Caught Up in You

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Caught Up in You Page 17

by Colee Firman

  “I love you, too,” he said, kissing my forehead.

  We both turned away at the same time, heading to our assigned exits on opposite sides of the room. That was the part I hated the most.

  After claiming my personal items from the security desk, I made the long walk out to the parking lot where Jonah was waiting for me.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” He turned off the radio and smiled at me. “Good visit?”

  “Yeah…” I dropped my head back against the headrest and looked over at him. “He seems good—a little more silver in his hair than last year, but good.”

  Jonah nodded and then pulled away from the curb. “Did you think about what I asked you before went inside?”

  “Yes,” I said, reaching over and slipping my fingers through his.


  I sighed. He wasn’t going to like my answer. “I can’t stay at your place tonight.”

  “Ok.” He pulled his hand away and placed it on the steering wheel.

  “This is one of my toughest days of the year,” I said, turning in my seat to face him. “Usually Jen takes me home and force feeds me a bunch of carbs while making me watch terrible movies from the eighties.”

  “We can do that.” He glanced at me as he stopped for a red light. “Anything not to have to drop you off at that house.”

  Jonah wasn’t a big fan of my living situation. I understood to a point. I could see how having your girlfriend living with six other guys could make you feel a little insecure. It didn’t help that the boys and Livvy weren’t exactly fans of his either. I’d tried to make them all get along, but they just couldn’t seem to like each other.

  Living at the Dempsey place was better than I thought it’d be. Outside of the random girls doing the walk of shame some mornings, the guys didn’t really live up to their out of control frat house reputation. They were good to me and I felt safe surrounded by them. Whether or not Jonah and my dad understood my reasons, I needed that.

  “Tomorrow is Saturday,” I said, forcing the most positive tone I could muster, “it’s my last chance to finish shopping for you before Christmas Eve.”

  “Which you’re spending with your roommates instead of me and my family.”

  “They’re not just my roommates—they’re my friends—Livvy is my best friend.” Keeping the frustration from coming out as I spoke was a real struggle. Sometimes he could be so impossible. “I’ll be at your place first thing Christmas Day—I promise.”

  He shook his head. “Maybe you should just stay home with your friends.”

  “We’re done talking about this for now,” I said, crossing my arms and tipping my head back. It was going to be a long drive home.



  Pete got out of the passenger’s side of my truck and looked at me expectantly. “Well?”

  “I just think asking Ashlee to marry you on Christmas Eve with all of us watching is fucking weird.” That was the nicest way I could put it. The last shit I wanted to see was Pete proposing.

  He walked next to me toward the hardware store. “How would you do it?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not a pussy like you who daydreams about shit like that.”

  “Five months in Japan didn’t make you any less of a dick,” Pete said, pointing across the parking lot. “Looks like Tom Dempsey is working. You could ask him where Brantley moved to.”

  I jammed my keys into my pocket. “Unless you want your future wife to find out you can’t even replace a broken light fixture without me—don’t bring up Brantley to Tom.”

  Pete laughed as he pulled open the door to the hardware store. “You’re not a dick—you’re an overflowing bag of them.”

  I’d been stressing for weeks over what I was gonna say to Brantley when I went back to Baylor Grove for Christmas. Part of me thought I’d be able to salvage what we had if I could get a little time alone with her. That was blown to hell when I got home and found out she’d moved.

  The new people upstairs told me they’d been there almost five months. That meant she’d left right after I did. I had no idea where she’d moved to. I only knew she was still around because my parents mentioned they’d seen her bartending at a restaurant in town.

  Most likely she’d taken the furnished apartment Lou offered her. I wanted to find some reason to call him and ask where she was, but I knew that was crossing the line. If I’d hurt her enough to make her move out of her apartment, obviously she didn’t want me anywhere near her—there was no going back.

  I followed Pete up to the counter where Tom was standing talking to someone. As soon as we got close I heard a voice I recognized. Before I could turn around, Livvy popped her head up and caught sight of me.

  “Look who’s home for the holidays,” she said, putting her hands on her hips.

  I knew by the look on her face she was dying to hand me my ass. “Just until Tuesday.”

  She rolled her eyes. “That long, huh?”

  “Liv…” Tom put his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t start shit—not here.”

  “I won’t,” she said, flashing a big fake smile. “As long as he keeps his lying ass away from Brant while he’s in town we’ll be just fine.”

  We needed to get what we came for and get the hell out of there before shit got ugly. I looked at Tom and motioned to Pete with my head. “He needs a new light fixture for his bathroom.”

  “Stay here,” Tom said, glancing at Livvy as he came around the counter. He waved for me and Pete to follow him. “This way…”

  As soon as we were out of Livvy’s range Pete elbowed me. “What did you lie to Brantley about?”

  “I never lied to her,” I said. That was the truth. I didn’t tell her I was leaving, but I didn’t lie.

  Tom stopped in front of the light fixtures. “What he did was worse than lying.”

  Pete held his arms out at his sides. “What did I miss?” He turned his eyes to me. “I thought she ended things with you because you were leaving town?”

