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Saving the Bride: An Accidental Marriage Romance

Page 21

by Kira Blakely

  “I thought you said it was an emergency,” she greets me, her lips thin and prim, her eyes narrowed. “I didn’t peg you for one to exaggerate, Casimiro.”

  I silently lead her into the bedroom.

  Jade stirs in her sleep, but she doesn’t open her eyes. Not until I cup her cheek, whisper her name, and stroke my thumb over her fuller bottom lip. Her Cupid’s bow twitches. A second later, her eyes and mouth open wide in shock as she jerks awake.

  “It’s me,” I whisper, holding her down as the worst of her startle passes. “I’ve brought a doctor.”

  “A doctor?” she says, her eyes large and fearful. She glances to the good doctor and Nolan. He hovers near the room’s entrance, and at my nod, he leaves us, sliding the doors shut in his wake.

  “Yes.” I introduce Dr. Martin, adding, “She’s here to give you a check-up.”

  Jade sits up, waving me off when I attempt to help. I’m disappointed for as long as it takes for her to reach for my hand. “All right,” she agrees. “But I want you to stay.”

  Dr. Martin does scoot me further down the edge of the bed when she draws the covers off Jade. At one point she swipes a hand under Jade’s legs and her gloved fingers come away with dried flecks of darkened blood.

  “What’s that?” I say, thawing from the rigid combination of angry shock and heart-pounding concern.

  The doctor ignores me, instructing Jade to turn onto her side. With her legs now facing us, I’m able to take in the thin, angry red scratches on her calves. Someone clawed at her, and they’ve done a number. Fuck.

  I’m seeing red, my heavy breathing overtaking the thumping of my heart. I shake with my fury; I launch off the bed, striding out of the bedroom, pausing long enough to bark, “Clean and wrap her wounds. Do it well.” It’s not a threat, so much as a warning for the doctor to impress me as her well-paying client.


  My friend is on the phone, holding up a finger. At my growl, he hurries through a farewell. Rushing over from his spot by the glass sliding doors to the balcony, he raises his brows, silently requesting more information from me.

  “I want you to find the masseuse who was in here, and the woman Jade mentioned.”

  “I’ll have to interview her,” Nolan says.

  “Do whatever it takes,” I tell him, baring my clenched teeth. I snap my head to the side, slicing my fingers through my hair, grabbing a fistful at the crown and tugging. The pain doesn’t clear up the ravenous hunger for vengeance building in me.

  It takes time, but I leash the monstrous rage in me. “When you find her, I’ll be there to talk to her. No police at first.”

  “Sure.” Nolan doesn’t persuade me from briefly taking justice into my hands. “I can’t promise to be leading the search tonight though. It’s not like I can be in two places at once.”

  I round on him, ready to lay into him. What can be more important than finding Jade’s attacker?

  Nolan must have read the fury on my face. He tilts his head, frowning. “The World Cures All charity benefit.”


  Nolan smiles. “My wife called to remind me, too. As if I could have forgotten, what with her chatting about it non-stop last night. She’s got a new dress to show off.” He tilts his head, eyes twinkling. “Guessing it slipped your mind though?”

  I nod, annoyed that the date escaped me. The charity benefit had been planned seven months ahead, as these lavish events normally are, and I penciled it in. As one of the executive management staff, I have to be present, rubbing elbows with celebrity benefactors and non-profit bureaucrats alike.

  “I’m sure Isaiah will understand if you tell him.”

  Nolan’s optimism is wishful thinking. Isaiah made it clear earlier, when he’d pulled me from Jade’s side for the cake-cutting, he didn’t believe in the marriage. Moreover, he spelled out his strong distrust of Jade’s intentions. I’d cut him off when he slipped and called her a “gold-digger.” He might be sporting a bruise from where my fist connected soundly with his cheek.

  Leaving Nolan in the dark about my current stand-off with Isaiah, I say, “I’ll figure it out.”

  The head of security bobs his head. “I’ll see you at the benefit then. The wifey’s excited to meet Jade.”

  I’m cornered, of course. Bringing Jade is my sole option. After what went down today, I can’t leave her. Fake husband or not, I promised to protect her, and I stand to live by that oath.

  Nolan waits it out with me while Dr. Martin bandages Jade and completes her check-up. We’re at the wet bar, kicking back glasses of Nolan’s disgustingly sweet-flavored choice in whiskey. We cool it with the faces when Dr. Martin joins us, scowling at our recreational activity.

  She tucks one of her hands into the deep pocket of her slender wool coat, her other hand carrying her medical kit. “Really?” she asks, taking in the glasses and the whiskey bottle.

  Nolan grins. “Want a sip, doc?”

  “I’ll pass,” she says, her button nose crinkling. She has classically beautiful features, and reaches up to smooth a silvery blond tendril of hair slipping free of her austere bun. It brushes her cheek as she speaks. “I’ve cleansed and dressed the wounds. She’s resting in there.”

