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The Girl in Steel-Capped Boots

Page 18

by Hill, Loretta

  Oh, fashion. How I missed you!

  After touching down at Perth Airport two days earlier, it hadn’t taken very long to get back into the city swing of things.She’d eaten out every meal since she’d arrived, watched all her favourite shows on television and just marvelled at having so much female company to choose from.

  ‘So how’s it all going?’ Robyn plopped back in her chair. ‘You stopped calling the last few weeks.’

  ‘Sorry. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to blink.’ Lena pulled her Louis Vuitton handbag off her shoulder and slung it under the table as she sat down opposite Robyn.

  ‘Really?’ Her friend’s eyes widened. ‘So I take it things are looking up.’

  Lena winced. ‘Kinda.’ She was about to elaborate when a waitress paused at their table, pulling out her notepad and pen.

  ‘Can I take your order?’

  ‘Two cappuccinos,’ Robyn said and then looked across at her. ‘Cake?’

  Lena smiled. ‘Why not?’

  She chose chocolate and then idly glanced around the room as Robyn ummed and ahhed between carrot and very berry. No one was the slightest bit interested in them. Not even the man sitting all by himself by the window reading the paper, or the sports fans streaming past en route to some fixture at the WACA. They were just two girls having a coffee. Lena felt deliciously free and lonely all at the same time.

  ‘So you were saying,’ Robyn prompted when the waitress left them.

  Lena didn’t know where to start. So much had happened since Robyn had told her to rebel. Her last week on site in particular had been hectic. But at least the trusses were getting repainted. She was officially single and straight and the skid was only seven per cent behind instead of ten per cent. It was a start – if not a finish. She was still worried about Sharon though: they hadn’t mended fences yet.

  ‘Lena, are you okay? You seem a little spacey.’

  Lena blinked, giving her head a shake.

  Geez Louise. You can take the girl out of the Pilbara, but not the Pilbara out of the girl. She firmly focused on Robyn. ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘What about those job issues you were having?’ Robyn folded her arms. ‘Are they treating you better, giving you a bit more responsibility?’

  Lena sighed. ‘Yeah but it’s a constant struggle. I mean, I’ve got these really interesting and challenging tasks, but people are watching so closely. Maybe I should have stuck to data entry after all.’

  Robyn frowned. ‘Lena, you need to have more faith in yourself. You can do it, I know you can.’

  It was both heartening and numbing to hear Robyn’s usual pep talk. Her best friend would always be in her camp. If only some other people would join her.

  ‘Lena, have you thought about going to see Kevin?’

  This unexpected question jolted her out of her musings. ‘What? Why?’

  ‘Well, for one thing you could smack that SOB across the back of the head,’ Robyn snorted. ‘And for another, don’t you think it would help?’

  It was Lena’s turn to snort. ‘What makes you think I need his help with anything?’

  ‘What that guy did to you is still affecting you now. Maybe confronting him is the only way to get over it. And he can certainly tell you what you need to learn so you really do know as much as any other graduate.’

  Lena firmly shook her head. ‘Seeing him is not going to make a difference. What would I say? “Oh hi, Kevin, you ruined my life, just thought I’d check in so you can see how that’s going”?’

  Robyn laughed. ‘No, of course not. I just thought –’

  ‘Look, Robyn,’ Lena interrupted her, ‘I know you’re just trying to help, but the last person I want to see is Kevin. My confidence, or lack of it, is something I have to work through on my own.’

  Robyn hesitated as though she were going to say something further, and then decided against it. ‘Whatever you say, Lena. You’re the boss.’ Her lips broadened into a smile. ‘Hey, there’s a sale on at Georgette’s on Murray Street. Fifty per cent off everything. Want to check it out?’

  Lena grinned. ‘Sure.’


  The next morning Lena woke up at the leisurely hour of ten and took a mug of coffee and a slice of toast out onto her balcony for breakfast. Her apartment was on the fifth level and, even though her view was composed mainly of the shops across the street, the sunshine beat down warmly on her face and she lapped it up. She had four days left of R and R and no idea what to do with herself.

