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Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru

Page 5

by Marshall Masters

  “Then can I take it that you're a Jew?"

  De Bono frowned. “No doubt you're referring to the ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?’”

  “Well, yes."

  “No I am not a Jew, and as to that document, let me inform you of something you'll come to understand in greater detail later on. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ was a hoax, a decoy, written, crafted, by us to deflect investigators by playing upon their anti-Semitic prejudices to divert their attention towards the Jews instead. At the time that document was published, the world already knew about us, and the investigations at that time had become a serious threat. Simply put, we were in danger, and we desperately needed a convenient scapegoat. In addition, as history has well taught us, the Jews have always made superb scapegoats. We just simply played to history to save ourselves."

  Johnston sighed. “Then what have I gotten myself into?"

  De Bono finally smiled. “You're asking the wrong question Senator. Rather, you should be grateful for such a fortunate turn of events. Trust me. It will all make sense in time, and you will look back on this day as a personal turning point of great import in your life."

  “I truly hope so, although I've got to be honest with you. Right now I feel like I've been kicked in the gut by the meanest mule in the corral, if you get my meaning."

  De Bono nodded. “In time, you will find comfort in your decision."

  “I'm counting on that, Secretary General. Now, if I might ask another question."

  “Another personal question."

  “No. Actually, I'm interested in knowing what is in that other envelope."

  De Bono laughed and slapped the table. “Good! You're beginning to think clearly, Senator.” He drew out the second envelope and passed it across the table. Johnston opened it and found a dossier for Anthony Jarman of the Progressive Libertarian Party.

  “Him again."

  “Yes. In a manner of speaking, I believe we've already agreed that this young man is a stone in both of our shoes. Wouldn't you agree?"

  “Yup. He's that, alright."

  “I've read the dossier on him and watched him on televised panels, but I've never met him personally as you have. I'm curious to know what you can tell me."

  Johnston thumbed through the dossier. “Well, you've pretty well covered his current history but what I can see is that you don't know about what makes him tick."

  De Bono rubbed his chin. “This is beginning to sound interesting. Tell me more."

  “Well as you already know, he jumped ship from the Republican Party back in 2008 when he first got wind of the fact that the Republicans and the Democrats were beginning to leaning towards ratification of the UNE treaty."

  “That much I know. I also know that he strongly opposes the UNE."

  “I believe you're wrong on that assumption Secretary General. He is savvy enough to understand that some form of a single world government is inevitable. Therefore, I wouldn't say that he is opposed to the UNE in theory. Rather, he's opposed to those who control it in fact."

  “Then that makes him our enemy."

  “Yes it does.” Johnston closed his eyes for moment as the realization that he was suddenly talking in plural pronouns with a man who had just threatened to exterminate him and his entire family. What a sudden turn! One minute he was on top of the world and then next—he couldn't even hope to know where fate would eventually carry him. “Let me be frank Secretary General. Your Peacekeeper and Homeland Defense policies are grating on the American psyche and driving more voters to his party each day. In time, the Libertarian Party will be large enough to combine their votes with disaffected Republicans and Democrats and they'll break the treaty or force a major restructuring of the UNE. Rest assured of that."

  “And how influential will this Jarman fellow be in that effort?"

  “Let me put it to you this way. Since he switched sides, his strategies and efforts have caused the Progressive Libertarian party ranks to swell by half again as much."

  “Yet he holds no official position within the party."

  “Not him,” Johnston sighed. “He's definitely the voice behind the throne type and always will be."

  “Then you think he can be easily bought or bribed?"

  “That's where you're missing the boat. You don't know what makes him tick. If you knew his early history before he got into politics, you'd know he's the principled sort."

  “So what is it that I do not know?” Actually, De Bono knew a great deal about Jarman, far more than he had revealed. Yet, he knew his own intelligence had a few blank spots as well. With luck, he could pry the answers to some of those nagging blank spots from Johnston without tipping his hand prematurely.

