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HOT Boss (HOT Alpha Book 3)

Page 2

by Stella Stone

  Leonardo lifts his hand and waves her off. “Come to my office, let’s talk about this Marshall proposal,” he suggests.

  My fingers ache to stay on the handle of the door, but my feet take me away, following behind Leo. I glance back at the closed door and let out a sigh. It’s best anyway, I shouldn’t be alone with her, I should stay far away from the innocent woman she is. I shouldn’t touch her.



  The day drags, beyond anything I’ve ever experienced in this office before. Usually, there’s always something going on, something to do. However, today there is nothing.

  I’ve filed, I’ve checked and rechecked my email. I’ve returned calls and answered phones, and I have nothing to do but wait until the clock strikes, five-thirty. Thank God it’s Friday. That’s all I can think at this point. Oh, and thank God, Liam has disappeared for the day.

  I’m counting down the minutes, ten left until I can clock out. I’ll have the entire weekend to myself. Well, almost anyway. I have to go to a birthday party at my parents Sunday afternoon in my honor. But tomorrow, tomorrow is all mine and I have plans for myself.

  I’m imagining myself lounging on my back patio, in my bikini with a peach spritzer in one hand and my eReader in another. I’m a million miles away, lost to my fantasy of tomorrow when I hear a throat clear next to me.

  Turning my neck, I tip my head back and gasp. “Mr. Thomas,” I breathe.

  He grunts, “Liam, Shawn. You can call me Liam.”

  I nod, my lips parting as I continue to stare up at him. “The office is closed, what are you doing here still?” he asks,

  Quickly, I turn my head, surprised to see that not only is it after five-thirty, but it’s almost six. I can’t believe I was daydreaming so intensely that I let forty minutes pass by.

  “I was just lost in thought,” I mutter as I quickly go about logging out of my system and shutting my computer down.

  Liam grunts, and I freeze when I feel his finger touch my shoulder. It feels like a hot poker against my skin, like he’s branded me from just a touch. Twisting my neck, I crane my head back and look up at him.

  “Liam,” I breathe.

  He smiles sadly, his finger leaving my shoulder and then he turns away and walks into his office. The door closes and I swear it makes my entire body jolt from the sound.

  Grabbing my purse from beneath my desk, I stand. Slowly, I walk over to Liam’s door, and wrap my fingers around the knob. My hand falls away from the handle, and I let out a sigh. Walking toward the elevator, I push the button and wait for the car door to open.

  Stepping inside, I lift my head and stare toward Liam’s office. He’s got his own head bent down and it looks like he’s focused. I can see his tongue peeked out slightly as he concentrates and I smile.

  His dark blond hair falls over his forehead, his crisp white shirt is rolled up to his elbows and exposes his thick forearms. He looks sexy as sin. Every part of him looks delectable.

  I don’t know if my crush will ever go away, but right now, I wish it would. I don’t know how much longer I can work for him like this.


  She leaves the office and it’s fucking painful not to watch her go. I can feel her eyes on me, burning into my flesh as the elevator doors close. Once there’s no chance of her being anywhere near my view, I lift my head and lean back in my chair.


  How am I going to go to her birthday party Sunday afternoon?

  I want her.

  There’s no denying it, not anymore. I’ve tried being a dick to her, I’ve tried distancing myself, but nothing has worked. I can’t lay her off. Leo would want to know why, same goes with transferring her to another department. Honest to fuck, if I did, I’d hate myself. Besides, if she were anywhere else, how could I make sure nobody flirts with her?

  Goddamn it.

  I’m fucked.

  Opening my search engine, I look for presents to give a twenty-five year old. Unsurprisingly, Tiffany’s is the top site that pops up. I frown, trying to remember if I’ve ever seen Shawn wear earrings or jewelry.

  I can’t recall. I can picture the exact shade of her light brown eyes, or her light brown hair perfectly. I know what her face looks like, what the shape of her body looks like. The way her hair cascades down her back when she wears it down, or the exact outline of her neck when she wears it up.


