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Playing Stacy

Page 7

by Jenn Hype

  “Well, since I haven’t seen much of your face lately we’re going out and you don’t have a choice. I’ll kick your ass if you try to argue with me.” Adalyn fell back again with a groan and smacked her hand over her eyes. Typical response, so predictable. “Suck it, Addy, I need a wingman.”

  “Okay fine, but please tell me you aren’t going to do something stupid again like get arrested.”

  “No promises,” I said as I disappeared into my bedroom to get dressed. Adalyn followed me, still whining.

  “Last time you had an evil plan you ended up crashing an event we weren’t even invited to and I broke the heel to my favorite pair of stilettos running out the door to our getaway car while the angry mob chased after us.”

  “Yeah, that really was an awesome night. But no, this is just a low key bar with a live band.”

  “But Joe and Chad will be there?”


  “So this could potentially turn into another disaster? Should I go ahead and call Ian and tell him to be ready for our call when we have to go bail you out of jail again?”

  “Seriously shut it, Addy. First off - don’t try to use me as an excuse to call Ian. Secondly - we’re just going to have some fun so lighten up. And go put something nice on for once. I’m not going to be seen with you dressed like a bum like you usually are.”

  “Screw you, twat, I don’t dress like a bum, I just like to be casual. There’s no law that says I have to spend three hours getting ready every time I decide to leave go somewhere.”

  Adalyn kept on rambling, but I’d already zoned her out. I was too distracted thinking about how much I was looking forward to seeing Chad tonight, and then trying to convince myself that it was only because I was in the mood to stir up trouble. Either way, it was going to be interesting.

  I shot off a text to Carrie, inviting her to come along, even though her and Adalyn still weren’t exactly chummy. Right when she text back saying she would be there, Adalyn popped her head out and said she had to go to work. I was happy she had a job she loved, but I was looking forward to spending some time with her, too.

  Oh well, there would be time later. For now, I had an ego to destroy.

  Chapter 10


  I wouldn’t admit it to Joe, but I actually liked this bar. It was a good size, so the bar was far enough from the dance floor that you didn’t feel too crowded. It was split into two areas, one that had the stage for bands and the other filled with pool tables and dart boards. I sat on a stool at the bar, keeping one eye on the game on the TV behind the bar and another one on the door. Joe must have been feeling guilty, because shortly after we’d gotten here he had confessed and told me he’d invited Stacy. I wanted to pound his face in at first, but when he genuinely pleaded with me to try and make the effort to be nice to her, I caved and promised I would play nice.

  Joe was chatting up a girl on the dance floor when Stacy walked in. The familiar urge to put up walls and get defensive tugged at me, but I fought it back down, wanting to keep my promise to Joe. When Stacy spotted me, I could see uncertainty overcome her. It caught me off guard, making me realize how little I really knew her. I instantly felt like a dick for being the reason she was doubting herself, and managed to force a smile and give her a short wave.

  Relief washed over her and she headed my way, another girl close behind her. I downed the rest of my beer and asked the bartender for another, trying like hell to ignore how my heart rate picked up as she neared.

  “Hey Chad, good to see you. This is my friend Carrie. Is Joe here?” She scanned the room and found him easily, a smile tugging at her lips when she saw him flirting with someone. Her tone was casual and friendly, but you could hear how forced it was. Maybe Joe had the same talk with her about getting along as he’d had with me.

  Her friend was a petite little thing with long, brown hair. She had incredible posture, which I realized was a strange thing to notice, but despite how stiff she was standing, she didn’t seem tense. Something about her gave off an overly confident and almost regal vibe, and I wondered how she and Stacy knew each other, because as far as first impressions go, they couldn’t possibly have very much in common. Especially when you took in how conservatively her friend was dressed, which was in stark contrast with Stacy’s deliciously revealing outfit.

  We stood there a few minutes in uncomfortable silence, and Stacy said “Well we’re…” at the same time I said “So how about…” and we did that awkward “no you go” thing a few times, before I finally put the uncomfortableness to an end and spoke up.