  Tom shook his head as he pointed to the shelf. “This is everything we have. When you decide what you want get the stock number and come to the counter. I’ll get it from the back.”

  Pete continued staring at me as Tom walked away. “This one should work,” I said pointing out a simple three bulb fixture. I didn’t want to talk about Brantley and I really hoped he’d let it go. “It’ll be easy enough to install.”

  “Whatever, that’s fine…” He kept his eyes fixed on me. “What did you do to that girl?”

  I took a quick look at the stock number and started for the front of the store. “Nothing.”

  “Maybe I should ask Tom’s girlfriend what happened,” he said. “She looked anxious to talk about it.”

  There was no point in trying to avoid the truth. Once Pete caught the scent of something bad, the dude never quit digging until he found the source. I stopped walking and turned to him. “I didn’t do anything—that was the problem. I didn’t tell her I was leaving.”

  “Wow…” Pete started walking again. “So much for proving you deserved her…”

  I stayed behind him on the way to the counter. Livvy began boring into me with her eyes the second she spotted me. She had something to say and I had a feeling I wasn’t getting out of there until she had her chance.

  I looked at Tom. “The stock number is 718.”

  Livvy leaned down on the counter and took a long look around as Tom headed into the back. Unfortunately, Pete and I were the only customers in the store. I deserved to feel like shit for what I’d done, and it looked like Livvy was about to make sure that happened.

  “Brant trusted you,” she said, keeping her voice down. “That shit she told you about her mom—that was her way of letting you in.”

  All I could do was stand there and listen. It was amazing the way a few simple words could cut so deep. I wanted to tell her to shut her goddamn mouth and then get the fuck out of there. At the same time I wanted to hear it. I needed to know what
happened after I left.

  “You made her think you were okay with her past just long enough to get her in pants.” Livvy’s voice got louder as she stood up straight and glowered at me. “Then you used it as an excuse to run off. You’re a piece of—”

  “Livvy!” Tom grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around. “Not here!”

  “Wait a minute…” What she was saying didn’t make any sense. “Brant thinks I left because of what happened with her mom?”

  She turned around and narrowed her eyes. “Didn’t you?”

  My fucking head was spinning. “No—fuck no! It had nothing to do with that!” I looked at Tom while pointing at Livvy. “Tell her—fucking tell her I was planning on talking to Brantley about it the night we were out in the garage!”

  “What?” Livvy shoved Tom in the shoulder. All her anger was focused at him rather than me suddenly—thank god. “Did you know he was leaving for Japan?”

  “I found out that day from my parents,” he said, reaching for her hand. “That’s why I wanted to leave early—so he’d have a chance to talk to her. I warned him not to hurt her.”

  “A lot of good that did!” She pulled her fingers away and balled them up into a fist. I honestly thought she was going to slug him. “Brant laid on the floor in her apartment for three days crying over this prick,” she yelled, pointing at me. “She thought he ran out on her because of what she told him! You didn’t think it was important to share at that point?”

  “You would’ve been pissed at me for not telling you sooner,” he said. “I’m sorry…”

  “Screw you and your sorry!” She grabbed her purse and glared at me as she started for the door. “Asshole…”

  Once the door slammed the three of us stood in silence for a few seconds. Pete finally pulled out his wallet and stepped up to the counter. “Your girl sure knows how to make an exit.”

  “Yeah,” Tom said, punching numbers into the register. “There’s always drama when Liv’s around.”

  The thought of Brantley on the floor crying in that empty fucking apartment was killing me. I was completely wrecked inside. I desperately needed to see her to explain what really happened. She needed to know she had nothing to do with the reason I left.

  I moved up closer to the counter. “Where’s Brantley living?”

  Tom hesitated momentarily before looking at me. “With us,” he said. “Wyatt moved her in right after you bailed.”

  Brantley was living at the Dempsey house—the day just kept getting better. “I’m going over there to talk to her.”

  “I wouldn’t do that. If you come around the house looking for her, my cousins are gonna kick the shit out of you.” Tom swiped Pete’s credit card and looked at me as he handed it back to him. “No matter what your bullshit excuse is, no one’s gonna forget you took her V-card and walked out on her.”

  I froze at his words, completely unable to speak. Shit just kept getting worse.

  “What?” Pete smacked his hand down on the counter. “Are you shitting me?” The absolutely disgusted look on his face hurt almost as much as the accusation. “I can’t believe you’d—” He paused as he stuffed his wallet back in his pocket. “Scratch that, I can believe you’d do something like that.”

  “No! I asked her if she was and—” My insides clenched and I felt sick. “Fuck this—I need to talk to her.” I pulled out my keys and bolted for the door.

  “Myles!” Pete grabbed the box and followed me out to my truck. “Franco, you’re not going there!”

  “I’ll take you home first and come back to fix your light after I see Brantley,” I said, pushing the button to unlock the doors. “I have to talk to her…”

  “Dammit!” Pete slammed into me with his shoulder, sending me crashing into the side of my truck. I took a wide swing at him but he reared back and dodged it easily. We’d done the same shit so many times since we were kids that he probably saw it coming before I ever raised my fist.

