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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

Page 29

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “That doesn’t mean he’s doing it with someone else. It’s just means that you guys have been under a great deal of pressure in the last year or so and you're not addressing it.”

  “I’ve tried. He doesn’t listen. He never wants to talk and he’s out a lot. He didn’t even come to Capri. God only knows what he was doing behind my back that week I was gone.”

  “Do you talk or do you yell, Raven?”

  “Who’s side are you on anyway?”She was annoyed with my question.

  “I’m not on sides. I’ll support you. You know that, but why are you assuming that he’s having sex with another woman?”

  “Rain, have you been listening to me at all? I told you that he’s basically ignoring me. He won’t discuss anything and we aren’t having sex.”

  “Are you even trying? Are you initiating sex. Put on a sexy nightie and go after your man.”

  “I tried that and it didn’t work.”

  “Try again.”

  “Rain, Michael isn’t Dominick.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”I was the one getting annoyed now.

  “Dominick is a control freak. He’s a powerful man that wants to control you. Yet from the looks of things he’s putty in your hands. Michael on the other hand is the silent, sensitive type. He never likes to talk about things and when we do it’s awkward.”

  “Awkward? Raven, you guys have been together for so long. You have to be able to communicate. Maybe that’s your problem.”

  “I don’t know and honestly I’ve come to the conclusion that if he doesn’t want me, then he doesn’t deserve me. It’s just so sad. We really have been together for so long. We always connected and now we barely talk.”

  “I’m so sorry. I feel that I’ve been so caught up with my life with Dominick that I didn't see what was happening to you guys.”I admitted to her.

  “That’s not true. First of all, you were kidnapped and secondly you fell in love with him and he with you. Plus, you above any of us deserve a good life. Especially after how mom confined you.”

  “You realize how crazy that just sounded.”

  “You mean the way you both met?”

  “Yeah and the confinement as a child. It’s like a story you read about.”

  “I suppose, but you don’t regret it, do you?”

  “Not a chance. I’m stating a fact that it sounds bizarre, but it doesn’t mean I feel any differently about him.”

  “See, that’s what I mean. You don’t have any doubts about Dominick. You know beyond shadow of a doubt who he is and what he’s about. I can’t say that about Michael anymore.”She sounded so lost. Although she was putting on a tough persona.

  “So the question is what are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t know yet. I stopped making the wedding plans and I’m thinking of moving in with dad. Michael helped pay for the duplex and I can’t just ask him to leave. So I may decide to move out.”

  “In the hopes he’ll come after you?”

  “Maybe or maybe in the hopes he just lets me go, so I can move on.”She sounded so empty and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Well, at least not until I spoke with Michael.

  Raven and I continued to talk back and forth for the next hour, but there wasn't any sort of resolution. She did agree to call me over the weekend or sooner if she moved in with dad.

  When we finally hung up I rested for another hour or so and then Michael came over. He looked great. He was an older version of Tommy. He was also tattooed, but he was very much the quiet type like Raven said. He was always charming.

  “Hey, Rain. How are you?”He greeted me, when I opened the door.

  “Hey, Mike. I’m okay. How are you? Come on in. Let’s go into the kitchen. Can I get you anything?”

  “No, Rain. Thank you. I’m fine.”

  After some catching up on some unimportant pleasantries, I got up enough nerve to ask Michael what was happening between him and my sister.

  “Rain, listen. I know you love Raven and you care about what happens to the both of us, but this isn't something you can fix. It’s gone on for far too long.”He seemed defeated.

  “Do you still love her?”I went right for the throat.

  “Yeah, I love her, but too much has happened.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s been so fucking pre-occupied with the wedding and trying to create the perfect day, that she forget about us. She forgot what the wedding stands for. The wedding isn’t about the flowers and the caterer and the limo and who sees us get married, but she doesn’t seem to get that.”

  “So that’s why you cheated on her?”I just blurted it out.

  “Is that what she told you?”He was defensive.

  “Not in so many words, but she seems to believe you’re with someone.”

  “It’s not what you think. I haven’t slept with anyone, but I have confided in someone. I needed someone to talk with.”

  “A woman?”


  “I’m thinking that’s a yes, Michael.”

  “Yeah, it’s a yes. I didn’t cheat though. It never went that far.”

  “How far did it go? No, No! You know what? Don’t tell me. Go home and tell Raven. Work this out with her. I know you both love each other. Please don’t throw it away. Not after all these years.”I hoped he heard me.

  Michael smiled,but I could tell he didn't want to be here. He didn't like me butting into their business. I didn't blame him. He was a grown man and my sister was a grown woman. She was at times very trying on one's nerves and I kind of understood why he wasn’t happy about confiding in me, but I almost felt like he had more to hide and my first clue was how quickly he seemed to be leading me back to the foyer, so he could leave.

