Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 35

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  The redhead that ran my dad down. I guess her was that she wanted to get rid of my dad and help Dominick get more of the business because I owned most of it. What she didn't realize was that even if she did take my dad out of the picture or even possibly end his life, I would not only own even more of the Kane & Medici, but when I found out she was the person of interest, I would destroy her.

  Through all of this, the redhead the police had on video helped him do it. Darian Mann had been his accomplice from the beginning. She probably did it thinking it would finally get her beneath him. Too bad neither of them knew in the beginning that I owned the company. Too bad for Dominick that I caught him with Darian today.

  Dominick probably figured that I was naive. He must have thought that due to what happened to me in my childhood, I would trust easily. He was partially right. I did trust him, but being that he twisted that love and trust that I gave him so easily, he hasn’t seen the side of me that is unforgiving. The side that will protect my family, no matter what. I warned in the beginning when he took me. Now that warning is over. Now he’ll see exactly what family means to me.

  “Rain, what are you doing here?”He quickly untangled himself from Darian and headed towards me.

  I held my arm straight out to stop him.

  “Stop. Don’t come any closer.”My voice was calm, but my request was clear. He stopped dead in his tracks.

  “Rain, it’s not what it looks like. I assure you.”Darian added.

  “No one asked you, Darian. I suggest you run along before I call security and have you thrown out.”

  She picked up her coat and bag, then quickly rushed out of the room, not looking at either of us.

  I, on the other hand; placed my belongings down softly on the boardroom table. I think quietly walked over to the large window that looked out over the city. I pulled out the chair at the head of the table. I sat down and place my legs up on the table. I crossed my legs and steepled my hands, accessing what to do with Mr. Kane now that he had been caught.

  “What are you doing, Rain?”He was cautious.

  “Taking my rightful place at the head of this company. Just like your daddy, Mr. Kane wanted me to do.”I was smug and I didn't give a shit how I sounded at this point.

  “Baby, please. Darian is right. It’s not at all what it looked like.”

  “These things are what they look like, Dominick. I mean take me, for instance. You thought I was Raven, but in reality you ended up with the wrong woman. People aren’t always who you believe them to be. Are they?” I sounded so cold and so far away.

  “Rain, I’m in love with you. You don’t have any idea what you walked in on.”His declaration sent a chilled sensation across my skin. I just wish the love he professed for me was true and not part of a plan to take Kane and Medici.

  “Dominick, you've lied to me for the last time.”

  “I’m not lying, Rain. I love you. I just can’t explain this right now. You have to trust me. Please, baby, please.”

  I didn’t say anything. I just got up to grab my things to leave.

  “Wait! Please Wait! If you won’t listen to me, then at least listen to your dad.”He stated, as he franticly dialed his cell phone.

  I shook my head and proceeded to grab the handle of the door. Dominick’s hand came over mine. It still sent a familiar jolt through my entire body. I needed to get out of there. I needed to get as far away from Dominick Kane as I possibly could.

  I pushed Dominick away and pulled open the door to get as far away from him as possible. As I ran out towards the elevators. Dominick followed me out, but didn’t catch me before the elevator doors closed on him.

  I heard him yell and pound away at the metal barrier. It quickly faded as I descended to the lobby of the building. It was my lucky day, I was able to hail a cab immediately. Dominick had not been able to catch me. As I drove away, I instinctively looked back to see Dominick emerge from the building. He was frantic and was pulling his hair out of his head. All I could think of was that at least I was able to get away from him.

  The driver asked me where I wanted to go. I knew I couldn’t go back to the townhouse. My dad was in Capri, so no point in going there. Raven and Mike were probably at the office and would be dealing with Dominick soon enough, no reason to alert them to my whereabouts. That left Tommy. I had my key and told the driver to go to my old place.

  The driver pulled up to the door. I got out and tipped him. Then the car sped off to his next fair. I just stood there across the street from the brownstone, staring at home old home. I contemplated whether I should even bother Tommy with the shit. I mean I would always run to him for everything in the past. I just didn’t want to repeat old patterns, but I needed him to talk to and tell me that I did the right thing. Hell, I just needed my best friend right now.

  I searched my bag for my keys and went inside. I called out to Tommy, but he didn’t answer. Maybe he got in late last night and was still asleep. There were times that Tommy would be out all night and when he got home, he would sleep straight into the next evening. This may be one of those times. I went up the stairs and heard Tommy’s voice. Perhaps he was on the phone. I quietly opened the door to let him know I was here, but not to disturb him if he was on the phone.

  Shit! Twice in one day!

  “What is it Rain’s day for the receiving end of crazy fucking surprises?”

  “Rain, what the fuck are you doing here?”Tommy scrambled to get his pants on while his mattress mate tried hard to cover herself, being Tommy wasn't on top over her any longer.

  “I could ask her the same question?”I said as I shook my head, not believing what I was seeing.

