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Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance

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by Rider, P. J.

  Whatever captured his interest when Maggie was a toddler did not touch his passion for books. When her dad finally realized the damage he was doing to his family, he chose to make the change to save it, and started his career with the local library. Maggie would be forever grateful for her father’s final career choice as his love of books fostered her own passion for literature.

  Maggie brought her thoughts back to the present moment and the smells of the kitchen. It was as if the wood block of the old island had absorbed every ounce of flour and sugar that graced it’s well-loved surface and held on to those smells knowing she would need them some day.

  Maggie noticed the light on the answering machine blinking and crossed the kitchen to check the messages. It was the call from Mrs. Lahey at the library. Mrs. Lahey had received Maggie’s message about staying in town and wanted to offer her the reference desk position. She went on to say they’d been really short staffed since her father took sick leave and they couldn’t imagine anyone but Maggie taking his place.

  Maggie felt her shoulders drop at the news. The tension that had been building in her since her father’s passing and the realization that she was on her own and responsible for herself released. Finally she would be able to use her degree in library sciences and get some use out of this life.

  Reef hadn’t wanted her to work after finishing her degree. It was the first of many acts of control he slowly and strategically set upon her life building up a wall around her. He was so good at his manipulation Maggie hadn’t noticed the bricks until the wall was too high for her to see over.

  Now was her chance to start life over. Maggie could live and work in the only place she’d ever truly felt at home. She would be able to support herself, take care of her parent’s home, and eventually live the life she deserved.

  As Maggie reached for the phone to call Mrs. Lahey back and smiled in anticipation of the days to come. This was the first time she felt hope in years. When her fingers wrapped around the handle of the old rotary phone the last of her nerves from seeing the motorcycle and its strange rider left her system.

  Chapter 2


  Ash sat at his usual table in the furthest darkest corner of the bar. As far from the front door and windows as he could get. Far from the neon lights, pool tables, and juke box. He sat with his chair canted back head resting against the wall staring up at the ceiling. The smell of pot, cigarettes, and Johnnie Walker hung in the air thick and damp. The music from the jukebox, some sad sack song from the band Brand New, mixed with the voices, laughter, and cue smacking against the other balls on the pool table.

  The smells and noises were like a second skin to Ash. Like his crib language it spoke to a part of him that he wasn’t even aware of. The only other place on this earth he was more comfortable was with a roaring steel monster between his legs and the world speeding by.

  Ash rocked on the back legs of the chair letting his head knock against the wall. He couldn’t get that fucking image of Maggie Quirke out of his head. That curly black hair that hung halfway down her back and flew around her face and shoulders in the wind. The rain had drizzled down finding its way between his neck and leather to slide slick down his spine. Unfortunately, no amount of cold water could extinguish the fire in his gut from seeing Maggie standing there.

  Jack, the president of the Steel Breed MC, the motorcycle club Ash called his true family, had called Ash into his office to request a personal favor. A favor for a friend of the club. Jack wanted Ash to keep an eye on Maggie Quirke. His directions hadn’t been much clearer than that. Just watch out for her, keep tabs on her, and make sure she didn’t get into any trouble.

  The only other background information Jack would give him was that she’d recently left an abusive husband. Ash was being given an opportunity to prove himself to Jack. An opportunity no one serious about the MC would disregard.

  Ash’s own stepfather used to smack his mom around before Ash had gotten big enough to step between them. Then his stepfather smacked him around until Ash was big enough to smack him back, and then he got his mother out of there.

  Ash started out making his money on the street stealing cars and selling pot. He’d managed to stay under the radar of the cops and keep his mom in a small one-bedroom apartment. His mom slept in the bedroom and Ash would crash on the shitty couch in the living room. Ash’s consolation was at least they were safe and no longer afraid to sleep.

  At seventeen he fell into the cross hairs of the Steel Breed. Ash was so young and goddamned stupid he never realized there were rules about what he was doing. Like the fact that the Steel Breed owned those streets and they were the ones who decided who could and couldn’t sell or steal in those neighborhoods.

  Jack scared the shit out of Ash one night with a blade and a promise of lost testicles if Ash didn’t quit dicking around. Once Ash respectfully promised to stop all hustle in the upper heights neighborhoods Jack had turned around and offered him a job slinging for the club. Ash was so damn grateful he still had his balls he was willing to take any offer Jack made.

  A few years later Ash had his own bike and a position as the newest prospect for the Steel Breed MC. When he turned twenty-one they patched him in as an official member. Now at the ripe age of thirty Ash was Vice President of the Steel Breed Motorcycle Club and Jack’s protégés. His mom had a home of her own that Ash paid for and he kept a studio apartment down the street from the club. Life was going great, and then Jack asked him to watch over Maggie.

  Her father died about a week after Jack asked him to take the job. The funeral looked fairly small. Not that he’d really been there. At the funeral Ash stood far enough away from the service not to be seen but still able to keep an eye out. He leaned against a giant statue of an angel over what he assumed was some rich old bastard’s grave.

