Book Read Free

Our Voice Volume 7

Page 8

by Scot McAtee

Walter the Unicorn

  Molly V. 5-R

  Once upon a time there was a very, very small unicorn named Walter. Walter was very unusual he was neon red. He was the only neon red unicorn to ever exist. Since he was so unusual his parents abandond him. Walter the neon red unicorn was left on the rainbows (the streets) of cloud village.

  Then on one Saturday morning a very, very small griffn-dragon-roc-human wondered into the cloud village, he came from the dark and dreary Lolly-pop-Land! His name was Guffuffy. His home hadn’t always been so dark and dreary, hence the name Lolly-pop-Land. Gluffuffy ran into Walter one day, soon they decided to work together to survive. The two became best friends forever.

  None of the other unicorns had pitty on Walter or Fuffufy! All the unicorns ignored Guffuffy and all the unicorns teased Walter. Finally one day the two decided to do something.

  They went to the Cloud village Pulic Library. They searched and searched and searcged and searched for books of wish-granters. They searched day anf night for not one, not two, not three, not four, but five days straight. And on the fifth day they found what they were looking for. The book was called the Talking Cloud.

  Walter and Guffufy decided to take the book to the park. In the book they found a map to the talking cloud. The book also said that the cloud would grant any wish if the the wish-wanter made a deal.

  Then Guffuffy and Walter start their long journey to Haichickie. They traveled through Lolly-pop-Land, then Santa clause Ln (where all the elfs live), next Oak Domain, and finally they reached Domino City.

  The City of Domino was made entirely out of dominos. The map said find the domino pyramid made entirely tweleves. “I don’t even see any tweleves.” remarked Walter. “Me either!” exclaimed Guffuffy.

  “Umm, Sir do you know where we could find a pyrimyd of twelves?” queried Walter. “I have no clue what you are talking about,” said the agrivated orge. “Excuse me, miss, do know where the pyrimyd of twelves might be?” Guffufy asked politely. “Don’t you know there is no domino of twelve!” the tempered phoenix shriecked.

  Guffuffy and Walter took a seat on a near by domino bench. Guffuffy flipped to a picture of the pyrimyd. “I wish we were there,” muttered Walter. Then the most magical thing happened a door just appered! “Woah!” Walter stammered. They walked tward the door… A light within grew brighter and brighter whith each step.

  Guffuffy was the brave one he opened the door. All they saw was a giant purple portal. Now it was Walters turn to be brave, he stepped back and charged tward the portal. Then he simply disappeared. Next was Guffy he took one giant leap as though he were a frog.

  Walter landed on his feet Guffufy was not as fortionate he landed on his stomache. When Guffufy stood up he was facing a ginormous pyrimyd made of entirely twelve dominos.

  Finally Guffufy looked over at his friend who his surprise was white. He was overcome with shock and fear. The pyrimyd was for the times bigger than any building they’d seen.

  Guffuffy ran to meet his friend, who was still paralyzed. He shook back to life in a couple of minuets. They decieded to go into the pyrimyd.

  As the two ventured forward Guffuffy could smell a rat. When they took one step in Guffuffy insisted on flying Walter through the odd pyrimyd. Right when Guffuffy thought he would colaps they saw a goldan cloud.

  They went into a huge room and saw the golden talking cloud. As they approached the coloud started talking in a deep., deep, voice. “What wish shall I grant you and what deal will you make?” He mumbled.

  “Eerr, well I’d like to change my color to umm uuu blue,” Walter stammered. “Fine, Fine!” The cloud interrupted “Now the deal. I grant you your wish, and your little friend here,” The cloud proposed.

  “No, no,anthything but Guffuffy!” Walter shriecked. “It gets lonely here and your friend has proven to be very loyal,” said the cloud.

  “How about you give me advice and I give you advice?” Walter pleaded “OK fine. You go first though,” the cloud the cloud stated.

  “So you wanted my friend because he is loyal. You cant buy friends you have to make friends by being a true friend,” stated Walter “Now your turn,”

  “Fine! It does not matter what is on the outside it only matters on the inside of you. Your character, your attide is there. There that is all that truly matters not, looks,” he said deeply. Walter returned home with courage under his belt anf lived happily ever after. THE END.

  By: Madalyn Alexander

  Salue friends wear cameping her friend Ava said if you hear a owl who you will tune into a owl. haha. nice try Ava. that is not true. but it is. then we all started laghing. everyone was sleeping esept Madalyn. then she head a Owl who. she closed her eyes then she grew fethers. and started whoing. then Eleana woke up and shoed her away. then went to sleep again. In the morning the owl was flying to her tree when a wolf jumped up and ate her. then a bear started to ear the wolf. next a lion ate the bear. then a snake biter the lion. a withe pick uped the snake. will doen moon. hahahahahahehehaha.