  “Don’t you knock?”Tommy’s bed buddy asked.

  “I called out to Tommy, but he didn’t answer. I thought I heard him talking on the phone, so I tried to enter the room quietly. What’s you're excuse, Raven?”

  “Don’t give me that, Rain. Don’t try to make me feel guilty. Cause it won’t work.”She was defensive, because she did feel guilty.

  “I don’t want you to feel guilty. I just came here because I needed to speak with Tommy. I didn’t know you’d be here, believe me.”I decided to leave. I couldn't deal with Dominick and listen to the explanation Tommy and Raven were about to give me. I actually could care less why they were sleeping together. At this point, nothing matter.

  I went downstairs to leave. Tommy barreled down the stairs behind me and caught me at the door.

  “Rain, I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I really am.”He held my hand and my focus.

  “I know, Tommy. This isn’t about you and Raven. It’s about me and Dominick. I just needed to hear your opinion on something, but it can wait.”I was so exhausted that I just didn't want to get into the events that occurred early today after seeing Raven and Tommy in bed together. I needed to leave.

  “Rain, wait. What happened between you and Kane?”He waited for my answer as my sister descended the stairs and stood beside him.

  “Let’s just say Dominick isn't who I thought he was.”I smiled weakly and tried to leave.

  “Rain, please don’t leave like this. I need to know you're not angry?”Raven pleaded with me. She always looked for approval in what she did and she always made everything about her.

  “Raven, I’m not leaving because you fucked Tommy. I’m leaving because Dominick has been fucking Darian Mann.”There, I said it out loud.

  “What? No, Rain. There must be some mistake. Dominick loves you.”Raven stated.

  “Yeah, baby. Listen, I have never been crazy about Kane, you know that, but I have to agree with Raven. He loves you, Rain. He wouldn’t dare ruin what he has with you for the likes of Darian Mann.”

  “I know what you're both saying, but you weren’t there when I walked in on them in the boardroom at the firm. She was in his arms. He was consoling her or something. I don’t know and at this point I don’t want to hear his explanations, excuses, or whatever. I just want the police to find out proof p
ositive that it was Darian that tried to hurt dad and then I want them to throw the book at her. Until then, I need to get out the hell out of here.”

  “Rain, where are you going to go?”Raven seemed worried.

  “I’m going to head out to Capri. At least I can rest there. Plus, dad is there and we can spend some father/daughter time together and I can keep an eye on him.”I added.

  “Yeah, right. I’ll bet the two of you will be plotting your next move against Dominick Kane. I know dad. He can’t sit still for two minutes and you although forgiving all the time, appear to have reach the end of your compassion for Dominick. Rain, please, don’t make a decision in haste.”Raven stated.

  “Look who’s talking. And no, Raven, I’m not going to do that. Dad needs to rest and so do I, for that matter. There are other reasons why I want to head out to Capri and now would be a good time to do it. Capri is gorgeous this time of year and much warmer than Manhattan.On so many levels.”

  “Do you need for me to go with you, baby?”Tommy asked and Raven looked at him in disappointment. I even think I saw a tear in my sister’s eye. Wow, Tommy’s really gotten to her. Who knew?

  “No, Tommy. You have your hands full here. I think I need to go solo this trip. You know how to reach me, if need be.”I grinned at him and smirked at my sister..

  He gave me a small but satisfied smile. He knew that I was referring to all of the problems that were headed his way because he decided to get involved with Raven. My sister Raven was not only unavailable emotionally, but she was supposed to be planning a wedding with Michael, Tommy’s brother. They were all adults. This wasn’t something that I could fix nor did I want to get involved at this point.

  “Do you need a ride to Newark, Rain? Raven asked.

  “No thanks. I’m going to call a car service and grab whatever I have left upstairs. I can get a flight out in a few hours. I checked earlier and there was a cancellation.”

  “Did you call dad?”

  “No. I’m going to surprise him. If I tell him I’m coming he’ll just worry until I get there. No sense in that. He’ll know once I walk in the front door.”

  “Keep me posted. Let me know you arrived safely.”Tommy asked.

  “I will. I love you both. I just hope you guys know what you're doing.”I was really concerned about what I discovered and what Mike would do when he found out. Yet, I was so distracted by the other couple I found together earlier today; that Tommy and Raven sleeping together paled in comparison. I know what they were doing wasn’t right and definitely wasn’t fair to anyone involved. I just needed for once in my life not get involved and tend to my own garden, as it were.

  “Don’t worry about us, Rain. Everything will work itself out. It always does. Just so you know, we do intend to talk with Mike about everything. Neither of us like the way this came about. We didn’t go looking for it, I promise you that.”Tommy replied.

  “I know this sounds awful, Rain; but it did just happen. It wasn’t planned. You have my word.”My sister was very serious and looked for my approval in her statement.

