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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 15

by CJ England

  "Yes, damn it!” he shouted as he pulled her to him. “I wanted you. I still want you, but I'm a man, not a beast. I don't have to give in to those primitive urges."

  "So ... what we did was too primitive for you?"

  He shook her, and her hair tumbled down out of its sloppy knot to fall around her shoulders. “Everything about you is wrong for me. I was going to tell you tonight, alone, so I wouldn't embarrass you. But you had to tell everyone and embarrass us both."

  "You think I'm embarrassed?” Brianna's fury exploded and she knocked Danolas back with a slap of muddy anger. “You bloody fool! You bleedin’ ass. I'm not embarrassed. I was proud. Proud that a man like you could let go and want me enough to just feel for a change.” She tossed him a look of pure disgust. “You're so cold, so perfect you don't want anyone to touch you.” She poked him in the chest. “Well, I did! I touched you, you stupid buffoon! And made you a better man for it!"

  "How dare you!"

  "How dare I?” she shrieked. “I dare because it's the truth. I made you feel ... really feel for the first time and that scares hell out of you.” In a sudden fury, she picked up her plate and tossed it at him. He ducked just in time and the plate shattered against the far wall. “But if you think I'm going to stand here and have you try and tell me ... and yourself it meant nothing ... you can go ... fuck yourself! Me? I've got better things to do!"

  Turning, she stomped towards the door. When Lucas rose to follow, she turned on him with a snarl. “And nobody better come after me! I've had enough! The last thing I want to do is spend time with anyone who has a cock between their legs!” Her long hair flying, she went out, slamming the door behind her.

  Lucas eased back into his seat, whistling as Jorad tiptoed over to the wall and began to pick up the pieces of the broken plate.

  Patrick looked hard at Danolas. “I'm going to send Jon and Buck after her. She won't see them, and will think she's still alone.

  Danolas sat down, his stomach churning. He wanted to crawl away, back to his bedroom, but he was afraid he'd leave a trail of slime behind him. “Fine,” he managed. “We need to make sure she's okay."

  "Okay, I doubt, but I can at least manage safe.” Patrick popped out without another word.

  "You want to tell us what the hell you're doing?"

  Lucas’ accusing voice made the witch flinch, but he met his brother's angry silver eyes. “I think you know exactly what I'm doing."

  "No,” answered Koran evenly, his face hard as he looked at Danolas. “I do not think we do. It may not be like you to have sex with a woman in a place where you could be easily walked in on, but it is even less like you to deliberately injure a woman you so obviously care about."

  "If that's caring,” Lucas growled, “please ... don't care about me."

  "I didn't hurt her deliberately,” Danolas shot back. “I wanted to talk to her alone, to break it gently. She's the one who made a production of it."

  Patrick re-appeared. “They're with her. She didn't even take the car. She's walking."

  "Back to The Loft?” Benjamin asked.

  The shade shook his head. “No, into the upper city. Looks like she's headed to the wharf."

  Lucas pulled the conversation around back to Danolas. “You think it would have hurt her less to tell her privately she was a one night stand? And a mistake at that? You can't be that stupid."

  Spoken that way, Danolas felt even worse. “I didn't mean to say that. Damn it, I care about her and I knew if we kept going on she might get hurt so—"

  "So you dumped her and hurt her now to make it easier?” Benjamin shook his head. “I don't care if you're a shade, a wolf or a witch ... that's lame."

  "I'm her High Priest. I have to be careful!"

  "Danolas.” Koran's deep voice made him look at the faerie. “Brianna is right. You are making excuses for how you are feeling and that is the sign of a coward ... not the man I know you to be. If you feel something for this witch, do not pretend otherwise. That cheapens her, as well as yourself. If you do not wish to be with her, tell her truthfully, but tell her the truth as to why."

  "I did,” Danolas muttered hoarsely, his heart aching. “I tried to tell her the truth."

  "My brother,” the faerie continued. “How can you tell her? You do not know the truth yourself."