  Even as Lena pondered the problem, her mind wandered back to site and what might be going on there. As soon as she realised what she was doing, she groaned. Why did she even miss it? What she needed was a new hobby – something to channel all this unused energy into.

  The phone disturbed her meditation. Polishing off her coffee, she got up and staggered back inside to pick up the cordless.


  ‘Hi, this is Sarah Michaels’s assistant. I’m just returning Lena Todd’s call.’

  Sarah Michaels? Oh, Dan’s lawyer.

  She’d tried to reach the woman several times since she’d arrived in town, without success. Apparently Sarah was young, enthusiastic – and busy.

  ‘Yes, this is Lena Todd.’

  ‘Oh good. If you’d like to come into our office tomorrow at one pm, Sarah will be available to talk to you about your case.’

  ‘Oh, actually –’ She checked her immediate impulse to reject the appointment. It wouldn’t hurt to see what Sarah was like. You could always assess someone more accurately when you met them in person rather than over the phone. Lena couldn’t just recommend any old lawyer to Harry, could she? No matter how exceptional they might be? Or good-looking for that matter. Looks had no bearing on skill. Generally the most beautiful of people were useless when it came to their brain.

  At the thought, her decision solidified. She better just check that Sarah was as ugly as sin. Besides, she had time to kill. Why waste it?

  ‘One pm would be fine,’ she said to the secretary and hung up.

  Lena chose her outfit carefully the next day. A navy business suit and black heels. Sarah Michaels worked for Lidmans Barristers and Solicitors in the city. They were a top-tier firm so she knew that everyone in the building would be dressed to corporate code and she didn’t want to be out of place. She arrived about five minutes before the hour and was ushered into a meeting room by Sarah’s secretary. There she was made to wait a good ten minutes before her majesty graced her with her presence.

  The second Sarah walked in Lena was glad she had made the effort with her appearance.

  For starters, Sarah wasn’t that young. She was at least five years older than her, maybe more. And secondly, she was stunning.

  Long blonde hair.

  Killer legs.

  Gorgeous bedroom eyes.

  Clearly a bitch.

  Sarah held out her hand with a megawatt smile that Lena reasoned had to be fake. ‘Hi, I’m Sarah Michaels.’

  ‘Lena Todd.’ Lena took the outstretched hand, noticing how Sarah’s nails were in much better shape than hers.


  Sarah sat down opposite her and positioned her notepad. ‘Now, I’m not sure if you’re aware how this works, but the first appointment is free. I’ll give you some preliminary advice which we’ll make a note of. If you decide to use the firm, we’ll work out a cost agreement next appointment.’

  Lena frowned, noting that the lawyer really should work on toning down that bedroom voice of hers. It was so unprofessional. Not to mention intrusive.

  ‘Lena . . . is that all right?’

  Lena lifted her chin. ‘Perfect.’

  ‘May I ask why you chose Lidmans?’

  ‘A close personal friend recommended you,’ Lena lied. ‘Dan Hullog.’
  She didn’t know why she said that. It seemed to trip off her tongue before she could stop it.


  In any case, Sarah didn’t give her time to contemplate the pitfalls of her fib or even what it meant, before coming back with, ‘Oh Dan,’ with such easy familiarity that Lena immediately forgot all else to eye her suspiciously. Sarah put her palm flat on the table and cocked her head to one side. ‘Did you also know his brother?’

  ‘Of course.’ After all, what close personal friend wouldn’t?

  ‘Then I’m also sorry for your loss.’

  My loss?

  A cold fist clutched at Lena’s heart.

  Was Dan’s brother dead? Of course she couldn’t ask and look like a right fool. Not that Sarah would tell her, given client confidentiality and all that.