  “There’s another area over to the right, more like a pool hall with darts and separate bar. You guys want to head over there and get us a table while I grab Joe?” At least if we were playing a game it would give us a distraction. The forced niceness between us just felt...wrong.

  Joe was balls deep and working hard on picking up the blonde he was flirting with, but when I told him Stacy was here he bailed without so much as a hand wave in the blonde’s direction. She scowled at him and huffed as she stomped in the opposite direction, but if the way these types of situations went for Joe in the past were any indication, she would be back and trying to flirt with Joe again by the end of the night.

  Joe and I fought our way through the crowd that had doubled in size since we’d first arrived, and made our way to the girls, where they already had drinks and were racking up the pool balls.

  “Hey, hey, hey ladies, be careful with my balls,” Joe joked. I rolled my eyes, Stacy laughed and her friend blushed.

  “Get your ass over here and show me how well you handle that big stick,” Stacy teased back. I almost spit my beer out of my mouth. I made the mistake of looking at Stacy as I was coughing, and was rewarded with a wink. Dammit. She knew she’d caught me off guard and that wink had Sarge immediately standing at attention.

  I couldn’t tell you where the urge came from, but before I knew it, I joined in on the juvenile wordplay. “Nice rack,” I added with a head nod in Stacy’s direction. I watched as her eyes widened a fraction in surprise. Her surprise quickly morphed into an easy smile, and the way her face lit up playfully made something in my chest ache.

  Carrie impressed us with a more than decent break, which segued into Joe making jokes about his own balls again. He wasn’t going out of his way to flirt with Carrie like he would most girls, but that could be due to how uninterested she seemed in anything he said. Outwardly, everything about Stacy’s friend came across as uptight and prudish, but something about the ease of her movements and casualness in her tone made me think there was more to her than met the eye.

  The game continued on in much the same fashion with everyone focusing more on who could come up with the best sexual innuendo, rather than the game itself. An hour later the table was still covered in half the balls we started with and we were all laughing so hard our cheeks hurt. Even Carrie, who’d been fairly quiet for the first half of the game, starting to chime in with her own quips.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had that much fun, and wondered at what point in the night my guard had completely dropped without me even knowing it.

  The conversation was light and easy as we made our way to an empty table, asking the waitress to bring us all another round of drinks. Stacy was sitting to my right, her chair much closer than necessary, but like hell was I going to complain. The table was round and we were the only four occupying it, but somehow we’d both managed to scoot our chairs within inches of each other without being conscious of it.

  I could feel the heat emanating from Stacy’s bare leg that was almost touching my denim clad one, and every time I shifted my face even a fraction in her direction I was immediately engulfed in her scent. But despite how intoxicating her smell and bare skin was, I couldn’t help but notice that she wasn’t nearly as affected as I was.

  Granted, we were so close at that point that if we turned to look at each other at the same time our mouths would almost be touching, which mad
e eye contact difficult, but it was more than that. She seemed distracted, and though she contributed to the conversation from time to time, it was obvious that her thoughts were elsewhere. It pissed me off how much it bothered me that she was so close, but clearly so far away, because I shouldn’t really care what the hell she was thinking about. Yet I couldn’t keep myself from discreetly studying her and trying to figure out how to bring her back to me.

  I saw her eyeing the dart board and couldn’t resist the opportunity to bring her attention back to me. “You up for a round?” I whispered close enough to her that my lips lightly touched the outer shell of her ear, making sure to breath softly on her neck as I spoke. A shiver ran down her body and I grinned, pulling away, but only slightly. Now that I was so close to her, it took everything in me not to close the distance and suck on her neck, which made putting the distance back between us too fucking painful.

