Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 38

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “Rain, all I know is that he lied because he didn’t really know you. I do agree he should have come clean in the beginning, but I guess with everything going on it was just too hard for him. I’m not making excuses, but both of you had a lot happen in a short period of time. Maybe the best thing you can do is just sit down and lay it all out on the table. Be honest about what you want. About what you will and will not accept. He needs to do the same.”

  “I did try to do that, but when I came back from my walk on the beach, he left me a rose and this note with a one-way ticket here.”I said and handed my dad Dominick’s note to me.

  “I see.”My dad smiled when he read the letter.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  “Rain, you love this man and the lies you are facing can be fixed now. Way before your children are born. Honey, I don’t condone what Dominick has done, but you’ve been in love with him since he took you. It’s not an easy thing for me to understand, but maybe all the time that you were confined as child made you see things in other people that we don’t see. Maybe you see good man, a man that can give you what you need. Like I said the lying needs to stop before you can move forward, but the real question here, is can you live without him, Rain?”

  I looked out over the water. I didn’t have to even think about it. I knew my answer immediately.

  “No, I can’t be without him.”

  “Then I think you need to set up a meeting where you can both talk openly about what to do before moving forward. I know there are no guarantees, but that is a good place to start.”My dad gripped my hand tighter.

  “I’ll leave him a message to call me and then we can take it from there.”

  “Good. Now lets go back to the house and get something to eat. I’m starving.”

  I giggled and I walked back home with my dad. I felt lighter, better than I had felt in a while.

  After we ate, my dad went upstairs to rest. I left another message for Dominick. I was just about to tell Mema that I was going to take a walk into town when my cell phone wrong. It was Mr. Campania.

  “Hi, Mr. Campania. How are you?”

  “Very good, Rain. Thank you and how are you?”

  “I’m good. Any news about the vineyard?”

  “Rain, the children of the owners sold it to that high bidder I told you about last time we spoke. It was a private sale. The person paid more than what they wanted for it in and he paid it in cash. Originally it was a price of 6 million Euros, but I don’t know what they actually agreed upon in the end. I do know it was much greater than your bid and definitely more than what you would have been able to afford. It was a very odd transaction, though. I couldn’t get any other information on it.”He revealed.

  “Why so secretive. What does the buyer want with the property anyway?”

  “Well it could be another vineyard owner and they don’t want the competition to know that they took over the land. Silly, if you ask me.”He stated.

  “Why is that?”

  “That land hasn’t been operational in years. It will take a great deal more money to make it a working vineyard again. Let alone a success.”

  “Well, although I’m sad that they didn’t take my offer, I’m happy that someone is willing to restore the old place. It deserves better than to be forgotten.”

  “I agree and it would be good for AnaCapri to have a new working vineyard again. Well, Rain, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you more, but perhaps if you decide on another property here in the future, you’ll keep me in mind.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Campania. I certainly will.”

  We both said goodbye and hung up. I was sad that I didn’t get an acceptance for my bid on the vineyard. I loved the property, the old house and the gorgeous views. It bothered me that someone else would be living there. I just hoped they would preserve it. I think from what Mr. Campania said in the past, they have to restore it to the original status. That doesn’t mean that they would keep it a vineyard or a working farm. They could restore the house and then build a resort or hotel on the rest. Then sadly, the ambience of the past would be lost forever.

  I decided to get my camera and head out to the vineyard. I wanted to take some photos before the construction began. I told Mema and Antonio where I was going and told them to let my dad know that I would be back before nightfall.

  It was 65 degrees in Capri. There was a light breeze coming from the sea. It was clear and the skies were a crisp blue. Not a cloud to be found. I enjoyed the island this time of year. Many families came out for the holiday celebrations. Capri was alive and full of life. This is how I always remember it.

  As I reach the path to the vineyard I could see that there were boxes and palettes and machines on the property near the house.Whoever bought had the place, wasn’t wasting any time. They already had contractors hired to renovate. I was happy to see that they were using local businesses and products produced in the area. They were restoring the place back to it’s original splendor. I was sad that the house would never be mine, but I felt better knowing that it wouldn’t be forgotten either. So it would be lived in again. Maybe grapevines would flourish and produce fruit in the future.

  I set up my camera and took some photos. These are great before shots. I will definitely come back and ask the owners if I can photograph the place once it’s completed as well. I moved closer because I noticed that there weren’t any workers around. I decided to climb through the window again and get some shots of the inside knowing this would probably be my last chance.

