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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 5

by CJ England

  Danolas opened his mouth to shout at her again, but Kira broke in first. “It might have been Jorad. He sounds like Danolas and he would have access to the office phone. And he was so busy today doing last minute errands; I am sure your arrival was pushed right out of his mind."

  Nodding, Brianna looked around the circle. “I guess I can buy that.” Her temper disappeared. “I'm here now. Shall we start over again, then?"

  "Good idea,” approved Gallegar. He gestured around the circle of men. “Perhaps we should start with introductions."

  Obviously still irritated, Danolas crossed his arms over his broad chest. “She knows who I am."

  A dimple appeared in Brianna's cheek. She gave him a mocking smile. “Oh, and it must be my Irish luck ... to be acquainted with one such as you."

  "I'm Lucas Kane,” Lucas put in quickly when he saw Danolas’ eyes flare again. It might be interesting to see the witch lose his temper, but not now. Not at Kira's wedding.

  Brianna took his hand. “Lucas Kane, Master Shapeshifter, third to join with the Peacekeeper. You are second in command over the Wolf Clan, and must hide your joining from your leader.” She sized up Lucas with her eyes. “Must be tough on you. You don't look like the subtle type."

  His eyes narrowed at the quick assessment. “I guess you aren't subtle, either."

  "Goddess, no.” She gave a quick shudder. “Too much trouble.” Brianna turned to the golden-faced man and smiled flirtatiously. “And you're, Koran?"

  He smiled, and taking her hand, bowed over it. “I am, my Lady."

  Her heart tripped a little. “Sure, and aren't you a charmer? Koran, Prince of the Faerie, brother of Kira, though ... we were never told exactly how that could be. You are centuries old, while her magick is obviously new."

  "It is a story for another time,” Koran answered smoothly. “But she is my sister."

  There was steel in his words, and Brianna's eyebrows went up. “Aye, then.” She turned to the brown-haired Ethereal. “And you are?"

  "You can call me, Patrick."

  "Leader of the Ethereals."

  "With this company's help, I'm still leader. It was touch and go for awhile.” A grin flashed over Patrick's face.

  Brianna nodded. “You were smart enough to ask for help. A good leader knows when to do so.” She slid a glance at Danolas whose jaw tightened imperceptibly. “Too bad everyone doesn't."

  Patrick stoked his mustache thoughtfully. “I'm not sure what you mean, but I thank you. I have learned much from the other Chosen."

  "Hmmm...” Brianna chewed on that as she turned to Benjamin. “The High Priest told me who you were when I didn't recognize your magick. We don't have your kind in Ireland."

  Benjamin shook her hand and grinned. “Yes, you do."

  She cocked her head in surprise. “Is that right?"

  "Suprahumans are everywhere. You just don't know where or how to look."

  Her lower lip stuck out in a pout. “I noticed you right off."

  His smile widened. “I'm behind wardings here, and safe. My shields are down so you can sense my power. But if I wanted to, you wouldn't know I wasn't human."

  "Bet I could."

  The Suprahuman chuckled at the challenge. “You are a cocky one, aren't you?"

  "She's worse than cocky,” Danolas grumbled. “She thinks we've made a mess of things so far. Isn't that right, Ms. Muldoon? Thinks we are all weak and stupid. What did you say? We'd made a ‘bloody bullocks’ of the whole thing so far?"

  Brianna sent him a glare that should have set his hair on fire. He could have kept quiet about that. It was payback, she knew, for the way she'd treated him earlier. She shuffled her feet when she saw the others were now all looking coldly at her. Even Kira looked disappointed. “I ... I have a right to my opinion, don't I? We only have the reports that were sent to us.” She swore under her breath. It sounded weak and she knew it.

  "Seems a bunch of words on a page can't tell you much about a man,” Patrick said quietly. “Or a woman."

  "You had to be here, Brianna,” Lucas put in icily. “You don't have a clue what happened to us. How hard it was to understand the new powers and what we could do. Hell ... we're still finding things out."

  "I find it interesting you formed such strong opinions of us, when you were an ocean away.” Gallegar put his arm around Kira. “Tell me ... how many battles have you been in?"