  My cock strains against my pants as my mind fills with visions of her. I abandon my mission of searching for a present. Unbuttoning my pants, I wrap my fist around my cock and close my eyes as I think about her—Shawn.

  I stroke myself, thinking of her the entire time I do. When I come, I exhale her name. Wishing she were on her knees for me taking my cum down her slender throat.




  Yesterday was exactly what I needed. An entire day lazing by the pool at my condo’s complex. Today my skin is a shade darker from the sun, my hair streaked with some new blonde highlights, and I feel much more relaxed. Today is all about fun, cake, and a few cocktails.

  Smoothing down my skirt, I inhale a deep breath before I release it and step toward my parents front door. I reach for the handle of the front door and freeze when I feel something press against my back.

  Slowly, I turn my head and whimper when I see who is smiling down at me. It’s Liam. He’s here. At my parent’s house, for my birthday.

  Holy shit.

  “Happy birthday, Shawn,” he rasps.

  I nod, snapping my lips closed. I tug the door open and nod. “Thank you,” I grumble, feeling like a bitch. I don’t know what to do, I’m in shock. I don’t know why he’s here, standing behind me, touching me, at my parents—at my birthday party.

  His fingers stay pressed against my lower back as we walk into the foyer. The party is in the back yard, it always is, and it seems like it’s a mile away right now. We walk in silence, the only sounds are the clicks of our shoes.

  I’m wearing light pink high heels, they match the light pink in my dress, which is mostly white with large abstract light pink to hot pink flowers printed on it. I’m afraid to look at Liam, afraid to see the deliciousness that is him in one of his sexy suits.

  However, his shoes are a medium brown, shiny, expensive. I sigh. Trying to keep from tripping over my own two feet, only something I seem to do around him.

  “I hope it’s okay, your dad invited me,” he murmurs as we reach the door to the patio.

  His hand is wrapped around the handle and I finally turn to him, dropping my head back. “It is. It’s not really a birthday celebration as much as just an excuse to have a bit of a party,” I shrug.

  It’s true. My dad loves to party, loves to host, and have cocktails with his friends. He throws a party for me every year, a massive celebration for my mother’s birthday, and then an even bigger party for their anniversary.

  Liam opens his mouth to say something else, but we’re interrupted by the sound of my mother’s voice. She grabs ahold of my arms and pulls me into her embrace.

  “Oh thank goodness you wore this dress. I was worried you’d take out one of your older pieces. You know I bought this specifically for today, I was hoping you’d have it on. It looks spectacular on you, doesn’t it just look spectacular, Liam?”

  My face turns hot, and I know my entire face and chest are bright red. I look away from Liam, down at his brown shoes until I hear his deep voice.

  “She looks like what dreams are made of, Darlene.”

  All of the air from my lungs escapes from his words. I swear my mother swoons a bit, swaying where she stands. It only takes her a moment to compose herself. She giggles and waves him off before she tugs me toward a group of people my age, people I’ve grown up with. I’m still in shock from Liam’s words. I’m unable to concentrate on even the smallest of small-talk.

  What dreams are made of.

  What. Dreams. Are. Made. Of.


  I watch her ass as she hurries away from me. A woman dressed in a business suit asks if she can take my gift and I lift my chin, handing it to her then glancing as she sets it on a tabletop. It’s overloaded with gifts, boxes and bags, all from fancy stores.

  My Tiffany’s bag is lost in the shuffle, but I could give a fuck. I didn’t put a ton of thought into the gift, unsure of what to buy Shawn. In reality, aside from what she looks like, and how hard she makes my cock, I don’t know much about her.

  “Liam, my good man, where is your drink?” Leonardo asks, already slurring.

  I chuckle, shaking his outstretched hand. “Just arrived, Leo.”

