Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 27

by Scornavacca, Cleo


  “Wait a minute, both of you. This is not relaxing. Do I have to hire someone to watch you, Rain, myself?”Dr. Phillips interrupted us.

  “No, doctor. I’m perfectly capable of hiring a staff to watch me. I know who I want and who I trust, so I believe we are finished here. Aren’t we, Mr. Kane?”

  “We aren’t even close to finished.”Dominick stated.

  I was calm when I turned to Dominick.

  “Listen to me, Mr. Kane. You’re going to ask Anna and Joseph to move back into the townhouse with us. They’ll take care of me, as they always have. If you don’t do as I ask then I’ll have no choice but to leave here with my dad. Then I’ll have them take care of me there. They’re staying with him anyway, so it won’t be hard to just move me back into my old childhood room.”

  Dominick was pouting at this point.

  “What’s it going to be, Kane? It’s you're choice. You can have your family together or you can tear us apart.”

  “I can’t believe you're blackmailing me.”He was insulted.

  “Believe it. Doesn’t feel too good, does it?”

  He said nothing. He seemed to be contemplating his next move. I didn’t give him a chance to respond.

  “I’m waiting? Do you want me to stay at the townhouse or move out and stay with my dad? Don’t worry you can visit me there.”

  He growled, so I got my answer.

  “I guess I’m staying at the townhouse and you're going to call Anna and Joseph to give them the good news.”I stated with sheer satisfaction.

  “So now that the living arrangements are settled what’s next? Does Rain get to go home with me?”Dominick asked the doctor.

  “I’m going to release her tomorrow. You're job is to get everything in place today, so she can just go home and rest. You have a townhouse, so I’m assuming it’s safe to say there are stairs.”

  “Yes, there are several sets of stairs.”

  “Rain should remain on one floor. She shouldn't be going up or down the stairs unless it’s absolutely necessary.”Dr. Phillips added.

  “Rain will stay on the first floor. I’ll change my office into a bedroom. There’s a full bath in there and being that it’s on the main floor, she will have access to the kitchen and the patio.”

  “Dominick, it’s winter. I don’t think I’ll be hanging out on the patio anytime soon.”I jumped in.

  “I know, baby; but you have the seating area near the patio and I just thought you would rather have a view of the outside and not be cooped up in the office all day.”He winked at me.

  He knew I didn’t like the idea of confinement, but I would do it for the babies. He was trying to make this as easy as possible on me. I loved him for it. I laid back in relief.

  “Baby, are you okay?”Dominick had fear in his eyes. He never really had to deal with the ugly parts of my condition. Even when he took me, it never got this bad. He saw me tired and stressed, but I have to admit that I felt very worn down this time. I haven’t felt like this for many many years.

  “I’m fine, Dominick. Just tired.”I comforted him by placing my hands in his.

  “Do either of you have any questions for me?”The doctor asked.

  “I do. What about Dr. White? Do I see her anymore? You mentioned before that you would be seeing me weekly. I’m confused?”I asked.

  “Dr. White and I discussed your case and she felt it would be better if I continue with you, being that I was the one to treat you in the condition you entered the hospital in. If that’s okay with you, Rain?”

  “That’s fine. I’ll call Dr. White during the week and thank her for all of her help.”I didn’t want to admit it to anyone, but Dr. Phillips had a better bedside manner than Dr. White. She was pleasant, but he was less firm, more relaxed and he wasn’t hard on the eyes either.

  “Before you leave tomorrow, Grace will give you all the details and the schedule you need to follow; your appointment dates, tests etc. For now, I need you to leave them room, Mr. Kane; so I can examine Rain.”

  “Why do I have to leave them room?”Dominick became defensive.

  “Because he is going to do an internal and you are not under any circumstances watching. Go take this time to call Anna and Joseph.”I was adamant and Dominick didn’t argue. He didn’t like it, but he didn’t say another word.

  Once the exam was over, Dominick returned and said that Anna and Joseph should be here any minute now. They were actually on their way with Daniel. This should be interesting. My dad, Raven and Michael stayed at the Inn and were on their way as well.

  Dominick and I were both quiet when Anna knock and entered the room cautiously. Joseph was right behind her. Followed by Raven, Michael and my dad.

  I greeted everyone and then my face fell.

  “What’s wrong, Rain?”Raven asked.

  “We’re missing someone.”I said.

  “Tommy’s still in LA, sweetie. I filled him in on everything and he’ll see you in NY when he gets home.”My dad added.

  “I know, I talked to Tommy a few minutes ago after Dr. Phillips left.

  “Then who’s missing, Rain.”Michael asked as everyone looked at each other.

  “Daniel. Where’s Daniel?”

