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Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru

Page 64

by Marshall Masters

  Proud and grateful, they both carried him out onto the patio under the magical light of Godschild's twin moons and dozens of flickering candles to face their cheering throng of well wishers. As they stepped out on the patio, JALA.DEE turned to JALA.TRAC with a knowing nod. They held hands and placed their medallions to their temples. Within moments, a dazzling shower of meteorites streaked across the edges of the nigh sky in a festive display of lights that together with the candles and the light of Godchild's twin moons formed a spectacular sight—a fitting sight for an especially gifted child's first memory on Godschild.

  For the first time since that terrible night when he lost his own family, the universe felt right for Anthony Jarman, and never had life been as precious to him as it was in this very moment. He smiled at the Indigo children that now surrounded them then turned Russell to face the twin moons of Godschild. Together, they marveled at the shower of lights Mother Dee and her son now guided.

  “It's all so beautiful, papa,” Russell exclaimed joyfully.

  Tears began welling in Anthony's eyes. “Russell, how do you know I'm your father?” Tanya sighed heavily and began crying as well.

  “Momma told me. She's been with me all the time. But why are you crying, Papa? I'm OK, now."

  Anthony kissed his son tenderly as tears began to flow freely down his cheeks for the first time in over half a lifetime. “I know you'll be just fine now,” he replied as his voice trembled with joy, “and I'm crying because God has given you to me and because I love you so very much, my son.

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  Author's Notes

  THE GENESIS OF Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru, began with my appearance as a government secrecy expert on a PAX Cable Television Network program titled, “Is There a Doomsday Asteroid?” which aired on March 20, 2001. This well-crafted, hour-long program also featured such notable Near Earth Object (NEO) experts as Dr. Brian Marsden, Associate Director of the Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatories; Dr. Duncan Steel, author of Target Earth; and Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden, USAF, Vice Director of Operations, U.S. Space Command. After the program aired, I contacted Dr. Marsden with the help of PAX producer Gail Fallen, and began the first of several intriguing conversations with Dr. Marsden about various NEO issues.

  At that time, I was somewhat familiar with the work of Zecharia Sitchin, whose body of research on the planet Nibiru is quite substantial and well-respected. However, in all honesty, I was somewhat dismissive. I simply could not wrap my head around the concept that a planet five times the size of Earth in an elongated, long period orbit around our Sun, traveled through our outer solar system once every 3,600 years. But then, something significant happened.

  On July 2, 2001, a group of American astronomers lead by Robert Millis of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, announced the discovery of a Kuiper Belt Object (KBO), designated 2001 KX76 (or KX76). The discovery received a broad splash of media attention due to its profound scientific consequence.

  While over 400 KBOs have been observed since 1992, KX76 was certainly the Mother of all KBOs due to its sheer size. Reported to be 1,270 kilometers (788 miles) in diameter, it is the size of Earth's moon. No wonder its discovery marveled astronomers and the mainstream media alike.

  Why all the hoopla? Prior to the discovery of KX76, the Kuiper Belt was generally regarded as a space junkyard filled with relatively small rocky debris left over from the formation of the planets in our solar system. With the discovery of KX76, it was time to scratch that idea, Hoss, ‘cause there's a new sheriff in town!

  As my mind raced with KBO possibilities, I phoned Dr. Marsden at the Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatories. At the time, he was busy processing the early data coming in on KX76, but was kind enough to take the time to discuss it with me at length.

  It was obvious to him that that KX76 was breaking old theories as fast as it was making new ones, and he mused it would make it even more difficult for astronomers to come to a consensus on how to define the attributes of the planet.

  Even more importantly, Marsden expressed the opinion that KX76's discovery also proved that something larger than KX76 could exist in the Kuiper Belt. In other words: this big rock could very well have some planet-sized uncles and aunts floating around the outer reaches of our solar system, in long period orbits around our Sun.

  Excited by my conversation with Marsden, I called Steve Russell (co-founder of my web site, YOWUSA.COM) in Australia. Steve possesses a brilliant, connect-the-dots kind of intellect and has read everything published by Zecharia Sitchin. Of course, he saw this as an excellent opportunity to renew the issue of Nibiru's existence with me.

  While I still wasn't ready to jolt on down to the bookstore to swoop up several copies of Sitchin's books, I was finally ready to listen. As Steve began to explain Sitchin's work, the idea of Nibiru began to rattle about in the back of my head, lurking about in search of fertile soil in which to germinate.

  I was still struggling with Nibiru when a few days later I received another call from PAX TV producer, Gail Fallen. Gail was working on a new show about the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, and she needed to present an alternative theory to that of Nobel laureate physicist, Luis Alvarez.

  According to Alvarez's theory, the extinction of the dinosaurs was the result of a massive impact event in an area now known as Chicxulub, Mexico. Alvarez's K-T impact extinction theory has reigned as the golden cow of dinosaur extinction logic for the last twenty years or so.