  “Rain, I wish it were that easy, but it’s not.”

  “Just don’t do something you're going to regret. Promise me you’ll think about it.”

  “I promise.”He didn’t sound all that sincere.

  “Thank you, Michael.”I tried to pretend not to notice.

  “Don’t worry, Rain. It will all work out for the best.”He kissed my cheek, gave me a hug. Then he leaned back, but didn’t let me go.

  He was close., too close. I was standing there feeling trapped against the wall with nowhere to turn. I never in all the time that Michael and I had known each other growing up, was ever uncomfortable around him; until now.

  He raised his hand and cupped my cheek. Then ran his thumb back and forth over my skin. All while staring intensely at me, for what seemed like forever. I couldn’t move. Alarms started to go off inside of me. I was sure he could hear my pulse, the way I could in my ears.

  Then with a whisper he finally stated,“Do you know how beautiful you are? Not just on the outside, but on the inside. You and I would make the perfect couple. My brother is a fool. He wasted all that time with you, when he could have been more than just your best friend. He let Dominick Kane steal you from him. If I had been in Tommy’s position, I would have been man enough to never let you go.You would have never left my bed for the likes of Dominick Kane.”

  He leaned in to kiss me and I slapped him hard before he had his mouth on mine.

  “Oh, I don’t know, Michael. You can’t be that much of a man if you couldn’t keep my sister in your bed.”

  He smirked at me.“Nice shot. That’s what I mean. You’re full of fire. And it’s all being wasted on that freak you call your boyfriend.”

  He went to lean in again.

  “Get out.”I said just above a whisper.

  “And who’s going to make me, Rain.”

  This time I smirked at him. He seemed confused.

  I looked over his shoulder and smiled.

  “My best friend and the freak I call my boyfriend.”

  He turned around slowly to see both Dominick and Tommy standing there. Dominick was about to blow and Tommy was no help. He looked lethal.

  “Rain said get out. Now I suggest you go before the
freak in me does something you’re going to regret.”Dominick acted calm. Almost too calm. He didn’t move from his spot. It was unlike him. He just opened the door for Michael to leave.

  Michael looked at the three of us and scowled. Then he left without saying another word.

  “Well, that didn’t go as planned.”I tried to lighten the mood.

  The hallway was very crowded with both men standing there staring at me. The tension emanated off the both of them and filled the room. It made it difficult to breathe. Neither men spoke. I knew I had to say something to open up the conversation. But what?

  “Okay, say something, you two.”Not one of my finer moments.

  Dominick to let out a deep sigh.

  Tommy looked at him and shook his head.

  “What? Why are you both annoyed with me?”I asked with my arms out, palms up and opened.

  Dominick and Tommy both looked at each other.

  “Rain, we’re not annoyed with you. We’re pissed off at Mike.”Tommy stated.

  “Conte’s right, baby. I’m not angry with you. I just don’t get Michael. I don’t know him well, but what I just witness didn’t seem like him.”Dominick added.

  “No, it’s not him at all. He never in all the years we’ve been friends, made a pass at me. He also never spoke about Tommy in that manner.”

  “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with him, but I do intend to find out. He should have never come here and acted like that towards you, Rain.”Tommy’s voice was tight.

  “Tommy, Raven thinks Mike’s having an affair.”

  “Can you blame her? Look how he just acted with you.”

  “Did you ask him about the affair, baby?”Dominick inquired.

  “Yeah, I did. And he said that he hadn’t taken it that far, but that he was talking with someone. Just talking. He said he needed someone to vent to basically.”I revealed.

  “That’s bullshit. He could vent to me or to you for that matter, Rain.”Tommy was pissed.

  “I don’t know what to say to you. That’s what he told me. I still feel there’s more to all of his weird behavior. It almost like he wants to destroy his own life.”

  “Why would you say that?”Tommy asked.

  “Well, I know he is very private and doesn’t like to talk about his business to anyone, but I almost felt like he did want to talk to me. Yet I don’t think it was about him and Raven. I think it was about something else. In fact, he seemed like he wanted to run when I brought up Raven.”

  “Do you think it was about the other woman, baby?”

  “I don’t know, Dominick. I just know something is off and I wish I knew what it was, so I could fix it.”I felt frustrated, but not yet defeated.

  Both men looked at each other and smirked.

  “Okay, now what’s that look for?”

  Dominick came closer to pull me to him. Then he took my chin between his thumb and fingers, and tilted my face up so I could hear what he was about to say.