  By: Emma LaPiedra

  And then Lilly waited for awhile, nothing happened. Lilly fat something on her arms and legs like there was some spider on her. When she looked down at herself she saw feathers and she figured she was an owl. Lilly went back to the camp site to find Cassie. Lilly found Cassie and said “Look what you’ve done to me you made me an owl!!!” Cassie yelled “I WARNED YOU NO TO, BUT you DIDN’T Listen TO ME!” Lilly tried talking to the others but all the others were scared of her. Lilly found a little house with a a star. Lilly knocked on the door and someone came out saying “Can I help you?” Lilly asked “Can you help me change back to human.” The Wizard said “Come on in and we’ll check it out.” Lilly saw a lot of pations.

  The Bear and the drogan

  Jasmine Aragon


  The fire breathing dragon is not friend with the gummy bear and they get chased by swarm of bees. They helpd eachudr to chach the swarm bees with a net and the fire breathing drogan wrer friend.

  The End

  Screy Owl Story

  Grayce November 3

  It was girls night out so the girls pidled camping, Sparks heared a owl hooooot saparks get screed sparks got a curs! Spark had to eat bugs I don’t want to eat bugs you will bhe cursed but I didn’t mean to be mean. Owl sayed still you are cursed tell me wen you are camping. Owl saided come here werr you will eat bugs and ghet me food. No back talking me ok yes I understand now you got to sleep if it isn’t done in time you will become a owl. Ow l saided do you want to be uncursed yes! Oh then yi will do it but you givew me 1,000 dollws ok. Owl terned the girl back and left her alon.

  The Castle

  Caden Harker 5


  A two headed monster found a fire breathing dragon. They asked each other to rule this magic castle about 50 miles away. They went to the magic castle. They arrive and the two headed monster says burn down the gate so the dragon does then they go inside and start to fight the guards and defeat them. They destroy every thing they see. The monster and dragon arrive at the kings thorne They destroy his throne and they find the king. The king gives them a penny and they leave. Then they reallise they have a unlucky penny. Then they both fall down and die.


  Eric Butt 3


  Not so long ago in a hot deset lived a beautiful princess oneday she ate a berry theking put poisen in the berry to terture her dautter. The princess felt very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very sick a hiking boy (finally heres the boy he’s been waiting!) found her paising out she said her last words the boy had her drink a healing potion that didn’t work so he buried her and so people would find her to save her maybe she’ll live?????????????????????????? (maybe she won’t?)

  Peyton Duttenhaver

  2 – Hadley

  Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess and a grumpy bear. They are camping out at France Park. At the campsite, th
ey were looking for food because they forgot to pack their food. They found a beautiful berry bush and decided to eat one. Little did they know, that it was a poisonous berry.

  After they ate the berry, they travel to a witch hut and she gives them a magical poison potion.

  Next, they climb up a tree to find a castle to see if they have a healing potion. After they climb a tree, they travel to the castle to find the magical healing potion. They are allowed to live there.

  After 6 months they move out and buy a pretty house with a terrace. They also buy a cat and the cat scratches everything. They picked a bad cat. They decide to sell the cat and purchase a dog. They buy the best dog ever and live happily ever after.

  The Princess and the Two Heded Monster

  Karen Aragon

  3- Andrews

  There once was a butifull princess and a two heded monster they weren’t freinds and they were chased by a swarm of bees. Then the princess wacked the bees with a baseball bat and the monster breed fier at the bees. After that they became friends because they worked together. THE END!

  Prenjess drama

  by Madalyne Alexander

  Alexander 3 – Ward

  Once there was a young butiful prinsess. One day she was faced away with her friends by a two headed dragon. They were serrated from echother. She was alone in a drak forest. then she found a bear. A friendly bear. he said, this way to wore friends. She came alonge a magical tree. he was meaner then ever. So she just kept walking, then she found a snake. She ate it for dinner. her friends came out of the bushes, then they found the catile, they weke jurt in time for dessert.

  the bees the toad and the jagin.

  Suri Clemons 1 – Custer

  Ones a pone a time there were a toad and a jagin. They were chest by a swom of bees in a dark forest. The toad got hrt. The jagin checked to see if toad was ok. They hid from the bees. They fand aot that the bees wre skerd of the jagin.

  Layni Lawley 4 – Rubesch

  One day a princess named Ryan was walking along a lake looking for her magic crown. She lost it when a boy hiking ran into her and knocked it over. Princess Ryan was very thirsty. She didn’t drink the lake water because legend has it if you drink the water of a lake you will die slowly in her kingdom. She wandered around then saw a small bottle with liquid in it. The young princess hesitated for a while trying to examine it. Princess Ryan finally drank it and felt much better. She noticed something shiny on the shore. It was her crown. She went to grab it but a force didn’t let her. Suddenly the boy who was hiking came up and said, “You’ve been cursed for being so vain. Princesses have to be caring about others in her country.” The Princess didn’t know what to say, so she finally said, “I’m sorry.” That’s when the crown came up and landed on her head. From then on Princess Ryan was the best princess ever.