  Nolan brushes my elbow. He nudges his head to the door, his cue to exit. Once he clears the room, Dr. Martin continues. “She’s healthy otherwise. Perfectly so.”

  I’m relieved to hear it. There’s only one other question plaguing me now. “In your professional opinion, will she be able to walk around tonight? Dance?”

  “Dance?” Dr. Martin echoes, her lips souring even more.

  I explain about the charity benefit, keeping it succinct, knowing she likes it short and sweet.

  “That should be fine. She’s not an invalid.” She stares at me for a long beat, adding, “I do, however, want to see her in my clinic.”

  Warning bells fire off in my head, and I lower the glass atop the wet bar, the sickening sweet taste of the whiskey thickening over my tongue. It blends queasily with a film of bitter bile at the doctor’s last statement. “For?” I grit out.

  Dr. Martin draws her hand from her coat pocket and gestures to the room. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re not properly equipped here. Meaning, I can only do half my job in your hotel suite. So, I’d like to see her again. And soon, preferably.”


  “My schedule is clear for Wednesday.” She pinches off invisible lint from her coat. “Say, around one in the afternoon?” Then, as if I’ve already agreed to see her four days from now, she spins on her heeled boots and strides to the exit. Over her shoulder, she says, “Oh, and enjoy the party.”



  “Stay close.”

  I have Jade in my arms, and I whisper my wish into her ear. We’re swaying to the soft, romantic music, slow dancing among the clusters of couples on the dance floor. The event planners have put together a glamorous charity benefit, and the ballroom is filled with life. Isaiah put his money in the right people.

  As if my thoughts conjure him, I glimpse my old ex-Marine buddy with his wife and eldest daughter. The two women are chatting together, the younger looking longingly at the dancing couples, and the older one casting yearning peeks at her husband.

  Isaiah’s the CEO and owner of the hotel and casino, so he’s in more demand than I. It frees me to dance the evening away with Jade in my arms when I’m not schmoozing with men with deeper pockets. All for the sake of charity, right?

  “Cas,” Jade says, lifting her head from my chest and peering up at me. We’re still swaying, keeping to the beat of the slow song. It’s a primal dance of sweet foreplay, my hips pressing closer to her, her round breasts against my chest, my cock resting over her belly.

  The dress she wears isn’t helping cool my blood. Like the strappy gold number she wore the night I fired her, this midnight blue dress is slinky, floor-length, and cut low in the front and back. But there are no slits in the fabri
c revealing her tantalizing legs, because she’s sporting bandages on both calves.

  And just like that, I’m reminded of what happened in my absence.

  “Cas?” Jade calls me back from the simmering anger.

  “Mm-hm?” I say, prompting her to continue. It also saves me from revealing the gruff emotion in my voice, and the black thoughts of pain and, yes, even death to whoever hurt Jade.

  “It’s not your fault.”

  She’s caught me off-guard. “What isn’t?” I ask automatically.

  “The…incident in your room this morning.” Jade’s dark brown eyes are lighter under the sparkling chandeliers overhead, the high, mirrored ceilings throwing the white-gold lights, exaggerating the glistening, gleaming aura of the grand room. She stares at me, peeling back the layers to my quivering enraged soul.

  Still, I stiffen my jaw and clench out, “Nothing to be apologetic for. It’s not like you asked to be attacked.” I lower my voice, aware of where we’re standing. I’m readying to shut down this conversation, convince her it’s for behind closed doors, but Jade tiptoes in my arms and brushes my cheek with her lips.

  Nothing can arrest me so quickly. My mind blanks, and I swear I forget my own name. As soon as she draws back and settles on her heels, she says, “That was for being so good to me.”

  Nolan chooses the perfect time to spin and twirl into my vision, his tall, lean body squeezed into a tuxedo again. The woman in his arms beams up at him, her love for Nolan burning brightly even from here.

  I catch my friend’s eye, and right on time. From their dais, the glittering ensemble pluck up the spirit of the room with a faster tune.

  Giving Jade space, I offer my hand and lead her off the floor with the excuse of rehydrating ourselves. I’m more concerned about her legs. Even though the doctor cleared her, I’d rather her be in bed resting after her ordeal from the morning.

  Nolan and his small, curvy wife catch up to us at the refreshments table. Once he introduces Jade to his wife, the two women are swept up into their conversation. It’s just as I hoped.

  Drawing Nolan from our ladies, I say, “Did they report back with anything yet?”

  He shakes his head. “Sorry, man. Not yet. These things take time.” He grips my shoulder, the squeeze meant to be comforting. I’m not so receptive to it though. “I promise we’ll catch whoever’s done this.”

  It’s all I can take, so I latch onto it with both hands. “Keep me updated.”

  Jade glances my way. There’s no way she could have heard our conversation. Her gentle smile tells me as much, and I relax. She needs to stay out of the loop. I want her as far from this as possible.

  “Here they come,” Nolan whispers, his eyes for his wife only.