  Gail wanted me to research the K-T Deccan Traps volcanism-induced carbon cycle perturbation extinction theory of Dewey McLean, Professor Emeritus of Geology at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. McLean's theory would serve as a counter to Alvarez's K-T impact extinction theory. She then wanted me to appear on her upcoming PAX program.

  “I'm not a scientist Gail,” I protested, “why not interview McLean himself and get it from the horse's mouth?"

  “He's too ill to interview and besides,” she replied snappily, “you're a former CNN science feature producer and that's good enough for me.” Still I protested, but when a successful TV producer like Gail hears a polite “no,” it's an open invitation for her to twist your intellectual short hairs with a bugbear of a challenge. Needless to say, I was soon wondering if I had bitten off more than I could chew.

  After ringing off with Gail, I poured through McLean's website and other related sites. I immediately noticed that McLean had received a vitriolic level of professional abuse from Luis Alvarez. Now this made me curious! If Alvarez's K-T impact extinction theory was as sound as a sacred cow, why was he hitting McLean below the belt every chance he got? If anything, Alvarez's unprofessional behavior did more to interest me in McLean's theory than anything else.

  McLean theorizes that the event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs was a massive volcanic eruption of the Deccan Traps (in what is now Western India) over 65 million years ago, about the same time as the Chicxulub impact. The eruption was so immense that it defies imagination: it flooded over a million square miles of India and its surrounding areas with layer upon layer of basaltic lava flows. To this very day, evidence of this eruption remains near Bombay, where a 1-1/2 miles-thick lava pile still remains.

  At this point, I knew I needed to call in the cavalry and I pulled out Marsden's telephone number. I explained the assignment Gail had given to me and found him to be already well-versed in McLean's theory. Given that we both liked Gail and shared the opinion that Alvarez's ego was roughly the size of his Chicxulub impact event, we set upon the issue with great relish.

  After running through a gambit of various scenarios (and a thoroughly enjoyable three-hour dialogue), we managed to build a reasonable scenario for McLean's Deccan Traps eruption theory. We settled on a flyby event of a large object which, while not impacting the Earth, could have triggered a catastrophic event on the scale of the Deccan Traps eruption 65 million years ago. After batting around a few possible object candidates, Marsden settled on Comet Borrelly, t
he most observed comet in history thanks to the Deep Space One spacecraft.

  With a five-mile long nucleus, an object the size of Comet Borrelly could graze the atmosphere of our planet without being captured by Earth's gravity, thereby generating a phenomenal shockwave which could trigger a Deccan Traps-type eruption.

  With that all settled, I took great care in preparing a script for PAX and they gladly accepted it without making a single change. In retrospect, that should have tipped me off well in advance of videotaping my interview. It didn't.

  After a lengthy pre-production schedule, the show finally aired on January 23, 2001, and I was mortified. Apparently, Gail's executive producer at PAX secretly had a different agenda in mind. He intended to prove that Noah's Flood had caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and used snippets from my interview to do it. In one fell swoop, PAX had cast me down into soundbyte hell. Worse yet, they ignored all the great work I'd done with Marsden. I can remember watching the show and feeling utterly humiliated as I prayed, “please God, don't let Marsden see this insane program.” But Marsden did see it, and that basically tore it.

  So now, where did that leave me? It left me with a still very credible scenario in which the flyby of a large object past Earth could, in fact, trigger a horrific catastrophic event.

  The scenario that I had worked out with Marsden was based on a comet grazing the atmosphere. Yet I continued to wonder about another scenario we had discussed in which a larger, planet-sized object flying through the middle of our solar system causes the same catastrophic results for Earth. I remembered posing that question to Marsden. While he agreed that it was possible, he felt that Comet Borrelly would serve as the basis for a more palatable scenario. The planet-sized object scenario stuck in my mind, however, and that was when the Nibiru seed that Steve Russell had planted in my head finally sprung forth. Curious beyond dismissiveness, I finally took that trip to Barnes and Noble to purchase Zecharia Sitchin's book, The 12th Planet. If you have never read this book you should. His work is brilliant!

  Five days later after the airing of the PAX program fiasco, I published an article titled, Did Planet X Kill The Dinosaurs?, based on the scenarios I'd developed with Marsden and published it on my web site, YOWUSA.COM. This was the first time I'd addressed the issue of Nibiru and from that point there has been no turning back for me, as the existence of Nibiru progressed in my mind from ancient mysticism to scientific possibility. Naturally, the next question to haunt me was, could this possibility become a reality?

  With this question in mind, I turned to another YOWUSA.COM co-founder, Dutch Physicist Jacco van der Worp, for fresh ideas. While Jacco was cautious at first, we began discussing how to prove or disprove the existence of Nibiru and he soon warmed to the challenge.

