Page 44
38 In New York, intense demand quickly made chess sets an out-of-stock item NYT, July 9, 1972, p. 30.
39 “Iceland is a nice place” Interview of Fred Cramer by author, August 1972, Reykjavik, Iceland.
40 Shortly before the concluding week of the match, the Soviet delegation, by way of a long and preposterous statement NYT, August 23, 1972, p. 1.
41 But the secret weapon turned out to be a blob of wood filler NYT, September 5, 1972, p. 41.
42 “Two dead flies!” NYT, August 27, 1972, p. E5.
43 “It started out as a farce by Beckett” Interview of Harry Golombek by author, August 1972, Reykjavik, Iceland.
44 Then suddenly, wearing a maroon corduroy suit that he’d had custom made in Reykjavik, Bobby appeared “A Replay Precedes Fischer Crowning,” NYT, September 3, 1972, p. 19.
45 “We didn’t know if you were going to be the winner!” Interview of Dr. Max Euwe by author, September 3, 1972.
46 Euwe continued to talk and mentioned that the rules would have to be changed Press release copy of speech by Dr. Max Euwe, September 3, 1972, FB.
47 “I should have played here as my sealed move” Overheard at the banquet by nearby spectators.
48 “Fischer is a man of art “Notes on People,” NYT, CL, November 1972, p. 680.
49 The mayor had offered Bobby a ticker-tape parade NYT, September 2, 1972, p. 46.
50 Your convincing victory As reproduced in Larry Evans and Ken Smith, Chess World Championship 1972 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1973), p. 261.
51 “the grandest master of them all” New York Daily News, September 23, 1972, p. 18.
52 “I never thought I’d see the day when chess would be all over the front pages here” AP wire story, as appeared in San Francisco Chronicle, September 23, 1972, p. 23.
53 That day, Bobby was not the old curmudgeonly Bobby AP wire story, September 24, 1972.
54 “Fischer has done more, however, than simply win the world title” NYT, September 3, 1972, p. 20.
Chapter 11: The Wilderness Years
1 “I want to meet girls” New York, February 20, 1975, p. 38.
2 So, working with Stanley Rader, the chief counsel for the Worldwide Church NYT, September 23, 1973, pp. 26–34.
3 The words “secluded” and “recluse” NYT, September 3, 1972, p. 46.
4 The Associated Press took the same tack AP wire story, August 22, 1973.
5 As a result of the non-event event, the resulting press coverage was practically nil. Reports from various news services, August 1973.
6 Attractive financial offers kept tumbling Bobby’s way—almost pouring over him NYT, September 11, 1972, p. 28.
7 “I was not yet World Champion but they treated me like a world champion.” Casto Abundo, “A Month in Manila with Bobby Fischer,” March 6, 2008, HTTP://www.FIDE.com, accessed March 10, 2010.
8 by the time Bobby came back from Iceland he’d received offers that could have totaled up to $10 million NYT, September 11, 1972, p. 28.
9 The Church imposed a number of rules that Bobby thought were ridiculous “The W.C.G. Talmud,” in Ambassador Report, www.hwarmstrong.com/AR/Talmud.
10 Bobby was appalled. “What? Don’t you believe in Satan?” New York Daily News, August 28, 1972.
11 “But these new groups are attractive to the apostate merely because they are foreign.” Mamet.
12 “Either God is a masochist and likes to be made a fool of, or else Herbert Armstrong is a false prophet.” “The Painful Truth,” an interview of Bobby Fischer in Ambassador Report, www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/fischer.
13 “It is the bottomless rascality of the goyim people” Protocols of the Elders of Zion; protocol no. 3, para. 16; as quoted in Eisner, p. 78.
14 “I carefully studied the protocols” Letter from Bobby Fischer to Pal Benko, circa 1979.
15 “The book shows” Letter from Bobby Fischer to Jack Collins, June 1976, JWC.
16 At one point Bobby had both Protocols and Nature’s Eternal Religion mailed to Jack and Ethel Collins Letter to Ethel and Jack Collins from Bobby Fischer, February 20, 1979, JWC.
17 Fischer sent the Collinses another hate-filled screed, Secret World Government Letter to Jack Collins from Bobby Fischer, May 14, 1978, JWC.
18 “Then the true believers begin to lose their fear.” “The Painful Truth,” in Ambassador Report, www.hwarmstrong.com/ar/fischer.
19 “I was really shocked when you refused to discuss the matter or do anything.” Letter from Regina Fischer to Bobby Fischer, June 26, 1974.