  The Penny

  By Owen Burns

  One day a witch made a penny and cursed the penny and whom shall find the penny will have bad luck. Zwelions a two headed dragon was strolling town the park and saw a penny, he picked it up and said” What a peculiar penny” That’s when it all happened the day became hight and a voice said “whom shall find the penny will have bad luck” Then he was in a forest at hight, a dragon apperard in a portal and said “You have found the penny and if you want to be lucky again but none have succeded and the penny will be destroyed.” The portal closed. Zwelious thought about what he said so he set off and he was hungry but he didn’t stop flying, then he arrived with his body aching but nothing could fell so good to finally be here, “Welcome” Reshiram said “Zwelous as fast as he could attacked> Reshiram moved in time. He though the could use a fine blast but when he tried his aching body and hungy body caught up and Reshiram attacked but when he dide Zwelions shot out a blst of fire and shocked Zwelions used more force and also Reshiram shock he stopped and Zwelions used the same move again and Reshiram was defeated and the penny was broken and everything was back to normal the end.

  Zilik vs. Bees!

  Griffin McAtee

  One day grumpy black bear wanted to get some honey to cheer him up. So he climed an oak tree to get some honey. He swiped too fast anhd thrashed the beehive causing it to fall and splatter. When he came down, bees started swarming him in extreme anger; threatening to sting he ran through the forest at extreme speeds leaping over logs, trampling twigs, brushing through the bushes, coming to a clearing, and he smelled blood! He saw a young boy and threw him at the bees. The bear thrusted himself toward the lake and began to hunt. Geese, geese geese everywhere, Zilik dropped into the hunter crouch. He snuck up and punched. As if he had been hallucinating, there was a giant splash as he plunged into the cool shocking water. After an hour of hunting , he came to the clearing again and found the boy, with very many sting marks, dead. So he ate the boy and live happily ever after.

  Haily Phillips



  Ther wer to best fiends the found a zombe penny then tapto on a penny the penny came alive the penny chast them thay finele foud out that the penny hade a crers on it they trid to brack the spell the firely brok the spell then all came best friends they lived happly ever after the end.

  Ryan Russell

  Robinette – 4

  It was an ordinary Tuesday or so the kingdom people thought. About an hour later Alana heard her dad shout, “Charge!” her mother came rushing down the 5 flights of the spiral staircase. “Alana darling run, run, run, get out of here the evil two headed monster is attacking the kingdom again”

  “What about you and popps.”

  “We’ll be fine go run!”

  10 minutes later she was alone in the lagoon forest the worst of them all Princess Alana grew very thirsty and impatient. A ton of thoughts flooded into her mind as she searched for heater. What if her parents had passed away. 5 minutes later she came acrossed a bottle. It was rather strange looking but she drank it anyway. Then she got really dizzy, everything was swirling around her. Right before she was going down a black hole she called out, “No I dank the forest potion. No!” about 20 minutes later she woke up confused with everything she like to do and eat. It felt like years of walking through her life until “Bonk!” She ran into a tree. It was like when she drank the potion with swirls everywhere. 5 minutes later she woke up on her parents lap. “Honey are you okay? You fell down the stairs when you were running.” “I’m fine.” “Good!” her mother was relieved. “There is good news out of this. Your father has once and for all defeated the evil two headed monster.” “That’s right.” Alana’s dad said. Then after that they had a royal party after that they made sundaes and lived happily ever after. At least that’s how all the other fairytales ended.


  A Magic Castle

  Kevin Hernandez

  Harrison – 3

  The boy name Lance Howard was hiding in the woods. He was on his way to a magic castle. His parents the King and Queen lived there. On his way he came upon a two headed monster. He did not know if the monster was friendly or mean. He started to run but the monster ran after him. He was afraid. He stumbled upon a bottle marked magic potion. He decided to give some to the monster. The monster drank the potion. He was thirsty after all the running. The potion made the monster nice. He wanted to be friends with the boy. Then they went to the magic castle and played pacman on the boy’s play station. So the king brought them gold fish crackers and orange juice to drink.


  Stella Roth

  Balloonbob the Outcast

  Once there was a balloon named bob and he was red. The other balloons were all purple and they made fun of him. He was very sad. Then, Daisy came along and said, “What’s the matter?” Bob said, “I don’t know.” Lizy, Saly, and Frank showed up and sat down with them. Balloonbob said, “I feel like an outcast.” “Why?” said Lizy. “Because, you guys are purple and I’m red.” That’s okay, every balloon does not have to
be purple.” “Do you want to be my friend.” Sure, I will be your friend.”

  Carmen Castillo


  One day Bob and Bobby were reading then Cely and Shely said to get them gum or they would get made fun of. Bob gave gum to Cely and Boby gave gum to shely. Then, Bob and Boby got made fun of. They were so mad because Cely and Shely lied to them. Then the marker made the book fall. The paper said to beat it so they were so sad then the homework said to tell them to stop it. Then, the toad told them to STOP IT then the book and shelve mark said that if they were good to us then they could be our friends. Shely and Cely said yes!! Now Shely and Cely and Bob and Boby are best of friends.

