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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 17

by CJ England

  "Aye.” Brianna looked around her, taking in the quiet waters of Galway Bay. The scent of the water soothed her, as did the crying of the gulls as they swooped over the township across the bay. “It is my home."

  And home it was. She'd lived here her whole life. Took her first steps in the courtyard, and learned to swim in the moat. She'd tried out her first vanishing spell on the castle armor, only to have it come to life by mistake. The tourists that day had gotten a real eyeful, and she'd been sent to bed without her supper, or her wand. But she'd also had her first kiss in the tower and learned how to make magick most other witches couldn't do. She'd been the youngest First Acolyte in Ireland and it had only been Aebh's care and mentoring that had gotten her through it. It was the only home she'd ever known, the only place she'd ever really felt safe. That is, until she'd gone to The Keep and Danolas. She sighed inwardly. For a while there, she'd felt like she could belong in San Francisco, too.

  After the fight at the pier, they'd gone back to The Keep, and a sweet face witch by the name of Morag quickly healed the wounds Brianna received from the Kraken and the kelpies. The old woman tut-tutted over Danolas and what she saw, but a glare from the High Priest kept the witch silent. But Brianna knew. She'd seen inside him and knew his life force had been almost gone. Danolas came close to losing a very vital part of himself, just so she would live. It astounded her and scared her to death. The thought of him doing such a thing made her heart feel like it was bleeding. But would he have done that for just anyone? She wasn't sure. She did know she wanted to believe he cared about her. That she was something more than just a woman he'd been forced to take under his protection.

  But you wouldn't have known it from his behavior. They didn't talk about the night they'd made love, nor the argument that ensued afterwards. He ignored it as if it had never been. He hadn't apologized for what he'd done, though he treated her more carefully than before. But there was a barrier between them, a wall she couldn't get past. It hurt her ... making her even more determined to get back to Ireland and out of Danolas’ life. She couldn't bear to see him and remember the emotions he'd birthed, and then turned away from. Then there were the times she swore she could hear him thinking. That frightened her more than anything else. She wondered if she was going mental sometimes, wanting to believe in that connection she'd felt before.

  The day after the battle with the Kraken, she'd scry-called Aebh, and been given permission to come home, but to Brianna's irritation, Danolas interrupted the call and invited himself and the other Chosen for a visit. He and the High Priestess had politely eased Brianna out of the conversation, going so far as to hang up on her all together. She still didn't know what the two of them had spoken about and that really made her temper flare hot.

  But whatever it had been, it had changed Danolas even more. He'd been more serious, more driven than ever, and then a week later, they'd all left ... Chosen and protectors alike, winging across the ocean in a private jet to Ireland. And all Brianna could do was pray somehow, all the questions would be answered quickly, so Danolas and the family she almost had, would go home and leave her to her loneliness.

  Danolas stepped down out of the vehicle and glanced up at the castle. “It hasn't changed all that much. It is one of the most awe inspiring castles I've ever seen."

  Lucas gave a snort as he stretched his big body. It had been a long drive, preceded by an even longer flight. He looked at the enormous fortress before him. It was well preserved for a sixteenth century ruin, with intact walls made of gray stones and a tall circular tower, but it was still a ruin. “I must be tired. All I see is a pile of moldy blocks. This is where you grew up?” Both witches turned to stare at him and he shrugged. “What?"

  "I thought they'd be able to see it,” mused Danolas, as Patrick, Koran and the protectors all piled off the bus. “But I guess the linking isn't enough."

  "'Tis spelled to be hidden,” Brianna reminded him, seeing the strain on his handsome face and wanting to wrap her arms around him. She tucked her hands in her pockets instead. Danolas was regaining his strength slowly, but he was still tired, as if all his energy levels were low. It worried her, but since he wouldn't let her close, there was nothing she could do about it.

  "What are y'all talking about, Bri?” Patrick asked curiously. “I can't see a thing, and that's surprising. I usually always see a few shades wandering ‘round. Especially in a castle this old.” He looked around again at the few tourists milling about and taking pictures. “All I see are the living."