  “This is the second time I’ve heard of this Daniel. Who is he and where is he?”Dominick asked.

  “I’ll get him.”Joseph said and left the room.

  Daniel wheeled his way in. Everyone had to scramble so Daniel could maneuver in the tight spaces of my hospital room. When he looked up and Dominick met his gaze, both men froze. Even Daniel seemed taken back by his brother’s appearance. Maybe it was seeing yourself as another person or as someone who had the ability to stand and walk around. He had never seen Dominick, either. Well, except in pictures that Anna and Joseph had given him, but this was the real deal. Not a dress rehearsal.

  You could hear a pin drop in the room. I looked from Dominick to Daniel and back to Dominick again. Dominick looked at me for some sort of answer or reassurance. I smiled softly at him and nodded. He nodded back. I let out the breath I was holding. He’d be okay. In shock, but he’d be okay nonetheless.

  Dominick stepped forward and put out his hand. I was proud at the way he handled the situation. No screaming. No acts of immaturity. He was the perfect gentleman, that I knew he could be.

  “Daniel, I’m Dominick. It’s good to meet you.”Dominick was quiet.

  “Glad to finally me you too, bro.”Daniel grinned.

  I smiled. Daniel was so laid back. Hopefully Dominick would be like that someday, but I highly doubted it.

  Dominick stepped back and sat next to me. He took my hand. I think it was more to support himself than to support me. We both explained what Dr. Phillips had determined and that my plan was for Anna and Joseph to move back in with us and keep and eye on me.

  They were surprised and thrilled to be taking care of me. Dominick even extended an invite for Daniel to visit. This way they could talk and get to know each other better. Dominick had a long way to go, but this was definitely a start. He needed to hear the full story, but for now he was trying for my sake and for my health. I was

  grateful for that. I was also thrilled to be getting out of here and going home tomorrow.




  Dominick came to the hospital around 3:00pm. He said that Anna, Joseph and even Daniel had left for the city last night to help him get ready for me today.

  “How did that go?”I was curious if they talked about the past.

  “If you’re asking me if we discussed the adoption, the answer is no. There were too many things that needed to be done before I brought you home with me today.”Dominick explained.

  “Are you going to discuss what happen?”I just couldn’t let go of it.

  “Rain, I suppose in time we’ll sit down and discuss it, but for now we’re just going to focus on you.”He gave me a soft smile.

enough, but I want that discussion to happen before these babies are born. I want them to know their family. It’s very important to me, Dominick and it should be the same for you.”I tried to sound strongly convincing.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Do you really have to ask that question?”I was frustrated.

  “I know why I have to discuss the past with my new found family, but why is it so important to you?”

  “Because I’ve seen what lies and control issues have done to both of us. I don’t want that for our children. I know life can be crazy and unpredictable, but we don’t need to add to the unpredictability. We need to be that safe haven for our children to be able to come to. We need that even for each other. Where we aren’t afraid to speak our minds. To be protected. To be loved. We didn’t always have that, but we can have it now. What do you say, Mr. Kane? Are you ready to be a family?”

  A slow, but full smile came a cross Dominick’s face and light up the entire room and everything in it. Including my heart.

  “Yeah, I’d say I’m more than ready.”

  “Good. Now take me home.”

  Dominick lifted me out of the bed to carry me to the car. I giggled and held on tight. Then our happy moment was interrupted.

  “Not so fast you two.”Dr. Phillips came into the room holding some papers.

  “Sorry, Dr. Phillips. I thought I’d save on the wheelchair and carry Rain out of here.”Dominick was happy and joked with the doctor a little.

  “That’s all well and good, but I have instructions, discharge notes and a prescription for her shots to take with you.”The doctor grin.

  Dominick placed me back down on the bed. He went into lawyer mode and we went over the papers with the doctor. It all seemed very straightforward. Basically I was allowed up to go to the bathroom and to shower. That was it. Other than that, I needed to avoid processed foods and salt. I loved salt, but I would be more than happy to give it up until I gave birth. Processed foods would never be a problem. I don’t touch processed foods when I can have real food.

  The doctor gave Dominick all of the papers for safe keeping and of course to keep his hands full so he couldn’t carry me out of the hospital again. I think Dr. Phillips preferred the regulation wheelchair over Dominick’s arms just to be on the safe side. I would have to say I didn't care how I left the hospital. I just wanted to leave.

  Dominick drove out of Philly and connected with the NJ Turnpike North to New York City. Traffic was heavy. By the time we left it was 3:30pm and we reached the city just in time for rush hour. We finally made it home by 6:00pm. I slept much of the way.