  Ava Matthew

  1st grade

  Bella tries to Plant a Flower or Garden

  There was a girl named Bella that couldn’t plant a flower or a garden. She tried and tried and tried but she couldn’t do it. Then a girl named Jayden said, “I know how you can do it!” Lileay, Hally, and Hana, said they agreed. So Bella tried three times, but guess what? She can’t do it. She tried one more time and she could do it. She couldn’t make a garden. She tried all day and night but still couldn’t. The next day, she tried all day and night. She finally did it! “I knew you could do it!” said Jayden.


  Sudsey and the Help of Two Friends

  Once there was a rock, not just an ordinary rock. The rock was alive and his name was Sudsey. Sudsey went to McDonalds and wanted food. Ronald McDonald told Sudsey, “You can’t eat here.” Sudsey asked, “Why can’t I eat here?” Ronald exclaimed, “You’re a rock!” So Sudsey went off and asked Crocodile Rob if he would buy him food. What a surprise, he said no. Then Sudsey tried to dress up as someone, but he was too small. Sudsey was upset because he couldn’t get food. Then he decided he’ll work for food. Sudsey asked Hallie the hipster and Stella the sweetheart if he could work for them to buy food. They said yes and soon became friends with Sudsey.

  Zak Johns


  The Hippo that can’t Dance

  Every other week there is a dance at the zoo. All the animals go. So one week Sally went and she fell so everyone laughed at her. Sally got embarrassed, so she ran away. On her way home she met a Critet and a Bamboo. They said it is or most of the time you miss us because of the song. She looked up and saw another then found one that was just right. The animal saw and they were impressed. They showed me how to do the steps and then they played the same songs.

  Olivia Nickerson

  Mrs. Cocahowen

  Nate’s Problem

  One sunny morning Nate was walking through the school yard up to the front door. He went inside and walked straight to his classroom. When he walked in, there were so many students. He didn’t know what to think. He went to say hi to the teacher. Her name was Miss. Farley. “Hi Miss. Farley, I am Nate” said Nate proudly. Miss Farley took Nate to his seat and he sat by Pam and Carley. When the bell rang at the end of the day, he ran all the way home and did not stop. When he arrived home his mother was waiting there to greet him. He said to his mother loud and clear, so loud they could probably hear him across the street, “I can’t read!” His mother was shocked to hear such a disappointment. All night he sat in his bed and tried and tried to read, but he couldn’t. Then he went to sleep. The next morning he woke up feeling quite happy. He picked up his book to see if anything had happened to his reading. Then something happened, he knew how to read. He went to school that day telling Pam and Carley what had happened. From that day on he always read.

  Jayden Matthews


  Pam the Different Cricket

  One evening in Black Vine Swamp, all the girl insects were signing up for the Beauty Pageant. Pam was a cricket. She was a purple cricket. She was about to sign up on the stage. Then, she got booed off by two crickets. She ran off the stage. Finally, she sat down on a Cypress Tree. Tammy, who was tall, Brainy who was smart, and Tiny saw Pam and crawled over. “Don’t be sad. I love the color purple.” Tammy said. Tiny whispered, “Me to.” Brainy said, “Me three.” Then Pam, Tiny, Brainy, and Tammy said, “Being different is cool and special.” Then they giggled and walked away. Tiny rode on Pam.

  Claire Downey


  One morning Olivia the horse was walking. Then she did not know she was walking into the woods. It got dark and Olivia got scared. She thought she was lost until she heard a noise. It was her friend Tod the pig. Then that meant she was almost home. She ran home as fast as she could. She was at home at last. She went into her warm bed and ate some hay.

  The Long Journey


  Once there was a boy who was hiking to a magical castle to find a lucky penny. He heard of the legend as a kid but nobody’s ever found it. But on his journey what he didn’t know was in his path was there was a grumpy bear named Mr. Hoover who ate anyone that passed his home. Finally he reached the bear’s house then snap, a twig broke. Then the hairs on the back of his neck rose; a bear with red eyes charged at him and knocked him out. He finally awoke and found himself in a pot with carrots. But the bear was there with sharp teeth and claws smirking. Suddenly a girl rescued him and cut the bears arms off. He said thank you and was surprisingly at the castle. He climbed a 1,000 stair staircase and found the penny. The penny was unlucky unfortunately but the girl who rescued him didn’t care, her name was Selena and so the boy married Selena. And so the boy and Selena lived happily ever cursed!

  The Lion Who Couldn’t Go Down the Slide


  Once a lion went to the park. He wanted to go down the slide, but he was scared. When the people saw lion they thought he was bummed. Lion was very sad. All of a sudden a dancer saw lion. She said “Why are you so sad.” Lion said “I want to go down the slide, but I’m too scared.” Then the dancer had an idea she would encourage him. She told lion. Lion was excited, so he climbed to ladder and sat down he pushed himself down the slide lion said “That was awesome I wante to do it again!” And so he did.