  Of course, the first thing that came to mind was that perhaps it had already been observed by the Hubble space telescope. Nope, I knew that was a non-starter. Even if NASA had observed it with the Hubble, news of the discovery could have to filter through an army of intelligence censors with a very clear “need to know” agenda: taxpayers only need to know about things when it becomes patently clear that they're about to fall off the tax roles. So what about amateur astronomers?

  Finding an object like Nibiru at the edge of our solar system with a homemade 10” refractor telescope is truly an exercise in blind futility. You really need the big stuff and the federal funding that comes along with it, to take on something of this magnitude.

  Then, a thought suddenly popped into Jacco's head that seemed innocuous at first but would later prove to drive us towards more ponderous realties. It was Pluto, the first “Planet X” candidate, and how it was discovered.

  Early last century, Percival Lowell founder of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, was convinced that he could find the mysterious “Planet X” as he called it, beyond Neptune through mathematics, based on the motions of Uranus and Neptune. Certain of his math, he funded three separate searches for Planet X and on the third attempt, his 26-year-old assistant by the name of Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered Pluto on February 18, 1930—the first American to discover a new planet! And without using a TV remote, I might add.

  Named in honor of Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld (and not Popeye's antagonist), it was later deduced that Lowell's calculations had been in error. After the mass of Pluto had been carefully determined, it became obvious that this newly discovered planet was too puny to cause any changes in the motions of Uranus and Neptune. Consequently, the search for Planet X still continues to this day.

  Yet, Lowell's idea of finding an unseen object by the effects it was having on known objects piqued our attention. Could Nibiru (Planet X)—which, according to some, is five times the size of earth—be discovered through its effects upon other planets within our own solar system? If so, then what would be looking for and where, if not Nibiru itself?

  To begin with, we know through Sitchin's work that the last flyby of Nibiru occurred during the period known as the Great Deluge in the Babylonian texts or as the Old Testament story of Noah and the Flood. Using that as a base assumption, we set out to find evidence of any unusual atmospheric and seismic patterns in our solar system.

  To insure the reliability of our base data, we decided to limit our search to a number of “trustworthy” and mainstream media websites for continual monitoring to include: NASA, JPL, AP, UPI and Space.Com, to name a few. Then, a clear pattern began to emerge. I'll briefly summarize what we found, beginning with Pluto and then work my way inward to Mars.

  The following data represents changes from 1995 to 2002, with most of the events centered around 2001-2002. Also keep in mind that in astronomical terms, seven years is a very narrow snapshot in time.

  PLUTO: The planet is undergoing global warming in its thin atmosphere even as it moves farther from the Sun and its atmospheric pressure has tripled over the past 14 years, with a dramatic rise in temperature.

  NEPTUNE: Neptune's Great Dark Spot has vanished and another has appeared in a different latitude on the planet. Also, Neptune's largest moon, Triton, has warmed significantly.

  URANUS: Because the planet lacks internal heat, it is nearly featureless. No remarkable data has been reported.

  SATURN: While the planet's weather patterns are extremely chaotic, unusually violent storms have been recently observed. Additionally, there has recently been a significant increase in magnetic activity.

  JUPITER: Jupiter's Great Red Spot is getting smaller and rounder. At the current rate it will be a circle by 2040 and eventually disappear. Also, the single biggest volcanic eruption on record was recently observed on Jupiter's moon, Io.

  MARS: In July, 2001, a huge dust storm covered the entire surface of the planet for three months, raising the planet's temperature by 30C. Further, the Martian ice caps are melting and likely causing a greenhouse effect.

  Noticeably absent from the list is Earth. Given that we're in a heated debate over mankind's impact on the weather patterns of our own planet, I'd rather avoid Earth altogether and politics of its dominant species. So where does that leave us?

  At face value, the changes that are occurring on other planets in our solar system lead us to wonder if a common causality does exist. If so, then perhaps these are not isolated and curious events, but rather, a series of subtle precursor events to the next flyby of Nibiru.

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  Other Works by Marshall Masters




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  Gold Fever

  Indigo-E.T. Connection

  Orange Blossom

  When They Invite You to Din
ner—Eat First

  * * *

  Gold Fever

  Marshall Masters




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  Three adventurous college students set out to find abandoned Spanish gold mines in the hills of Arizona and find unexpected danger and ancient mysteries along the way. The experience not only creates a bond among newfound friends, but also launches a whole new future for humankind.

  Adobe eBook

  Microsoft eBook

  Mobipocket eBook

  Palm eBook

  * * *

  Indigo-E.T. Connection

  Marshall Masters




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  Science tells us that the seeds of life can endure for millennia before a life-nourishing event awakens them. Could this explain the Indigo Child phenomenon? Now, humanity stands upon the cusp of its next evolution, and unprecedented numbers of Indigo Children have awakened to guide the willing towards a brighter future and contact with extraterrestrial races. While some believe that the Indigo Child phenomena began roughly forty years ago, Marshall Masters believes that Indigo Children have always been here and that they are now awakening to the gentle call of a living universe.


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