  “Oh, I’m always up for a round. I could go all. night. long,” Stacy whispered back, not missing a beat. I discretely rearranged my semi in my pants as Stacy got up and headed towards the dart board. Or, at least, I thought I had been discreet. Stacy glanced back at me over her shoulder, and the smug look on her face told me she at least knew the effect she’d had on me, even if she hadn’t seen it. I sidled up next to her and she handed me my darts, saying, “Ladies first.” I waited for her to step up, but she nodded in my direction, indicating she was suggesting I throw first.

  “Ladies? If you need me to prove to you just how man I am, just say the word,” I said, brushing my erection against her ass, before getting in place to take my first shot. I pulled my hand back, but right as I went to release, Stacy pushed her tits up against my side and whispered in my ear. “Oh, you may be a man, but that doesn’t mean you can hit my bulls eye.”

  “Dammit!” I yelled when my dart completely missed the board. Stacy was giggling like a fiend, and I couldn’t help but join in. Her laugh was so beautiful, and my chest constricted, reminding me that I couldn’t let my guard down with her. I wanted to - I wanted to just enjoy this carefree side of her, but I wasn’t ready to let go completely. At least, not yet, anyway. “I’ll get you for that,” I growled, and not so casually grinded against her when we exchanged places.

  Stacy took a few seconds to compose herself before lifting her hand to throw her dart. I was going to do something to throw her off, but she stopped mid-throw to face me. She opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it, quickly turning back and throwing the dart towards the board. Bulls eye.

  “Impressive,” I said, genuinely meaning it. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw her taking a sip of her drink, so I took my chance and threw my dart quickly, not wanting her to distract me again. I only got the outside of the board, but at least I’d managed to hit it at all that time. I was usually pretty decent at darts, but apparently she only needed to be in the room in order to distract me.

  She had a smug grin on her face when she stepped back up to throw her next dart. I stood back and crossed my arms, not even attempting to try and throw her off this time. Another bulls eye. I uncrossed my arms and looked her over. “You play a lot of darts?” I asked, stepping up to take my turn. That time I came pretty close to the center, but still not as accurate as Stacy.

  “No,” she responded, shrugging. “I just have really good aim. I see something I want, and then I go after it, and I never, ever miss.” Her voice was a seductive whisper, and if she hadn’t been standing so closely, I wouldn’t have even heard her. The way her eyes darkened at the statement told me we were still talking in innuendos.

  “Never, huh? You seem pretty sure of yourself.” I took my last shot, not really even bothering to try at that point. “Maybe we should make this interesting.”

  “Oh, it’s not interesting enough for you already? Is getting your ass kicked in darts boring to you?” She was shaking her head as she stepped up to make her last throw. “Tell you what, I hit the bulls eye and you have to do whatever I want.”

  “That’s pretty vague, care to narrow that down a little?”

  “Nope,” she responded quickly, sticking her bottom lip out, giving just a little pout. “What’s the matter? You scared?”

  I thought it over for a minute, and I can’t lie, I was a little scared about what it would be she asked me to do. Stacy was so unpredictable, and while I’d hoped it would be something sexual, I realized that was more wishful thinking than anything. My luck she’d end up asking me to arrest some asshole ex-boyfriend or something.

  “Alright. As long as it’s not illegal, I’m in. Hit me with your best shot.” I was going to wait until she turned back around and sneak up to distract her, but she never took her eyes off of mine. Without even looking, she pulled her hand up and threw. Landing right on that damn bulls eye.

  Son. Of. A. Bitch.

  “How the hell did you pull that off?” I asked, not even trying to hide my surprise.

  Stacy just winked and headed off towards the bathroom, leaving me stunned. She turned back one last time before she walked in, and it took everything in me not to follow her in there and push her up against the wall. I’d never had the desire to have sex in a dirty bar bathroom, but it didn’t really matter right then, because all I wanted was to feel her up next to me. The flirtatious banter and casual brushing up against one another from the last couple hours had been incredible foreplay and I was entirely way too worked up.

  I was leaning against the wall, my eyes never leaving that bathroom, and hoping she would hurry up and come back so we could continue the foreplay, when all of a sudden one of the girls from the gym earlier stepped into my line of vision. Dammit, I’d forgotten all about the original reason we were at the damn bar.

