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Strongest Passionsl

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Kitty didn’t stop working his cock. Watching her come apart was all it took for him to find his own release. His cum exploded into the sweatpants he wore.

  When it was over, he held her tightly. They were both shaking. Pulling his fingers from her tight pussy he licked her cream off his digits, moaning as he did. Stuart couldn’t look away as Kitty removed her hand from his pants, lifting her cum-smeared hand for him to see. With her gaze on him through their reflections in the mirror, she licked the cum off her palm.

  “Do you have any idea how damn sexy you look?” he asked.

  “I guess I look kind of hot.”

  “Damn right you do.”

  He didn’t know how he was going to survive a month with this woman being in his bed. What scared Stuart more was being able to do what Tom, Roy, and Guy had been able to do, and that was to give her to his next brother.

  Mark and Joey better be ready for her when the time came.


  Later that day Kitty giggled as Stuart had his cookies stuck to the work surface. He’d been so cocky in rolling out his dough with how perfect and flat it looked. Kitty had taken the time to flour the surface, and to move her cookie dough around. Now it came to cutting out the shapes, and Stuart’s were losing all kind of shape, looking a mess.

  “Okay, so I guess I should have followed your instructions.”

  “I thought you knew best,” she said, laughing. He looked so cute blushing.

  “What’s going on in here?” Guy asked, walking into the kitchen.

  She kept laughing. “Stuart’s got all of his cookie dough stuck to the work surface, and he’s going to have to start again.” She hummed as she placed all of her cookies onto baking trays. Once she was finished, she gathered up Stuart’s dough into a ball, splitting it down. “Do you want to have a go?” she asked, looking toward Guy.

  “If Stuart doesn’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind. This is a bloody nightmare. I want to make cookies, not have to get tools from out of the garage to pry it off the work surface.” Stuart wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “This is actually a lot harder than it looks.”

  “It’s not. You’re making it complicated.” She started to instruct him once again, telling him slowly what to do. He rolled out either way, then sprinkled flour over and under, turning it slightly before doing the same motion. When his cookies were at the right thickness, she handed him the cookie cutter, and then another cutter to Guy. While she pulled hers from the tray onto a cooling rack, Guy and Stuart filled the remaining trays. She placed them in the oven. They all worked side by side to wash away the mess they’d created.

  Kitty giggled as Stuart poured water down her back.

  “Hey, don’t. Those cookies need to stay edible,” she said, when Guy went to throw some water at her as well.

  The scent of the baking had lured in everyone else. Tom, Roy, and the twins sat at the table.

  “I’ll get the kettle on.” She was loving her time with Stuart. It had only been a morning, but she saw something deeper within him. Kitty adored his humor and his hands. He’d touched her body that morning, and she’d come to life. There was so much more to Stuart than the books he read. He was hiding in them, almost afraid to come out and play. She wouldn’t let him stay hidden. When she opened up the pot that held the tea bags she saw it was empty. “I’ll go and fill this up.” She left the room, going into the storage room just off the kitchen. Turning on the light, she looked over the shelves until she found the bag.

  “You’re good for Stuart,” Guy said.

  She turned around to smile at him. Moving toward him, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you for the most amazing claiming last night.” From the moment she’d seen him last night he’d looked guilty, and she hated that. This claiming was going to tear them all apart, but she wasn’t going to let it happen. Kitty was going to make sure they all stayed together.

  “I’m sorr—”

  “No. You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I love you, and you made me open my eyes and realize it’s not just me suffering. All of you are. Stuart, he’s scared just like you. This means so much to all of you. I really hope I don’t let you down.” She pressed another kiss to his lips. “Now, let me make a cup of tea so that I can finish these cookies.”

  “Thank you,” Guy said, his voice filled with emotion. She looked back, smiling.


  “You’re bringing my family together. The claiming, it has been something we’ve wanted and yet dreaded at the same time. You’re making us all come together. I can’t thank you enough.”

  As she touched his cheek, tears welled in her eyes. “I’ve got a family again.”

  Leaving the room, she made her way toward the kitchen. Stuart was waiting, nibbling on a cookie, which he quickly hid behind his back when she came into the room. “The idea is to have some that we can ice so they’re awesome.” She shook her head, placing the pot on the counter.

  “They taste amazing,” Stuart said.

  “They’ll taste even better with icing.” She finished off the tea, then went to the tray of cookies that she’d gotten out of the oven first. Nearly ten of the cookies were gone. The men were covering their mouths, chewing. She wasn’t angry. In fact, she couldn’t help but laugh.

  Grabbing the icing sugar from the baking cupboard she’d spotted a couple of nights ago, she picked up the meringue powder then the sugar.

  While the guys were watching her, she made up the icing, filling pastry bags, and handing one to Stuart. For the next hour, she began to decorate the cookies with Stuart close beside her. Each time their arms touched, she found herself getting more and more aroused by his closeness. She had to cross her legs because the arousal was simply getting too much. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw each of his brothers had gotten up to leave.

  “I can smell you, Kitty,” he said.