  He guides me over to the bar demanding that I order something. I make everyone’s life a bit easier, and instead of declining, I order a beer. I’ll nurse it for the evening.

  I want to keep my wits about me, if I get drunk odds are I’ll do something stupid. Fuck. Even sober the odds are pretty high. Especially with the way Shawn’s ass looks in her dress.

  For a while, I talk shop with Leo and am relieved when he’s pulled into another conversation. I don’t want to talk about work, work is my life. I want to talk about something else.

  I feel a cool hand land on my forearm and I turn my head, looking into a pair of bright green eyes I hadn’t been expecting to see.

  “Coraline?” I ask.

  She smiles, nodding her head. “I haven’t seen you at the club, where have you been hiding?” she asks, her hand still on my arm, except she gives me a squeeze.

  “Working a lot,” I say before clearing my throat.

  “Hello, Miss. Cora how are you?” Shawn’s voice rings from the other side of me. Her tit is pressed against my other arm and I have to bite back the groan at how soft she feels.

  Cora tilts her head to the side, her hand falling from my arm. “Happy birthday, Shawn. You’re an adult now, you don’t have to call me Miss,” she smiles, but it looks strained.

  Shawn laughs softly, and shakes her head, her long light brown hair moving from side to side. It’s sexy as fuck—she’s sexy as fuck. I can’t look away from her, even for a second. If she notices, she doesn’t say anything. She and Cora engage in conversation for a few minutes before Cora excuses herself .

  “Oh, Liam?” Cora calls out. Only then do I turn my gaze from Shawn, over to her. “Come on by to see me sometime, anytime,” she says dipping her voice slightly. She gives a smirk and sways her ass as she walks away.

  Shawn snorts from next to me and I return my attention back to her. “If you go to visit her, wear a condom,” she mumbles taking a sip of her drink.

  I can’t hide my surprise, my brows disappearing in my hairline from her words. “Why?” I chance asking.

  “Because Miss. Coraline entertains men every day of the week, Liam. Sometimes two different men a day. I wouldn’t want you to catch anything,” she announces lifting a brow.

  I dip my chin, lowering my head until my lips are near her ear. “Would it make you jealous if I went to see her?” I ask.

  I hear the hitch in her breath, I can see the color in her neck and I watch it rise to her cheeks. I know her answer before she speaks. It would make her jealous. I like that it would, too. I fucking love it actually.

  “Absolutely not. If you want to chance having your dick rot off, then by all means.” She turns, and stomps off, toward her group of friends. I can’t help but chuckle at the way her hips move with each angry little step she takes in her high heels.

  I continue to smile, bringing the lukewarm beer to my lips and taking a pull. Shawn is definitely going to be the death of me. I shouldn’t have come tonight, shouldn’t have seen her tipsy. I want her sassy fucking mouth even more now, than I did. I want to fill it with my cock, before I fuck her. Goddamn.



  I grab another drink from the bar and walk toward the house. I need to go to the restroom, to breathe. I can’t even hold a decent conversation, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I’ve had four cocktails, about to start on my fifth. It has to do with my hot as shit boss who is walking around acting as if he doesn’t make my panties wet.

  Stepping into the bathroom, I take a sip, set my drink down and take care of business. After washing my hands, I look down at my drink again and shake my head. I’m tipsy, but I’m not that drunk. No way can I drink from an open glass that’s been in the same room I’ve just peed.


  Picking my glass up, I head toward the kitchen and set it down in the sink. I feel something against my back, something hard and warm, and when I close my eyes I smell a sexy masculine scent.

  “You are going to be the death of me, Shawn Jenkins,” his voice purrs against my ear.

  I inhale a sharp breath as my head falls back against his shoulder. Liam’s hand presses against my belly and I swear electricity vibrates throughout my entire body.

  “I wouldn’t want you to die,” I rasp.

  He chuckles, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. “It would be worth it, I bet,” he breathes.