20 Marshall investigated a possible injunction to stop publication of the work since according to Bobby, Darrach had allegedly violated his contract Summons issued by Bobby Fischer as Plaintiff against Brad Darrach, Time Inc., U.S. Chess Federation, et al., December 22, 1975, JWC.
21 “Steinitz, Tchigorin, Lasker (too), Gunsberg, Zukertort … all played under the ten-win system” CL&R, November 1974; pp. 714-15.
22 “I will punish them and not play” Conversations conveyed to author, circa March 1975.
23 “Your professionalism, competitive spirit, and outstanding skill have thrilled all” CL&R, November 1974, p. 716.
24 “At the moment we are in a complete stalemate” Evening Standard (London), November 11, 1974, p. 6.
25 “FIDE HAS DECIDED AGAINST MY PARTICIPATION” http://www.chessgames.com.
26 The New York Times ran a story by international grandmaster Robert Byrne, NYT, April 13, 1975, p. 119.
27 “Bobby fears the unknown, whatever lies beyond his control” from the film The Auld Enemy—Fischer vs. the Soviets, September 11, 1998.
28 “I had no idea why Fischer refused to defend his title” Moscow News, April 28, 1975, p. 15.
29 “cultural purity” Letter from Bobby Fischer to Ethel Collins, December 21, 1976, JWC.
30 His friends from the Church, Arthur and Claudia Mokarow, owned the house Petra Dautov, Ein Jahr mit dem Schachgenie, Amazon.de, p. 41.
31 Every day, he’d drink one or two pint glasses of carrot juice, Böhm and Jongkind, chapter called “Harry Sneider,” p. 48–52.
32 Bobby’s outbursts would startle the infrequent passersby Interview with Jackie Beers, circa 1975.
33 Gradually, his savings were evaporating Unidentified newspaper clipping, “A King Eyes His Own Crown,” circa 1982, JWC.
34 He was solicitous toward Letter from Bobby Fischer to Ethel Collins, December 21, 1976, JWC.
35 Years later in Iceland Interview of Gardar Sverrisson by author, October 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland.
36 Bobby would just wipe him off the board in short order every time. www.BobbyFischer.net, November 23, 2009.
37 Finally Browne said, “You know, Bobby, you’ll really have to get off the phone.” Telephone interview with Walter Browne by author, April 11, 2009.
38 At the end of the letter he included instructions Letter from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, October 27, 1974, MCF.
39 He simply did not want contact Letter from Bobby Fischer to Jack Collins, April 30, 1979, JWC.
40 Chess colleagues of Bobby’s—including grandmaster Robert Byrne—have said Kelly Atkins, collected anthology of Bobby Fischer quotes, Chessville.com.
41 “There is nothing in the [KGB] documents that there ever were any plans to kill him” Ree, p. 39.
42 A sportswriter once wrote that Fischer was the fastest walker he ever saw outside of an Olympian Dick Schaap, “Bobby Fischer Can Lick Muhammad Ali Any Day,” Sport, February 1973.
43 Another journalist, Brad Darrach Life, November 12, 1971, p. 52.
44 Just so the world would know what he’d gone through Complete copy at www.anusha.com/pasadena/htm.
45 “Yes, I wrote it, but I had a terrible time in that jail” Interview of Pal Benko by author, summer 2008, New York City.
46 Stories were told, unconfirmed by this writer, that when he was flat broke Böhm and Jongkind, p. 58, states that Fischer gave chess lessons for “5,000 a shot.”
47 �
�go back to your publisher and ask for a million dollars” Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1993.
48 His request was refused “on principle” DeLucia and DeLucia, p. 194.
49 Freelance photographers were willing to pay $5,000 Ivan S. Lagaroff, “Bobby Fischer’s Endgame,” Esquire, December 1992.
50 “Every now and then there would be a ‘sighting’ of a forlorn, bearded figure.” Independent, August 29, 1992.
Chapter 12: Fischer-Spassky Redux
1 Bobby wanted to get back to the game … desperately Letter from Regina Fischer to Joan Fischer Targ, March 8, 1984, MCF.
2 Spassky provided a way back to the board Independent, June 25, 1990, p. 12.
3 To avoid journalists, Bobby checked in under the name of Brown Sports Illustrated, May 14, 1990.
4 He forbade her to take a photograph of him Sports Illustrated, May 14, 1990.
5 “When I broke through internationally, he had just stopped [playing].” Böhm and Jongkind, p. 91.
6 He found Fischer’s neo-Nazi remarks about Jews to be “beyond the abhorrent” CL, March 1993, p. 28. (Kok is reported to have condemned Fischer’s “Neo-Nazism.”)