  But as the fist tightened she knew it made sense. No one got as unapproachable as Dan without experiencing tragedy of some kind. But what was more disturbing was the fact that he’d told her she reminded him of Mark. The name flashed back to her as did their conversation at the end of the wharf. If only she’d known there was so much subtext.

  Unfortunately, her silence also gave Sarah Michaels the perfect opportunity to change the subject. Sly snake.

  ‘So how can I help you today?’

  Lena laced her hands on the table in front of her and tried to look important. ‘I’m er . . . I’m actually here on behalf of a friend who is too anxious to approach a lawyer himself.’

  Sarah raised her eyebrows. ‘Okay, and what sort of matter would your friend be looking for advice on?’

  The way she said the word ‘friend’ made her think that Sarah didn’t really believe that she was there on behalf of someone else at all, but rather that she’d done something dodgy herself and was trying to work out whether she could get away with it.

  Hmmm . . . sly and judgemental.

  She sat up straighter. ‘It’s his kids,’ she explained. ‘His ex-wife is not letting him see them; can she be taken to court for that?’

  ‘Definitely.’ Sarah nodded.

  Lena followed this up with a few more token questions including, ‘Do you have much experience with that sort of case?’

  ‘I wouldn’t take the matter through myself. We have a family law division though – I’d refer your friend to someone there,’ Sarah responded.

  ‘Not a problem.’ Lena nodded, rising from the table and buttoning her jacket. ‘I’ll give him your number.’

  Or not.

  She hadn’t quite decided yet.

  Three days later Lena was back on the plane to site having not really achieved much of anything else. This time fear and dread didn’t grip her. She was actually looking forward to getting back and seeing everyone again. Even Mike, who she thought might be picking her up from the airport. As it turned out, it was Gavin this time.

  He had a meeting in Karratha with a supplier, so was charged with the task of picking her up as well on the way back. It was good to touch base with him again after his little dip in Crossing Pool.

  ‘You know I had nuts for earrings for days after that little swim,’ he shot at her as they drove back to the camp.

  ‘Really?’ She grinned, unable to keep the pleasure out of her voice.

  ‘You’re not even sorry?’

  Lena wound down her window, breathing in the humid air as the familiar red landscape with short shrubs and snappy gums filled her vision. It didn’t look so barren any more, now that she knew about all the snakes and lizards crawling around in the short grass.

  ‘You deserved it and you know it.’

  ‘Hmmm,’ he said but she knew he was over the worst of his embarrassment.

  After a reasonable silence had passed she changed the subject. ‘So how’s it all going on site anyway? I feel like I’ve been missing everything.’

  ‘Oh, you know,’ he sighed, ‘the usual chaos. The night shift is in full swing but of course there are problems and Bulldog’s livid about it. But when doesn’t the bastard have a chip on his shoulder?’

  This time her reply was not so jovial. ‘Well, he must have his reasons.’

  Gavin cast her a quick look. ‘Taking his side now, are we?’

  ‘No.’ She turned away so he couldn’t see her blush. ‘What kind of problems are we having?’

  ‘Communication problems,’ Gavin replied. ‘Some things are getting done twice or not at all because day shift isn’t telling night shift what they’re up to before they knock off. Or night shift specifically needs day shift to make sure supplies are on hand when they come in. And they don’t, so half the night is wasted when materials run out.’

  ‘That’s easily fixed, isn’t it?’

  ‘You’d think.’ Gavin grimaced. ‘But there are too many big egos out there. They all reckon it’s someone else’s job and blame-shifting is standing in the way of progress.’

  They were silent for a while as the ute ate up the road. There was so much other stuff Lena wanted to know but wasn’t sure if she could ask him.

  ‘How’s Sharon?’



  ‘Same as always, I guess. Haven’t really spoken much to her. Kind of shy, isn’t she?’

  ‘Not always.’ She frowned.

  ‘Have you two had a blue or something?’

  ‘Sort of.’ She hunched her shoulders miserably. What on earth was she going to do if she and Sharon never made up? She would give talking to her another shot. Sharon had to miss her.