  “Listen, you guys, I know you didn’t plan this and that you're both adults. I know you have to handle this your way and that there isn’t any way of avoiding someone getting hurt, but trust me; tell Michael the truth now. Avoid as much fall out as possible, if that’s even possible. Please, it feels like shit on the receiving end of a discovery like this. Believe me, I know.”I wasn’t talking about them entirely, but more about Dominick and his actions earlier today.

  I smiled and hugged them both. They went back upstairs and I went into the kitchen for something to drink and to call the car service. They said they would have a car available in about an hour. This gave me time to go up to my old room and grab some clothes. I didn’t have much. Mainly because they were all at Dominick’s, but also because I had the added extra weight from being 4 months pregnant with twins. I took what I could. Some oversized long sleeved T-shirts, long chenille sweaters and some leggings.

  About forty five minutes later I heard the car horn and headed outside. The Black SUV was at the curb with the back hatch opened for me to place my bags inside. The side door was opened so I could settle into my seat. The driver appeared to be on the phone with his office. I couldn’t really see his face, he was writing something down and talking to whomever was on the other end of the line. Instead of disturbing him I put the bag in the back and climbed in the seat of the vehicle. While I was getting settled the driver finally was off the phone and he got out of the vehicle to lock the hatch. He returned to his seat behind the wheel and told me we should arrive at our destination in plenty of time. His voice sounded muffled on the intercom and with the privacy panel up I couldn’t speak with him directly. No matter, I just needed to get out of here and on that plane to Italy.

  During the ride I checked my phone for any calls and there were none. I thought that was strange after the frantic way Dominick appeared to act as I was driving away from the Kane & Medici office building. I decided not to pay it any mind and just sit back and relax until I reached Newark Airport. I knew he still had that monitoring system on my phone, so he probably saw that I was at Tommy’s and wasn’t worried.

  Now that I was headed to the airport, I’m sure if he was tracking me that he would be in panic mode. It didn’t matter. By the time Dominick could pull it all together I would be in the air and far away from him. This time he couldn’t follow me, he had a law firm to run. The law firm of his dreams. I hope it he’s satisfied. I’m sure he’s thrilled that he pulled off his little scheme. I hope that keeps you warm at night, Mr. Kane.

  I turned my attention to the road. Hopefully there wouldn’t be any traffic, but I had plenty of time until my flight regardless. I had drifted off to sleep and when I woke up I realized I wasn’t anywhere near Newark Airport. In fact, we were going in the wrong direction altogether. Holy shit! What now? I decided to be polite as possible, but explain to the driver that he must have been given the wrong directions and that I needed to get to Newark Airport, which was north of here. We were going south.

  “Excuse me. Sir, we’re going in the wrong direction. I told your dispatcher that I needed to get to Newark for a flight to Capri, Italy. If you turn around right now I still should be able to make it.”I hit the intercom button next to me to deliver my message.

  The privacy window came down and the driver spoke to me.

  “Baby, you're not going in the wrong direction, because you're not going to Capri.”I’d know that voice anywhere.

  “Dominick, what the fuck are you doing?”

  “Kidnapping you. Again.”He was so satisfied with himself.

  “You listen to me, you bastard. You better stop this vehicle or I’ll jump out.”I threatened.

  “Give it a break, Rain. You're pregnant. You're not jumping anywhere, baby. Well except maybe back into my arms.”He turned and grinned at me.

  I kicked the back if his seat with my boot.“Screw you. You better let me out of here. NOW!”I was livid and his playful attitude was only making things worse.

  “Calm down, Rain. We will be at our destination soon enough.”

  “My destination is Capri!”

  “Change of plans.”He blatantly stated.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Where it all began, Angel.”His voice became soft.

  That’s all he said, as he drove silently down the Garden State Parkway towards the Jersey Shore. I knew where we were going. We were going back to Long Beach Island. To the shore house.

  We were going home.




  Being kidnapped for the second time was far different than the first. For one thing I knew who my abductor was……intimately. I also knew he wasn’t going to hurt me. Well, not physically anyway. He already hurt me emotionally, so I thought at this point I could take anything he threw at me this time.

  He parked the SUV and we both got out of the veh
icle. I came around to the front of the car to face Dominick eye to eye. After finding him with Darian this afternoon, I didn’t think it was possible to have any feelings other then regret for getting in involved with him in the first place, but I was wrong. I loved him and that cut me even deeper.

  How could I love someone who lied to me repeatedly. Only now, how do walk away completely when I’m carrying a part of him and I inside of me. I’ve put myself in an extremely complicated situation. I’m was in a relationship with a man that had possibly more issues than me and who is not who I thought he was.

  My confinement keep me physically away from the normal childhood I longed to have. Yet I knew who I was. I was always Rain Medici. I was the sister of Raven Medici and one of Victor and Cella Medici’s twin daughters. My identity was always clear. There was never any doubt.


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