  * * * *

  "Stuck up, arrogant pig of a man. I was right in cursing him before. Hide me away like a dirty secret, will ye? Not in this lifetime.” Brianna snarled and cursed as she tramped down the darkened street toward the lighted tourist area at the bottom of the hill. She'd been walking for over an hour but her anger hadn't lessened. Instead, it just grew the more she thought about how she'd given Danolas part of her heart and he'd tossed it to the ground and stomped on it.

  "Bastard, Amadán ... idiot!” She skirted a crowd listening to a man strumming on a long boxlike instrument. The sweet melodic sounds followed her as she continued down the street, shivering. She'd been too angry to grab a coat, so now she was paying for it. Glancing around surreptitiously, she muttered a quiet spell and a pale orchid color appeared. It covered her like a glove, then faded, but she felt immediately warmer. Fall in the city could be cool.

  She stuffed her hands in her pockets and cursed again. She should have known. Danolas had been too quiet, too moody afterwards. Probably regretting already. But—she fired up again—it hadn't stopped him from making love to her a second time. And that one was just as hard, fast, and satisfying as the first. She kicked at a stone and felt a twinge of hurt stab through the fury in her soul.

  Looking both ways, she crossed the busy street and headed toward the pier. The city was closing her in. She wanted to be back in Ireland, walking on the beach and playing with Dunny, the moat monster. She wanted to poke fun at all the tourists whispering about haunted castles, and she wanted to lift a mug of the real Black Stuff in the local pub. She'd been in America a month, and it wasn't any safer. She'd been in a car accident, set up to be attacked by an evil spirit, and now she was in the biggest danger of all.

  She was in danger of losing her heart.

  Her lower lip stuck out. It wouldn't be so bad if the man was worthy of holding it, but he was such a git ... such a bloody gobshite he couldn't even admit to the truth if it came and bit him on the arse. Shaking back her hair, she sniffed. First thing tomorrow, she'd scry-call Aebh, and tell her she wanted to come home. She would go back to Ireland and put all this foolishness behind her. Stop pretending to be something she wasn't. She missed her true self. The one she'd been before she came to America ... and Danolas. There was nothing for her here, and she sure as hell didn't want to be around Himself any more. Not now ... not knowing what he really thought about her.

  Brianna ducked under a ramp and walked down to the dark water of the bay. She could see the sea lions lying in a pile under the pier and their soft barks soothed her as if she were listening to the sounds of the mermaids crying amid the rocks in the ocean back home.

  She crouched down and stared out at the twinkling lights of Alcatraz Island. A horrible place to be sure, filled with haunts and sad souls who'd died there. She'd refused to set foot on the island when Benjamin took her to visit. She'd felt the agony and evil standing on the boat. Brianna wiped her face, surprised to see wetness on her cheeks.

  "Damn me,” she muttered. “He's got me crying over him.” Huddling in a ball, she fought back the tears. It was worse because she'd begun to feel at home here ... welcomed by them all. And when Danolas had finally let down his guard, she'd opened her hungry heart to him, needing him in a way she still didn't understand. For a brief moment, she'd thought maybe they could make something of their feelings, even though he was resistant. She'd seen something; felt some connection when they'd loved, that was above and beyond simple sex.

  She sniffed loudly and smiled as a baby seal poked its head up above the pier and stared at her with big dark eyes. “I thought I felt something special,” she told the pup as it wriggled up onto the top of t
he dock and inched its way closer to have a look at her. “I was either wrong, or the stupid fool won't let himself admit it, and so I was wrong about him. Either way ... I'm an idiot too!"

  Tossing the pup a piece of stale bread she'd found in her pocket, she watched him munch happily. Tears burned in her throat when she pictured him telling everyone their lovemaking was a mistake. “Bastard,” she said again, this time without heat. She put her chin on her knees and let the tears flow.

  The seal pup moved closer, its sweet face watching hers with an almost human expression. She tossed it another chunk of sourdough as she thought of how it felt to be in Danolas’ arms. Not just during the lovemaking, although that had been wonderful, but afterwards, when their hearts were still pounding together in reaction. He'd pulled her close, holding her so tightly, she'd been sure he was feeling the same powerful feelings she was.

  She'd been wrong.

