any amount of emotion, especially not sadness like this.

  As Emmett comes into view I turn my back to him to hide my face which had to show that I had just been crying.

  His hand touches my shoulder gently. “You don’t have to hide your pain from me, Parker. I’m not afraid to show mine. The assholes who think that it makes you look weak can shove it.”

  “It is a weakness when you’re as broken as I am.” I reply softly as I turn to face him.

  “Broken things can be fixed.” Emmett replies confidently.

  He had a point.

  “And how exactly do I fix what’s been broken inside of me, how do I overcome my mate’s death?” I question him curiously.

  I was really hoping that he held the answers that I needed.

  “You don’t fix it.” Emmett replies squashing all of my hope.

  He pauses a moment before continuing on. “You don’t fix it alone you have to let someone else in so they can help you.”

  That’s what I had wanted to hear, I needed to know that I could be fixed.

  Placing his hand against my cheek Emmett searches my eyes. “Will you give me a chance to help you?”

  I raise my brow curiously. “What makes you think that I wouldn’t give you the chance?”

  “I heard what you and that other wolf were saying to each other. I couldn’t help myself to listen in to your conversation.” Emmett admits.

  “I’ll give you a chance, but it will be pretty hard to beat what I feel with him.” I reply honestly.

  Emmett smirks. “That’s a challenge I’m willing to accept.”

  I grin. “I figured you would, considering the Draco Pack is known for never backing down from even the simplest of challenges.”

  “Yes, we are, and we’re known for getting exactly what we want.” He replies with an underlying promise.

  I nod my head not knowing what else to say.

  There really wasn’t more to be said.

  “Let’s get back to the house and your pack and then you can tell me your story.” Emmett then suggests.

  I nod again and allow him to take my hand in his before leading me through the trees, back towards my home.

  Once we move around to the front of the house I come to a stop.

  Rowan was standing by the door with three bags at his feet.

  He looks to me sadly before bowing his head.

  My heart sinks as I move closer to him slowly and drop Emmett’s hand.

  “I’ll be inside if you need me, Parker.” Emmett states before leaving me outside alone with Rowan.

  Silence weaves its way in between Rowan and I until he decides to speak.

  “You knew this day would come, Parker. You didn’t choose me as your mate so I have to go back to the Shadow Pack.” He explains gently.

  “That doesn’t make this any easier. I lost London and now I have to lose you too.” I whimper.

  “If it’s any consolation I’m going to become Blue’s second.” Rowan replies.

  “You are?” I whisper.

  He nods. “I am, so if you decide to wait for him then you’ll get me back.”

  I nod in understanding. “Just keep in touch with me, Rowan. You’re all I have left of Gage.”

  Pulling me into his arms he hugs me tightly. “I will, Parker. There won’t be a day that goes by where I won’t call.”

  Leaning back he sighs before placing his forehead to mine. “If you call I will come running.”

  I nod my head and he steps back from me before picking up his bags.

  “Goodbye, Rowan.” I whisper quietly.

  “Goodbye, Parker.” He replies back before walking away.

  I watch as he gets into a sleek black car and then drives off down the driveway.

  It seemed like today was going to be full of trials and heartbreaks.

  But it was also full of second chances and hope.

  All I could do was take this day one step at a time.

  Sighing softly I turn around and enter my house.

  I was ready, I could do this, I would conquer my heartbreak and I would move on.

  “Is everything alright, Parker?” My father questions as I step into his office and shut the door behind me.

  I drop in a seat across from him and sigh as I tilt my head back. “Why didn’t you warn me that I would be having new suitors coming to my school today?”

  “I honestly didn’t know how to tell you, Parker.” He answers truthfully. “I didn’t know how to tell you that you were going to be forced to forget your mate.”

  “I’m not going to forget him, but I think I’m ready to move on.” I reply.

  “Are you sure you’re really ready to do that?” My father asks.

  I sigh softly. “Dad, I’m not really sure but it’s what Gage would have wanted me to do.”

