Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 26

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “Thank you. I’ll be right down. I just have to get dressed.”

  “Rain, don’t worry. This is very common in the first trimester.”

  “Thanks, Anna. That’s what Dr. White said as well.”

  We hung up and I dressed and went downstairs to meet Anna and Joseph. Daniel was with them.

  “Ready to go, Rain.”Joseph asked.

  “I’m ready.”

  We waited for the valet to bring the SUV around. Daniel and I said in the back. He really didn’t have to come, but he insisted he wanted to help in anyway he could.

  We got to the hospital. Joseph went inside to explain the situation and that we were instructed to come here by my doctor. An Orderly came out with a wheelchair to get me registered. As I climb out of the vehicle my world turned over and turned black.




  “Where is she?”The man’s voice was strong and authoritative, but laced with worry.

  I thought I heard my dad, but I couldn’t wake up. It was like I was in a dream that wouldn’t let me break through. I wondered how it could be my dad. He was three hours away. Have I been out for all that time? Was I still at the hospital in Philly or was I in New York City? What was going on? I thought this was something simple that sometimes happened during the first trimester. Maybe something else has went wrong. I was too tired to think. I just wanted to sleep.

  “She’s right in there, sir.”A woman, whose voice I had never heard before directed my dad to where I was. I heard him walk towards me and take my hand in his.

  “Rain, sweetie; wake-up. It’s dad. I’m right here. Raven and Michael are here, too. They’re in the waiting area. We need for you to wake up, Rain.”My dad pleaded with me. I just couldn’t move. I was simply too out of it to fight back right now.

  As my dad kept calling out my name and asking me to wake up, all I thought of was how I wished he would just be quiet. I needed to rest and I felt like I was in a prison. I was jarred awake. Not into the here now, where my family could talk to me, but in a state of awareness that was not perceivable to the people around me, yet restricted me from answering them. I wasn't in control of my body. It was pure torture.

  All of a sudden a very familiar voice reached my ears.



  I smiled. Well, I think I smiled. He still loved me.

  “Kane, calm down or I’ll have you removed.”My dad interrupted Dominick’s rant towards who I would assume was the hospital staff.

  “Listen, Victor. Rain is mine and those babies are mine. Not you or anyone else for that matter, will tell me that I can’t be with them.”

  “The way I see it, Kane; is that you clearly only stay around my daughter when it suits you. If Rain and your children were truly your concern, then why did you leave her in Capri?”

  “You know why I left, Victor.”Dominick’s voice became lower.

  “Yeah, because Rain was making sense. She was being practical. She was finding the good in something that started out so badly. She was standing by you, again.”

  “No, she was being naive. She believes everyone is good. She needs to learn it doesn’t always work that way. You know better than anyone that it’s a rough world out there. A world Rain was not exposed to for many years.”Dominick stated.

  “You’re the one who doesn’t get the world out there. Sure it’s a big world and Rain was at a disadvantage in the beginning. I felt like you at one time. How would Rain deal with life and the things she would be exposed to, but it appears to me that my daughter has this big world figured out, all on her own. Probably better than most of us. What you don’t understand, Kane; is that Rain gives everyone at least one chance. In your case, she gave you numerous chances and continues to do so. My daughter's love appears to know no bounds when it comes to you. Maybe she is naive, or maybe you’re the luckiest man in the world.”My dad’s voice was firm.

  I heard someone’s footsteps fade away. Was it my dad’s? Had he had enough of my Mr. Kane. Or was it Dominick? The thought made my head spin, but my only reaction was to drift back to sleep.

  I stretched and yawned. When I opened my eyes and sat up, there was a sexy, yet disheveled man in a power suit slumped over my legs. I didn’t say anything. I grinned. He didn’t walk away. I guess my dad had enough of Dominick. He said what he needed to say and knew I was in safe hands before he left the room. I didn't see a clock anywhere. I leaned carefully forward as not to wake him and looked at Dominick’s watch. Hmmm……7:45 and it was light out. It must be morning. If it were evening it would be dark by now.

  The nurse entered the room.

  “Miss Medici…..”

  “Shhhhhh………he’s sleeping?”I put two of my fingers to my lips and whispered to her.

  “He’s not my patient. You are.”She smiled warmly at me, but she understood. Then she whispered right along with me.

  “This is highly irregular, Miss Medici. I need to take your vitals. You've been out for over twenty four hours.”

  “What day is it?”

  “It’s Monday morning. So as you can see, I need to examine you and report back to your doctor in New York. Dr. Phillips is working with Dr.White and he’ll be in shortly as well. Can you please get him up?”She pointed to Dominick in disgust. She was annoyed with him, not me.

  “Sure. Can you give me a minute with him? I promise it won’t take me long.”

  She smiled at me.