  "Tell me,” she said to the baby sea lion. “What do you do with a man who loves you like a sweetheart one minute, then treats you like an embarrassment the second?” She shook her head again. “Answer? Nothing. You just stay as far away as you can from him. And to do that, I'll have to go home."

  There was a sound behind her and heart racing; she looked quickly over her shoulder. She laughed when she saw it was only the sound of a couple of sea lions joining her on the dock. Unafraid, Brianna turned back to her new friend. “You have a whole family here, don't you, little one. You're a lucky pup. I'm all alone. Aebh is the closest thing to family I have and even she thinks I can be given away as easy as an unruly mare. ‘Tisn't fair. And when I get back home, I'm going to tell her so."

  The pup looked up at her and smiled. Brianna frowned when she saw teeth pointed and sharp as a razor. For some reason, that didn't seem right. Then it barked, but the sound was more like a laugh. It sent chills down her spine. She scooted back and stared at the animal. Without warning, just over its shoulder, the image of the banshee shimmered to life. The scarlet eyes were wide and full of fear and the wailing commenced, loud and agonizing in Brianna's ears. The witch swore aloud and glared at the spirit.

  "You're a little late, you are!"

  The seal pup barked again, and its liquid brown eyes closed. When they opened again, they were a bright ruby red. It slithered closer, and the scent of corruption flowed over her. It was the smell of death, and filth, of dark places that held no hope.

  Fear shot through Brianna, and she tried to scramble to her feet, but her legs were weak, and her life force was dimmed from the bout of weeping. She gazed at the creature and whispered the only thing she could think of.

  "Why? Why are you trying to kill me?"

  Malice transformed the innocent face of the pup into something dark and ugly. Not a seal anymore, but the fierce face of one of Ireland's blackest creatures ... a kelpie. It flashed an evil smile and answered her simply in a voice that sounded wet and putrid.

  "We must."

  It reached for her then, and she screamed. By the time she'd gotten to her knees, it was on her, ripping into her arm with stained, sharp teeth. Brianna screamed again, this time in pain and sent a flare of power against the creature, knocking it backwards. Before it could come at her, she was jerked to her feet, and looking around, she saw the two Ethereal protectors, Jon and Buck.

  "Y'all okay?” asked Jon, pulling her behind him.

  "What is it?” Buck queried at the same time.

  "I'm fine and it's a beastie,” she responded quickly. The kelpie attacked again, but Buck backhanded it and sent it back into the water.

  "We've got to get outta here,” Jon said. “Now!"

  The banshee wailed even louder and pointed behind them.

  Brianna turned and stopped dead as she saw the two sea lions had been joined by a dozen more. All were grinning, and their eyes glowed like scarlet pits in the black of their faces. They barked and sprang at the three of them. Brianna was forced behind the two men as they were attacked.

  "I'm not helpless,” she snarled, as she sent a beam of power at the nearest kelpie. It screamed. A high keening sound that made her shiver, but before she could do anything more, she was snatched high in the air from behind. Her breath was pushed out of her in one strong woosh as she saw what held her. “Christ Jesus,” she whispered, as it began to squeeze the life from her body. “They sent a bloody Kraken after me."

  Instinctively, she sent out a cry for help. Using her mind in a way she'd never done, she held onto consciousness long enough to scream out a single name.


  Chapter 7

  The scream was so loud in his head; Danolas gave a shout in response. His power flared to life as he sprang from his chair. “Brianna!” He grabbed his staff and looked around wildly. He could feel her terror. Taste her desperation. Fear enveloped him. What was wrong? Where was she?

  The other Chosen were also on their feet.

  "She's in trouble,” Lucas growled. He turned to Patrick. “Your men—"

  "I'm already there,” the shade answered and disappeared without a sound.

  "We heard her. How?” Benjamin strode over to where Danolas stood. “She can't mind-speak. What's going on? Where is she?"

  "I don't know,” Danolas snapped back. “But she's in trouble and she needs me."

  "She needs us all.” Koran moved away from the table as well. “We must go ... now."

  Danolas nodded, his mind already working it out. “It will take strength, but we have no choice.” He extended his staff. “Hold on to this."

