Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 34

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  I continued.

  “Tonight we’re here not only to view my work this season, but also keep you up to date on the agenda for the coming year. This show will be here for 7 days. Works can be purchased by calling our business office. We have some incredible people behind the scenes that will price it and get it to you promptly. Fifty percent of the proceeds from the sale of the works on display will be going to charity. Because I have more than one close to my heart, I’ll be dividing the charitable contribution total equally to each of them”.

  “I do have a few other announcements. Besides the works here today, Tommy and I are working on a coffee table book, with several never before seen photos of beaches that we both had photographed all over the world. The book is due out next year.”

  “I have another business venture that has been approved and I would like to mention it this evening. As many of you know and now can tell, I’m pregnant. Dominick Kane and I are expecting twins at the end of August.”I paused for more well wishes.

  At this point, Dominick came closer and placed his hand on the bare skin of my lower back. I flushed. Not the reaction I was going for in this moment. I continued my announcements and I really hoped it would flush out the piece of shit trying to destroy my dad and the firm.

  “My family shared the law firm Kane and Medici with Vincent Kane. I was recently presented with information revealing that Mr. Kane had left his share in the law firm to me.”I stopped to listen to the hush in the room before I continued.

  “That being said, I don’t have the education in running a law firm, nor would I want to. I enjoy the business that I have built with my partner, Tommy. I would like to continue to build on that, not sit in a stuffy board room mulling over decisions that need to be made with the many brilliant attorney’s in the firm. No offense.”I turned and directed that last statement at Dominick.”I smile.

  “None taking, baby.”He grinned, squeezed my elbow and kissed my cheek.

  “So after several long discussions with my dad, Victor Medici and Mr. Dominick Kane; we’ve come to the conclusion that the firm needs to be run by someone who has the experience and strength to make Kane & Medici even more prominent and successful here, the States and in the international markets. Plus we need someone who can work directly with my dad while he is away in Europe. This brings me to the name of the person that will take over the firm.”I paused and waited for everyone to settle down.

  “The new senior partner and head of the board for Kane and Medici is now Dominick Kane.”

  There were applause and gasps and talking amongst each guest. Once the crowd settled down. Dominick took the podium. I for one was glad. I really hate this business shit. It’s fake. Sure we act polite, but there is always someone ready to cut you down or steal your job. I’m not built for that.

  “Thank you, Miss Medici. And thank you everyone for coming. We’re honored that you took the time to share the evening with us. First, let me say that we are merging Kane and Associates with Kane and Medici. This will give our clients the opportunity to have access to attorneys that are top in their concentrated field. Whether it be family law, corporate, civil or even criminal based issues; together we have many of the top attorneys from all over the world.”Dominick paused.

  “Victor and I are growing and we will be working together very closely. No jobs are going to be cut. As I have said, we are expanding. I for one, feel very confident and positive that this marriage of both companies will propel us into the forefront in the practices of law. I hope you will join me in toasting to the future success of our new union together.”Dominick placed his arm around my waist and we raised our glasses in a congratulatory gesture.

  I took back the microphone.

  “Thank you again for coming and patiently waiting to view the artwork. Please eat, drink and enjoy your evening.”I raised my glass of water a second time with everyone and moved away from the podium with Dominick and Charlie.

  Everyone began to settle down and move to either the buffet or the bars. Some were talking amongst themselves. They were probably speculating on what just occurred. No matter, it was done. Now let’s see what happens and see if that rat, Darian Mann slips up and gets caught with the cheese.

  I know that the police can’t identify her yet, but a red headed woman? Who else could it be. I still don’t know how she would be connected with my dad’s firm or why she wanted to hurt him in the first place. Hopefully the merger of the two firms will bring it all into the light. She appeared nervous at the announcement and left right after the speech ended. This leaves me with even more questions. If she was here for the art show or even to see Dominick, why did she leave so soon. What was she really after? At least I know that Dominick will be there protecting the firm. He’ll get to the truth. I know he will.

  All in all we had a great evening. My dad, Anna, Joseph, and Daniel left after many of the guests. Mike and Raven and the Conte’s weren’t too far behind them. Tommy was going to bring Maggie home. That made me think that they didn’t hit it off. He was coming back to deal with the business end of the event. He would have left it for tomorrow if he was extending his evening with her. It was too bad. I liked Maggie. I guess she just wasn’t Tommy’s type.

  The only thing that was missing for me this evening was Mema and Antonio. They were unable to make it. Mema had been nursing a bad cold for almost 3 weeks and she was just starting to feel better. Antonio didn’t feel it would be wise for her to fly here when she was just getting back on her feet again. I absolutely agreed with him. I did tell him that I hoped to come out for a visit at the end of the month. I also hoped to bring my dad with me. He needed to recuperate and Italy was probably going to be the best place to do so.

