Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 39

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  He really started to care about Dominick in a very short time. I was happy about that. It gave Dominick someone other than me to confide in.

  After leaving Daniel and the center, we headed to the city. Dominick said that he knew that Raven and Mike were both at the office. He said we should go there and let them know about our news.

  “Can I call Tommy and ask him to meet us there as well? Then we can tell them all together.”

  “Sure, baby. Whatever you want. But tonight I get to have you all to myself.”

  I smiled.“Not a problem, Mr. Kane.”

  He grinned and was satisfied with my answer. He sat back and did some paperwork while I called Tommy.

  “Hey, Rain. Everything okay?”Tommy answered immediately.

  “Everything couldn’t be better, Tommy.”

  “So you're back together with Kane I take it?”

  “Yeah, we’re back together.”I looked at Dominick and he winked at me and give me a satisfying smile.

  This brings me to my question.

  “Tommy, can you meet us at the firm in about 2 hours? We should be there by then and I’d like to speak with you, Mike and Raven all together.”

  “Rain, I would do anything for you. You know that, but I can’t go to the firm today.”

  “Why, do you have a shoot scheduled that I was unaware of?”

  “No, baby. I don’t have a shoot.”He sounded apprehensive.

  “So why can’t you met us, Tommy?”Dominick looked at me with concern. He knew that I was confused.

  “Mike knows.”

  “What? How did he find out?”

  “You’re sister.”

  “What are you talking about? I left both of you less then 3 days ago. When did she tell him? Never mind that. What did she tell him?”Dominick seemed curious about my inquisition of Tommy.

  “Rain, she left here feeling guilty and I assume she ran home and told him.”

  “You’re not telling me something. Spill it.”

  “Okay. She ran and told Mike and Mike ran here to see if it was true and then we had words.”

  “Who threw the first punch? And how bad do each of you look?”

  I knew it. I knew he was avoiding the subject, but two brothers sleeping with the same girl was bound to be big trouble.

  “Rain, it wasn’t that bad.”He tried to make light of it.

  I said nothing. Dominick was becoming more intrigued. He put his work down and even to turned to face me while I was on the phone.

  “Okay, okay. He punched me first and then I went back at him.”

  “I knew it. I knew you two would go at it. Now what?”

  “Nothing. We’re not talking. None of us are talking.”

  “You mean Raven and you aren’t talking either?”

  “Nope. I told her not to say anything until we could talk calmly with him together and she ran off and told him the day you were here. So, no. None of us are talking now.”

  “Great. What are you guys going to do now?”

  “I don’t know what they're going to do, but I’m never getting involved with another difficult woman again. Especially your sister.”

  “You guys should have thought of that before you both slept together.” My statement had Dominick’s eyes popping out of his head.

  “Conte and your sister?”Dominick whispered.

  I nodded and grimaced.

  Dominick just shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. Then he grinned.

  “Rain, I don’t need to be reprimanded by you. It happened and I can’t take it back. I just need to move on and hope to salvage some sort of relationship with my brother.”

  “What about my sister? You don’t want to salvage any type of friendship with her?”

  “Rain, I should have never slept with Raven. We were wrong to act on our feelings. It was a huge mistake on both our parts.”

  “You didn’t answer my question, Tommy.”

  “Rain, I don’t know if we can salvage our friendship. The wound is too fresh right now. Maybe in time we will, but for right now it’s just not possible.”

  “I get it. I might as well tell you my news now. Dominick asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

  “Baby, I’m happy for you. You're getting everything you've always wanted and everything you deserve.”Tommy was genuine.

  “Thank you, Tommy. You telling me that, means everything to me.”

  “Rain, all I ever wanted was for you to be happy and you have that with Kane. I would have never believed it in the beginning, but I know he loves you, Rain. That’s all that matters.”

  “Tommy, you’ll still come to my wedding though, right?”I was worried now that I wouldn't have my best friend there for such an important time in my life.

  “Rain, please don’t worry. Nothing will keep me away. I Promise.”

  “Okay. I’m going to call Raven now. Being no one is speaking to each other there’s no sense in going to the firm. I”m just going to ask Dominick to take me home instead.”

  “Good idea. You could probably use the rest after such a long trip home. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Tommy.”

  “Bye, baby. Take care of yourself.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Our call ended and when I sat back to relax there was someone else who wanted his questions answered.

  “You want to tell what that was all about, baby?”

  “Well.”I paused for a moment.

  “Go on, Rain.”

  “Tommy and Raven had sex with each other.”