  "No, brother,” Koran disagreed. He took Lucas by the arm. “Whatever she is facing is stronger than her, which means it is very dangerous. We will need your full strength. You take Benjamin. I will take Lucas."

  The witch hesitated only for a second. The prince was right. He would need his strength and transporting them all would take too much out of him. “Do you know where she is?"

  Koran shook his head. “No. The cry was not that strong to me. I will follow your magick on the psychic plain."

  Nodding, Danolas held his staff out to Benjamin, who frowned and grabbed onto it, trusting the witch with whatever was going to happen. Danolas spoke a string of words that made the air around them come alive. Light, air and sound had no more meaning. Suddenly, they were lifted up and tossed into a whirlwind of cool breezes. The witch heard the Suprahuman give a shout of alarm, but the big man didn't let go of the staff.

  Focusing on the cry he'd heard and would never forget, Danolas transported them through the air, hidden from human eyes. Seconds later they landed, just outside of Fisherman's Wharf. Tourists cried out when the four men came into view, but the Chosen ignored them.

  "This way.” Danolas followed Brianna's aura with his mind, his heart pounding in fear. They raced down a narrow alley, leaping over a pile of ropes to the dock below.

  "I know where we're going,” Benjamin shouted. “We fed the sea lions down here.” Danolas allowed the Suprahuman to take the lead and the others followed him, running down the narrow and slippery dock to the underbelly of Fisherman's Wharf. When they came around the corner, the men all skidded to a halt.

  Jon, Buck and Patrick were all grappling with a dozen or so dirty smelling seal-like creatures. The monsters used teeth and sharp nailed flippers to rip and tear at the shades, but the men kept confounding them by disappearing and reappearing. A couple of the beasts were already dead, lying in pools of blood on the dock.

  But above them, undulating slowly like some obscene nightmare, was a creature they'd heard about only in legend. Skin the color of mottled sea sponges, with scales the size of a large man and the head bigger than a cable car, the Kraken was a terrifying sight, even to these men who'd battled demons from Hell. Its long pointed snout gazed nearsightedly their way and it hissed at them, showing a multitude of sharp narrow teeth. It rose out of the blackness of the water, its long body coiling madly in motions that made your stomach turn to watch.

  Danolas cried out in fury when he saw Brianna's li
mp form hanging from one of the coils. Her face was deathly pale, and her long brown hair flowed over the sea monster's flesh like seaweed in the current. Her whole body was enveloped in the fierce grasp of the creature and she was so still, he thought—his heart plummeting to the ground—she might already be dead.

  Shouting a battle cry from the warrior witches of the past, Danolas thrust his staff at the beast, sending out a bright sapphire stream of deadly magick. It hit the Kraken in the face making it screech and undulate wildly. Terrified, it would slip under the sea and Brianna would be lost forever, he sent a second bolt of power, this time right beneath the chin where the vulnerable soft flesh was exposed.

  The Kraken screamed horribly and writhed over the dock. Poisonous blood poured from the wound in its neck, sending shades and kelpies both, scattering. Its coils opened and Brianna slipped from its grasp to plummet to the pier below.

  "No!” Danolas shouted. He dropped his staff and leapt forward to catch her. His body cushioned hers as they both went down on the slippery wharf.

  Benjamin's hyperspeed was the only thing that saved them both from further injury. He was there, crouching over them when the Kraken's body fell. Using his power of extra strength, the Suprahuman caught the sea monster, pushing it back with a grunt and sending it splashing into the sea. Around them, the kelpies screamed in anger and the attack began anew.

  Danolas rolled so his body protected Brianna's still form. While Benjamin battled away a host of the smaller monsters, Danolas sent a burst of power out and snatched his staff from where it had fallen. He heard Lucas howl and shuddered. The werewolf had shifted to his half-animal state and was ripping into the kelpies as if they were made of paper. Koran and the shades were all fighting as well, swathes of different magicks shooting across the deck.

  Not believing the Kraken was defeated so easily, Danolas kept his staff at the ready. But right now, he was more concerned about the woman he held in his arms. She was cool to the touch, and so still, his heart skipped a beat. He kept telling himself she was an immortal. She wouldn't die so easily, but a closer look at her shoulder made his stomach clench in grief and fear.


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