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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

Page 41

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  Dominick shook my dad’s hand. My dad kissed me and hugged me and then handed me over to Mr. Kane. Dominick kissed my cheek and let his lips linger near my ear.

  “Very soon, Angel, you’ll be all mine.”

  “And you’ll belong to me completely, Mr. Kane.”I grinned and so did Dominick.

  “I already do, baby.”He added.

  “Then let’s make this union official. Shall we?”I quietly suggested.

  We faced the alter and the priest began to speak.

  “We are gathered here on this beautiful spring morning to bring together Rain and Dominick. To celebrate the start of their new life and new family. Please join me in supporting them both on their exciting journey ahead. Rain, you may begin.”

  I looked around at our family and friends. I turned to look at the waves. I was nervous, but once my eyes finally settled on my husband to be, all my fears were washed away in the surf.

  As I turned to face to him, I took his hands in mine and held them tightly.

  “Dominick, I love you. I’ve never felt like this in my entire life. What brought us together, would have torn most people apart. Separate, we were broken pieces. Now we’re whole and we’re healed. Two people sharing a new life together may seem scary, but I know if I have to go through with it, the rest of the way, I want you to be there with me. There’s no question nor doubt that my mystery man I photographed on the beach in Capri one chilly day, is the same man that is holding my hands right now and I want you to hold my heart and my soul, forever.”

  Dominick brought my hands to his lips and kissed them. He briefly smiled and then his expression became serious for his personal vows to me.

  “Rain, I walked in the shadows without even knowing it. If I wanted something, I just took it. You know that better than anyone. It wasn’t until I met you and I mean the real you, that I finally let go of a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. I wasn’t living my life. I was living a life people expected of me. There was no room for failure. Yet everyday that I didn’t have true love, true emotion, I had already failed. You, yeah you, turned all of that around for me. You with that smart mouth and feisty attitude. You with your love of life and way of seeing it as no other person I ever met had. You made me want to be a better person. To be strong for you and for our babies. I want you to be proud of me, Rain. I want to be that safe place you will come to and stay and never leave. I love you, Angel. Forever.”

  My tears slipped down my cheeks slowly and Dominick lightly kissed them away.

  The priest smiled warmly at both Dominick and I. He also let me have a moment to gain my composure and then he began the brief speech for ours vows and directed us to repeat after him in the normal traditional way.

  I took Dominick’s platinum ring from Daniel and placed it on his ring finger. Then I repeated after the priest.

  “I, Rain Medici, take you, Dominick Rosso Kane, to be my Husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”

  Dominick then took my diamond band from Raven and placed on my ring finger joining the engagement ringer already there and repeated after the priest.

  “I, Dominick Rosso Kane, take you, Rain Medici, to be my lawfully wedded Wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

  The priest then said "You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, man must not divide. Amen.”

  Everyone spoke.“Amen”

  “Now, Mr. Kane, you may kiss your bride.”The priest smiled.

  We both smiled at him. Dominick gently slipped his arms around me and I retuned the favor. We looked at each other for a moment, drinking it all in. He lowered his mouth to mine and kiss me softly.

  After some time our kiss broke and the priest spoke again. We turned to face our guests, as instructed, but still we held each other close.

  “I would like to present to you for the first time, Dominick and Rain Rosso Kane.

  Everyone clapped and congratulated us.

  Once the ceremony ended, I grabbed onto Dominick’s arm and pulled him towards the water.

  “C’mon, Dominick.”I prompted him further.

  “Baby, what are you doing?”He smiled and played along.

  “Christening us as man and wife.”I said plainly.

  “I don’t get it.”He said

  “Oh, you will in a minute.”I pulled him even more.

  We arrived at the end of the dry sand and I stepped closer to the surf. Dominick me pulled back.

  “No way, Rain. That water is freezing.”

  I pulled forward.

  “Give it up, Kane. I’m going to get what I want anyway. You always give in, so this time won’t be any different.”I giggled and smiled wide.

  “Really now? I always give in? Is that so? Well, there’s a first time for everything Mrs. Kane and I’m forbidding you from going in that water.”He teased.

  “You’re funny and kind of cute, but I’m still going in and so are you.”I was laughing so hard that I couldn't pull him any further.

  Out of know nowhere Dominick lifted me up off my feet and cradled me in his arms.

  “You want to go in? Then I’ll take you in.”He kissed my cheek and he carried me towards the water.