  Brianna's heart dropped to her feet. Aebh had warned her to go slowly, and not let her mouth get her in trouble, but here she was, newly arrived and she'd already made everyone mad at her. When would she learn to think before she spoke?

  "I-I'm sorry,” she stuttered. “I haven't been in any battles.” She looked over at the Peacekeeper. “I know I was wrong. At least about you. I felt your power the second you touched me. I've got a bad habit of talking before I know all the facts. It's just ... we knew you needed help and you didn't ask. We couldn't understand why."

  "Why did you think we needed help?” Koran asked, his golden eyebrows drawn together in a fierce frown.

  Brianna stared at him. “How did we know? How did we know?” The question fired her up all over again. “Maybe the fact your Gates of Life were destroyed and the demons have all escaped."

  Kira blinked. “That is not true, Brianna. The gate to Heaven was destroyed, but Danolas and Koran rebuilt it. All the shades went on to their rewards. And yes ... the gate to Hell was compromised, but when the demons tried to escape, we fought them and we won."

  Patrick nodded. “The demons have been sent back to Hell and we have wards around the gates so no more damage can be done there. We know the demons aren't finished, but we have done what we could, for now."

  "But...” Brianna looked around the circle. She saw the truth on all their faces and felt even more foolish. “The last report we received was even some vampires were pulled into Hell. You didn't know how to fight it. We sent word saying we would send an army of witches, but we were ignored."

  "You weren't ignored,” Danolas growled. “Your message, like your phone call was never received."

  Brianna bristled. “I did send it. Just like I did make that call."

  "We aren't saying you didn't,” Gallegar soothed. “But I find it very interesting our last report of how the battle was won went astray."

  Benjamin touched Brianna's shoulder. “I'll bet this is why Abek sent you, isn't it?"

  "Aebh,” said both Danolas and Brianna together. They both coughed in embarrassment.

  "Aye.” Brianna nodded. When she couldn't get Danolas to really talk to her, she thought new blood might be needed. Mayhaps, I could see something you couldn't.” She shrugged. “I may have a quick temper and I might not be the most polite witch you've ever met—"

  "That's the truth,” muttered Danolas.

  "But...” Brianna glared at him. “I am the most powerful witch in all the island. I still can help you win this war.” She looked at Kira, unconsciously pleading. “I would like to."

  "I don't think—” Danolas began.

  "You are welcome here, Brianna of Ireland,” Kira cut in with a secret smile. “For as long as the Power feels you are needed."

  "My lady,” the High Priest gritted out. “I believe another—"

  "Danolas.” Kira shook her head at him, and her eyes filled with a swirl of rainbow color. Brianna's mouth fell open when Danolas’ did the same. The two stared at each other for several moments before the witch heaved a loud sigh. He blinked and his eyes went back to his normal blue color.

  "If you're sure?"

  Kira smiled, her now golden eyes twinkling happily. “I am sure."

  The High Priest was obviously disgruntled about the whole thing and his face showed it. He didn't look at Brianna. “I'm going to find out if it was Jorad who took that call. Too many communications aren't finding their way to the proper person. We might have a traitor in our midst."

  Gallegar nodded. “Agreed. Seems a bit too much of a coincidence to me."

� added Lucas. “Last thing we want is to be caught with our pants down again."

  Brianna's eyebrows lifted. “Sure, and that would be a sight to see."

  The other Chosen all stifled laughter as Lucas turned a deep red. Then, to their surprise, he grinned and threw an arm over Brianna's shoulder companionably. “Come on, Irish. Let's you and I see if we can find something stronger than the soda pop they're serving here."

  She brightened immediately. “Ahhh, shapeshifter. Tell me you have some of the Black Stuff and I'll carry your children."

  Lucas chuckled. “Not sure what that is, but, it sounds interesting. Hell, you're a witch. Conjure some up!"

  "You, Yanks. Don't even know a Guinness when you hear of one.” She turned and sketched a short mocking bow to Danolas. “If his Highness will excuse me?” Without waiting for his answer, she turned to Gallegar and Kira. “I have a wedding ... no, damn me, I mean a mating gift from Aebh for you both. She told me I am to wait until just before dawn to give it to you. Would that be possible, then?"