  How to Sing


  There was 2 daughters a mother a father and a butler. The second daughter Sassy did not know how to sing right. Every time she tried to sing she sounded like a bat. Her friend at school told her you should get singing lessons from her family. That night she asked her mother and she said “no”. then she asked her sister and she said “no”. Then she asked her dad and he said “no”. So she went to the butler and he said “if you want to find your tone then you can sing”. The End


  The strangest thing happened. As I woke up I heard that annoying owl again. Then I realize there’s no owls??.... It’s my friends. As soon as I open my mouth to talk, I heard hoo hoo….was it an owl?? Then I see my friends…..they’re not owls, they were tricking me. They were staring at me with eyes as wide as an ostrich. I was about to say what but I said “hoo hoo”……. I was an owl.


  One night my friends Candace, Anna, and Sarah are camping out. Candace says “If you hear an owl hooting you will magically fly up in the midnight sky!” A minute later I am turkey up in my sleeping bag and I hear an owl hooting! Suddenly I fly up in the midnight sky with my friends and fly to London and eat at a restaurant!


  There were an owl that would always spy on campers and people that stole than food and the owl the food and the owl was a person but it got caught and turned into an owl and it’s got a tree that it was all spys on people from that pine tree and it has a place that it keeps the food and it has a place that it has a bed it is like a house and it has a place war it spys and it is a recliner that it spys in.


  Once upon a time me, Parcker, Javen, and Carl went camping we had s’mores, played games I won we all got in our sleeping bags we all fell asleep but Parcker then heard an owl. Parcker turned into an owl we all woak up thar was an owl in the t
ent we all screamed, Parcker flew and when he flew he spotted a mouse and ate it then he landed on a tree brunch we all jumped out of the tent. We looked at Parcker and he looked at us and he dove at us we all screamed and we jumped in the tent he kept flying we ran out of the tent. He dove at us again, Javen planned to distract him, I will get a rope, Carl will get a pirtch, I got the the rope, Javen got his attention and it worked.Parcker turned back then it was morning we were at breakfast that night we all went back to sleep it happened all over again with me this time I turned into a dull and we got me back to normal. The end..


  Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jake. He liked to hike in front of the same castle. One day, while he was hiking he was intrigued to go inside. When he was inside he saw a blue liquid that said “drink me.” Little did he know that the liquid he just drank was a magic potion. After about 4 minutes he started feeling weird, 3 seconds later, he was a grumpy bear at the magic castle and liked to hike. It turned out it was all a nightmare that he would never awaken from.


  Once upon a time there was a beautiful, gorgeous princess who was very, very young but her ex-prince left her stranded in a deep, dark, dangerous forest and he had told her fire breathing dragons had lived there. Once day that beautiful princess was just walking until she spotted a campsite and she was just wondering “how did I get here? Where am I? Who had sent me here? Who am I?” She had lost her memory! She lost it by banging her head against a hard, sharp rock and it shook her brain just a little too hard. So she walked up to the stranded cabin and when she walked in…she saw a little 2 year old boy! So she picked him up but when she did she saw funny shaped paw prints right underneath him so she ran back outside but when she did she heard strange noises like “Click! Snap! Growl! Howl!” it repeated. She was stiff as a rock with a baby in her hands but when she turned around she saw…..a big, nasty, green, scaly, rough dragon. It was standing right behind her. She was staring at it with a terrified look on her face so she ran for her life but it had followed her but it ran so it was chasing her! She tripped and the baby had flown out of her hands and landed in a tree! So she climbed the tree and rescued the baby.She said to the dragon “You don’t knock a baby out of a princess’s arms!” She had gotten her memory back! She became friends and camped out for 4 weeks and then went home. The end!


  Once there was a little kitten named Luna. It was her birthday today. But her older sister midnight forgot that it was her birthday. It has been 2 hours later then midnight remembers that she didn’t get Luna anything. So she went to the store Luna was going to be 13 and she saw the prettiest necklace that had the number 13 and had lots of bows on it. But it was too much money so she went home and her mother Bandit and her father Smokie were worried sick. But soon Luna found out that she didn’t get her anything for her birthday and said “it doesn’t matter if you got me something or not we’re still bestist sisters.” So midnight, Luna, Bandit, Smokie, and there little sister snickers all partied till it was time for bed. The End!


  Once upon a time there was a whole village of little fairies there was even a Queen she was made out of pixy dust. They were happy they flew around they might even run. Tinker Bell she always wore something that was green, she wore shoes that were green and she wore a dress that was green. She had white stuff on her shoes her hair was yellow she always put her hair in a bun. Her wins were so pretty they were sparkly. There was a tree called the Pixy Dust tree it was so pretty.