  Didn’t she?

  ‘What did you mean the other night when you said you thought I would be good for something?’

  Crap. Now he’s perceptive. She’d forgotten she’d said that in the heat of the moment. She couldn’t seem to get anything right. If Sharon knew she’d almost betrayed her confidence as well, she’d never swim out of these deep waters.

  ‘Lena, don’t go quiet on me.’

  She cleared her throat. ‘Didn’t mean anything by it, Gav. Let’s just drop it.’

  ‘Yes you did.’ To her alarm the car seemed to slow down. ‘Is this why Sharon and you aren’t speaking – because of me?’

  Lena looked heavenwards. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

  He continued as if she hadn’t spoken, excitement in his tone. ‘Makes sense. I mean no wonder you went so mental after I kissed you, given she saw it and everything.’

  ‘Concentrate on the road, Gavin,’ Lena instructed, desperate to distract him. Much to her relief the car sped up again and he seemed to grip the steering wheel with more focus. Lena relaxed in her seat, feeling like she’d dodged a bullet.

  ‘She likes me, doesn’t she?’

  And then copped a hand grenade.

  ‘You wish,’ she threw at him, glancing at his face only to discover he was grinning like Pooh Bear with his paw in a honey pot.

  ‘I mean, she’s not a bad-looking chick, is she? I kind of like the whole red hair thing she’s got going on.’

  It was clear he just wanted some female attention. Didn’t matter who it was. ‘With that attitude, you’ll get nowhere with her,’ Lena said before she could stop herself.

  His eyes sparkled with triumph as he briefly took his eyes off the road to look at her. ‘So she does like me.’

  ‘If she did,’ Lena retorted, ‘she’s definitely wised up since then.’

  ‘Well, maybe I’ll ask her out.’

  Lena’s heart sank but she tried to make out that it made no difference to her. ‘Whatever.’

  In the end, Gavin’s attitude and his upcoming courtship of Sharon were the least of her worries. When she got to the office and tried to contact Mike on his radio, he simply wouldn’t pick up. He was definitely out there. She knew he could hear her. He was just deliberately not responding. She
figured it must be his new tactic. After all, she’d given him a free week to come up with something different. She really should have expected it.

  In any event, she was just getting ready to launch herself into figuring out a way to install the trusses when something unexpected happened.

  The men decided to go on strike.

  It was money issues of course – the whole ‘we’re not getting paid enough for working twelve-hour shifts, not seeing our families and living in a box’ beef.

  Carl’s reaction was ‘What the fuck?’

  Harry, Lena noticed, got the brunt of the yelling. Carl wanted reports from him immediately that would predict how far behind they’d get if the men stayed on strike for three days and then how far behind after a week. And after two weeks. Basically, it was all bad and the management team had to get negotiating with the workers quickly. This was pretty difficult given all any of them could really get out of Carl was ‘Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.’

  Lena returned to camp that evening feeling gutted. How could she ever get ahead? It was simply useless. Far easier to win a starring role in a Hollywood blockbuster than get the jetty built.

  She hadn’t seen Sharon all day either and looked out for her at dinner, but her friend wasn’t in the mess hall when she arrived. Harry was though. She took a seat beside him and they were able to catch up. She also gave him Sarah Michaels’s number.

  Harry finished up after twenty minutes and left. Lena was just about to do the same when Sharon walked into the room. Their eyes met briefly and for a second it looked like the redhead was about to come over. But then she turned away and strode towards the buffet. Lena let out a breath. That short contact had given her hope. Sharon looked both sad and weary. Her lively eyes had definitely lost their sparkle. Could it be that she was just as miserable?

  Lena watched her put a pitiful portion of shepherd’s pie on a plate before going in search of somewhere to sit. In a daring move, she hailed her. Sharon looked up in surprise, mixed with uncertainty. After a slight hesitation she slid into a seat at Lena’s otherwise empty table. ‘Hi,’ she offered tentatively.


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