  I took an empty crate this time and climbed up into the window. Swung my feet around and scooted down off the counter. It appeared that the house had been reinforced on the inside with newer beams. Even the staircase that was in the kitchen, which lead to the rooms upstairs, was new.

  Then I heard a noise coming from the living room. Shit! How do I explain breaking and entering to the new owners? Let’s hope it’s one of the painters or something. I crept along the wall like a guilty thief. Not that I had taken anything, but I wasn’t supposed to be in the house in the first place.

  My heart started to race. Maybe I should just climb back out of the kitchen window, the way I came in. Although that might look even worse. I stood there not knowing what to do. Then the decision was made for me. Music started from the direction of the living room. I smiled, because I was very familiar with the song. I knew exactly what I had to do. I had to meet the owners face to face and explained my presence here.

  I slowly walked to the main living area of the house. There by the fireplace stood the owner with a brandy in his hand. He was admiring the photograph that he must have placed over the mantle recently. He turned smoothly away from the fireplace to face. The glass was still at his lips. He regarded my presence with intense seriousness. Then he spoke.

  “I was told you by good authority that you had a habit of breaking into my home, Miss Medici. So I thought it would be only too fitting to be here to welcome you properly. Should in fact do you did it again.”He grinned at me.

  “So you were the one who out bid me. Should I be insulted, Mr. Kane?”My heart was still racing, but not because I was caught in the act of breaking in, but because what I found inside was better than I could have ever imagined.

  He placed the glass down and walked directly over to me. He didn’t touch me. He just stared into my eyes, looking for his cue. I stared back at him. His eyes were gleaming. Just like when the sun’s rays hit the glistening waters of the Mediterranean. They were vibrant and full of life. He appeared excited, yet with some trepidation.

  I stepped closer and that was his cue. He put his arms around me and place his lips on mine. I ran my fingers into hair and kissed him back. I had my answer. I knew I couldn’t live without this man. I always knew in my heart. I just needed to see him again. Feel him again.

  He didn’t fully break our kiss. His lips lightly stayed on mind as he began to dance with me around the room. His graze held mine completely. It was just us. Me and Dominick. I wa
s so distracted by his stare that I didn’t even feel the coolness that crossed over my finger.

  “Rain, I love you. Now let me make you mine forever.”His words embrace me as his fingers wrapped around mine.

  “I’m already yours, Dominick.”

  “Not officially. What do you say, Angel?”He waited.

  But not for long.

  “Yes. I love you and yes. Let’s make it official.”I smiled and tilted my head up for him to kiss me more.

  “That’s my girl.”He grinned at me and my mouth once again.

  Our reconnection was more than great. It was permanent. Dominick explained that he didn’t have to meet any clients here in Italy. He just told Lois that so he could get away from the office and meet with the realtor to sign the papers on the vineyard. They called him while were were in Long Beach Island. He felt it was a good time to give me my space, while he was tying up loose ends here.

  We settled on the couch by the fire. I couldn't let go of him and he seemed to feel the same way about me. He kept me close. I leaned my back against his chest and we both relaxed among the boxes that would be opened to renovate the old house. Our old house.

  I was staring at my ring. It was perfect. It was from Venice. It was white gold. It had a round center diamond with smaller round diamonds surrounding it. The outer diamonds created a brilliant square around the main center stone. The small diamonds also trailed down and around the entire band. It wasn’t too big, nor was it small. It is exactly what I would have picked, should I have been given the choice.

  “Do you like your ring, baby?”He asked.

  “I love it. Thank you.”

  “If you want to change……..”

  I covered his mouth with my hand.

  “I don’t want to change anything.”

  He knew I wasn’t talking about the ring. I was talking about us. When I saw him standing there, listening to our song and looking at the photographic album I originally gave him for Christmas. The one which he had placed over the fireplace here in the vineyard house; I knew. I just needed to be reminded of everything that we went through. I needed it brought to the forefront. I needed to see him standing there. He was comfortable. He had on his favorite jeans. A white dress shirt untucked and he was barefoot. He was home and he felt like that because of me. Because I brought him here.

  In the end it wasn’t even really about being here. It was about us. It always came down to us. We belonged together. Everything was perfect. We were perfect. Not in the way most people thought couples should be. Always happy, smiling, never fighting, but our way. Raw, crazy, out of control, but mainly, madly in love with each other. That was us.

  “So when did you buy this place?”I asked him, as turned on my side and rested closer into him.

  “I started to look into it right after you ran here to hide. The day after that night we came out to find you here.”He said and he kissed the top of my head and played with the long strands of my hair.

  “I called my dad’s realtor that same week myself.”