  Once on a farm in the year 1980 Majesteek, Tulip, and Rose all lived on a farm. They were very poor and low on food. Once day Callie the bully cat came into the barn and picked on Rose. When Tulip walked in and saw Callie picking on Rose. She ran to get Majesteek and led Majesteek to Callie and Rose. When they got there Majesteek explained to Callie that bullying is not the answer to every little problem. The end.


  Once there was a hiking boy. Once day he came across a grumpy bear. So then after meeting the old grumpy bear the boy decided he did not like the old grumpy bear. The boy had a name it was Jeffry. Then the grumpy bear took Jeffry to a lonely dark forest. So then Jeffry realized he was hiking with a friend and laft his friend behind and Jeffry was sad. Then after months thinking his friend was never coming. So then one afternoon he realized Jeffry’s friend was living on the outside of the cake. The end.



  Once opon a time a ugly toad came across a castle and then a young beautiful princess heard him. She looked around and wondered. But she saw a unlucky penny the penny transported her into a very dark forest. The ugly toad happed to her rescue. She loved the toad so much that she kissed him! He magically turned into a beautiful prince then they got married. They lived happily ever after.



  Once upon a time there was a young beautiful princess. She wanted to get out of the castle but there was a fire breathing dragon the castle guarding the castle so no one could get out! It was the king’s idea. One day a boy who was on a hike saw the princess screaming HELP. But the dragon didn’t hear so the boy saved the princess and met a grumpy bear and they all become friends forever and they all lived happily ever after.

  Wynston Abrams

  I was just starting to droze when “Hoot! Hoot!” Poof. I was an albino snow owl. First, I got used to my wings by taking a fly over the tree tops. Then I got something to eat. Then, I got an excellent idea. I flew back to the tent and went “Hoot! Hoot!” Poof. Poof. Poof. Three more owls came out of the tent and flew over the tops and hunted food until dawn. Then the next night “Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!” We were off. We fly, learn tricks, and eat. Over each top we fly for hours and days, weeks, and months, and years. I fly and have fun with my friends each night. It is so much fun. It is almost dawn. “let’s head to the tent.” We see deer, bear, birds, owls, elk, fish, and monkeys. Each night we explore farther , and farther, and it get funer, and funer. “ I can’t wanit ofr tomorrow” said Casey. “ Its so much freedom” said Emma. Until one night they grew old and died. But their kids lived on the spirit.


  When Corbin, Couper, Alex, and me were camping and Couper said “ If you hear an owl in a tent you will turn into a mice and the owl will eat you. In the tent everyone was sleeping and then he heard an owl Hooting. He got nervous and he realized that nothing is happening. Then he settles down. He knows it is not true and he is now happy.

  Olivia N

  I started tapping my friends. I did not know what to do and then I looked up and I saw an apple and it was shining. I could not believe it. I standed up and then I was about to eat it when the owl ate it right out of my hands. So I just went back to sleep and I was very tired.


  Once there was a grumpy bear and he built a campsite. When he almost fell asleep he saw a two-headed wolf! The wolf gave the bear a magic potion and the wolf said “This potion will calm you deepest problems!” the bear thought that sound awesome, so he drank it. Then when he clinked he felt different. He looked in the river and he was a deer! “You tricked me!” the bear said in horror. “Well what did you expect?” the creecher asked with a pleasing smile. “I didn’t want to miss dinner.” Then with those words the wolf gobbled up the deer bear.

  Caleb Weiss

  Once upon a time there was a scientist. One day he accidently drank a potion and turned himself into an ugly toad. Good thing he lived by a lake. The ugly toad felt lonely. He had to turn himself back into a human! But he couldn’t reach the doorknob. He kept trying and trying but he couldn’t get inside. Finally he decided he would wander off to live the rest of his life as a toad. He went into the forest when suddenly a two-headed monster appeared! It scared him so bad it turned him back into a human! He was finally a human! Now he just had to take care of the monster! He has a idea, run! So he ran so fast that the monsters ey
es popped out! And of course, he died. So the scientist finally had his life back now he just had to find his lab. Then he just climbed up a tree and found his lab so he ran to his lab and kissed everything he had. But unfortunately he accidently sipped the magic potion, not again!


  Tessa K

  Once upon a time, Joe was playing in his treehouse until his mom said “time for dinner, Joe” “OK” replied Joe. He ran in the house for dinner because tonight was Pizza, his favorite. The next morning Joe woke up put on his daily overalls his one lens goggles. And combed his hair. He grabbed his lunch and backpack off the floor and got on the bus. He saw his best friends Steve and Jerry so they sat together. He didn’t want to go in the building because he’s always made fun of how short he is. “ I can’t go in” creid Joe. “ Why not?” asked Steve “They will make fun of me” whined Joe. “ No they won’t” said jerry. “Ok, I trust you guys” said Joe So he went into school but heard the mean guy Bobby sniker with Gerrel “ Hahaha he’s so short,” Joe just walked on. He got a not saying “Hi there shory! Hahahaha!” Joe cried at recess because of Bobby. Then Steve andJerry talked to him and he flet way better. So then his friends gave him glowing Pizza, so he ate it. It was so good and then he turned taller.