  The surf roared in. To Dominick’s surprise the waves were much stronger than he thought and he lost his balance. Well to be fair he was carrying his pregnant wife, so he was at a slight disadvantage in the balance department. The wave took him hard and we went down together. The water was ice cold. I screamed and quickly got my footing and ran out of the surf. In wasn't that deep. Actually it was very shallow.

  Dominick sulked out after me. He stood at the end of the water soaked with his hands on his hips and a look on his face that was absolutely lethal.

  I just kept laughing.

  Our wedding guests came running down to where we stood. Raven was screaming at me.

  “Rain, are you insane? You’re pregnant! You’ll get sick!”She must have run to the house to grab a blanket. She wrapped it around me. Anna brought one for Dominick.

  “Calm down, Raven. It’s only salt water.”I shook my head.

  Dominick thanked Anna and wiped his face clean, but that angry look was still there. It was hysterical. I tried to be serious, but it was impossible. He threw the blanket down forcefully and stalked towards me and my sister.

  Once in front of us, my sister backed away. Chicken. He was nose to nose with me.

  “You are in deep shit, Mrs. Kane. And all on our first day of being husband and wife.”

  “What are you going to do about it, Mr. Kane.”I tried hard not to laugh, but it was impossible.

  He lifted me off my feet and walked deliberately towards the shore house.

  “Are you angry with me?”I asked cautiously.

  “Angry doesn’t even begin to cover it, Angel.”

  He’s not that angry, if he’s calling me‘Angel’.

  “Don’t be mad. I just wanted to squish my feet in the sand with you. You know, create a tradition.”I tried to soothe him, if that was even possible at this point.

  He stopped walking.“I see, so it’s okay if I create a tradition too, right?”

  “Sure, what did you have in mind?”

  “Let’s just say that every time you disobey me, I’m going to punish you.”His grin was sexy.

  “I don’t know how much of a punishment it will be, if I like how it feels.”

  “Oh, trust me, baby, you’re going beg for me to stop.”

  “I’m liking your new tradition already, Mr. Kane.”

  “We’ll see how much you like it later tonight. That stunt is going to cost you, Mrs. Kane.”

  “Bring it, Mr. Kane. I look forward to it.”

  He said nothing else. He carried
me through our bedroom to the shower. He placed me down gently and ordered me to get out of my dress and get into the shower. I did as I was told. I was so aroused.

  He removed his clothes and came in after me. He backed me up against the wall and began to kiss me, hard. He lifted my arms over my head and held my wrists against the tile. His face lowered to breasts. He teased them with his expert tongue. Going from one side to the other. My need to come was evident. Dominick grinned.

  And then he stopped.


  “Sorry, Mrs. Kane. I told you no when it came to the ocean and you continued, so it’s only right that I withhold some pleasure from you and block that orgasm you were about to have. Now lets shower off and go greet our guests as husband and wife, shall we?”He was quite proud of himself.

  This punishment shit was going to be harder than I thought. Dominick loved it, but I didn’t like it one bit. I was going to get him back for his little stunt later.

  We dried off and I put on cream colored velour sweat pants, with a long sleeved matching tunic. I also out on a pair of cream ballet flats. I dried my hair as instructed by my new husband and met Dominick in the main area of the bedroom.

  He was dressed in jeans and a cream dress shirt. It was untucked and he looked totally relaxed. I loved to see him that way. He came towards me.

  “Do you feel okay? Did the water hurt you?”He voice was so soft and gentle, but took a serious turn.

  “I feel amazing. I’m happy and I’m fine, Dominick.”I touched his cheek and smile to reassure him.

  “Let’s go enjoy our day.”He put out his hand. I took it and we headed out to the patio for our celebratory wedding brunch.

  Our guests were standing around talking and enjoying some Prosecco. When we appeared, they all stopped and turned quietly to make sure everything was as it should be.

  When they saw that Dominick and I were just fine, they approached as a group and congratulated us. Kissing and smothering both of us with all the love and happiness they had in their hearts to offer.

  My dad was the first to speak.

  “Neither of you look worse for the wear.”He smirked and raised his eyebrow.

  “Dad.”I said, embarrassed.

  “Rain, dad’s right. That was one stupid stunt to pull on your wedding day.”She was dramatic as usual.

  “Give it up, Raven. It’s not like I dived in head first.”

  “You’re pregnant, Rain. Did you forget that?”

  “No, I didn’t forget that. I was just having fun and I wasn't the one who fell into the water. Dominick was.”I smiled at my beautiful man.

  “Yes, I was the one who fell, but it was precipitated by your need for the surf. That being said, Mrs. Kane knows the consequences of her actions and she won’t be doing that again, anytime soon. Am I right, Mrs. Kane?”He directed his playful question at me.