  Pete tossed the box he was carrying in the back of my truck and got in my face. “Didn’t you hear a goddamn word they said in there?”

  I pushed him away and held my arms out at my sides. “I heard them—that’s why I need to see her!”

  “You need to leave her alone!” He reached out and jammed his finger into my chest. “You had your chance and pissed all over it! Let the poor girl move on for Christ’s sake…”



  After a painfully silent drive back from the prison, Jonah and I sat parked in my driveway arguing in his car. Well, not really arguing since it was all one sided. He was venting all his hurt feelings about how much time I spent in Baylor Grove and how he didn’t understand why I wouldn’t just move into his house with him in Masonville.

  Ever since Thanksgiving when I opted to stay home and cook with Livvy for the guys rather than go with him to his parent’s house, he’d been harping on me about moving. I just wasn’t ready for something like that. No matter how many times I explained it he just wouldn’t let it go.

  On top of everything else, Jonah was pissed that it was only Friday night and I wasn’t going to see him again until Monday morning—Christmas Day. The main reason was because he didn’t get along with my friends and I wanted to spend Christmas Eve with them. He took it personally as if they’d somehow coerced me into ditching him.

  “I don’t feel like you’re taking our relationship seriously,” he said, letting his hands fall into his lap. “If you’re not interested in building a future with me, then let’s stop this now.”

  “What?” I hadn’t expected to hear something like that out of him. It sounded like he was ready to break up with me. All my irritation at him suddenly turned to panic. “I’m into this—us completely.” I got out of my seat and climbed over so I was on his lap straddling him. “I’m sorry…”

  “Come home with me then, baby.” His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me against his chest. “I want you in my bed tonight.”

  I leaned in and kissed him while I thought about how to reply in a way that wouldn’t make things worse. As soon as my lips touched his, his hand found its way under my shirt and he started palming my breast. That was his thing. Any time we were alone a kiss meant it was time to feel me up. I was kind of immune to it after five months—it’d become as non-sexual as holding hands.

  “How about this,” I whispered, pulling back slightly. “When I’m done shopping tomorrow I’ll come over and stay the night. I’ll just leave early Sunday to get back here to spend Christmas Eve with my friends.”

  “Fine…” His hand slipped out of my shirt and moved around to settle on my ass cheek alongside his other one. “But you’re all mine. No texting all night with Livvy like last time—in fact, no cell phone at all.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my chin on his shoulder. “Whatever you want...”

  I just couldn’t take any more bickering. All I wanted was to be happy and if it meant giving in a little then I guess that’s what I had to do. Jonah accepted me and all my baggage, no questions asked. If I pushed him too far I could end up losing him.

  Headlights flashing at the end of the driveway caught my eye. “Wyatt needs to get in here…” I kissed his cheek and then reached over and grabbed my purse. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  “Tomorrow afternoon—by five.” Jonah opened his door before placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Call me before you go to bed, babe.”

  “I always do,” I said, climbing off his lap and stepping out of the car.

  I went into the house and found Vince and Maverick sitting in the family room playing a video game. At twenty and twenty-one, they were the two youngest of the brothers. They were just home for the holiday break and then they’d be heading back to college in Pittsburgh.

  Carter was sitting on the sofa with Misty on his lap. She lived across the street. Just the sight of the chick was enough to make me gag. The day before I got to see her and Tucker tongue wrestling in the reclin
er. Gross.

  When I first moved in I tried not to be all judgy about Misty hopping from one brother to the next. I mean whatever—if she wanted to do it, and the guys didn’t care, then what was it to me? There were plenty of girls who came around—nice girls who were just looking for the same thing the guys were—casual, non-committal sex. Their choice—not my business.

  Misty was different though. Friendship only with a guy was something she couldn’t wrap her head around. She decided I was some sort of threat to her little arrangement with Tuck and Carter—again gross. Even though she knew I had Jonah, she refused to believe I lived with the guys as their friend—only their friend.

  Livvy hated her from day one and wasn’t shy about letting everybody know it. Her little pet name for Misty was The Whore Next Door. I tried not to use it at first, but it became a part of my vocabulary pretty quick. Her little comments here and there about me and the guys killed all my desire to be friendly to her.

  “You know,” Wyatt said, coming in the door behind me, “you don’t have to sit in his car. You can bring him in the house.”

  I turned and smiled at him. “Right, because you guys always make him feel so—” The sound of raised voices caught my attention. I looked around Wyatt toward Vince and Mav. “Is that Livvy and Tom arguing?”

  Mav nodded without looking away from the television. “They’ve been going at it for an hour.”

  I dropped my purse on the table. “About what?”

  “Not sure,” Vince said, glancing at me. “I heard your name shouted a few times though.”

  “C’mere,” Wyatt said, leading me into the kitchen. “Tom called me earlier and—”

  “Damn…” I jumped as the sound of a door slamming echoed through the house. “They’re worked up.”

  “It turns out Tommy knew Franco was leaving Baylor Grove.” He opened the fridge and put the beer he’d brought home inside. “He never said a word to Livvy about it. She’s pissed off.”


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