  One day in the foest a new leader was born. A young wolf-pup that was…Purple! Her mom and dad were not pleased. When the pup was ten years old her parents named her moonlight and sent to boarding school. When she got to her room she sawher roommate was a snow lepord. “I’m cryistal” she said in a sweet voice.”I’m moonlight” said the young wolf. “Want to go to lunch together?” crystal asked “Okay” So they went to lunch and two animals laughed at her. “Remember you are the wolf” Crystil wisperd. “you mess with me, I mess with you” Moonlight said showing her teeth. Then the two animals ran away.


  Once a upon a time there lived a young princess her name was Ivy. Ivy lived in a castle. One day she was walking when she saw a boy hiking and she hid. The boy heard her and he looked around but saw nothing there so he kept waking. Ivy ran back to her castle and told her father. Her father said you will not be able to see him anymore. That night she shucked out and she ran to his house. She knock on the door he opened the door so in the morning she took him to her father. He said you can not be together so they went to pick berries so they went to a dark forest then Ivy ate a posisoned berry. The boy got a flower to the princess and lived happily ever after.


  When the three kids turned into owls they were very terrified. That made the three kids very nervous that they had got turned into owls. They went flying around and then they realized they were in the woods. The morning they were all turned back to kids and they were all very happy. Then they went home and their parents made them do chores. All the kids wished they were owls again. So the three kids asked their parents if they could go camping again. Their parents said yes so they got their stuff together. They were thinking about if they wanted to be turned into an owl but they got very hungry and they had to get milk and crackers. Then they were outside and heard a hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot!

  They were happy and scared at the same time; by morning they were kids again!


  There was a boy named look and he had his three friends over at his house playing video games. After that when he turned from the game there was only one friend! Then he asked if his two friends left and his mom said no. Then he went back to his room and his other friend was gone too! After that he saw a cave and there was an ugly, talking toad inside! Turns out when he talked to it, it talked back to him! After a really long time he noticed that it is his friend! Then he finds his other two friends! After that his friends tell him how to get them out. After he got them out they just played another video game and went home. THE END


  Once upon a time there was an ugly toad alone in the creepy dark forest. He heard something, it was a princess that had fallen from her horse, but the horse wasn’t there! The ugly toad hopped to the sad princess, when the princess saw the ugly toad she screamed her lungs off. One hour later the toad said “let’s be best friends”. They heard a loud CRACK. They ran. The ugly toad noticed the princess wasn’t there. So off he went to find the princess. While the princess was waiting, she heard a gallop. It was her lost horse! But it ran right past her! The ugly toad bumped into two past and forgot which one she had ran on. So he followed them, and found the horse and the princess and they lived happily ever after!



  Me and my friends set up the tent and made the camp fire. Then we told stories. When it got late we went to bed. Next me and my friends were asleep, all my friends were asleep estep for me. Then I herd a HOOT then I was covered in fevers! Next my friends woke up and screamed! Then in a flash there was a hoot then me and my friends were owls! When there was a nuther hoot and we were back to sleep good night.



  First Alex hears a owl. Then he starts to grow feathers. Next he gets talons, and then he starts to hoot! When the sun came up he became a human again. Finally, his friends asked him “how did you sleep”? And he told them the story of what happened they said no way.



  He grew feathers and started flying all through the night. He spotted a place to sleep in a next in the morning sunrise. Then just then he heard barking. It was a giant wolf! It was clawing up the tree. Then…COMP! He found himself in his bed safe, and realized it was a dream. The End


  “The Rare Dragon”

  Once upon a time there lived a dragon. The dragon was nice until he lost his memory. Then he became evil. But all that will happen later. Let’s stay at the beginning. So where were we.. ah there we go. The dragon was guarding a Castle. In the castle was a princess. Then one day the dragon lost his memory. The dragon became a fire breathing dragon! The dragon held his ground. And attacked lots of knights. Then one day the dragon had a head ache. The dragon became a prince. The prince married the princess and they lived happily ever after. THE END.


  “The Hobbit”Chapter 1 The Lonely Mountain

  Once opon a time There lived a Hobbit. The hobbits name is Dylan. Dylan read a story about the lonely mountain. His hand started to hert Dylan made some tea he went outside to see what time it was it was 12:00 at night. Then a wizard came to the ground. With some dofs. The wizards name is Grandof. Grandof said “We come in peace” Dylan said is this a dream “No” said Grandof said “You must come with us to the lonely mountain Dylan said “Ok?” then they went off. They battle ox, elf, and vamdieus. When they got to the mountains they herd a roer a loud one. The hobbit slayed dragon they were reach and lived happily ever after.

  Bella M.