  Anna and Joseph greeted us at the door. Dominick didn’t really say much to them and when he did he was very formal. More like a true employer versus the child they helped raise into a man. I knew Dominick was stubborn, but this was going to stop. I knew he needed to come to terms with all of this, but being rude when they were truly helping us was unacceptable. Sure they lied and there was going to be tension, but the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

  “I feel stressed.”I exhaled deeply.

  “Oh my God, What’s wrong, Rain?”Anna asked.

  “How can we help?”Joseph was concerned.

  “Do you need me to call Dr. Phillips, baby?”Dominick questioned.


  “Then what is it?”Dominick looked confused.

  “I don’t mean any disrespect Anna, Joseph, but Dominick, this shit with your attitude better stop or I’ll go to my dad’s house and take Anna and Joseph with me.”

  Everyone was silent and seemed afraid to move.

  “Good. Now Anna can you come with me to my room.”I took her hand and we started to walk away.

  “Not so fast, Miss Medici.”Dominick stopped us in our tracks.

  We turned and looked at him.

  “First of all, it’s not your room. It’s our room. I moved the office upstairs and brought our bed down here. Secondly, you aren’t supposed to be standing on your feet this long, so allow me.”He picked me up into his arms, I giggled and carried me to our room.

  “I’ll take it from here, Anna.”Dominick yelled back, but kept heading towards the new makeshift bedroom.

  Dominick laid me down on the bed. I scooted up and settled back into the pillows. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and rested my head. Then I let out a sigh of contentment.

  Dominick looked down at me.

  “Feel better now, baby?”

  “Yeah, I’m glad to be home.”

  He grinned.“Home. I like when you say that.”

  “This is home.”I whispered.

  “You’re playing our song.”He smiled.

  I smiled back.“You bet I am.”

  “Are you hungry?”


  “What can I get for………..”(knock, knock, knock). Dominick was interrupted.

  “Come in.”Dominick seemed annoyed.

  The door opened and it was Anna. She had a tray with some tea and homemade cookies. She even placed a small vase on tray with a white rose in it.

  “I thought you might like a small snack until dinner is ready.”

  “Thank you, Anna. I’m starving, so this is great.”My eyes lit up when I looked at those warm and gooey cookies.

  “Anna what are we having for dinner?”Dominick asked awkwardly. Probably because of the initial greeting and the reprimand I gave him.

  “I’m making roast beef with gravy and mashed potatoes. I thought the red meat would do Rain some good. Rain when it’s ready would you like to eat in here? I can bring you a tray.”

  “No, Anna. I would rather eat in the kitchen if thats okay.”

  “Of course, whatever makes you more comfortable. Dinner will be ready in an hour.”Anna said as she closed the door behind her.

  Finally. We were alone. I wanted him so badly, but I don’t think hot mind blowing sex with Dominick Kane was what Dr. Phillips was talking about when he ordered me to rest and stay off my feet. Yet I knew I would be totally relaxed if we did. I felt nervous and anxious. No sex for at least a month made me worry. Dominick loved sex. He craved it. And now my body was off limits. I knew we loved each other fiercely, but love making was a big part of our dynamic. What was going to happen now?

  Dominick took the teacup from me, placed it on the tray; which he then placed on the floor. He turned back and his full attention was on me. Dominick’s face was soft and attentive, but there was a little frustration floating around in that head of his.

  “Don’t over think it, Rain. It’s going to be fine. We’re going to be fine.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s going to be fine? You mean the pregnancy? I know it will be. And of course I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure it is.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “What is it then?”

  “We’re going to be fine, even though I can’t fuck you the way you want it at the moment.”He was intense.

  “How did you know that’s what I was thinking about? I never said anything. Not now, not even when Dr.Phillips brought it up in the hospital.”

  “You’re body.”


  “You’re body has a way of reacting when you're ready. Your abs tightened and your chest rises. In the hospital it was different. You were tense and you pulled on your sleeves. I knew you were worried, even then.”He clearly understood me.

  “You’re right. I am worried. Sex is a huge part of who we are together. Now we been effectively cut off from that.”

  “Sex is a huge part of who we are. You're right, but it’s a part, not a whole. We together make up that whole. Our babies complete that circle. I won’t let anything hurt you or them. The sex can wait and when I do get to take you again, I’m not holding back. I taking all of you. Every beautiful inch of that body belongs to me and I intend to remind you of that over and over again. So rest up, Miss Medici. You’ve been warned.”His mouth came to mine. His kiss was soft,
but deliberate.

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Mr. Kane. Of course, I’ll be eagerly and impatiently waiting.”

  “Good girl. Now that we have that settled and we’re on the same page, I need to make a few business calls. Will you be okay while I’m gone?”

  “Go do what you have to do. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

  “I’ll always worry about you,Rain. It’s part of who I am.”

  “I love you, Dominick.


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