  My dad nods his head in agreement. “He would want you to be happy.”

  “So, have the two new alphas been kind to you since they’ve arrived? Do you think either of them might catch your attention?” My father then questions changing the subject.

  “They have been very nice, especially Emmett. Ford is a bit strange though.” I reply honestly.

  There was no reason to hide anything from my father.

  He couldn’t force me into anything.

  Not when I had a pack behind me, and he knew I was too fragile.

  “Ford is definitely different.” My father chuckles lightly. “But that’s expected from someone from the Laken Pack.”

  He then sighs as he gets serious. “I’m glad that you seem to be getting along with Emmett but just be careful around him.”

  “Why do I need to be careful?” I ask with a raised brow.

  “For the past ten years we have been under the impression that the Draco Pack was dead. For one of them to show up out of nowhere has every one of the packs frenzied. The Draco Pack was one of the strongest packs alive. The fact that they have survived without detection scares us all.” He explains.

  Leaning forward, I lower my voice. “Do you need me to see what kind of information I can get out of him about his pack?”

  “I can’t ask that of you, Parker.” He replies with a shake of his head.

  “I won’t place myself into danger.” I promise.

  “Don’t push for answers, just let him reveal them to you, okay.” He gives in.

  I nod my head. “I’ll be careful, Dad.”

  Standing to my feet I move towards the door.

  I stop with my hand on the knob when my father begins to speak.

  “Parker, I thought you’d like to know that Titus is going to train Blue as quickly as he can. He’s hoping to have Blue back here soon to have a chance at being your mate.” He explains quickly.

  “Titus knows how you feel about him.” He adds softly.

  I nod my head once without glancing back before turning the handle and walking out into the hallway.

  I turn to go to my room but I slam into a hard chest.

  Above me Emmett laughs as he holds me steady. “We have got to stop running into each other like this.”

  I chuckle and shake my head. “Yes, we do, but I’m glad I ran into you.”

  “You are, are you?” Emmett snorts.

  I nod my head as I look up into his eyes. “I figured we could talk and get to know each other better.”

sounds good but first I need to talk with your father, okay.” He replies.

  “Okay, I’ll be around here somewhere when you’re ready to talk.” I nod.

  “I’ll find you.” Emmett promises before moving to knock on the door of my father’s office.

  Watching him walk in I sigh when the door closes.

  I had been slightly disappointed that I hadn’t been able to talk to him now. I was dying to know what his story was.

  Finding out how he dealt with his tragedy hopefully would give me some ideas on how to deal with mine.

  But then again I did want to know him and who he was.

  I couldn’t ignore the pull he had on me.

  Maybe he was the one I could fall in love with and move on with.

  15-Kiss Me

  A soft touch to my cheek makes me grin as I stretch out over my bed.

  That is until I realize that I should have been alone.

  My eyes fly open wide and I sit up in my bed alarmed until I see Emmett sitting on the edge with a bright smile across his face.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He states.

  “You didn’t scare me. I just didn’t expect anyone to come into my room.” I lie.

  Emmett smirks. “Your door was open slightly and you did tell me to find you when I was finished talking with your father. I couldn’t help that you’re so beautiful when you sleep.”

  My face heats as I snort. “You sure are a sweet talker, aren’t you?”

  “Some girls have said that, but not many. Most have seen my bad side.” Emmett replies.

  I raise my brow as I study him. “I can’t believe that you have a bad side.”

  “Then you haven’t heard of the Draco temperament. We can be extreme with our emotions. When we’re sad we fall into a pit of despair. When we’re happy it feels as if we are on the top of the world. But make us angry and you will feel our wrath ten-fold.” He explains.

  It almost felt like the last part had been a threat.

  “Then remind me never to get you mad.” I joke.

  Pushing my hair behind my ear Emmett smiles sweetly. “You could never make me angry, Parker.”

  A sudden knock on my door interrupts us just before Dillon walks in.

  His brow rises as he glances between me and Emmett. “I’m sorry, Parker. I didn’t know you had someone in here with you.”


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