  She was already a little tipsy, but not drunk yet. If she thought for a second that she was going home with me, then she was sorely mistaken. Not only was I not at all interested, but I didn’t fuck drunk chicks. I needed them to be coherent enough to understand that it’s just one night, nothing more, and more importantly I needed to know they were aware enough to willingly consent. I didn’t need to get laid bad enough to ever feel the need to take advantage of someone.

  “You wanna dance?” She whispered in my ear as she pushed her tits up against me. Her breath smelled like vodka and her words were so slurred I almost didn’t understand them.

  “Not really my thing,” I answered, taking a swig of my beer, scanning the room for Stacy and hoping the sloppy slut trying to stick her hand down my pants would be gone by the time she came back. I took a step to the side to try and go around her, but she stepped along with me and pushed me back against the wall with her grabby little hands.

  “That’s a shame. I bet you would feel amazing pressed up against my body. I’ve been dying to feel you all night,” she whispered as her hand tried to find my crotch again. I grabbed her wrist and spun her around. She let out a little squeal and I got in her face, which of course she took to mean I was going to kiss her, so she closed her eyes and puckered her lips. I opened my mouth to tell her to leave me the fuck alone, but a flash of bright blonde hair drew my attention away and I saw Stacy’s delicious body step out of the bathroom and start in my direction.

  I completely forgot about the woman I was pinning up against the wall, too mesmerized by the easy sway of Stacy’s curvy hips. It wasn’t until Stacy’s gaze met mine and she stopped a few feet away that I realized how it must look, me pressed up against another girl. The look on her face gutted me, and I watched the look on her face turn from hurt to angry, before it morphed into something else entirely.

  Jealousy. An hour ago I would have reveled in watching her be jealous over seeing me with another girl, but after seeing this entirely different side of her it only made me feel like shit. It dawned on me that Stacy was the first girl I had ever had this much fun with, and the way her body tensed as she took in the picture before her told me it was probably the last time it would happen, too.

  My attention snapped back to the girl wh
ose hand I still had pinned above her head when I felt her hand start rubbing my semi hard cock, which had only started to harden at the sight of Stacy. I quickly dropped her hand, which she promptly used to wrap around the back of my neck and yank my mouth down on hers. I was so caught off guard that I hesitated for just a second before ripping my face away from hers. I quick took a step back and searched for Stacy, fully expecting to see her plotting my murder, only to find she wasn’t standing there anymore.

  I looked around frantically, ignoring drunk girl shouting at me to come back, and finally spotted her on the dance floor talking to Joe. No, not talking…yelling. I watched as Joe threw his hands up in the air, and the only words I could make out were him saying “I’m sorry,” before Stacy turned away from him and grabbed the closest man she could find and started grinding on his leg. He didn’t seem too put out, because he put his hands on her waist and started rocking with her to the beat.

  I watched for a few beats of the song, deciding what I should do. It would have been better for everyone if I had just walked away and cut my losses, but seeing the asshole grind his crotch against her ass and his eyes glaze over just made me see red. He whispered something in her ear and she threw her head back in laughter, and I just lost it.

  Next thing I knew I was moving towards Stacy, not even bothering to apologize to all the people I roughly knocked out of my way to get to her. She didn’t notice me approaching, seeing as how she was too busy letting some asshole suck on her neck. When I was finally right up next to them, I grabbed the asshole by the collar of his shirt and threw him off of her. I knew I had no right to be acting possessive over her. I’d been a dick to her since we’d met, and one fun night was going to make up for that, but seeing someone else touch her filled me with so much blind rage I couldn’t think straight.

  “What the fuck, man? What is your problem?” He yelled at me while the people he’d knocked over when I threw him helped him stand. He stormed over to me and stepped into my personal space, his face red from anger, and probably embarrassment from being thrown across the room like a rag doll.


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