Inner Demons

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Inner Demons Page 27

by Amanda Strong

  Blake shook his head with a look of disbelief. “Glad to see we are finally fighting on the same team, Jaxon.” To Kate, his expression darkened. “I don’t understand all that’s happening right now, but once we stop the genocide, you and…” His eyes flicked toward me. “Well, you better explain to Sam and me what the blue blazes is going on.”

  “I think Sam knows more than me at this point,” Kate said sharply. It was clear by the way she stressed my name that she didn’t think I was even around anymore.

  To me, Kate leaned closer. “Sammy, I thought the plan was for Jaxon to lead the Defenders out of here. Take them somewhere safe until we can convince Tonbo not to kill them. Why are you the queen?”

  Yeah, Sammy, why are we the queen, huh? You owe me that much too! I demanded. I had no idea what to say to Kate, who was waiting for an answer. I wanted to shout, Stop calling me Sammy!

  But instead, I said, “Kate, calm down. It was the only way Tonbo won’t hunt down Jaxon and the Defenders. You think Tonbo will stop just because one Defender is in charge of all of them? Tonbo doesn’t see them as human anymore at all. He won’t stop hunting until they are all dead, just like he did before. But maybe if I can show him I can control them, maybe he will show mercy.”

  For as much I was dying to have Sammy’s side of everything out in the open, her taking over, saying what she wanted to say, was straight creepy. I felt a total loss of self. One glance at Blake showed me how far gone I really was. He was searching my eyes, pain etched across his forehead in worried lines.

  I reached out to him, wanting to comfort him, to let him know he hadn’t lost me, but instead, my words rang out. “Look, I’m done explaining things. We have to act now.”

  * * *


  * * *

  I’d thought the container would be more like the Knightley’s barn, large enough to house a few toys, maybe even an RV, but the long, rectangular building looked more like an abandoned plant or warehouse. With no windows, a flat roof, and an enormous sliding door in the front, I could only wonder what in the world Tonbo built it for in the first place. I didn’t like that it reminded me of a containment facility, where one might house dangerous chemicals or drums filled with radioactive waste.

  It was as if he built this for the just-in-case scenario. I shook my head as Sammy purred into my thoughts. You aren’t that far off. What did you think Tonbo did with the really naughty dragons, huh?

  I shuddered at both Sammy’s sentiment and the scene before us. We’d switched to camo the moment all talking had ceased. At least, all the outward talking. Sammy had insisted on conversing with me the short distance down to the south tip of the island. Once we caught sight of the container, she’d finally shut up.

  I knew now what she wanted me to do.

  The army was here. We’d taken far too long getting here. Too much time talking. Half of the lumbering, still-hypnotized group was already filing into the white building. Kory and Kalepe were nowhere to be seen, and neither was Mack.

  Thinking of my friend deep inside that horrible, windowless building, I panicked. We’ve got to get him out of there before it’s too late!

  Don’t worry. Tonbo won’t kill Mack, Sammy thought back, but I detected the tiniest bit of worry laced through her words. There’s no time to waste. Time to go.

  I didn’t need to be told twice. This was it. Jaxon was at my side, the heat from his enormous frame radiating out to me. As I glanced over, I detected his silhouette’s outline. I knew he was facing me.

  “Jaxon,” I said in a low voice, “We’ve got to get in there and find Kory and Kalepe. Up till now, the Defenders have treated Kory as their queen because he created them. But he doesn’t have the right pheromones, so sometimes their loyalty has swapped to Kalepe because he’s more like them. We need to get Kory out of the way, and Kalepe on our side. He can help sway the rest of them faster to follow me.”

  Blake was directly behind me, listening, but he wasn’t touching me. Every time I spoke, it only seemed to solidify for us both that Sammy was running the show right now.

  He sucked in air at my instructions. “You can’t go inside. What if Tonbo seals the doors before you get back out? Can’t you just call to the Defenders from out here?”

  I turned around, facing him. His warm, amber scent made my heart ache with a sad longing. I touched his face, my fingers cupping his cheek. He leaned into them, his hands wrapping around mine, clutching as if he were afraid I’d let go. I wanted to promise him everything would be fine, that Sammy knew what she was doing, but I couldn’t shake the feeling I was somehow saying goodbye to him.