  “Well, that begins back in his childhood. He was raised in a quaint, little town called Kerrville, Texas south of Austin. Kerrville is a white flight community for affluent yuppies, who've blended in with the local ranchers and farmers and built what many consider to be the best public schools in Texas. Jarman's father was successful mortgage broker, but his mother was a former mayor of Kerrville and heavily involved in state and local politics. That is where Jarman learned his craft. On his mother's knees if you will. At twelve, the boy was out canvassing neighborhoods and planning events. A somewhat precocious child, he did show a marked brilliance early on and demonstrated remarkable public speaking skills. As I recall, he was the oldest of three siblings, which probably contributed to his heightened sense of responsibility I suppose."

  “But then there was that terrible accident. My details on that are rather sketchy,” De Bono admitted. The fact was that an undisclosed, high-ranking official had permanently sealed all information regarding Jarman prior to his eighteenth birthday in the American government. Despite Yvette's many efforts, she had never been able to get a copy of those records.

  “Well, there, I had a little luck,” Johnston volunteered. One of my campaign workers had the luck to bed Jarman several times. From what she pieced together from him and those who know, a cruel turn of events happened to him while he was a 15-year old sophomore in High School. Apparently, he was an ungainly kid when it came to girls and couldn't find a date for prom night so his family decided to take a 4-day trip to Galveston as a diversion. Three days before the family was scheduled to leave, a young gal he had a crush on was dumped by her boyfriend and Jarman became her Plan B if you will."

  “Oh, now this is getting interesting, please go on."

  Johnston nodded solemnly, “As the story has it, he talked his parents into leaving a day later so he could take this gal to the prom. That evening, as he was being used as a decoy for a young girl bent on making her former boyfriend jealous, his family went out for dinner at a restaurant in Austin. Keep in mind, the road from Austin to Kerrville is windy and a bit dangerous, or so I've been told. Anyway, a drunk in a large SUV swerved across the center line and hit them head-on and killed Jarman's entire family.” Johnston snapped his fingers and said, “Just like that!"

  “Most unfortunate. What happened to the drunk?"

  “He survived and is still doing time in prison. Seems he had long history of drunk driving arrests, not that such things ever seem to slow these people down anyway. Later that evening when the girl's parents drove Jarman home from the prom, a sheriff's deputy was waiting for him to give him the bad news. Since he had no other family, Jarman had to identify the bodies and then wound up in an orphanage called Hillview in Austin till he turned 18. As for the girl, she died of a drug overdose two years later. Guilt most likely drove her to it. Damn shame how one stupid drunk can ruin two perfectly fine families."

  “Yes, a pity. Please continue."

  “Well, his parent's had left him a sizable estate along with the proceeds of the life insurance, litigation and so forth and he enrolled as a political science major at Texas A ge Station where he eventually got his Masters degree. A damn fine school if you ask me."

  De Bono pensively tapped his fingers on the table. “But what di
d this experience do to him? That is what really interests me."

  “Well, that's pretty easy to sum up. If you meet the guy, he's an affable character with a dry Texas wit, but what the ladies say about him is even more revealing. Even my gal said the same thing. Get past all the gracious behavior and he's nothing more than an unaffectionate, cold fish—but not just with ladies either. He never lets anyone get close to him, even his fraternity chums at A he could swill beer with the best of them. As I hear tell it, the Sigma's nicknamed him Spock because he reminded them of the Star Trek character."

  “So did he get average grades and hop from one sorority girl's bed to another?"

  Johnston chuckled, sensing that he finally had come upon something of real interest. “Now, there is the quirky part. Yes, he bedded a few sorority babes, but he quickly settled into a long-time affair with a rather attractive divorcee by the name of Roxanne LeBlanc, a local bank manager as I'm told. A real looker as we like to say. He mainly slept with her all the way from his first year till he finally got his Masters degree. After that, she mysteriously disappeared, but rumor has it she was buying EPT kits in the local drug store for a few months before they parted and most folks guess she got pregnant by him. If she did, he sure doesn't know it."

  De Bono smiled. Knowing the answer, he asked, “So do you think she got an abortion or did she have the child?"

  “We checked the local abortion mills, and nothing turned up. My guess is that she left town, went to ground and had the kid without ever telling him."