  “Of course, but it looks like you have your hands full.”

  “Yeah, I do; but he’s worth it.”I smiled back.

  “My name is Grace. I’ll be just outside. Press the button on the side of the bed and I’ll come back in so we can continue.”She pointed to the wire hooked to the hand rail on the side of the bed Dominick wasn’t lying on.

  “Thank you, Grace.”

  Now to get him up. Why do I have to do it now? He was so peaceful and quiet. I knew the minute I woke him up the soothing sounds of silence would come to a screeching halt. I bet Grace would have wished that I let him sleep longer, once she gets to meet him after he’s conscious.

  “Dominick…..wake up. It’s morning.”I rustled his hair softly.

  Hmmmm……….he wouldn't moved. He must be have been exhausted from last night. I wondered who told him I was here. I giggled my legs, which he was slumped over. He couldn’t actual be comfortable sleeping like that all night.

  “Dominick! Wake! Up!”I was louder this time.

  “What! What! I’m up!”He whined.

  He looked at me. Then he looked at where he had been sleeping. It hit him. We were at the hospital.

  He moved quickly to my side. He looked me over. He appeared to be examining my condition. He touched my face to make sure I was real. He placed his palm on my forehead. Was he really checking for a fever? He let out a sigh of profound relief. Then he kissed my forehead gently and touched his lips to mine.

  He pulled back and was staring at me. Not your typical stare. One that appeared foreign for a man like Dominick Kane. A lost stare. An insecure stare. A stare like he was trying to burn the image of me onto his brain because he may never see me again. Was I that sick? Did he know something I didn’t?

  “Okay, give it to me straight? Am I dying? Do you know something I don’t know?”I asked with squinted eyes, yet I was awfully calm, but still wanted the truth.

  “Dying? What gave you that idea?”He was confused.

  “Well you slept by my bedside all night. We haven't even spoken in over a week and now I find you're staring at my in the oddest of ways. So answer the question, Kane. Am I dying?”

  “Of course not. The doctors haven’t even come in to speak with me yet, but your dad did say there is something going on with you and your blood condition. He didn’t give me more than that before he walked out last night.”

  “Oh, so it was my dad who walked away last n

  “How would you know? You hadn’t regained consciousness at that point?”He questioned.

  “I know everything and I hear everything too. So if you're done playing doctor, I’m calling the nurse. I want to get the examination over with and go home.”I stated with the grin of a Cheshire Cat.

  He tilted his head to one side with a huff and gave me a disapproving look.

  “What’s that look for, Mr. Kane?”

  “Baby, you're not going anywhere until I say you can.”He revealed.

  “So you're a medical professional now?”I was annoyed and crossed my arms over my chest waiting for his answer.

  “Don’t be difficult, Rain. We need to hear the doctors out and then we’ll proceed as they direct us to. With caution I might add.”

  “You think you have this all figured out, don’t you? You walked out on me and our babies over a week ago and now you intend on picking up where we left off without out any regard for my feelings or input from me? You assume it’s all going to be perfect and normal? Hmmmm…?”

  “Are you really going to give me trouble?”He asked with a grin. He thinks I’m joking? What an ass.

  “You bet I am.”I answered with that same grin.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, Dominick. I’m totally serious. By the way, who told you I was here?”

  “Does it matter? The point is I’m came to be with you. Where I belong.”His voice softened to a shy whisper.

  “Not so fast, slick. Don’t play the wounded victim here. That won’t work with me. Who called you?”I demanded.

  “Anna.”He mumbled.

  “Wait. What did you say? I could barely make out the name.”

  “You heard me. I said Anna.”

  “Really? Anna called and you came running to my side. There may be hope for you yet, Mr. Kane.”I was smiling from ear to ear.

  “Baby, I didn’t come here for Anna. I came here for….”

  “Your babies?”I asked with a pointed eyebrow.

  “Yeah, my babies. You and my children in your beautiful body.”His statement was clear. My insides tightened. Why was I stuck in a hospital bed. I much preferred being stuck in bed with Dominick.

  I didn’t say anything else. I pressed the hospital call button and Grace came back in. I introduced her to Dominick. They exchanged a formal greeting and she asked Dominick to wait outside behind one of the curtains, while she examined me. He wasn’t having it.

  “Why do I have to wait outside. You're not the doctor. You're just taking her vitals, right?”He hammered her with questions.

  Grace looked at him and then at me.

  “I warned you that it was better to let him sleep.”I shook my head.

  “What? Now I’m the bad guy because I love you and care about what happens to you here.”

  “No, Dominick. You're not bad, but it’s your approach to every situation that makes me want to ripped all of my hair out.”My voice was slightly louder.

  Then as I was about to continue, someone new and hot entered the room.