  She grinned at him. “We can't let the tourists see what's actually right before their eyes. They'd all have kittens. So we've done something quite remarkable. Here ... perhaps this will help.” Stretching out her hand, she whispered a spell. A soft glow appeared on her palm, a swirling ball of flickering lights and dancing illuminations. Turning, she lifted it so it was in front of Patrick's face.

  "See,” she said simply. Blowing gently on her hand, she sent the ball of light dusting into his eyes.

  The shade sneezed and blinked, his eyelashes coated with the luminous glow of magick powder. He glanced at Brianna in confusion, then his eyes widened as he took in the sight behind her. “Holy Mother of God,” he muttered. “I can see it."

  As Brianna treated the others to the same magical unveiling, Patrick stood in awe. The true castle could be seen now, beneath the ruin, and it was—as Danolas had said—awe inspiring. The walls and towers were very much the same, but now they were decorated with colorful flags and banners waving in the wind. Inside the surrounding wall were ornate stone buildings, all strong and secure, and looking as they had back when they were first crafted. There was a large courtyard and a garden, and off to the side were stables. He could see his people now. A great many shades and humans both within the transparent walls. They moved about, doing their daily chores, ignoring the tour guides with their flock of chattering tourists as if they didn't even see them.

  "I don't understand,” Benjamin said faintly. His red eyes were covered in black contacts to keep his enhanced state secret from humans, but the magick dust worked just the same. “What are we looking at?"

  "The true Dunguaire Castle ... which in Gaelic is Dún Guaire, exists on another plane of existence,” Danolas answered. “It resides on the psychic plain, where all can come and meet as needed. The witches of Ireland crafted this castle from the memories and thoughts of the past. Everything you see is as real as it would be here, on this human plane. Once you pass into it, it won't look transparent anymore, but will look and feel as it should."

  "Like another dimension?” Lucas wiped at his eyes and stared at the huge stone fortress.

  "If you like,” Brianna said, as she put her hand on his arm to lead him forward. “'Tis real, yet to humans, it is invisible, seen only by those with the imagination for truth. And even then, it is a flash out of the corner of their eye. Seen, but not seen. Experienced, but never felt."

  "How do we get there?” Koran looked as surprised as everyone else.

  Brianna grinned. “Just follow me. Let me welcome you to my home.” She turned and led Lucas past a narrow gate to the side of the main entrance, the others trailing behind them. As they stepped beneath the wide stone walls, the ground shimmered beneath their feet, and suddenly, they were there.

  It was more beautiful now, clearer than when it was transparent. Around the whole castle was a moat filled with clean blue water, dotted with grasses and water flowers. The courtyard grass was a vivid green, with roses placed in large beds alongside the path. There was the scent of fresh baked bread, and the tingle of magicks being worked. They could hear the people as they went about their daily lives. No one seemed startled to see them. They just nodded to Brianna, and continued on their way.

  "What? No welcome home?” Lucas joked.

  She shrugged. “It is a large Society. I am well known, but I can't say these people are my friends.” Her lips lifted in a sad smile. “What you have with the Chosen is unique, Lucas. Guard it well."

  Danolas, walking just behind her, heard the quiet words and his gut twisted. She sounded so lonely, almost the way he'd felt before Kira had come and brought the others into his life. Even though he still longed for a mate of his own, he knew until she was found, Kira and the others would fill that ache in his heart. If not completely, at least to where his loneliness was kept at bay. But what did Brianna do?

  Now he understood the small comments she'd made about the company. She had no one, so it was no wonder she'd loved the attention the Chosen lavished on her. And he'd been jealous. Danolas shook his head. He wanted to kick himself for the comments he'd made to her when she'd been given to him by Aebh. He'd inferred she was no longer wanted by the High Priestess, and he knew her well enough now to realize that probably crushed her. If Aebh was all she had, no wonder she'd looked so shocked and hurt. At the time he'd been so angry with her, he hadn't cared, but now ... he couldn't bear the thought of hurting her.

  "Are you glad to be back?” he asked.