  There was one other person missing this evening, but I don’t think Dominick was too upset that he didn’t make it. That person was Marcello. He had phoned me earlier in the week and said that he was offered a huge upcoming case that he had accepted, coming to the states would not work out and could even possibly put him behind in his research. I told him I understood, but would meet with him once I had gotten to Capri. I had a legal matter I wanted to discuss with him and he agreed to meet with me once I arrived.

  Now that the evening was coming to a close, Dominick said he had a few calls to make. He knew it was late, but he wanted to reach out to some specific clients before they heard about the merger on the news tomorrow morning. I did what I always do after a show, I went to one of the designated dressing rooms, washed off all of my makeup, removed my jewelry, and put on my sweats. Then I headed to the main room to take in my work without any distractions. To be around all of it together. To feel it. To be part of the pictures and enjoy the stillness.

  When I came back to the staircase, I saw Charlie staring at one of the photographs of a surfer riding a huge wave. He had been taking it in all evening. I loved that about my work. How people connected. Their likes and even their dislikes. It didn’t matter. It evoked emotion. Isn’t that what art is supposed to do? Whether it be a song, a painting, a book or even a photograph; if it makes you happy, sad or even angry; it did it’s job. It made you feel.

  Once I reached Charlie, I decided that I needed to do something for him. He was a great host this evening, better than I could have wished for. I decided that I wanted to give that painting to him. I can’t wait to see his reaction.

  “Hi, Miss Medici. How did you feel the evening went?”

  “Hey, Charlie. The evening went very well. Thanks to you.”

  “It’s my job, Miss Medici. It’s all in a day’s work.”

  “First, call me Rain. And secondly, I can see you really enjoy what you’re doing. So I doubt that it’s just‘all in a day’s work’, as you put it.”I smiled.

  He smiled awkwardly.“You’re right. I love this job. I love working with the artists such as yourself. I love the patron’s reaction to the art. It’s always amazing to me. It’s always different.”

  “I saw you admiring the surf scene.”I admitte
d to him.

  “It’s such a powerful shot. I surf, so I can appreciate how hard it was for him and for you to get it.”He stated.

  “It was a lot easier for me than for him. He did all the work.”

  “It’s almost a shot of a lifetime.”

  “I guess you’re right. You really like it, don’t you.”I asked, as I studied his reaction.

  “I love it.”

  “I’m glad. Because I’m giving it to you.”I revealed.

  “What?”It was all he could say. He was in shock.

  “I said I’m giving it to you.”I smiled.

  “Oh, Miss Medici, I couldn’t accept it. That wouldn’t be right.”

  “It’s my shot, my choice and yes, you can accept it. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”He was clearly at a loss.

  “Listen, someone very special to me once said that he didn’t buy art for the value of it. He bought it for himself. For the way it made him feel. Tonight you stood out, Charlie. You felt this painting. Not many of the guests reacted like you. Sure they were nice and congratulatory when they came up to me, but you loved this shot and I’m giving it to you. Now, you’ll be able to enjoy it everyday.”

  “I know I’m repeating myself, but I really don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes.”

  “Yes. I mean thank you and yes, yes. I would love to have it.”

  “Then it’s yours.”

  “No one has ever done anything like this for me before. You’re a very special person, Miss Me..…..Rain.”

  “Yes, she is.”Dominick’s arms enveloped me from behind and rested his hands on my belly. Mine came over his.

  “I think it’s time to call it a night. Oh, and Charlie, I’ll call your boss and let him know that I gave you the photograph for such an amazing job you did. Place a NFS sticker on the frame. This way no one will inquire about it. Thanks again, Charlie.”I said as we started to get our things to leave.

  “Thank you, again. Oh, and congratulations to you both.”

  “Thank you, Charlie. Goodnight.”Dominick stated.

  “Goodnight.”I said as we headed up the stairs and out to the limo.

  We settle in the limo for the short ride home. I rested my head on Dominick’s shoulder.

  “Why did you give Charlie that photograph?”Dominick was curious.

  “Because he loved it.”

  “That simple, huh?”

  “Yeah, that simple.”

  “You’re one special lady, Miss Medici.”He smiled against my hair.

  I snuggled closer to him.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. Kane.”

  We sped off into the night. The evening went off without a hitch.

  Now it was time to start a new chapter in our lives. Dominick at the helm of Kane and Medici. And me preparing for the birth of our twins. Oh, and trying to convince my dad to take it easy until all of this stuff at the firm was figured out. I think having twins was going to be a piece of cake compared to persuading my dad to rest.