  “For now, you're right, but I’m not promising anything for the future.”I smiled, satisfied with my remark.

  Dominick grimaced.

  Raven sighed and the rest of the wedding party tried hard to hide their amusement, especially Tommy. He was pinching his lips together through his fist. He knew Dominick had no clue what he was in for by marrying me. I wasn’t that bad, but I loved to have fun. I was going to make sure that my Mr. Kane learned how to do that too. Even if it took me the rest of our lives together.

  We toasted the day and our union.Then everyone dispersed to eat or drink and watch the shore fill with the many beach-goers that came down for the long holiday weekend.

  I stood at the end of the patio, when Michael approached me.

  “Rain, I just wanted to say I was sorry for everything that happened, but I wanted to take the time to wish you well.”He voice held trepidation.

  “Thank you, Mike. Listen you and your brother need to work this out. You and Raven are a different story.”

  “I know. I made so many mistakes. I need to make them right.”He was honest and seemed quite sincere. Yet, he didn’t know that I knew about his indiscretions. Now was not time or place to call him out on them.

  “What are going to do?”I asked.

  “I’m not sure yet. I’m just glad your dad hasn’t killed me.”

  “Give him time.”I joked.

  “What?”He took it so seriously.

  “I’m joking. I know that my dad wasn’t pleased about what either of you had done, but it’s not his fight to fight. It’s your’s and Raven’s. Now it’s even Tommy’s.

  “Well, today is your day and this is not something we should be talking about. I hope you got everything you wanted.”He said as he hugged me.

  “I got more. Much, Much more.”

  The rest of the day was spent eating and relaxing. We cut the cake later on and everyone except me had coffee. The cake was delicious. It was chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Again not traditional. The wedding topper was a huge seashell. It was a beautiful keepsake and I was thrilled when I discover it while shopping down here earlier this week.

  The party broke off casually. Then Tommy asked if we could talk. Dominick nodded. That was my cue to take a walk with my best friend.

  “Baby, you did it. How do you feel?”

  “I feel really good. It all feels right. How do you feel?”

  “Me? I’m fine. Why?”He seemed confused.

  “Well, you're dealing with some major drama in your personal life. Namely my sister.”

  “I’m not really dealing with her. We aren’t speaking to each other. That makes it sort of difficult to‘deal’, as you put it.”

  “But eventually you both have to talk.”

  “Eventually we will.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll pull it together. You need to concentrate on you and your new husband and these babies you're carrying.”He lightly poked my belly.

  I smiled.

  “Thank you for everything, Tommy.”I felt apprehensive.

  “What’s wrong, Rain?”

  “I just don’t want us to end, because I married Dominick. I don’t think I could take that.”I looked away from him.

  “Hey look at me. I mean this.We are still us.We are still those kids that grew up together. We will have each others backs, always. The difference is now, Rain, you're truly free.”He held my shoulders and spoke firmly from his heart.

  “I am truly free. Aren’t I?”I cried through my statement.

  “Shhhh, don’t cry.”

  “It’s funny, isn’t it? It took being kidnapped and confined to finely break the invisible chains that I was bound to. That I continued to keep myself wrapped in. It’s almost ironic.”

  “Yeah, but now it’s over and only you will be to blame if you don’t move forward and grab everything that life has to offer. It’s right in front of you, baby. Take it and run with it. Remember,Rain; no regrets.”He wiped my tears and looked into my eyes to see if I was truly listening to him.

  I was. I heard every word he said.

  “No Regrets. I promise.”

  Tommy kissed my cheek and walked away as Dominick came towards me.

  “Time for some rest, Angel.”He wasn't asking.

  I nodded because I was feeling all of the physical and mental emotions of the day. We walked back to the house and I took a nap. I woke up around dinner time. I came out of the bedroom. No one was around. Then I heard voices coming from the patio.

  I found my dad and Dominick enjoying a brandy while in a deep discussion. They must have been talking about what was happening with the firm. I stepped out onto the patio. They stopped their conversation immediately.

  “Don’t stop talking on my account.”

  “It’s not that, sweetie. We’re done here.”My dad said as he got up , kissed my cheek and headed inside.

  “Hmmm…….why don’t I believe him?”

  Dominick smiled.

  “Don’t flash that smile, Mr. Kane. That won’t stop me from prying.”

  “Baby, there’s noth
ing to pry about. We were just going over the facts to date. Nothing appears to be concrete, but I have my theories.”

  “So do you want to elaborate?”


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