  “And what was her name again?"

  “Roxanne LeBlanc and I really can't tell you more than that."

  De Bono brushed his finger along the bottom of his jaw. “You've given me two very useful bits of information about this Jarman fellow. First, I had no idea that he had consulted with Senator Chavez while he was consulting for the Republican Party and that his strategy won the election for her. We cannot afford to underestimate this man.” Both admissions were outright lies, but the real goal was to give Johnston a sense of value.

  “I'm here to shout about one Secretary General. He's a hand full and damn dangerous if he's got you in his political sights."

  “And obviously he does, if what you say about his feelings towards those of us who run the UNE is true, of which I have no doubt. This then leaves us to dealing with him before he becomes an even greater threat. Perhaps, this Roxanne LeBlanc pregnancy angle can offer us some leverage."

  “You mean find the kid?"

  “Yes, but as far as you're concerned, this part of our conversation goes no further. I'll give this to someone else to handle.” It would be a month before Johnston would actually learn how De Bono's operatives had kidnapped the boy and his whereabouts.

  “And what about Senator Chavez? I just got dropped on my head thanks to her and I'm itching for some payback."

  Johnston's desire for vengeance was welcome news to De Bono. Vengeance was something he could work with; something he could control—a reward for loyal service to be coveted like gold. “Trust me, you'll get your chance, Senator, and it will come from your hand if you like but you must be patient. Do you understand me?"

  “Yes Secretary General."

  De Bono grinned from ear to ear with great relish. He had turned this lemon into barrels of the most wonderful lemonade imaginable. “When the time is right you get your revenge on Chavez. In the meantime, the bigger threat is this Jarman fellow. He's not only dangerous to us, but to all mankind as well."

  “I don't get your meaning, Secretary General. How could some hack political consultant be a threat to mankind?"

  De Bono relaxed back into his chair and rubbed his chin. He hadn't planned to broach this subject just yet but given the confidence of Johnston's eagerness for vengeance, he didn't see the harm in doing so. After all, he had this man right where he wanted him and it was obvious that he fully understood it. Johnston would be the perfect minion. “If you want to understand why well meaning fools like Chavez and Jarman are a threat to mankind, I suggest you begin by looking out your window.” He nodded towards the window.

  Johnston immediately picked up on his cue and looked out the window to see the familiar coastline of California spread out below the Secretary General's private Gulfstream. “My gosh; time has passed quickly,” he noted. “I can even see the San Francisco Bay. Beautiful as ever."

  De Bono pretended to look on, while keeping his attention focused on Johnston. “Next year, it will not look so beautiful. Nor will much of the planet, for that matter. You see, Senator, next year our dear planet will experience a series of regional if not global disasters that will defy imagination in their scope and severity."

  Johnston's jaw dropped as he turned to face him, “But I thought the wars were over. My God, is there more to come?"

  “While the UNE has ended the threat of war, the threat that now faces us is not from mankind my good Senator. Rather, these next disasters will soon occur as the result of Nibiru's flyby through our solar system."

  “But NASA said that...” Johnston protested.

  “NASA is a toothless giant and has been controlled by America's intelligence agencies, since the Challenger disaster. Think back, man. Remember when the shuttles began flying again after the Challenger disaster. They would say ‘another successful shuttle launch with an undisclosed military payload.’ Like all good scientists, they'll do whatever it takes to keep their funding. As to Nibiru, they know what's coming, and they know we're powerless to do anything about it. So they tell everyone what they're being told to say, which is basically nothing more than misleading propaganda."

  “So, the Planet Nibiru flyby disasters the conspiracy nuts have been warning us about since the turn of the century are true.” His face sagged. “Heck, I remember my wife driving me nuts with it for years. She read every book by that whacko, Zecharia Sitchin and pumped my ears full of words like Enki, Nefilim, Anunnaki and Sumerians till I thought I'd go nuts."

  “Sitchin is no whacko as you put it, Senator. He is a brilliant scholar and his works will be required reading for you during your indoctrination in Geneva. Trust me; the end of the Mayan calendar is a warning about Nibiru, and it could very well cause another “ending” of human civilization in 2012."