  It will all work out. It always does.





  The transition for Dominick and his firm joining Kane & Medici was easy on paper. The actually job of moving in and getting settled down was much harder. There were many people on both sides that weren't happy with the two firms merging and they let their emotions be known, but Dominick swiftly put a stop to it, as only Dominick could.

  He let several people go on the spot. One he threw out of the offices personally. Then there were others that just left on their own. Once all of the cases were reassigned, things seemed to go much smoother. The first couple of weeks I barely saw Dominick. He would get in very late and head straight to bed.

  I was grateful to have the distraction of the new art book to work on. Tommy and I both had so many photos to contribute that many had to be looked over thoroughly and either added in or sadly voted out. This book was new for us. We had always talked about creating one and had quite a few offers from several publishers, but in the past, the timing wasn’t right. I was away or Tommy wasn’t available. Now seemed like the perfect time.

  Several weeks had passed and I decided that I would surprise Dominick at the office. I had been feeling the best I had ever felt during the pregnancy. Some of this was due to the fact that it was the end of March and spring was here in full force. Another reason was that my dad finally decided to leave for Capri and relax a bit.

  I headed out to run a few errands for the book and then went directly to the Kane and Medici offices. Once I reached the floor Dominick’s office was on, I step out of the elevator and ran directly into Maggie.

  “Hi Maggie. How are you?”

  “Rain, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be home resting.”She seemed distracted.

  “I’m here to see Dominick and I wanted to know if he’d like to grabbed some lunch.”

  “He’s in a meeting and asked that we didn’t disturb him.”

  “Do you know with whom or how long he’ll be? I asked.

  “No, being that I’m not his assistant he doesn’t schedule through me. You can ask Lois though. She schedules all of Mr. Kane’s appointments.”Maggie responded and pointed to the older woman at the desk near Dominick’s office.

  “Thanks Maggie. I’ll do that.”I started to walk away.

  “Nice to see you, Rain.”

  “You too, Maggie.”I liked Maggie. Too bad Tommy didn’t try to pursue a relationship with her.

  I walked over to the desk to speak with Lois. She was an older woman with grayish white hair, pined back in a severe bun. Her features were plain and she showed no emotion as I approached her.

  “Lois?”I asked

  “Yes and you are?”She stood to greet me.

  “I’m Rain Medici. I’m here to see Dominick Kane.”

  “I’m sorry, Miss Medici, I’m new here and I was never formally introduced to you. Mr. Kane is in a private meeting in the boardroom. He should be almost finished, if you’d like to wait?”She seemed pleasant enough.

  “I see. Yes, I’ll wait. Actually I’m going to head to the ladies room. Should Mr. Kane finish with his meeting before I come back, can you let him know that I’m here?”

  “Certainly, Miss Medici.”

  “Thank you.”

  I walked down the hallway towards the restrooms. I had to pass the boardroom where Dominick was having his meeting. I could hear voices from inside the room. I not only recognized Dominick’s, but the person he was meeting with.

  My emotions rushed over me and before I knew it my actions had me barging into the room surprising them. I couldn’t believe it, or maybe I didn’t want to believe it. I mean with everything that had gone on between Dominick and I in the last few months, the breaking up, the forgiving, the making up, the babies, and moving in with him, I never thought this is what I would find behind closed doors.

  There in my dad’s boardroom was Dominick Kane, the father of my babies. The man that claimed to love me. The man that vowed he would never lie to me again, with his arms wrapped around Darian Mann, consoling her. The woman he wanted nothing to do with or so he said.

  That bitch had been trying to get in his bed way before the day I met him. She was there when he was creating the plan to ruin my dad. She was there, conveniently I might add, on New Years Eve. She still came to my art show. She was nervous and distracted. She was always there.

  It was very clear to me now. It hit me like an uncontrolled freight train running off it’s rails. Dominick never gave up on destroying my dad. He had no intention on giving up. I shouldn’t have been so stupid. I played right into the palm of his hand. I was so foolish. I was blind. I thought he truly loved me. I thought his controlling actions were his way of showing love. I thought it was the only way he knew how to show his emotions, but I was wrong.

  It was all an act. He kep
t me close. Isn’t that what you do with your enemies? Keep them close. He was a smart man. I should have known when he admitted that he knew Raven and I were twins from the beginning that his plot was to take Raven to hurt my dad. Instead I believed his lie.

  He may have wanted to Raven to fall for him and then she would have led him to where he was right now. In the boardroom of his sworn enemy. Running the firm he so-called to wanted to destroy.

  He didn’t want to ruin it. He wanted to own it and remove my dad. Then he would take what he would consider his rightful place at the top. The the woman he swore he never slept with….Darian Mann.


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