7 The press had learned that Gerhardt was somewhere in Germany Interview of author by German broadcaster Stefan Loffler, spring 1991.
8 He felt paternal toward her and thought Bobby might be interested in meeting her www.dmv.demon.nl.
9 “I think so” www.darkdemon.nl.
10 Now that he was in Europe in 1990, courtesy of Bessel Kok, Bobby visited Petra www.darkdemon.nl.
11 Petra married Russian grandmaster Rustem Dautov in 1992, and in 1995 she wrote a book www.darkdemon.nl.
12 “be careful” DeLucia and DeLucia, pp. 210–11.
13 The inn was known to be friendly to those who played the game Chess, July 2006, pp. 8–9.
14 It was, in fact, a letter from a seventeen-year-old girl, Zita Rajcsanyi Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1993, p. 36.
15 “Now that I have your interest” Kurir (Budapest daily), September 14, 1993, p. 20.
16 he believed that Kasparov and Karpov were actually agents of the Russian regime Kurir, September 14, 1993.
17 “Everyone who is a Soviet, and everyone who is Jewish, cannot be trusted,” he affirmed Farkasházy, p. 29 ff.
18 “You can hardly turn around” Letter from Regina Fischer to Bobby Fischer, December 15, 1990, MCF.
19 Zita remained in Los Angeles for six weeks and stayed at the home of Robert Ellsworth “Has the Bad Boy of Chess Grown Up?” Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1993, pp. 13–15.
20 the real reason Bobby was interested in her was “because I didn’t want anything from him” Kurir, September 13, 1993, p. 20.
21 “He was ashamed of his poverty” Seirawan and Stefanovic, p. 276.
22 He was also furious that although President Nixon had said he’d be invited to the White House El Pais, April 3, 2001.
23 In the interview Zita later gave to Tivadar Farkasházy, she claimed that Bobby was still waiting Los Angeles Times, September 23, 1993.
24 Besides offering Regina support, Bobby wanted to introduce her to Zita Farkasházy, p. 29 ff.
25 “I wasn’t thinking of that” Kurir, September 14, 1993, p. 20.
26 He referred to Zita as his girlfriend http:www.chessgames.com, May 3, 2008.
27 It took almost a year, but she finally located someone “Zita’s Story” and “A Short Story” in Seirawan and Stefanovic, pp. 275–76.
28 About a month later, in July 1992, Kubat, Zita, and two officials of Jugoskandic Bank were in Los Angeles Independent, August 29, 1992.
29 He’d later learn that the banker was one of the most powerful men in Serbia NYT, September 1, 1992, p. D1.
30 Kubat was afraid that Vasiljevic wouldn’t release the advance payment Contract between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky, Vladimir Miljavic for the Jugoskandik Company, signed July 11, 1992, FB.
31 Spassky agreed to everything in the contract “Banker Lures Fischer to Play for Cheque,” London Times, August 1992, p. 1.
32 Heavy fighting between forces Associated Press, August 19, 1992.
33 The forty-nine-year-old Bobby Fischer was described by a reporter NYT, August 30, 1992, p. A1.
34 After Bobby signed the contract to play Farkasházy, p. 119 ff.
35 “At one pole, there is elation over Mr. Fischer’s return from two decades of obscurity.” NYT, September 2, 1992, p. C14.
36 Bobby asked Gligoric (“Gliga”) to play a secret training match Chess in Translation, June 23, 2010, chessintranslation.com.
37 When asked at the time whether he’d like to engage Fischer in a match for the official championship, Kasparov snapped NYT, September 2, 1992, p. C14.
38 Order to Provide Information and Cease and Desist Activities Official Document from the Department of the Treasury to Bobby Fischer, August 21, 1992, FB.
39 He’d insisted that all questions be submitted to him in advance Wire service reports of transcripts of chess conference, September 1, 1992.
40 “Let’s start with some impudent questions from The New York Times” NYT, September 2, 1992, p. A1.
41 Although a large number of reporters had been interested in attending Bobby Fischer’s controversial press conference CL, March 1993, p. 27.
42 He then spat on the letter, and applause broke out. NYT, September 2, 1992, p. A1.
43 His anti-Americanism was lambasted NYT, September 2, 1992, p. A18.
44 “I am bored and disgusted with him” Ottawa Citizen, August 28, 1992.
45 “Yes, Fischer betrayed chess and everybody.” NYT, September 2, 1992, p. C14.