  My hand withdrew too quickly, and I felt him stiffen in surprise. “Blake. I need you to stop Tonbo from gassing us. Do whatever it takes. I can hold my breath for a very long time… and so can the rest of the Defenders, but if we are sealed into that building, at some point, we are going to need to breathe.”

  Blake shifted back. Even without seeing him, I could feel the tension rolling over him.

  I berated Sammy. Stop it! Just let me be myself with Blake! He’s hurting!

  Sammy shouted right back at me. There will be time for that later! I need you to stay focused. Honestly, you’re a mess of hormones right now!

  The power struggle between us was pushed to the side because Kate was grabbing my arm, gasping. “Look! They’re all almost inside!”

  She was right. There weren’t as many Defenders left anymore.

  There were no more arguments. We took off, holding on to one another’s hands once more, trying to block out the Irukas’ song. It had faded since they remained at the shoreline, singing up the beach, guiding the Defenders to their own death sentence. Even still, the pull to do what they asked in their lyrical tones was hard to ignore.

  Yes… let’s go inside. We’ll find peace in there…

  Really? Sammy snapped at me.

  I shook my head, trying to clear the haze I was in. Feeling Kate’s hand pull away from me, I thought with smug satisfaction, At least I’m not the only one. I gave her a yank back and we continued on, me holding both Blake and Kate’s hands. Sadly, this time, he didn’t stroke my skin.

  When we got up to the container’s opening, Blake leaned in toward me and whispered, “I’m not giving up on you, Sam. I love you.” He pressed his lips against my forehead, and then he was gone before I even had time to respond.

  I felt his absence, the loss of his strength next to me. I wanted to fly after him, tell him how desperately I loved him too. How my life was empty without him, but it was too late. He was gone, and even with Kate and Jaxon flanking my sides, I’d never felt more alone. Sammy knew what to do, not me. I was scared. Terrified. The Defenders should want to protect me, not kill me, but what about the bugs who hadn’t gotten the latest injections? Where were they? Had they succumbed to the Irukas singing? Were they inside too?

  I bit my lip, my resolve slipping. Then I felt it. A warmness settling around my chest, stilling my breathing, focusing my vision.

  Sam. Don’t be afraid. We’ve got this.

  I squared my shoulders, Sammy’s strength filling me with new courage, and I dove inside the white building, Jaxon and Kate following after me.

  Chapter 49

  It was chaos inside. The further back we moved, the more the Irukas’ influence had faded. Defenders were disoriented, restless, and looking for answers. The building we were in offered little to clue them in as to where they were and what they were doing—cement floors, plain metal walls, and track lighting. I noticed there were way too many overhead sprinklers in place in case of a fire. My stomach sickened.

  This is really made for gassing people, isn’t it? I asked Sammy, not really wanting to know the answer. We were weaving toward the back as fast as we could. The volume of complaints seemed to be greatest in the rear. I couldn’t help but notice the way Defenders stared after us as we shot past. We remained in camo, but I got the feeling they could see us anyway.

  Yes. I
t was a huge mistake confiding in Tonbo. I’d hoped he’d see the opportunity in fixing what Kory started. Instead, he told me what he’d do if he found them.

  Put them in here? Did he build this for that very reason then?

  No, he already had this as a precaution. Dragon Fae’s have their enemies. Usually themselves, sadly.

  I wanted to ask her so much more, but we’d found the source of the biggest commotion.

  Kory. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair slicked back, probably from the amount of times he’d run his hands through his hair.

  “What the hell!” he shouted at no in particular. Then to Kalepe, he threw his arms up. “Why is nobody moving? Let’s get out of here!”

  Kalepe didn’t respond to Kory’s urges. Instead, he turned to face me. I didn’t shy away from his pointed stare.

  He can see us, I told Sammy.

  I know. Ditch the camo. It’s time. I did as I was told, and a collective gasp followed.

  Kory’s eyes bulged, his mouth stuttering, “Impossible!” He shot a dirty look at Kalepe. “What’s she doing here? I told you to end her!”