  Brianna's back stiffened, and she didn't turn around as she started up the wide steps to the entrance of the castle proper. “As I said ... ‘tis my home."

  "This is your home no longer. You have another Society now,” he said, uncaring of how it sounded. Something inside him needed her to understand that salient point.

  Her chin lifted. “This will always be my real home."

  Before he could argue with her, he heard a glad cry from in front of him. Looking up, he saw Kira appear at the top of the steps, her pale hair shining in the sun. She was tanned, and as beautiful as ever. Gallegar followed close behind, looking more relaxed than Danolas had ever seen him.

  "Oh! You are here!” Kira shouted happily, and flew down the steps into Lucas’ waiting arms. She burst into tears as the wolfman swept her up and held her tightly. “I have been waiting and waiting for you. I thought you would never arrive."

  "Honey!” Lucas growled. “It's been too damn long!” He handed her off to Koran who made her squeal as he whirled her around. The wolfman grabbed Gallegar's hand for a hearty shake, before laughing and hugging the vampire too. “It's good to see both of you!"

  "The month was long without friends,” Gallegar replied.

  "I'll bet you managed just fine,” joked Benjamin, kissing Kira soundly and wringing Gallegar's hand in greeting. “Did you even get out of bed?"

  "Benjamin!” Kira giggled and slapped his arm. “I will have you know we have done quite a bit of sightseeing. We have not spent all the time in bed."

  "Just most of it,” Gallegar put in with a satisfied smile. He kissed his bride's forehead as she pretended to glare at him. “It has been a wonderful honeymoon."

  Patrick looked Kira over with a critical eye. “Looks like you've been out in the sun. Lost that whole moonlit look.” He grinned. “I like it."

  "As do I,” Koran agreed. “Now she looks even more as my sister would."

  Danolas had to laugh. “I don't see Gallegar is any more tanned."

  The vampire's sensuous mouth quirked at the corner. “I still do not tan, my brother. But I must admit the sun feels good on my skin."

  "Wait!” Kira's command had them all going very still. “I've been practicing this.” She cleared her throat. “I welcome you on behalf of the Galway Society of Witches and their High Priestess. One hundred thousand welcomes. Cead mile failte romhat."

  Danolas hid a smile at her mangling of the Gaelic language. Bowing low, he smiled at Kira. “I thank you on behalf of the Chosen and their company.” He grinned up at Gallegar as he publicly relinquished the reins of authority. “And I give it all back to you, gladly, Leader of the Chosen."

  Lucas snickered, as Gallegar lifted a dark brow. “In such a rush. Were things so difficult for you, High Priest?"

  "You have no idea,” Danolas replied with feeling. “I'm happier being the seer. That is where my true talent lies."

  "Don't let him kid ya.” Benjamin pounded the witch on the back, making Danolas stumble. “He did a fine job. Have we got some things to tell you!"

  Kira noticed Brianna standing off to the side, quietly watching the reunion. The longing in the young witch's eyes made Kira's compassionate heart ache. Walking over, she enfolded the shorter woman in her arms. “It is wonderful to see you, Brianna. I have missed you very much.” She sent a tight mind-beam to Gallegar, who joined them immediately. The others followed, thereby making Brianna part of the little gathering.

  Gallegar smiled at his mate, knowing her heart. He kissed Brianna's rosy cheek. “Welcome home, little sister."

  Tears filled Brianna's eyes. “Thanks. I ... uh...” She sniffed. “I missed you, too. Seems odd since I only knew you the one day, but ... there it is."

  Kira turned to Danolas, noting the expression in his eyes as he gazed at the other witch. “You have told me much about this castle and you were right. It is wonderful.” She turned back to Brianna. “You are lucky to have grown up in such a beautiful place."

  Brianna smiled, appreciating the Peacekeeper's friendliness. “Is it so different than where you were raised?” There was a pregnant silence and her stomach sank when she saw the men's expressions. “I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I've gone and stepped in it again, haven't I?"

  Kira blinked as she tried to understand the words, then smiled. “No, Brianna. You have said nothing wrong. We need to get to know each other better, that is all. I think you and I will have to have a cup of tea together.” She looked at the Chosen. “It is a custom here I very much enjoy."