  Gallegar's face showed his curiosity. “Aye. We can do that. But it will have to be done at Sanctuary."

  Brianna nodded. “As you wish."

  "I'll get her there,” Lucas stated. He looked at Danolas. “If, you've no objections?"

  "You're welcome to her,” the High Priest bit out. “As I said before, I don't have time to play taxi for a tourist."

  "Now ... aren't you the rudest, most irritating git I've ever—"

  Let's go, Irish. Hell, woman,” Lucas complained as he dragged her away. “Your hair should be red with that temper!"

  Danolas watched as the werewolf led her back to the buffet tables, Benjamin trailing along behind them. “I can't believe Aebh sent her. That woman is childish, rude ... and obnoxious.” He shook his head. “I would have believed better of my old mentor."

  Gallegar wondered how Danolas would react if he pointed out he'd been sniping at her as much as she'd nagged at him. Holding his tongue, he only gave a Gaelic shrug. “She has a strong personality, I agree. But if she is to be a part of this company, she needs to be able to hold her own."

  The witch glared at where Brianna was laughing with Lucas and Benjamin. “She's holding her own, all right. Along with a few other peoples, I'll bet."

  Patrick hid a smile with his hand. “She is quite vocal."

  "She will do,” Kira murmured, her eyes dancing with hidden glee. “It will be interesting to see how she fits in with our little family."

  "Maybe she will make Lucas feel better,” Koran said quietly. He shot a look at Kira. “Give him something to take his mind off things."

  "Oh, but...” Kira opened her mouth and then closed it. There was a long pause. “Perhaps, brother. Perhaps she is here for more than to help us win the war."

  * * * *

  Brianna Muldoon. Danolas tapped his long elegant foot as he watched her giggling with Lucas at the table. He'd known a Muldoon back in his days as an acolyte at Dunguaire Castle. The man was a good witch, strong enough, but not an immortal. Muldoon had actually taught Danolas how to properly transport from one area to another, among a few not-so-helpful stunts like, magically picking locks, and how to summon one of Aebh's delicious apple pies right out of the pantry. He'd been brash, argumentative and opinionated. After meeting Brianna, Danolas wondered if she was one of that Muldoon's descendants.

  Unlike her maybe great-grandfather, Brianna was an immortal. The power Danolas felt flowing through her was too great to be contained in human form. It happened that way sometimes. An immortal was birthed from a powerful line of humans as if the magick had grown too strong to be kept in such a fragile body. And so, a new line of immortals was born.

  He almost sneered as he watched her turn to Benjamin and kiss him on the cheek. She was making friends fast. Made him wonder just what exactly she was offering his brothers.

  The thought shamed him. If not for Brianna's sake, for Benjamin and Lucas'. Neither one of them deserved it. Lucas was still getting over Kira, and Benjamin, while he was often seen with females of his kind, wasn't a ladies man. Brianna Muldoon would have to find someone else to play with.

  Danolas frowned as a dark pang of emotion rolled through him. Why should he care if Brianna offered herself to anyone? She wasn't his type at all. Too messy. Too earthy. More of a peasant in look and attitude. Danolas wasn't ashamed to admit he enjoyed sophisticated women. Ones he could talk to and enjoy intelligent conversation with. Tall, cool blondes or brunettes, who had just enough power themselves to make things interesting. No temper tantrums from them, just reasonable dialog between two people who respected each other. And when he took them to his bed, it wouldn't be a quick roll in the hay, but a mutually satisfying endeavor that would give pleasure to them both.

  But, he certainly didn't understand why his stomach knotted up whenever the Irish witch smiled at one of his brothers, and it made no sense at all why he wished Aebh had sent anyone, but her.

  He frowned again. Aebh had sent her because she'd been worried about him, but why hadn't the old witch just contacted him herself? Danolas and Aebh both had scrying pools they'd often used in the past. When this day was over, he'd open a portal and talk to his old mentor face to face. Maybe then, he could figure out just what was bothering him.