  “And when did this happen?”More prompting on Dominick’s part.

  “I don’t know all of the details, but I caught them in the act when I left you in the boardroom the other day.”

  “I see. So you went over there to what, tell Tommy what a big bad boyfriend I was?”Dominick was getting insulted.

  “No. I went there to hide. To cry and ask him what I should do.”

  “I could imagine what he said to you.”

  “No, you can’t.”I snapped.


  “Well, once the two of them put some clothes on, I told them about what happened. Both of them agreed that you would never cheat on me with Darian and that there had to be another explanation to what I walked in on.”

  “I can’t believe it. Conte stood up for me.”Dominick seemed surprised.

  “Don’t get so excited. He just said he didn’t think you would ever hurt me because you loved me so much.”

  “Like a said. He stood up for me.”He grinned in an annoying, yet satisfying way.

  “That may be the only thing he’ll be standing up for.”I was disappointed that I couldn’t share my good news with everyone I loved at the same time equally.

  “Baby, what’s wrong. What are you worried about?”

  I sighed deeply.

  “I’m worried they won’t come to our wedding. Tommy and Michael are fighting and not talking. Same with Tommy and Raven. And I can only assume the same goes for Raven and Michael as well.”

  “They’ll be there.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Trust me.”That’s all Dominick had to say. I knew it would all work out. Dominick wouldn't except any less from them. He wouldn’t let them ruin our day with their issues.

  We drove back to the townhouse instead of going to the firm. Once we were settled in, we told Anna and Joseph our news. They were so excited. They wanted to help in any way they could. I felt better that Anna and Joseph would be there. I knew my dad, Antonio, Mema and Daniel would also come, but I still felt as if the day was going to have someone missing. Whether it be Tommy or Raven or Mike. One of them or all of them may bail out on me. I was pretty sure no amount of persuasion by Dominick would change their minds.

  I tried not think out it. I was going to marry the man I loved, my babies’father. We were going to get married on the shore where we met. Sort of where we met and definitely where we fell for each other. />
  After dinner we went to our room. I was laying down on the bed with Max. He would often climb up when Dominick wasn’t here and I never stopped him. He was strong and I always felt safe with him. I know he loves children because when I would walk him in the park he let all of the children pet him. He would eat up the loving attention they gave to him.

  Dominick came out of the bathroom and froze.

  “Rain, you know I don’t like it when you let him on the furniture. He never got on the bed until he met you.”He tried to hide his smile, but it was nearly impossible because I kept giving him my look of innocence.

  Dominick went to climb on the bed next to me and Max moved in between us. He wasn’t please by this display of affection or should I say protection.

  “C’mon, Max. Off.”Dominick tried to be stern.

  I giggled.

  “Max, I said off.”Now he was standing and pointing towards the floor. Yeah, that’ll work.

  He continued for the next few minutes to no avail. I decided to help him out.

  “Max, go on your bed.”I said sweetly.

  Max turned towards me, kissed my face and left the room.

  I looked at up to see Dominick with a confused look on his face.

  “I don’t get it?”He said.

  “What don’t you get?”I asked.

  “How did you get him to move?”

  “I’m his mom now. He loves me and wants to be good for me. He does whatever I say.”

  “He was my dog first.”Dominick said feeling sort of left out.

  “Yeah,but you don’t let him sleep on the bed.”I said with a satisfied smile.

  “Are you going to let me sleep on the bed, Miss Medici?”My insides warmed as Dominick asked.

  “It’s your bed, Mr. Kane.”

  “Our bed, baby.”I stood corrected.

  Dominick climbed in and came over me. He looked deep into my eyes. He appeared to be drinking me in. Focusing on me completely. Then he took my arm and guided me away from his body so that my back was to his front. He place his arm around me and stroked my belly.

  “I need you, Rain. More than you’ll ever know.”He was intense, as he curled himself around me even more.

  I turned towards him and took his face in my hands.

  “Hey, what’s this all about?”I questioned him gently.

  He sighed deeply.“It’s about everything that’s happened since we met. It about me not honest with you sooner. It’s about the back and forth, the push and pull that’s gone on far too long between us.”

  “That’s over now.”I said, trying to convince him.

  “How can you be so sure, so positive?”

  “Are you getting cold feet? I mean you have been a bachelor for almost 40 years. Do you want to back out or wait for a while? Have a very long engagement of sorts?”I asked with the hopes that he still wanted to get married soon.