  Turning around in his arms, I press my palms against his chest and tip my head back. My eyes meet his black gaze, my thighs shake. My panties are destroyed, completely decimated.

  “What are you doing, Liam?” I ask. I don’t want an answer, not really, all I want is his mouth on any part of me.

  He grins, it’s lopsided and so sexy. He has a dimple in his cheek, one I’ve never seen before and my belly whooshes from the sight. He lowers his head, his lips brushing mine. I moan from the brief touch, mourning the loss of his lips, craving more—so much more.

  His nose slides alongside my own and if my panties weren’t already wet, they would be just by that move alone. “I don’t know, Shawn, but I’m game to find out, if you are,” he offers.

  Sliding my hand from his chest, I wrap my fingers around the back of his neck and squeeze. “Take me home, Liam,” I practically demand.

  His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he lifts his head. “What about the party?”

  I shrug. “My parents are three sheets to the wind. My friends are all spending the night talking about their money and who they’re fucking. Cakes cut, my parents people will deliver my presents, and nobody will even know I’m gone,” I ramble.

  Liam pulls his keys out of his pocket and slips them into my hand. “Wait in my car,” he says. He lowers his head and when he speaks again it’s in a low growl that causes my entire body to shake with need. “Now, princess.”

  I turn from him, running as quickly as my high heels will take me toward his car. I know which one is his, it’s the sleek black BMW. I’ve seen him driving it a few times, but I also make sure the insurance is up to date, and write the check for the payment every month.


  My cock screams at me to follow her, immediately. I don’t. I take a few calming breathes before I head back toward the party. Taking a glance around, it’s exactly as she described. Her friends are eyeing one another up, most likely thinking and talking about money and sex. The rest of the party goers are drunk, her parents included.

  I shake my head with a smile on my face as I make my way over to Leo and Darlene. I tell them goodbye and wave him off when Leo tries to get me to stay longer.

  “Someone has to be at the office in the morning,” I lie. He laughs, throwing his head back, obviously fucking plastered.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m trying not to sprint on my way toward my car. She’s there, sitting in the passenger seat. I can see her as soon as I step out onto the front porch. Fuck. This is probably a huge mistake, she’s probably drunk, and I shouldn’t do this.

  I’m throwing caution to the wind though. I’m doing it, saying fuck it. I’ve lived my personal life with the utmost care and detailed caution up until now. My ex-wife wasn’t the right choice, even when on paper she was fucking perfect for me.

  I’m doing this for me, for my aching cock, and to satisfy both of our needs. I know she wants
me, I can see it in her eyes, feel it when she watches me around the office. I’m going to quench both of our desires and if it blows up in my face—in our faces—then so what? At least we’ll know.

  Opening the driver’s side door, I fold into the seat. Glancing over, I smirk at the wild eyed look she’s giving me. She looks like she’s about to puke, and a thought rolls through my head, maybe she’s really plastered?

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  She nods, then shakes her head, then nods again. “I don’t want to mess anything up with you, with my job, with my dad,” she whispers.

  Reaching over, I wrap my fingers around her thigh and give her a gentle squeeze. I fucking lie, like the bastard I am, I lie to her. “We won’t mess anything up, Shawn. Swear it,” I mutter.

  She lets out a breath and nods. “Okay, then I’m good,” she says, as if she’s trying to convince herself.

  Shifting my car into reverse, I back out of the driveway as quickly as I can before either one of us can change our minds. Tonight, I’m going to take her. I’m going to satisfy both of our every desires and we may not even make it into the office tomorrow, because I’m not stopping until we both have one another out of our system.



  I cannot believe I’m sitting next to Liam Thomas, in his car, alone. I’m a little drunk, but I’m not THAT drunk. I know exactly what I’m doing and judging by the grip he has on my thigh, he does too.

  I hold my breath as we turn down his street. I only know that this is his street because he’s made me pick up and drop off his dry cleaning on occasion.


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