  Johnston slumped in his chair. Hearing this from his wife had been one thing, but hearing it from De Bono was entirely another. As the reality of it sunk in, he felt a dark, cold cloud of fear envelop him as his breathing quickened. “I just didn't believe,” he finally mumbled.

  “Believe it!"

  “You know, it was all so incredible. Have you ever seen this Sitchin fellow personally?"

  “Not personally. I do not believe he would be the kind of man who would enjoy my company."

  “Probably so. You know, my wife made me watch an interview of him on some television program called In Search Of some years ago. He's this little Jewish guy with a serious face and a no-nonsense approach. The funny thing is that he reminded me of this delicatessen owner back in D.C. by the name of Saul. I used to have late night cravings for lox and bagels back then and after doing business on the Hill and I'd drop by Saul's place for a late night fix on my way home. Saul always used to make a big deal out of cutting the lox for me just the way I liked it and would never let any of his kitchen staff serve me. When I saw Sitchin on the TV for the first time, he looked and sounded just like Saul so I blew him off as just another friendly lox and bagels Jew. I never gave much thought of it more than that."

  “But we're not talking about lox and bagels, Senator; we're talking about a planet that is nearly five times the size of Earth."

  “So will it hit us? Is NASA lying about that too?"

  “No; even at opposition, which will be the moment when Nibiru comes closest to the Earth, it will not get any closer to Earth than just beyond the planet Mars. Nevertheless, it doesn't need to get any closer to wreak havoc on the earth because of the powerful tidal gravitational forces it will bring upon our planet. Forces so powerful
that even though it is still at the outer reaches of our solar system on the opposite the sun from us, it is affecting our planet even now. Nibiru is mostly responsible for the growing increases in global temperatures, droughts, floods and other natural disasters over the last decade."

  De Bono leaned forward against the table, his eyes drilling into Johnston's head. “But it gets worse. Seven weeks after it becomes visible to the naked eye, Nibiru will be in perfect opposition, and at that moment, our scientists tell us it will begin triggering massive, catastrophic events on Earth, to include incredibly violent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. It is truly, as you Americans like to say, ‘end of the world stuff.’”

  “If this is so ... No, check that. If you're telling me, then it has to be so. But then what we are going to do about it?"

  De Bono clasped his hands and slowly rubbed his thumbs together. “You'll be shocked to hear this, but there is no way to save everyone and after Nibiru's flyby the planet will no longer be capable of sustaining eight billion souls. Consequently, the only thing we can do is to prevent widespread panic before opposition, which would surely wreck everything. This is why NASA is being made to spew its dismissive propaganda. After opposition, we can just say that we miscalculated and those left alive will be in shock and malleable. They will be glad to accept the explanation, provided we move quickly to help them."

  “My God, we're going mislead billions of people without telling them that they are unknowingly doomed, so they will go about their everyday lives to the very end!"

  De Bono cleared his throat. “You're missing the point here, which is that we must prevent widespread panic. Imagine entire populaces stampeding in search of safety. They'll flatten precious farmlands and ruin water resources with their mindless stampedes. Then, there will be nothing left for anyone to eat or drink. Trust me; those who will perish in the early days will be considered the lucky ones."

  “Yeah, but it still sounds pretty damn heartless!"

  De Bono had expected this reaction and now it was time for Johnston to learn the truth. “Senator, I'm going to divulge a long held secret that you will become increasingly mindful of during your indoctrination in Geneva. The simple fact is that the Illuminati has always known about the coming of Nibiru and feared it. With each passing of this planet, every 3,600 years or so, advanced human civilizations have been thrown back into primitive dark ages leaving their technology behind as they once again fashion flint and bone to make their primitive weapons. Such is as it has always been. Each time mankind has built an advanced civilization; Nibiru has come along only to knock it apart like a flimsy set of bowling pins. However, this time will be different. No matter how Machiavellian or sordid our methods may seem, it has always been our singular goal to see to it that this time, human civilization will persevere and we will not be cheated of this by unwitting fools like Chavez and Jarman."


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