  “Be serious, Rain. We’re getting married. You’ll be my wife and you will be mine forever.”There was no doubt that he meant what he said.

  I smiled at him.“Then what’s the problem, Mr. Kane?”

  “I just want it to last. I never want to lose you or our babies?”

  “What makes you think you will? What else are you keeping from me?”

  “No, no. Nothing, I’m not keeping anything else from you. When I told you about the kidnapping I told you everything. But that’s just it. I’ve haven’t always been a good person. I’ve done terrible things. What if you're taken from me or eventually leave me because of those things? Maybe what you think you can live with now, is not want you will want to live with in the future.”

  “Life isn’t like the law, Dominick. It’s far more complicated. It’s not cut and dry. It’s not an eye for an eye with everyone. Love is so much more. Love makes you do things or say things or even accept things that maybe a person wouldn’t accept under other circumstances. Love makes you see past certain things. Within reason mind you. Love makes you grow. Love makes one person stronger when the other one is having weakness. Love is an invisible understanding. It’s a protective loyalty. It’s an ever changing and growing emotion. It’s there for you too, Dominick. You deserve it. All you have to do is be willing to take a chance on it and when you do; take it and hold it in your heart. Trust and cherish it and love will be yours forever.”

  Dominick said nothing. He listened and heard everything I said.

  He took a deep breathe in and held it for a moment and then he let it out as if he was purging something. Washing the bad away to make room for that was good, for our future.

  “You caught me, Rain. You caught me when I was ready to fall.”He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my neck.

  I chuckled.“We caught each other. So neither of us fell. We just balanced each other out and basically landed on our feet.”

  Dominick stayed where he was saying nothing. Eventually he drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning I woke with Dominick still wrapped around me. Being pregnant I had to go to the bathroom. I peeled Dominick Kane carefully off of me without waking him and went to freshen up. When I came back out he was laying on his back and it was obvious that he was very ready for me.

  I crawled over him and lowered myself onto his still sleeping body. But not for long. As soon as I laid my body on his chest, his hands came automatically to my hips. I pressed my already wet sex into his morning erection. He groaned and I pressed my hips down even harder.

  I was about to explode and needed to get him inside of me. I slipped my nightie over my head. Dominick’s hands went from my hips to my breasts. Exactly what I hoped he would do. This allowed me to raise up and release his cock from it’s confinement. I slid my my panties to the side and guided Dominick inside of me. I place my hands on his biceps, but Dominick had something else in mind.

  He took my hands away and firmly grasped my wrists and held them at my sides. He refused to let me touch him.

  “I don’t want you to come this way, baby.”

  I moaned. Dominick demanded control in most things, but definitely in our bed. I have always been fine with this side of our relationship. I think this morning and after our talk last night, Dominick felt vulnerable. Not a feeling Dominick wanted to explore. So to counterbalance that he needed to control our sex.

  Me being on top of him probably made him feel like he was giving up that control, but he counterbalanced that by taking my wrists. I’m not complaining. We have never had issues in bed and I intended to comply and keep it that way.

  Dominick pulled me off of him and put me on my knees. He placed my arms over my head and held them there with one of his hands, while his other hand was between my legs exploring my wet pussy.

  He pressed in further and entered me from behind. One of Dominick’s favorite positions. I will admit since I became pregnant, it was even more sensitive to have sex like this. Once he settled inside of me, he started to move in and out of me with a slow delicious rhythm. I tried to press back to get more of him, but with him having a hold on my wrists made it nearly impossible.

  “Don’t move, Rain. You come when I tell you to come. Do you understand me?”He voice made me even hotter.

  “I said do you understand, Miss Medici?”

  “Yes.”I said through my moans.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Mr. Kane.”

  “Good girl. I’m going to come inside that pretty pussy of yours, that belongs to me and your going to come all over me. Don’t do it until I say.”His words were strong. He was in his element. He was powerful and in full control.

  His thrusts were more deliberate. His never let go of my wrists or my hip. His breathing was labored. I knew he was close. This excited me even more. Knowing that I made him feel like this excited me even further. I also knew I needed to come and I couldn’t have my release until he said it was time.

  Dominick leaned close to my ear.

  “Come for me, Angel.”He said in a strained whisper.

  Both o
f us came together. We brought each other over the edge and we were falling, but we had each other to hold on too. Always.

  We stayed in bed together all morning,wrapped around each other’s bodies like wild vines.

  Finally, Dominick broke the silence.

  “Later, I’d like to talk to you about something serious, Rain.”He was hesitant.


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