  “What did he tell you once it was sold?”

  “He said it was a private purchase and that he didn’t know who bought it, but that they out bid me.”

  “You were upset. Weren’t you?”He asked, but he already knew the answer.

  “I was sad. I wanted to buy this place so badly. None of that matters now. I’m definitely happy about who the new owner is.”

  “You should be, baby. Because this place is yours.”He stated.

  “What did you say?”I asked sitting up quickly.

  Dominick chuckled.“I said this place is yours, Miss Medici.”

  ` “You bought it for me?”

  “Consider it my wedding present to you, Rain.”He spoke softly.

  “Thank you. I don’t know how I could possibly match that, Dominick.”I looked down and whispered.

  He considered everything. He had a plan and he followed through with it. All I’ve done is question his intentions. Sure, they weren't always good, but once he fell in love with me, they were all about me. He never wavered. No maybes. He did it all for me. I knew he was broken and that parts of his life dictated his actions, but aren’t we all that way. Some of us show it outwardly. Some of us never admit to it. But some of us grow and learn and love in a way that not everyone can understand or accept.

  I understand because I’m one of those people. I love him and I understand him and I accept him completely. I know he feels the same way about me. I couldn’t ask for a better man.

  “You already topped my gift.”Dominick pulled me from my daydream.

  “What?”I didn’t give you anything, yet.”

  “No, Rain. You didn’t give me anything. You gave me everything. You gave your body, your heart, your love, and your trust. You’re giving me children and a family. I’d say that you definitely topped a house with an old vineyard.”He smiled and kissed my lips. His mouth lingered there for a moment.

  “Oh, I don’t know, Mr. Kane. I definitely think that I can make the magic happen here again.”I said as I pulled back from our kiss.

  “I’m sure you can, baby.”He said with a devilish grin.

  “I was talking about the vineyard.”I teased.

  “So was I.”

  We both laughed and agreed we should head back to my dad’s house. It was getting late and the sun would be going down soon. Plus Dominick figured I hadn’t eaten for a while and wanted me healthy for the remainder of the pregnancy and our upcoming wedding.

  We got back to the house and I told everyone that Dominick and I had an announcement to make. My dad and Antonio were frozen and Mema was ready to burst.

  “Wait one minute! All of you seem to already know what I’m going to say.”I looked at Dominick, who was trying to avoid my gaze.

  “Do you?”I addressed no one in particular, but my dad answered.

  “Rain, Dominick called me early this morning and told me about the vineyard and the………”He stopped.

  “The proposal, dad? I said yes.”My response produced a loud scream from Mema. My dad and Antonio held themselves together, but congratulated both of us.

  “So are you going to get married at the vineyard?”Mema asked

  “Yes.”/“No.”Dominick replied and I interrupted.

  “Baby, you don’t want to marry me at the vineyard?”Dominick seemed confused.

  “No. I want to marry you where we met. Where we fell in love with each other. I want to marry you down the shore on LBI.”I smiled brightly. I wanted that more than anything.

  Dominick’s grin grew into a smile that rivaled mine. He got it. I wanted to turn everything that happened there into a positive. I wanted us to come full circle and so did he.

  After we talked a bit longer, Mema and I started dinner. We sat together and enjoyed our meal and discuss our plans for the wedding. We didn’t need a venue. I wanted only our close family and friends. Dominick’s home was large enough for that. I wanted to say our vows on the ocean and I wanted our honeymoon to be right there at the beach. Dominick had only one request.

  He wanted to marry me before our babies were born. He wanted me to be his wife first and the mother of his children second. It wasn’t necessary, but I got it. He had such issues with his childhood, with his identity; that he wanted to try to make our children’s start in life to be different from ours. To be Dominick’s definition of perfect. I agreed to respect his wishes and work on our wedding plans as soon as we went back to the states. Which turned out to be tomorrow. Dominick had the tickets with him and he wouldn’t take no for answer.

  Home, here we come.




  Dominick and I flew home to the States. The flight went fine. We landed in Philly. Dominick had an idea to rent a car service to drive us home, but to also go see Dr. Phillips for our regular appointment and then see Daniel, so we could tell him the news about our engagement. I was glad he wanted to share our happy news with
his brother. He was finally becoming more comfortable with their relationship.

  Once we left the doctor and found out everything was good and going as planned, we headed over to see Daniel. Dominick and I had coffee with him and when we told him we were getting married, he was thrilled. While we were there Dominick had received a call from the office. This was Daniel’s opportunity to tell me how glad he was that Dominick and I worked out our differences and that I forgave him.


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