  Ash watched Maggie Quirke standing at the grave site, but her hair had been up in a bun plus she’d been wearing a hat AND holding an umbrella so he really couldn’t get a good look at her. A few days later Ash sat parked a few houses down checking out her home and neighborhood when Maggie- stepped onto the porch. Maggie stood there with this look on her face staring out at the rain with that hair flying around her. Those eyes that said everything in her life was changed and nothing would ever be the same and if Ash was a man capable of it he might have fucking cried right there.

  As it was, he’d sat on his bike staring at her until she shook herself out of whatever dark reverie had taken over and started looking up and down the street. Maggie appeared to be looking for something. Or someone.

  Then she’d seen him. The moment her eyes locked on him Ash felt a lightning bolt blast right through his damn gut and he couldn’t look away. How professional is that? Jack asks him to keep an eye on this girl and the first time Ash sees her he’s so fucking hard his dick was ready to rip through his jeans.

  Her father was probably rolling in his grave right this minute knowing Ash was even thinking about her. God, he had to stop thinking about her. He shifted his weight and let the front legs of his chair slam back to the ground. He pushed his hand through his dark hair pulling just enough to make sure he was still awake and alive and not stuck in the day dream of Maggie fucking Quirke.

  The noise of his chair hitting the cement floor attracted one of the MC’s sweet butts. Jamie was a blond thing with nice enough tits, sitting on a stool, flirting with the bartender. She’d always sort of kept herself available to him. Anytime the MC hosted a get together that was open to the extras she’d be there and you better fucking believe she’d be all over his dick. Ash figured he couldn’t expect more from a low level bitch looking to score a few points with a favorite of the President.

  It wasn’t that Ash didn’t appreciate the infrequent blowjob from a pretty face with decent tits; it was just that she wouldn’t stop looking at him. It turned into a weird sixth sense. Anytime Ash was in a room and felt the hair on the back of his neck stick up he would look around and sur
e enough there would be Jamie, staring at him from across the room. She’d always smile and wave and if Ash smiled back she’d come over to sit on his lap and purr in his ear and he’d be guaranteed a blowjob. If Ash didn’t smile at her she wouldn’t come over, but it was the responsibility of having to acknowledge her existence that bothered the shit out of him. Why did she have to be obsessed with him?

  And now this business with Maggie… what the hell was he going to do about that? Maggie was nothing like these girls. She wasn’t a hanger on. She was brought up right, respectable, had a fucking college degree. She was a librarian for crying out loud, and didn’t that just make his balls tighten up. He could thank Jack for that little bit of information. According to Jack Maggie had planned on following in her father’s footsteps and gotten a degree in library sciences. The word was she would be taking over her father’s position at the library

  The idea of that thick curly black hair twisted up into a bun, glasses parked jauntily on her nose, reaching up to shelve a book and maybe her skirt would ride up just enough to show the top of a pair of black silk thigh highs. He wanted to walk up behind her and pull that bun out, watch her hair cascade down her back. Ash bet she had a luscious ass. JESUS why was he thinking about this? He needed to get her out of his head and the only way to do that was to get his damn rocks off.

  His gaze drifted back to Jamie sitting at the bar. As soon as his eyes rested on her face red painted lips split in a garish grin. Ash took a moment to contemplate that mouth before smiling. It was instantaneous. She hopped off the bar stool right in the middle of what looked like the bartender laying his best line on her and walked toward Ash. She didn’t have time for a lowly bar tender oh no, she only had eyes for Ash and at this moment with Maggie Quirke’s hair slipping through his mind’s fingers, Ash didn’t give a good God Damn who was flirting with Jamie. He needed her attention.

  When reached his table Ash gulped the last of his beer down and scooted his chair back. Jamie took his queue and found her way around to straddle his lap pushing her tits into his face. He knew from experience her breasts were not as big in the hand as they appeared in the bra. She used some type of padding and one of those push up bras. Fucking typical woman can’t represent herself as she is.

  Ash leaned back letting Jamie feel his erection pushing through his pants. He let her believe it was for her. His eyes moved over her face and hair. She wasn’t Maggie Quirke, but she was an acceptable alternative for the moment. “Come to the back with me.” His deep smoke scratched voice tickled her ears and caressed her skin.

  His two best tools in this shit stained life were his voice and his eyes. Ash always seemed to be able to make women instantly wet with just the sound of his voice and the look. He used a similar tone and look on men to garner their respect and cooperation, and a slightly different one to garner fear.

  “Sure Ash, whatever you say.” Jamie’s breathy voice could barely be heard above the jukebox. She nearly vibrated with the weight of his eyes. Ash could see the rapid pulse in her throat. He stood, knocking Jamie off his lap, but kept her on her feet with a hand at her elbow. She giggled like a girl trying to act like he was being silly but really he was just getting annoyed with her already. He maneuvered her in front of him and pushed her toward the back rooms where Outlaw members could take a break from the rat race and grab a nap or a quickie from one of the girls.

  He kicked the first door he found that stood open a crack and led the girl into the poorly lit room, snapping the lock to ensure privacy. Jaime’s eyes were wide with excitement; nipples rock hard through her thin tank top. He stared at her until she moved into the corner of the room. When she started to strip Ash crossed to the full bed and lay down to watch her while he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly leaving the rest for her to take care of. When she was down to her panties and bra Ash flicked a hand out and motioned her over. No need to make her think she was getting anything out of this.