  ……….. Poof! Roger was an owl. Cassie said “I told you! Now let’s run!” Then I heard it again “Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!” Bam! Cassie sprouted long, feathery, slim, soft, black wings! She grew a grayish beak. Tough bird feet and Poof! She was an owl! I was all alone. I felt dejected but I had to reinforce and go get help.i ran through the woods and I saw it I saw the bright, yellow light I ran toward it and I saw 2 owls right above me. It was Cassie and Roger! I ran inside and told mom and dad ran back outside pointed in the air and they were still there flying acting like normal owls and then… Poof! Cassie and Roger were falling from the air and dad ran inside and grabbed a trampoline ran back outside and put it under Cassie and Roger. Boing! Cassie and Roger were safe! I ran toward them and gave them a big hug. I had saved the day! The end.


  The strangest thing happens I had feathers and my arms turned into wings my feet turned into talens my mouth turned into a beak. Jake flew around and opened the cooler and took my watermelon and finally tore through the tent and flew in and landed in the tree. The three kids woke up and they went to eat the watermelon and it was gone and so was Jake. Zak,
Anthony, and me went to find Jake……


  I woke up my friends and they heard the owl hooting and we tuned up somewhere called the nether world. There were monsters like a gast and blaze we were scared. But then we saw a portal. So we went in. Soon we were in a village. Then we saw what looked like game charters. We saw some more people doing stuff like mining and building houses. So we started doing that too. Then we found a nother portal. So we went in. Then we were in The End. We saw some tall black people called Endermen. They had a great talent. They could teliport. Then we saw a big black dragon called the Ender Dragon. It attacked us. But we faut back. Then we defeated it and won. Then we went back home. Then we were happy again. Then suddenly we heard a nother owl hoot “hoo hoo.”


  Once a boy was hiking and he can’t believe his eyes he found “A TWO HEADED MONSTER”!!! The boy ran as fast as he could but then… The monster ate “HIM!!!” That’s what you think but he was not eaten by the two headed monster. “He said do you want to be friends with me please”! OK? The boy said Let’s go to the magic castle I saw it on the way here. Then they were at the magic castle then… the boy doesn’t know that the monster was evil. The monster’s job is if he meets a person he had to make them drink a magic potion! But he doesn’t want to do it. The two headed monster had to but he doesn’t. He thought about it very very much. He doesn’t but he drank the magic potion not the boy. The Two headed monster!!!!!!!!!! DID!!!!!!!!!!!

  Hallie Egalls

  Once apon a time there was 4 friends a an owl. One night Emily said, “I know something if you are in the woods if you hear an owl you will turn into an owl.” Then everybody went to bed. I couldn’t sleeo then I heard an owl twice and then I could see better than I could at sunset. Then I could hear better. Then I wasn’t tired anymore it was like I was awake more. So I think I flew over to the pond and I saw myself I hooted, “hoo hoo hoo.” Then I woke up and I was normal. I told nobody and nobody will ever know. The End.

  Downey Claire

  One day there was a fire breathing dragon. He had nothing to do. So he took a walk. When he was walking he noticed a boy hiking. The dragon ran up to the boy. Then he said “hi”! then the boy got scared and ran away. The dragon yelled come back! Then the boy turned around. Then the boy said I am sorry I ran away from you. The dragon said that’s ok. Then they became best friends. The End.

  Jayden M.

  The Princess & The Bear

  Jayden was a young princess and loved nature. Only… she had a fear of bears. One day, Jayden went hiking alone in a dark forest. It was summer so she wore a t-shirt and shorts. Then… she was lost. She saw an old women carrying a basket of blueberries. “May I had one blueberry mam?” “Sure, dearie,” said the lady. As Jayden took a bit she fainted from poison, she lost her memory. A grumpy bear named Jaden saw Jayden and brough her to his home. When Jayden awoke, she forgot her fear of bears and fell in love with Jaden. Jaden fell in love with Jayden. They kissed and the bear turned into a prince. They got married and had 3 kids Michelle, a girl, Jay, a boy, and Jaden Jr., the youngest. And their life, well, that’s another story.  The End.

  Cassidy Linman

  The Girl Who Got Made Fun Of

  Jessica went to school one day and she went to her magic school locker and when she closed it everyone laughed at her she was sad she ran to her class and then the day passed she went home crying then she was even more sad when she looked in the mirror and she said to herself the kids at school where right so she gave herself a makeover.


  Sparkle the Unicorn

  One day in Unicornia, Sparkle the unicorn wakes up Brownie the unicorn. Brownie says “We should go outside today!” Sparkle says “yay!” so they go outside and see Brittney bird, Randi rabbit, and Catrina cat. Brittney starts to fly. Brittney says “Ha ha ha you can’t fly but I can! Brittney starts to tease some more!!! “You can’t fly!” Sparkle starts to cry! Then her horn glows! Then Brownie says “Yes we can!” With a wave of their horns they start to fly! Randi and Catrina saw “Wow!” Brittney says “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings!” Brownie says “That’s okay!” The End.


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