  She took a deep breath, finishing off her cookie. Standing up, she glanced toward him. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Chapter Three

  Grabbing Kitty’s hand, Stuart pulled her close, banding his arm around her waist. He lifted her up onto the table away from their cookies. Slamming his lips down on hers, he groaned as she opened her lips for him to explore inside her mouth. She tasted like the butter cookie he’d seen her eat. Not that he was complaining. He’d taken plenty of the butter cookies for himself.

  He untied the strings behind her neck, tugging the apron from her body. Next came his shirt, which she’d borrowed that morning, then his sweats. In seconds he had her butt ass naked spread open on his table. Running his hand up and down her body, he touched every inch of her.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Everyone keeps saying that.”

  “It’s the truth. When it comes to you we all speak the truth. You’ve got to believe us.”

  “I do.” She gasped, crying out as he leaned down sucking onto her nipple. He didn’t take his time. Stuart moved from one nipple to the other, stroking a finger between the lips of her pussy.

  Biting down onto her nipples, Stuart couldn’t wait to be inside her.

  Stepping back, he unbuttoned his jeans, pulling out his thick cock. Stuart grabbed her hips, turning her over so that she had her back to him. He opened her thighs, finding her entrance. Sliding his finger through her pussy, he teased her cunt until she was dripping.

  Gripping the base of his cock, he pressed the tip against her pussy and slammed right deep inside her.

  “Yes,” she said, screaming out. Anyone in that house would know exactly what he was doing. In that moment, Stuart didn’t give a fuck what his brothers heard. Her pussy was a fucking dream, tight and hot, and everything he wanted.

  Gripping her hips, he slammed within her harder each time. Slipping his fingers to her clit, he began to play with her sweet little nub, feeling her come apart in his arms.

  “That’s right, baby. Come all over my dick.”

  “Stuart, something
tells me you’re rather naughty.”

  He gripped her hair into his fist, pulling her head back. Stuart didn’t answer her with words but actions, pounding into her pussy and playing with her clit at the same time. He didn’t stop either. Over and over, he rammed inside her, hitting a spot so deep that it had her gasping, screaming his name.

  It was what he wanted to hear, what he needed to hear, his name being screamed from her.

  “Do you want to come, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes. I want to come. I need to come. Please, Stuart.”

  He loved hearing her beg, but he wanted her to come over his dick before he found his own release. Each of his brothers had fallen for this woman, and so, too, was he. She was everything they’d always wanted, always dreamed about. When Guy entered the kitchen and asked to join in, there wasn’t any hesitation from her. He didn’t feel angry or jealous when Guy went into the store cupboard with her.

  This was what it really meant to be a pack, bonded together. Before Kitty came along, they’d been six men that were thrown together because they were born to the same man and woman. Kitty gave them a reason to be together.

  She united them.

  Releasing her hair, he grabbed her face, turning her so that he could touch her lips. He licked along her bottom lip, then pressing his tongue into her mouth. Stuart slowed his pace down for her to get used to his invasion. Like all of his brothers, Stuart wasn’t a small man. He was large, and he wanted Kitty to know he could satisfy all of her needs, even those she didn’t know she had.

  She came all over his naked cock, her cum washing over his length. He didn’t stop stroking her clit or kissing her. Stuart fucked her while prolonging her orgasm. She came a second time before he found his own release.

  By the time it was over, they were both panting, and he slowly released her clit. She cried out, shuddering in his arms.

  “Wow,” she said. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”

  Her cheeks suddenly heated.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “What if they heard us?” She bit her lip, looking left and right.

  “They left the house. Don’t worry. After the full claiming they don’t give us privacy.”

  “They won’t?”

  “No, knowing my brothers they’ll join in and have you screaming out.” He pressed another kiss to her mouth.

  “I think the icing is dry,” she said, surprising him.

  He burst out laughing, unable to contain himself.

  “You’re probably right.” He didn’t want to pull out of her body. With his dick going soft, he acted quickly, turning her around and picking her up. “I’m not done with you yet. I want to fuck you again and again.”

  He carried her upstairs to his room.

  “They always say watch out for the quiet ones. They weren’t lying, were they?”

  “We all learned to do different things. I’ve always loved books,” he said.

  “Why?” She pressed kisses down his neck toward his rapidly beating pulse.

  “Why do I love to read?”

  She nodded.

  “If we didn’t find the right woman we were going to be lost to our wolf. Guy told us that there are no longer any secrets between us. Anyway, I thought I would be forever trapped by my wolf. I never really thought I’d get the chance to read.”

  “So you read books because you thought you’d stay a wolf forever?”

  “Yes. I didn’t want to miss the chance to have known another world. In books, any book, you can be anywhere while sitting at home. I wanted to have as many memories as I could make in case the worst happened.”

  She didn’t laugh at him. Instead, she cupped his cheek, staring into his eyes. “I love you, Stuart.”

  “And I love you.”