  Jamie climbed onto the bed and straddled his hips leaning down to kiss him. He allowed her the moment of pleasure before ending the kiss with a nip at her lower lip, and put his hands on her shoulders. With an evil grin pushed. Jamie, though definitely a few cards short of a full deck, caught on quickly and moved down his body to free his cock from his boxers and relieve him of the built up pressure in his groin.

  As the girl ministered to his most immediate of needs Ash played that little fantasy he’d been having about Maggie Quirke over in his mind. The naughty librarian reaching high into the stacks for a book, stretched on the tips of her toes. He watched the hem of her skirt slide slowly up her black clad thighs, and there it was, the lace of those thigh highs peeking out at him and that creamy white skin just beyond it. Was she wearing panties? He bet her ass was luscious. In his fantasy Ash walked behind her just as her heels clicked back down on the ground. His fingers slipped around the bun in her hair and slowly pulled it free.

  As the strands of those thick black ringlets fell down her back Maggie turned to look at him over her shoulder. The look she gave him was sex and daring and begged him to touch her, and Ash came. He exploded in Jamie’s mouth as Maggie looked at him with those big knowing eyes. His hands that ached to slide around Maggie’s hips gripped the back of Jamie’s head as he pushed further into her throat. He could hear her choking slightly and released his grip. Fuck he’d needed that.

  Maybe now he could stop thinking about Maggie Quirke. Maybe now Maggie’s father would stop rolling in his grave. As his dick slipped from the girl’s mouth Ash put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling contemplating the problem of Maggie and what he could do to curb his thoughts and keep himself from hunting her down like a fucking dog. Like she was a bird and all Ash lived for was the feel of her throat in his mouth, her blood and feathers on his paws.

  Ash barely noticed the girl climbing off his lap or the sound of the door clicking shut behind her. It was only the cool air on his limp dick that prompted him to put his pants back together.

  Ash had to approach Maggie. He wasn’t sure how or when but he would. He needed to speak to her. He needed dispel this fog that she’d caused in his mind. Jack told him to watch Maggie, but he never specified at what distance.

  Chapter 3


  Maggie stepped from her father’s white Prius shutting and locking the door. Her eyes moved across the street checking for that grey coup or the black motorcycle as she moved away from the car and up the path toward the library. At this point either of those two vehicles would bring a chill to her blood regardless of whether or not the biker was sent by Reef or just a fluke.

  She was so excited to start her new job at the library it was almost enough to smooth the goose flesh on her arms caused by the memory of the rider sitting on his motorcycle in the rain. She cleared the memory from her mind and tried to focus on the coming day and her first real job as a librarian. Maggie would need all her savings in order to hire a lawyer for a divorce from Reef. That meant she needed to make money in order to keep the lights on and food in her fridge. It was pure bliss that she got to make that money doing the one thing she’d always dreamed of.

  Reef wouldn’t let her go without a serious fight she knew that, but if she could just establish herself back here she could tell the judge she didn’t want anything from Reef. They didn’t have kids together, thank God, and she was willing to let go of her share of the house and any savings they had as long as she could keep the house her father had left her and her father’s car. All she wanted was a clean break.

  In the meantime Maggie needed to move forward with trying to get her life back on track and the first thing she needed to do was start her new job. Now that dad was gone the library needed someone to replace the hole he’d left behind.

  At the funeral she spoke to Mrs. Lahey and told her that she was planning on staying in town for the foreseeable future. Mrs. Lahey had called her father’s house three days later and practically begged her to come down righ
t that minute. Maggie had been touched but asked if she could have just two more days to get herself together. Mrs. Lahey had been incredibly understanding and told her to take as much time as she needed. The job was Maggie’s when she was ready and she would have all the pertinent paperwork that needed to be filled out in the mail the next day.

  Three days after the phone call Maggie walked the path that in her youth she had traversed a thousand times to visit her father. Now she was an adult walking up the path to take his place. The moment was bitter sweet. The sounds of the ducks on the pond to the right of the old Victorian building turned town library made her eyes watery and put a hitch in her step. The cold breeze blowing off the pond caused her to blink away the tears in her eyes, and pull her black pea coat tighter.

  Would she ever be able to walk this path and not want to cry? Yes she supposed one day she would come to work and realize it wasn’t sadness that she felt but happiness at the memories and the life she would create. Joy at doing what she loved and walking in her father’s footsteps. He was so proud when she’d graduated with her bachelors in library sciences. She wasn’t able to go on for her masters because Reef didn’t want her to have a higher degree than him, but maybe that too could change.

  The dry warm heated air of the library hit her face and brought her back to reality as Maggie opened the front door and stepped into the building. It was over three months since she’d left Reef and that shit of a life behind. She knew it would take her mind a lot longer to heal then it would ever take her body but Maggie also knew taking this job was the first step in that healing process. Getting to a place where she felt in control of her life was of the utmost importance and having a steady income was just about the best way she could find to start taking that control.


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