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Inner Demons

Page 16

by Amanda Strong

  “Your precious boyfriend convinced me there was a bug,” Blake said through a tight jaw. “And despite what he told you, bugs are not defenders of truth. They’re killers that the Germans developed in the hopes of making super soldiers. Kory injected Jaxon, my brother, with the DNA of the last bug killed. But the one thing Kory hadn’t counted on was Jaxon being out of even his control. So he hatched a scheme that sent me after my own brother.”

  My sister’s blank stare relayed her ignorance. “I don’t understand.”

  “What don’t you understand? That Kory lied? Or that he’s not the man you thought he was?” I sarcastically asked. “Kory’s the real monster if you ask me.”

  “If that were true, why did Sammy go along with it then?” Jocelyn countered, seeming to have recovered from her moment of uncertainty. I stared at her, the memory of the padded envelope mocking me. “Why would Kory want to kill one of his Defenders? He’s been so careful to develop them. He’s had a team of experts helping him get it right.”

  “Guess we know who that team was now,” Blake said to me. He glanced back at my sister and asked, “What do you mean by Sammy went along with it?”

  “When I explained everything to Sammy—about the Dragon Defenders, how they’re necessary to keep the world safe from the future that’s coming whether or not we like it, she suddenly changed her mind. She said she could appreciate what Kory was trying to do. She told me to give her an hour and she’d bring me what I needed. After that, she left.”

  “Let me guess, she came back and gave you a vial in a padded envelope,” I muttered.

  My sister nodded, and another piece of the puzzle fell into place.

  Chapter 27

  By the way my sister began fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, her eyes darting to her alarm clock, I knew the appointed meeting time was almost there. Even though I probably had another hundred questions to ask her, they could wait. This was a golden opportunity, and I wasn’t about to miss it.

  “So you gave Kory my blood sample and then what? Why haven’t you been transformed yet? What’s Kory waiting for now?” I asked.

  Jocelyn bit her lip. “He’s wanted to… He just got so busy with his Defenders. You see, when I told him what I’d done to convince Sammy to give it to me, he’d said I was a genius. That the entire world would be grateful to me, for my vision of the future. He said he had to hurry back and start using the sample right away. That it couldn’t wait. But he promised me that as soon as everything was working right, he’d take me to see the Defenders, and then he’d change me. It’d be safer that way.”

  I folded my arms. “So you haven’t seen him since? He just took the sample and left you?”

  “No, he hasn’t left me.” She huffed. “He’s been here several times.”

  “So how are you so sure he’s going to ever make good on his promise?” Blake asked. The glint in his eye let me know he was trying to bait her.

  “Because he told me the last time he was here that tonight’s the night!” she yelled back at him.

  Bingo! That was all I needed to know. I turned to Blake. “You should take Jocelyn away from here.”

  He stared at me before shaking his head. “No way. I know what you’re thinking, Sam, but it’s too risky.”

  “Blake, it’s perfect! Don’t you see how perfect this is?” I didn’t say more; I didn’t want Jocelyn to know what I could do.

  Jocelyn’s eyes narrowed as she pointed to her door. “I’ve told you everything I know. So you both better go now!”

  My gaze pleaded with Blake, who still looked like he wanted to argue. Running his hands through his hair, he grumbled something under his breath.

  “I hope you know what you’re up against,” he said with an exhale. In an instant, he was sweeping me up in his arms, kissing my mouth soundly. The next, he grabbed hold of Jocelyn’s body, leaving through the window so fast that all I heard was one stifled yelp from my sister.

  Just like that, I was alone in my sister’s room. I didn’t waste time, transforming into the exact replica. I glanced down at the shirt Jocelyn had been tugging at just moments before. The only thing left to do was to decide how Jocelyn would act around Kory.

  Opting for confident, I squared my shoulders and waited. It only took moments until I could make out mint and musky cologne in the air. Wow, we cut that close.