  Three weeks passed with so much ease that Kitty couldn’t believe it. She was inside the main library, with a hell of a lot more books, staring out of the window. Stuart was a man filled with passion, love, and loyalty. He loved her, and the pack, and he had one insatiable appetite that she loved as well.

  Guy had been so worried about him, and yet Stuart had been so wonderful. He rarely picked up a book unless she asked him to read to her. Stuart could go all night long. His passion in the bedroom was insatiable, and he loved to experiment, bending her this way and that. She did remind him one night that she wasn’t a wolf but a human.

  Pulling her knees up against her chest, she stared at Mark and Joey training with Tom. Every morning without fail all the men did over an hour of training and practicing their fighting moves. At first she’d thought it was hot to watch. Now, she found herself wondering what would happen if they were ever attacked. Stuart had told her they trained in case of an attack. There were more packs out there, and it was something their parents had done before them. It was better to be prepared than to never expect anything to happen, and be taken by surprise.

  “What’s the matter?” Stuart asked, coming into the library. He closed the door, moving toward her.


  “I can’t lie to you, so you can’t lie to me. Don’t keep me in the dark, baby.”

  She laughed. “I was worried.” Turning back to watch Mark and Joey, she saw Tom take both men easily to the ground.

  “What are you worried about?”

  “Life. I worry about not being good enough for you all. All of those concerns that mere humans suffer.”

  He knelt beside her, staring out of the window.

  “We all worry just like you,” he said.

  “I doubt that.”

  “There’s six of us to this pack, Kitty. Some packs have more; some have less. We’re worried we’re asking too much of you. Not many women would love to be with six men regularly.”

  “I’ve fallen in love with all of you. Even Mark and Joey. You’re all a family, and I want to be part of that. What happens if I lose one of you? I don’t know if I can bear it.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close. She loved it when he held her tightly. It was these moments when she felt close to him.

  “It’s time we got you out of this house. Come on, let’s go and watch a movie.”

  “How’s that getting out of the house?”

  “We’re not watching a movie here. Come on.” He took her hand, leading her outside. Kitty waited by the truck while Stuart ran toward Tom. They spoke for a few minutes with Tom looking toward her.

  She jumped into the truck only when Stuart started to jog back toward her.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “It’s fine. I was just clearing everything with Tom that we’re good to go.” He climbed into the truck, turning over the ignition. She was excited about getting away from the house. It was a beautiful house on a large plot of land, which was all amazing. She needed something different though. Kitty needed to be part of the world, as otherwise she was going to get scared of stuff that was outside. “Sometimes being in the house can make the whole outside world terrifying. I’m taking you out to prove to you that you’ve got nothing to fear.”

  They cleared the gates of the house and were on the main road. Stuart tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, humming to himself.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For bringing me out.”

  “You can thank me once we’ve seen a movie. I can’t guarantee that you’re going to like what’s showing at the movies. Do you want some music on?”


  “Talk to me, Kitty.”

  “I’m just nervous.”

  “We’re almost at the end of our month together,” he said.

  “Yes. Then Mark and Joey will have their month.”

  “The twins are anxious to get their hands on you. They want to make you their mate as much as my brothers have. We all want to move on so we can just share you, love you, and be a family together.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her thr
oat. “That’s all I want as well.”

  He glanced over at her, and she was already smiling back at him. “I hope I haven’t bored you too much.”

  “You don’t bore me, Stuart. You’re an amazing man. You need to stop hiding behind those books and be part of everything.”

  “I’ve not scared you then?” he asked.

  “You’ve not got it in you to scare someone.” They parked in the town, and she noticed how busy it was. The house had air-conditioning, but the heat was sweltering outside of his car. Stuart offered her his arm as they started walking down the street. She glanced around seeing the grocery store, a small mall, and a diner. At the end of a long road of shops was the movie complex.

  “We’re not an overly busy town, but we make do.” They crossed the road. Stuart waved to several of the locals on his way toward the complex.

  “You know a lot of people.”

  “Tom likes to keep to himself, but I like to get to know people. During my early years I could always be found in one of the rooms at the library. I’ve also spent a great deal of time chasing girls. My older brothers don’t know about it. Mark and Joey do as we’re close in age. I spent a lot of time talking to everyone.” They entered the movie complex, and Kitty glanced up at the short list of movies playing. None of them were on her to-watch list, but she wasn’t going to demand to go back to the house. This was her first trip out with one of the men since she was first taken. She told him one of the tear-jerking romance movies that she had yet to see.

  Stuart didn’t laugh. He paid for their admissions, and sat beside her, complete with popcorn and all.

  Chapter Four

  After the movie, Stuart wiped the tears from under his eyes and made his way outside. It was already getting dark. They had sat through three movies, and he’d turned his cell phone off when Tom had called after the first one finished.

  “Oh my God, I didn’t expect that ending. It was so amazing, and I did shed a tear, so you can cry.” Kitty pushed her hand through his, and they walked toward his truck. “I loved today, Stuart. It has been the best day ever.” She stared up at the sky. Her eyes looked animated, and he was simply pleased to be the man who’d put that look into her eyes.


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