  "What she enjoys are the scones,” Gallegar added in amusement. “Especially, if they have strawberry preserves on them."

  Everyone laughed and the tension broke, but Brianna still felt uncomfortable. “I should go make my greetings to Aebh. I will find out where she would like all of you to be."

  Kira gasped. “I am sorry, Brianna. Seeing everyone completely put it out of my head. Aebh will be gone until tomorrow afternoon. Something about a healing needing to be done in ... Cliffdale?"

  "Cliffden,” Gallegar corrected. He looked at Brianna. “She has shown us where everyone is to sleep. If you would like to go say hello to anyone, we can take it from here."

  Brianna's heart hurt. Pushed out again. Aebh wasn't even here for her to talk to. She'd been looking forward to laying her head in her mentor's lap and sobbing out all her pain. She wanted everything to get back to normal, and now she would have to wait another day before that could even begin to happen.

  Feeling superfluous, she nodded. Gallegar and Kira seemed to have everything under control, and now that the company was together, she was no longer needed or wanted. “Thank you,” she said tightly. “I'll get out of your way, then."

  "Brianna—” the vampire began, but she'd already turned and sped away down some steps beneath the castle. He turned troubled eyes on Danolas. “I didn't mean she had to leave. I think I may have hurt her feelings."

  Danolas shook his head. “No. It's not you who has hurt her.” Making up his mind, he started after Brianna. “I'll find my room later."

  "I'll take your luggage in,” offered Lucas. The wolfman picked up a bag in one hand and grabbed Kira's hand in his other. “If it's got a bed that isn't moving, and there is a kitchen that serves more than TV dinners, I'm going to marry Aebh and stay here forever."

  Chapter 8

  Danolas followed Brianna down the cool stone steps beneath the castle. He could hear the sound of water splashing around him and knew she was heading not for the sea, as he'd first expected, but for the moat. Since he'd spent time himself in the quiet underground tunnels, he understood the draw for someone who wanted to be alone.

  He sighed. The situation with Brianna was getting more and more complicated. Danolas knew he'd hurt her by ignoring what had happened between them. And he didn't like himself much for it either. He felt like he was fighting a war between his attraction to the younger witch, and the knowledge she wasn't someone he should be attracted to. All the same reasons still applied, but wh
en he woke up at night with his body aching in memory of how she'd felt in his arms, it was all he could do not to join her in her Loft bedroom.

  Staying busy helped a little, and making arrangements to come to Ireland to decide what to do about the Sceptre, gave him something else to worry about. But, in the stillness of night, when he slept alone in his bed, she was there with him in his dreams. Her soft naked body, pressing against his, as she teased and tormented him into losing control again. He'd take her hard and fast, just as he had the first time. Then, right in the middle of the lovemaking, he'd jerk awake, his heart pounding so hard it hurt and his cock throbbing painfully.

  At times, he thought he would just take what was offered. A no-strings relationship with great sex to be had by them both. But he wasn't a stupid man. He cared about Brianna, more than he wanted to, and making love to her and then walking away wouldn't be easy to do. He'd already proved that. He wanted her now more than before he touched her.

  But ... she wasn't for him and knowing it was tearing him apart. There was a part of him that wished it was different. That she was more of the woman he needed her to be. But he wouldn't ask her to change. That would be selfish of him, especially with the vision of his true mate dancing in his mind's eye. To ask Brianna to be different, knowing he would have to leave her some day wouldn't be fair. He'd made a mistake in making love to her the first time, and now they both suffered for it.

  Firming his jaw, he ducked under a low hanging stone. He would have to be strong, but it didn't mean he had to ignore her all together. Lately, he was beginning to see they had more in common than he'd originally thought and even though she drove him crazy sometimes, he did admire her free spirit attitude and openness. Maybe ... just maybe, they could be friends.

  He could hear water splashing as he came around the final corner into the grotto under the castle. His face split into a wide grin when he saw Brianna with her arms around a large lizard that lay on the water's edge.


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