  Looking over to where Kira and Gallegar stood laughing at something with Koran and Patrick, he smiled, happy for them. Kira had literally gone to Hell and back for Gallegar and he thanked the Power their love had only grown stronger because of it. Danolas thought briefly of what the Power told Kira about a mate for him.

  "I see a vision for you, Danolas. I know you are confused about the emotions that swirl around us, but know this. I was never intended to belong to you. One is being sent who was created just for you. Look for someone with eyes as purple as a violet, and hair as red as a flame. She is your true mate. Our joining cannot compare with the pleasure you will find in each other's arms."

  It hadn't been easy to hear at the time. He'd thought Kira was meant for him, but once they were joined, he knew her heart, and it would always belong to Gallegar. The war had kept him too busy to wonder what the vision meant for him, but getting this ceremony ready brought up longings he'd pushed away. In the midst of all his people, surrounded by the other Chosen, and strengthened by Kira's love...

  He was still lonely.

  A musical laugh drifted over the crowd and Danolas gritted his teeth. He didn't care if she was the last woman left in the world, he'd stay far away from Brianna Muldoon.

  * * * *

  Stuck up, arrogant, pig of a man. Brianna watched the High Priest from under her eyelashes as she listened to Benjamin's recitation of the mating ceremony. Danolas was standing there, staring over at her, looking oh-so-Lordly, and Brianna was Irish enough to dislike that quality intensely. She wondered again, what Aebh saw in him. She'd been effusive with her compliments the whole time Brianna had been under her tutelage.

  "Danolas is a wonderful witch. Strong, very powerful, and one of the best leaders we have. His Society is so well run, he hardly needs to do anything. He has trained his people well and knows how to work with other supernaturals. A natural immortal, his line is one of the original ones and that is why his power is so strong. Someday, I believe he will lead the entire Witches Council. You can learn a lot from a man such as him."

  Of course, from that moment on, Brianna hated him. She wasn't stupid. She knew she was jealous of how Aebh loved the other witch. Brianna had been with her mentor for so many years, she'd become accustomed to being the important one in Aebh's life. But, when the demonic war started, and Danolas’ name kept coming up, it was clear to see he meant a great deal to the old woman, too.

  Brianna tried to ignore the uncharitable feelings, but when the High Priest stopped communicating with Aebh, she'd seen the hurt and confusion in the older witch's eyes. From that point on, she would have cheerfully fed Danolas to Dunny, the lake monster that lived near the castle. She still wasn't sure she was buy
ing this problem in communications. Maybe Danolas was just as arrogant as he looked.

  But what about the others? She hadn't been around them for long, but it didn't take a genius to see the other Chosen were strong alpha males as well. None of them were boot-lickers and their concern and surprise over her statement seemed genuine. She wasn't gifted with truthsaying, but she'd bet they had sent that missive about the war. So where had it gone?

  She giggled at something Lucas said, and smiled as he pressed a second Guinness into her hand. She'd sleep like a baby later, but there was something to be said about making new friends. Maybe she could find out what made a man such as he, have those sad, sad eyes. Eyes a woman could easily fall into.

  Not, she told herself angrily, eyes the color of blue ice that followed her everywhere she went. She sent a glare at Danolas and then purposely turned her back on him. She didn't care if he was the last man left in the world, she'd stay far away from the High Priest, Danolas.

  * * * *

  "Would you care to tell me what is going on?"

  Kira jerked her gaze away from Danolas and Brianna and looked up at her mate. Color flooded her cheeks. “I-I do not know what you mean."

  "A Ghra ... ” Gallegar said in amusement. “It is clear you are hiding something. The others may not sense it, but ever since we...” His eyes danced when she blushed harder. “...ever since we became lovers, I can always tell. What are you up to?"

  Biting her lip, she looked up at him. “You cannot tell the others. It is important all plays out as it should. The Power commands it."

  Intrigued now, Gallegar pulled her into his arms. “You have my word. What is it?"

  Her golden eyes glowed as she sent a tight mind-beam to him and him alone. After a few moments, Gallegar's eyebrows shot into his hairline. “Are you sure?"

  She nodded. “I am."

  A slow smile touched the vampire's handsome face. “Then I expect the next few months will be interesting ones. It's too bad we won't be here at first to watch it."


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