  Kalepe’s black eyes darted back and forth between Kory and me, panic written all over them. My heart swelled; he had disobeyed Kory’s orders to save me. His sense of right and wrong solidified what we were fighting for.

  I took a step forward, Jaxon and Kate, still invisible, moving with me. “Kalepe,” I called out. “You felt the need to protect me, didn’t you?”

  He didn’t answer, just shifted his weight. Kory folded his arms and scowled at me. “You shouldn’t be alive.”

  “Funny,” I said, moving even closer. Kalepe’s eyes widened. “I thought you were dying to talk to me. I mean, you tortured poor Samantha trying to get to me.”

  Kory gaped. “Sammy? How do I know it’s you and not just Sam pretending?” Even as he said the words, I could see the eagerness in his gaze, the way his eyes raked up and down my frame.

  “Think whatever you want, Kory, I’m not here for you.” I turned toward Kalepe. “I need you to get everyone out of here, now! We’re all in danger!”

  Kalepe shook his head. “No, we have to stay here. They promised us that we’d be safe.”

  Kory growled. “See what’ve I’ve been dealing with? I’ve been trying to get them to budge, but they won’t get out of this damn building!”

  “Clearly, the Irukas’ song is still swaying them,” I muttered.

  “What?” Understanding dawned on Kory. “Is that what happened? Why on earth would they turn on me?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you’ve been experimenting on them,” a voice said from behind me. I whirled around, my heart hammering in my chest.

  “Mack!” I cried out. Despite everything, I threw my arms around him. “You’re okay!”

  “Of course I am.” He returned my embrace, and then rocked back, looking me in the eyes. “Question is—are you? Sam, what are you doing here?”

  I wanted to gush so many things to him. A strange tide of emotions were swirling within, and I had a bad feeling Sammy was about to take full rein of my body by the burning desire I had to plant a kiss on Mack’s lips. But a sudden movement in my peripheral made me jump. Kory was lunging toward us.

  A whoosh of air sent my hair flying as something invisible sent Kory soaring backward. Then in an instant, Kory was dangling, his face turning purple as he grasped what held him by the neck. Jaxon.

  Seeing Kory in danger, Kalepe roared into action, lunging for Jaxon, who’d dropped his camo just as Kalepe and him collided. They all went skidding across the floor, the ground shaking at the impact. Somehow, Jaxon managed to still grasp Kory’s throat with one hand, while blocking Kalepe’s attacks with the other.

  Mack gasped. “Jaxon’s here?”

  Kate appeared, and Mack’s eyes doubled in size. “Kate?” he whispered. His eyes flicked over to me one more time, the question forming. I knew he was dying to ask.

  But he didn’t; he flew straight for Jaxon and Kalepe’s tumbling forms. In all the scuffling, Kory had been dropped and was slinking away. The two fighting monsters were drawing the attention of several other Defenders. Their restlessness was turning into giddy energy, and if we weren’t careful, we were about to ignite a nasty spark none of us would live through.

  Mack tackled Kory from behind, shoving him to the ground.

  “See! This is why Jaxon needed to be the queen,” Kate yelled, throwing her hands up. “Sammy, you better do something or we’re all dead!”

  She’s right. What do I do now?

  Fly, Sam! I did as I was told, flying above the heated frenzy below.

  “Dragon Defenders!” I hollered, with little hope any would hear me. “Listen to me! You’re all in danger!” No one paid me any attention.

  The fighting continued below; Jaxon and Kalepe had now drawn at least a half a dozen Defenders into the fight. The stench of blood was already wafting up to me. I searched out Mack, finding him and Kate both trying to hold on to Kory, but Defenders kept throwing them off. I gasped as one smashed Kate to the ground. She didn’t jump back up.

  Sammy, no one’s listening! They don’t know I’m their queen!

  Get Kalepe and Jaxon to show them! she commanded.

  I dove down. Not stopping to think or plan, I plowed right into Kalepe. I scrambled to get my body sandwiched between them. The punching and clawing ceased immediately, both monsters freezing to keep from hitting me. I pushed them apart, my hand feeling small on their heaving chests.

  “My Queen! Get out of the way!” Jaxon commanded, his eyes still trained on Kalepe.