46 Denying that he was an anti-Semite Wire service reports of first press conference, September 1, 1992.
47 “They have absolutely destroyed chess” First press conference, September 1, 1992, reported in The New York Times, September 2, 1992.
48 “I like geniuses or crazy people” Chronicle-Telegram, “The Man Behind the Chesspiece,” September 23, 1992, p. A–7.
49 Twenty years of rust aside, Bobby played as masterfully as he had in 1972 NYT, September 3, 1992, p. C22.
50 Grandmaster Yasser Seirawan wrote Seirawan and Stefanovic, p. 32.
51 “Playing forcefully, the American chess genius seems to be in top form.” NYT, September 3, 1992, p. 622.
52 “This was maybe an off-day for me.” Second press conference, September 3, 1992.
53 Lilienthal had never met Fischer, and at the conclusion of the fourth game, they were introduced at the hotel’s restaurant http://eidard.wordpress.com. (Fischer was also to have said: “Pawn e5 takes __6!” giving the precise moves.)
54 “My general approach was not to think about the result of the match” Letter from Boris Spassky to the author, May 31, 2010.
55 “I think I am doing quite well, considering that I’ve been blacklisted for the last twenty years by world Jewry.” New York Daily News, September 2, 1992, p. 1.
56 “No, I have no regrets about spitting at that letter.” New York Daily News, September 2, 1992, p. 1.
57 “That man [Kasparov] is a pathological liar, so I wouldn’t pay much attention to whatever he says.” New York Daily News, September 2, 1992, p. 2.
58 “So I consider that the United States government and Time Incorporated went into a criminal conspiracy” Wire service reports for second press conference, September 2, 1992.
59 the greatest comeback since Napoleon Bonaparte sailed a single-masted fleet from the island of Elba in 1815 Time, September 28, 1992, p. 78.
60 “somewhere in the top ten in the world” Seirawan and Stefanovic, p. 283.
61 “True, the match with Spassky was not all that great” Interview of Arnold Denker by the author, December 2000, Boca Raton, Florida.
62 At this time Vasiljevic was making an arrangement for another match for Bobby Letter from Isodoro Cherem to Bobby Fischer, August 5, 1992, FB.
63 Bobby had met Ljubojevic. Vecerne Novosti (Yugoslavia new
spaper), November 6, 1992.
64 Five hundred thousand depositors had funneled $2 billion into his sixteen bank www.attacktheking.com.
65 Years later he was extradited to Serbia March 29, 2010, NYT, p. A11.
66 On December 15, 1992, a single-count indictment in federal court in Washington, D.C., was handed down by a grand jury against Bobby Fischer Copy of indictment from the U.S. District Court against Bobby Fischer, December 15, 1992.
67 “I have no friends here; only Gliga and the bodyguards” Letter from Bobby Fischer to Zita Rajcsanyi, June 14, 1993, in DeLucia and DeLucia, p. 191.
68 “He was rough,” she said. Kurir (Budapest daily), September 13, 1993, p. 20.
69 She left a good-bye note indicating that her affair had nothing to do with why she didn’t want to marry him. Undated letter from Zita to Bobby Fischer, circa summer 1993, in DeLucia and DeLucia, p. 191.
70 “I was surprised to see how tall and big he was” Interview of Zsuzsa Polgar by the author, May 23, 2009, Princeton, NJ.
71 She added that there he could socialize with some of the great Hungarian players he knew Interview of Zsuza Polgar by author, May 23, 2009, Princeton, NJ.
72 The Polgars, thinking of everything, had taken a chance on their way across the border Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, January 18, 2009.
73 “I think the Hungarians may arrest me as soon as I cross the border.” Faxed letter to Miyoko Watai from Bobby Fischer, June 19, 1993, in DeLucia and DeLucia, p. 192.
74 Entering the sparkling city of Budapest Undated postcard from the Hotel Gellért, from Bobby Fischer to Regina Fischer, circa summer 1993, MCF.
Chapter 13: Crossing Borders
Interviews of Pal Benko, Olga Lilienthal (by Dimitry Komarov), Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, and Zsuzsa Polgar, in addition to others that appear in Tivadar Farkasházy’s book Bobby Vizzatér, were invaluable sources for this chapter.
1 “You don’t need bodyguards in Budapest” Interview of Pal Benko by author, summer 2008, New York.
2 To protect himself, he bought a heavy coat made of horse leather Interview of Pal Benko by author, summer 2008, New York.
3 As soon as he was settled at the Hotel Gellért, Bobby was invited to spend part of the summer with the Polgars Interview of Zsuzsa Polgar by author, May 2009, Princeton, NJ.