  Making the rash decision to pretend to be Jocelyn had been easy; now the reality of it crashed down on me as questions of how to act like my sister barraged me. Starting with should I go open the window? Should I be the forward one, trying to touch Kory while invisible? Or do I wait until he appears and act surprised he’s already in my room? Jocelyn wouldn’t be able to detect his scent after all….

  Luckily, my bedroom window opened and Kory appeared almost simultaneously as he climbed through. My stomach dropped to my toes as I remembered Kory and Jocelyn were not just friends, they were together.

  He didn’t waste time, closing the distance between us. I had to force my legs to move toward him, plastering a smile across my face. Really, I wanted to knock him to the ground and beat the tar out of his white teeth. How could he trick my sister like this! Jocelyn was only his latest victim. I wanted to kill him for what he’d done to Jaxon and Blake. Tearing two brothers apart, destroying Jaxon’s life.

  I swallowed back my rage, trying not to tremble under the hands that reached for me. Unfortunately, being in Jocelyn’s form didn’t act as a buffer for how Kory’s arms wrapped around me made my skin crawl. I knew I would lose it if he tried to kiss me.

  “I’ve missed you,” Kory whispered into my ear. He dropped his lips to my collarbone. Inhaling deeply, he murmured, “Mm… you always smell so good.”

  I forced the words to come out. “I’ve missed you too.”

  He planted light kisses along the base of my neck, working his way up to my jaw.

  I can’t do this! my mind screamed. I pushed him back a little. “Kory, you promised me tonight was the night,” I said, forcing what I hoped looked like a flirty grin.

  Even as I said the words, I realized I hadn’t thought the other part of that equation out. Would I actually let Kory inject me? There was no telling what he had concocted for my sister. The object of this charade was to find out where the bugs were being kept. That was it. It wasn’t to become another science experiment.

  “I know I did.” His brown eyes didn’t leave my face. For a moment, we just stared at each other.

  Panicked he wasn’t buying my act, I leaned in and forced myself to plant a few light kisses on his cheek. “Sorry, I just can’t wait to finally be like you. I want to be on your side when the world changes.”

  I felt Kory’s body relax with my last words. He pulled me back into his arms, tightly squeezing me. “There’s nothing I’d like more.” Hating every moment he touched me, I was relieved when he let me go.

  Glancing around my room, he asked, “So did you get everything prepared like I asked you to?”

  Sure hope so. I bit my lip. Figuring my sister would have done everything for this night to be right, I said with confidence, “Yes.”

  “Perfect,” Kory said, moving toward the small carry-on leaning against my sister’s dresser. He picked it up, adjusting the strap to be longer. “Then it looks like there’s nothing keeping us from leaving. Are you ready to go?”

  I nodded, trying to act eager and excited. Really, I felt like a buffoon smiling back at him. He must have attributed my odd behavior to nerves because his gaze softened as he drew nearer to me.

  “Don’t worry. It will be like when I flew you over the lakes. Only this time, the ride will be longer. Just relax and let me do the rest, okay?” The way his eyes swept up and down my body, I couldn’t help the quick glance down to make sure I was still my sister.

  “Okay, sounds good,” I said, relieved to see I hadn’t changed back. Looking up, I caught Kory’s arched brow. Maybe Jocelyn would have said something different. He recovered quickly from whatever he’d been th
inking, slinging my bag over his shoulder. The carry-on wasn’t exactly made to hang around someone’s neck, but it didn’t seem to bother Kory to have the luggage banging against his hip.

  I took a step closer to him. I’d had Blake carry me enough times to know he would probably hold me like a bride being carried over the threshold. I wrapped my hands around the base of his neck, more of a gesture to get going, but Kory didn’t lift me up.

  Instead, he cupped my face with his fingers. “Thank you for being patient with me, Jocelyn. I know it’s been hard waiting. I want you to know how much I appreciate you believing in me. In my vision for the future.”

  I could only stare at him, conflicted on so many levels. For that split second, I truly believed Kory had feelings for my sister, and that maybe deep down, he really believed his actions were justified by some greater good he envisioned for the future.

  On the other hand, I still wanted to beat the tar out of him for being such an idiot.