  “This isn’t your fight!” Kalepe agreed, glaring at Jaxon.

  “Yes, it is. So you’re going to have to kill me to get to each other.”

  Kalepe’s gaze finally shifted to me, and then he slowly lowered his arms. “I can’t kill you.”

  Jaxon shook his head, a frown on his lips. “You know I will never hurt you again, Sam.”

  “Finally, we’re on the same team.” I exhaled the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. “Kalepe, you need to listen. We’re not here to fight you; we’re here to save you. All of you.”

  “She’s right.” Jaxon pointed up to the ceiling, “This place is about to be gassed, and if we don’t leave now, we all die, including Sam. I know you’ve felt the insane desire to protect her, because I feel it too. We need to get this crowd moving, now.”

  I thought there’d be some long explanation on how I was their queen or an argument of why he should trust Jaxon, but instead, Kalepe’s arms wrapped around me. We instantly shot up into the air, Jaxon on our heels.

  As soon as we were high enough, they both let out simultaneous roars that echoed across the room, silencing everything and everyone, leaving my ears ringing and my chest pounding.

  “Defenders!” Kalepe commanded. “Listen to her!” He held me out to them, keeping his hands on the back of my arms.

  “She’s your queen.” Jaxon’s voice carried across the room. “And your rightful leader.”

  Several Defenders shifted where they stood, but none spoke. All black eyes turned upward. This was it, they were ready, and yet, my eyes sought out Kate in that split second, wanting to make sure she was all right. I found her cradled in Mack’s arms as he tried to shield her from further attacks.

  “Dragon Defenders, stop fighting!” I shouted down to them. A murmur rippled through the crowd, and the few Defenders near Mack and Kate stopped and turned to face me.

  Relieved, I continued, “Up till now, you’ve followed Kory, but he’s never been your true leader.” Now the murmuring got louder, mostly around where Kory stood. “Yes, he created you, but he used my DNA to do it. My blood runs through your veins, and I know if you stop long enough, you can feel it.”

  Chapter 50

  Kory swore every cuss word I thought I knew, and then some. “Why are you listening to her?” he demanded as a few Defenders stepped away from him. “She’s nothing to you! I’m the one w
ho gave you this life, me, not her!”

  I shot Kory a withering look. “You may have been the one pressing the needle to their skin, but they are a part of me, not you.” My eyes swept the room. “I can show you how magnificent you really are. I’m the only one who can replace the void you have within you.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end at my own words. I caught Mack’s pale face from below, his eyes wide.

  “The Irukas have tricked you into coming here; it’s a trap,” I continued. “If you want to live, you need to follow me now and leave this place.” With that, I shot forward, flying through the air freely until about a hundred monstrous Defenders joined me.

  Jaxon and Kalepe flanked my sides, and I could only pray Mack had scooped Kate up and was following us all out. The doors were open, for now. Whatever tactics Blake was using with Tonbo must be working.

  No one pushed or shoved. Everyone flew in unity with the strength of an army. The air whipped around us from the force of so many monstrous wings flapping at once. Some deep part of me stirred at the sight of them. They are majestic, I relented. Even if they are bugs.

  The Defenders who’d been in the rear were already out the door. I could taste the freedom, the victory. I can’t believe this all worked! And with no real bloodshed either! Everyone’s in one piece…

  I’d thought it too soon—horrible growling sounds made my blood turn cold. Within seconds, a group of Defenders came crashing into Jaxon, Kalepe, and me. They’d been in the corner… waiting for me to come near. Seeing the bloodthirst in their eyes, I had no doubts as to where the twenty unchanged Defenders had gone. The ones that had kept me up all night with their claws trying to reach me through the bars. They’d been here, with the rest, only they hadn’t been given my DNA. They had no desire to protect or defend me, so while I gave my speech about being one with them, they must have waited, stalking me from the shadows.

  Kalepe and Jaxon reacted immediately, buffering the attacks while shoving me behind their backs. Every other Defender near us jumped into the fight as well. Stunned, I watched in shock and horror as Kalepe didn’t hesitate to rip one of his ‘friends’ in half with his claws.


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