  “I see my patient isn't resting. I guess I got here just in time.”He looked at Dominick and grinned at me.

  Whoa, he was definitely sexy. Grace was a lucky lady to get to work with him all the time. I really disliked being cooped up in a hospital, but this may not be so bad after all.

  I looked over at Dominick. I thought he was going to explode. It was great. I felt better already. He didn’t like being out of control. Now handing the reigns over to Dr. Hot, I mean Dr. Phillips, was going to be a huge problem for him. I would bet that Dominick is figuring out a way to stay here in my room until I’m released, so I can’t be alone with the good doctor. This was going to be an opportunity to fuck with him and I certainly wouldn’t pass up that chance after the way he had been acting. I’m going to milk this for all it’s worth. I get to have some fun and maybe just maybe, Dominick will grow up a little bit more. It’s not a likely scenario, but it was worth a try.

  Dominick sat next to me on the bed. He placed his arm around my shoulders. I think it was more for Dr. Phillips and less for my comfort. I hung my head down and pressed my lips together as not to laugh at Dominick’s display of undying affection and concern for me.

  “Rain, I’m Dr. Phillips. We had quite a scare with you the other night, but by the looks of things and your vitals this morning; I’d say you're doing much better.”He stated.

  Dr. Phillips had a very soft and sexy voice. His body wasn't bad either. His pumped biceps and chest filled out his lab coat really well. His hair was brown, not too short and not too long. He had tattoos on his hands that peaked out through his sleeves, just enough to make him even sexier. His eyes were chocolate brown and so soothing. I liked him immediately. Dominick, not so much.

  “I feel a lot better, thank you.”

  “Any cramping?”

  “No. Actually when I was in the shower and saw the blood; I didn’t have any cramps then either. I was just exhausted. More so than usual.”

  “Well, I’m sure Dr. White explained that spotting and even some bleeding can be perfectly normal in the first trimester of pregnancy, but with your Thalassemia, she didn’t want to take any chances. She called me immediately when she sent you here. I specialize in difficult pregnancies. Especially where hereditary conditions tend to play a role.”Dr. Phillips explained.

  “Doctor, I’m Dominick Kane. Rain’s boyfriend and the babies’father. Can you tell me what happened to her? Why was she out for so long.”He was very lawyer-like.

  “Good to meet you, Mr. Kane. Rain’s Thalassemia poses a slight risk to her during her pregnancy. She’s very anemic and will be getting the strength of her shots increased and that will help with her exhaustion, but patients with Thalassemia can suffer cardiac issues when pregnant.”

  “How so?”Dominick asked.

  “When pregnancy with a single birth occurs, generally the blood builds up in the body and the volume is greater than if the woman wasn’t pregnant. The increased amount of blood has to circulate and the heart’s job is to pump that blood throughout Rain’s body. Her heart muscle is therefore working harder. Now place twins in the mix. More babies, even more blood. It can make a complicated situation even more complicated.”

  “Is there anything that can be done to make it easier for Rain and our babies?”

  “Yes. As I said we’re going to increase the strength of her daily shots. I’m recommending complete bed rest for at least the next month or so and I would like to see Rain on a weekly basis from now until she gives birth.”

  “Wait! Bed rest for at least a month? I have a photography exhibition in March that I already postponed it once. Will I be able to go?”I jumped into the conversion.

  “I don’t see why you can’t Rain, but from now until then you must stay off your feet completely. You can get up to bathe and that’s it. Oh, nothing or no one must stress you out. You must relax and remain calm. You’re heart is in excellent condition. Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”Dr. Phillips had a warm, yet no nonsense demeanor.

  “So should I hire a nurse for Rain?”Dominick asked.

  “A nurse isn’t really necessary, but she shouldn’t be alone for long periods of time during the day or overnight.”

  “I assure you doctor, Rain won’t ever be alone at night.”Dominick stated.

  I just looked at the doctor and shook my head. Dr. Phillips just smirked.

  “So I can hire a housekeeper to help her with her meals during the day?”

  This gave me an idea. If everything went as I had planned, Dominick would get the help he wanted for me and his parents as an added bonus.

  “That won’t be necessary. I have all the help that I need.”

  Here goes nothing.

  “What to you mean, baby? Do you want me to call Mema and Antonio?”

  “No, they couldn’t possible come out for the next month or so. It’s too short notice.”

  “Then who are we going to get?”Domini
ck looked confused.

  “Anna and Joseph. They’ll take care of me and the babies.”

  “No fucking way, Rain. Have you lost your mind?”Dominick became livid very quickly. No surprise there.

  “Nope. I’m perfectly sane.”I smiled with sheer justification.

  “They’re not watching you.”His voice remained tight.

  “Yes, they are.”I remained calm. I was going to get what I wanted or I would stay with my dad.


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