  “That look is for you never leaving things alone and letting others work out their own problems. You are pregnant and you need to rest. This incident today will not happen again. Do I make myself clear.”He waited for my response.

  “Crystal.”I pouted.

  “Good.”He stated and gave me a small kiss on my lips.

  Actually that went better than I expected. He didn’t yell or act crazy. He was calm, but don’t get me wrong, he meant business. I didn’t intend to provoke him. We were in a pretty good place right now. Even with all of the bullshit from the past weighing down on him, he was trying and I was proud of him for that.

  “Kane’s right, Rain. You need to rest. Let me handle my brother and your sister. I’ll let you know what I come up with and I’ll do my best to see if I can help. Whether they like it or not.”

  “Okay, Tommy. You’ll keep me posted though, won’t you?”

  “You’re the first person I’ll call. Oh, I almost forgot. Here are the file proofs of the photographs that are being framed for the show. Look them over and make any corrections that you need. Everything is set for the weekend of March 1st through the 3rd.”

  “Great! I’ll have them back to you by the end of the week.”

  Tommy shook Dominick’s hand and kissed my cheek, then he left. I was worried about him. He was always fixing other people’s problems. Mainly mine, but now he to handle his brother’s and Raven’s shit without me to help him. He needed a life of his own. Maybe Maggie, my dad’s assistant; would be that person. I do hope they connect with each other. She isn’t at all like the other girls Tommy hooks up with. She’s quiet, but friendly and down to earth. She stable and stability is definitely something Tommy could use in his life right now..

  “Now, Miss Medici. Can I trust you to follow doctor’s orders and rest while I’m gone?”

  “You just got here? You’re leaving so soon?”

  “Rain, I forgot a folder that I need for a brief I’m working on. I came to pick it up and met Tommy outside. He was just about to ring the bell, when I told him to wait and that I would let him in. I didn’t want you getting up unnecessarily. Although it seems you had been up for some time.”

  “Are you asking or stating a fact?”

  “What do you think?”He grinned.

  “I know, I know. I’m supposed to be resting, but it’s boring here all day long. You have a life outside of the house. I’m stuck in here for hours with nothing to do.”

  “You have plenty to do. Go over your proofs for the show. Order the baby things you need for the nursery upstairs and the shore house and for the….. You know what I mean.”He stopped, but I wasn’t sure why.

  “For the what? What were you going to say?”Now I was curious. What was he hiding?

  “For your dad’s house in Capri. You’ll need stuff there as well. This way if you spend the time ordering it online, you can have it delivered directly there. Mema and Antonio will be home when everything arrives.”Dominick seemed proud of his answer.

  Nice save, but I still think he’s up to something. I’ll figure it out eventually.

  Dominick retrieved his papers and headed out the door. Of course, not before reminding me or should I say ordering me to rest and keep my feet up. I promised I would and told him that I couldn’t wait to see him tonight. I was rewarded the biggest smile that I had ever seen on Dominick’s face. Then another kiss and he was gone.

  Screw shopping, I don’t feel right about buying all of stuff I need for the babies until after I see Dr. Phillips at the end of the month. I decided to make better use of my time and figure out who the other woman was that Michael’s been talking to. Maybe that would also explain his weird behavior.

  I went through the kitchen to the great room and sat down on the sectional, pulled out my phone and called Tommy. I asked him to come back over so we could figure this out. He agreed he would, but only if I followed doctor’s orders. The minute I got excited or looked stressed, he said the deal would be off and he would leave. Then he would find out what was going on by himself.

  I agreed that I would be good and that if I didn’t feel well, I would tell him immediately. I just couldn’t sit back and do nothing. I was restless and this was also my sister we were talking about. I needed to help.

  Anna and Joseph had arrived home shortly after I had hung up with Tommy. I filled them in on what went on with Michael and informed them that Tommy was on his way over. They said they would love to help if they could. I believed it would help them get their minds off the tension that remained between them and Dominick.

  Anna did voice her concern about me being upset. And I assured her, as I had Tommy, that I would take it easy and not get upset. Besides we were just going to figure what was going on with Michael. Today’s situation with me was in no way like him at all. He would never hurt me or make a pass at me. Something else was going on and I intended to get to the bottom of it.

  Tommy arrived about an hour later. Anna and Joseph joined us in the great room. Tommy had a note
book with him. He decided that we should set up a timeline of when this all began. That may help to know where he had been and when he and Raven started to fall apart.

  “Rain, did Mike tell you who the woman was?”Tommy asked

  “No. All he said is that he needed someone to talk to, to confide in.”

  “Confide in? Isn’t that what his fiancéis for? What the hell is he thinking?”Tommy snapped.


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