  “You’ve been worth the wait, Kory.” The words tasted foul coming out of my mouth. “I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you forever.”

  I must have said the right thing because Kory closed the gap between us, kissing my mouth hard enough that I staggered back. Instantly, his arms snaked around me, pressing our bodies close, keeping me from falling. I realized he was airborne when we were both horizontal, with nothing below me. Who needs a bed when you’ve got wings? It took all of my willpower to not let my own wings rescue me from the desperate situation I’d thrown myself into. One thing I did know for certain, my sister would have no qualms about this scenario going too far.

  Crap! I racked my brain for a plausible reason to halt his progress, his hands moving with confidence around my body.

  “Kory,” I blurted. “Why don’t we get out of here first? My dad has gotten all paranoid lately. You should’ve seen the way he grilled Krista the other day because he thought she’d had a guy in her room.”

  Kory grunted, setting me back down on the ground. “Honestly,” he said, catching his breath. “I don’t know why you still live at home. Such a hassle.”

  I grinned up at him. “I won’t be for much longer.”

  He smiled back at me. “True.” Finally, he swept me up in his arms. “You’re right. Let’s go somewhere a little more private.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning into his chest, commanding myself to look pleased about it.

  “And I know just the place,” he added with a wink. “But first, you’re going to need a jacket.”

  Chapter 28

  It didn’t take long for me to be inwardly cursing the fact Kory had insisted I bundle up as if I were going sledding. For whatever reason, Dragon Fae didn’t seem to feel the weather around them as much, which most of the time proved convenient. I tried to ignore the sweat dripping into my eyes, smashing my face against Kory’s chest to wipe it away. Misinterpreting my gesture, he pulled me even closer, probably trying to warm me up. Just what I need. More warmth.

  We’d been flying for over three hours now. I’d seen enough to know we’d passed over California and were now somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Past Tonbo’s Islands.

  I tried to take in every detail I could. Unfortunately, with miles and miles of dark, swelling water below us, there wasn’t much in the way of land markers.

  “Kory,” I said, tipping my chin up so my lips were against his cheek. I knew it was the only way to get his attention. The roar of the air passing around us made hearing one another difficult.

  He immediately slowed down, tilting his head to make eye contact.

  “How far are we going?” I asked, purposely keeping it vague.

  “Another three hours to the halfway point. We’ll stop and rest there.”

  Another three hours is only halfway there? I hadn’t counted on his secret base being quite so far away. Six straight hours of being stuck in the same position was going to drive me crazy.

  “Oh. That much further?” I asked. Calculating the distance we’d already covered, I added, “I’m no expert on geography, but it feels like we should be hitting Hawaii soon.” I gave him the best flirtatious smile I could muster, “I wouldn’t mind stopping there.”

  “Today’s your lucky day then, my love.” I cringed at the term of endearment. “Because I just so happen to know a great place for breakfast on the island of Kauai.”

  So Hawaii is the halfway point. Good to know.

  Concern flooded his eyes as he peered down at me. “Are you comfortable enough? Want me to carry you differently?” he asked.

  I wanted to say I was fine, but my legs were asleep and my lower back ached. I’d give anything to straighten out my knees. “I’m okay; you’re the one I’m worried about. How are you carrying me this long? You don’t even seem winded.”

  “Don’t worry, you weigh nothing to me.”

  Gag me. I was sure that comment probably made Jocelyn go all giddy. I forced a laugh.

  “Here,” he said, letting go of my knees. Instantly, my legs whipped out below me. I yelped in surprise as panic gripped me. Not because I feared falling, more from feeling my wings itching to save me.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Kory said, pulling me in against his body. Even though it felt wonderful to stretch my legs, being face to face with him was not ideal.

  “That better?” he asked.

  Hoping to avoid further eye contact, I ducked my head against his chest. “Yes, thank you.” Really, it was so much worse.

  I hated to admit to myself, that one thing was for certain. From what I’d seen so far, Kory did seem to care for my sister. I didn’t know if I should be comforted by the fact, or disturbed.

  * * *


  * * *

  I wanted to lose myself in the way the moonbeams danced off the water, bathing the white sand in a surreal glow. I could see why Hawaii was the destination of lovers, and the island of Kauai was no exception. Exhausted from almost seven hours of flight, I stretched my legs into the cool sand, loving how it felt on my bare toes. I’d stripped off my winter coat and rolled my pant legs up, wanting to enjoy the night air on my skin. The soothing sound of water lapping against the beach was almost enough to block out the guy sprawled out next to me. Almost.

  I glanced down to see his chest was still heaving from catching his breath. As soon as we landed, Kory had crashed down, at first making to pull me down next to him. I’d quickly made the excuse of him needing to rest and that I wanted to see the beach for a minute. He must have bought it, or maybe he was too wiped out to argue. With his arm draped over his eyes, his breathing settling down, I supposed I should feel some remorse he had to carry me the entire way.

  I felt only a smug satisfaction. Still, seeing his body stretched out next to me, his wings twitching as he rested, I had to admit that Kory wasn’t unattractive. Even though I hadn’t given him much thought over the years, I knew my friend, Jen, was still obsessed with him. What would she give to trade places with me now? Not to mention, my super picky sister. She can have any guy in Colorado for crying out loud, and she picked Kory? It didn’t matter that Kory’s features were handsome; his actions repulsed me. His personal agenda made it hard to sit next to him and act as if I were in heaven.

  I felt a heavy hand land on my thigh; it took all my willpower not to fling it off me. Why didn’t I think this through better? In the split second I’d taken to hatch my plan, I hadn’t processed what these scenarios would be like. I figured I’d discover where the base was, make my escape when Kory wasn’t looking, and get back to Blake with vital information. But now… I’m stuck on an island over three thousand miles off the coast of California, and we are only halfway there! And every minute it takes for us to get there, I have to pretend to be in love with this creep!

  I groaned inwardly as Kory slowly sat up, pulling me into his arms as he did.

  “Sorry about that; I just needed a second to recharge,” he murmured, kissing my neck. />
  “I didn’t mind. Just sorry you had to lug me here,” I said, swallowing the bile creeping up my throat. My pulse was racing, my mind working hard to find some way to escape his hold.

  “I’m happy to carry you,” he said, his lips working their way behind my ear. “I love everything about your body.”

  Ugh. “Well, you won’t have to carry me much longer,” I said, purposely trying to break up his kisses. He’d made his way to my jawline, his lips making their way to my mouth. I’m going to die!

  To my surprise, he sat back a little. “True,” he said. Scratching the faint stubble at his chin, he added, “Hey, about that.”

  His tone warranted me sitting back a little too. Sounds like he’s about to stall some more.

  “Mind if we go see the Defenders first?” he asked. “Before I change you?”

  “No, not at all,” I said, probably too quickly. That would be perfect!

  He glanced over at me, a question forming on his lips. Realizing Jocelyn might have made a stink about waiting any longer, I added with a forced laugh, “I guess I’m a little nervous about the whole shots thing, so I don’t mind seeing your operation first. Besides, I want to know how Sammy’s blood helped you out.”

  His shoulders relaxed a bit as he chuckled. “You and needles. I promise you won’t feel a thing. I have everything prepped for you.”

  “Thank you for making it easier for me. So… should we get going?”

  His eyes widened. “What? Now?”

  I nodded and he shook his head, laughing at me. “I’m still part human, Jocelyn. I need a few hours of sleep before I fly another seven. Besides, it’s after one AM. Aren’t you a little bit tired?”

  “Yeah, I guess I am. I’ve just waited for this day for so long. I don’t want to waste any more time.” My words rushed out.

  “Well, time’s the one thing we have more than enough of now,” he drawled out, pulling me back into his arms. “I made sure everything will be perfect for you. Besides, your mom’s so thrilled with the modeling gig I got you in LA that she shouldn’t bat an eye when we tell her your week trip turned into a longer opportunity. We don’t have to rush this.”


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