  Good. Saves me the time of asserting my claim on Jade.

  This is yet another reason I’d like her upstairs and not down here. She dazzles the room like one of the expensive, ostentatious light fixtures overhead. I’ve noticed other men casting her appreciative glances. The bastards aren’t as discreet as they believe themselves to be.

  “I was going to just slip out with Elaina,” Jade says, looking to Nolan’s wife.

  Nolan steps up. “Lead the way.”

  I’m joining him, more than ready for a scenery change. I’ll pop back in later to make one final appearance for the benefit of our wealthy donors and sponsors.

  “No.” Jade raises her hand, her tone teasing. She’s more like herself for a flash, and I’m awestruck. Cupid’s arrows do exist, and I’m one of his hapless victims. “I think we’ll be able to find the restrooms on our own.”

  Nolan begrudgingly falls back, and he snaps his fingers in front of my face. I realize we’re alone now. While I zoned out, Jade and Elaina have stepped away to the powder their noses…or whatever women do in groups in the washrooms.

  “They’re totally gonna gossip about us.” Nolan scratches the back of his head, his gaze ponderous. “Wonder what they’re saying?” He chuckles. “If I know my Elaina, she’s probably talking smack about my slovenly ways. It’s true though. The vacuum cleaner is my nemesis, dust mites my friends.”

  My gaze zips to the ballroom exit, and the long staircase leading up to it. There are security guards stationed there and all around, not all of them visibly in their uniforms.

  “What about you? What do you think Jade’s saying about you?”

  Nolan’s question rips my vigil from the door. I’m missing Jade, and she’s barely been gone from my side. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when we annul the marriage, sign our divorce papers, and part ways for good.

  “I never did ask, but is that why she left?” Nolan knew Jade from her time at the hotel and casino.

  I stuff the prick of jealousy, understanding theirs is a benign work friendship. Nolan’s crazy for his wife. Like I am for Jade… Though it’s not love with me. It can’t be. It has to be the still-sparking sexual chemistry between us. As soon as that cools, I’ll let her walk out of my life.

  Until then, I’ll remain her shadow.

  “I just remembered I have to make a call,” I say.

  Nolan eats up my lie. He fake-groans, cracks a joke about my workaholic habits, and dismisses me with a friendly grin.

  I clear the ballroom, taking those steps two at a time, and head in the direction of the washrooms. I grab a young woman from the front desk, leading her to the restroom. “Can you pop in and see if a dark-haired woman is in there? She’d be with a short blonde.” I describe Jade’s dress for good measure, and despite the raised brows, the front desk staff member checks for me.

  She returns, shaking her head. “No one’s in there, Mr. Felix.”

  Thanking the staff member, I hurry through the foyer, searching out the places the ladies might have gone.

  That’s when I catch sight of Nolan’s wife, Elaina. She’s heading from the opposite direction, her heels clacking toward the ballroom. She pauses and stops at my approach. She smiles, sighing and looking around me. “Where is he hiding?”

  “Nolan isn’t with me. He’s waiting for you in the ballroom.”

  “Oh,” she says, surprised. Nolan must watch over her a lot if she’s shocked to not see him.

  Elaina evades my eye contact now, her fingers skittishly skimming over her elegant up do. “Are you looking for Jade? She’s still in the restroom. I was just stretching my legs while I waited for her.”

  The nonchalant tone she affects fall flat. Also, I checked the washroom. She’s not there. Meaning Elaina’s covering for her. I need to know why right now.

  “Where is she?” I raise a hand, cutting off a reiteration of her poor excuse. “I know she’s not in the washroom.”

  Elaina shakes her head, the blush standing out starker as she pales. “I’m sure it’s nothing,” she says, panicking me. After a short pause, she continues, “Jade is over that way. I just came from her. I thought I’d give her, uh, privacy.”

  “Why?” I blurt. It’s out of my mouth like lightning.

  Elaina appears even more uncomfortable. I can’t imagine Nolan will be too happy with me interrogating his wife. I keep my hands to my sides though, fingers flexing into fists soon as Elaina says timidly, “She’s with a man.” She gives me a pitying look. “It looked platonic.”

  I force a breath from my nostrils. “Did you catch his name?”

  Elaina shakes her head again. “No. I’m sorry. She told me to go ahead, and I thought…” she trails.

  I seize that opportunity to dismiss her politely. “It’s all right. Head back in. I don’t want my head of security tearing this place down looking for you.” Once Elaina’s gone, I stalk in the direction she came from, sure to run into Jade and this mystery man of hers eventually.

  “No, I won’t. You have to leave.” I hear Jade before I see her.

  She’s tucked in an alcove behind the bay of elevators. She has her back facing me, a potted tall plant blocking me from her sight were she to turn around. Jade’s absorbed in her conversation though. She
snaps her hand to the side, her voice rising and sharpening with her irritation.

  “You can’t be here! I don’t want to talk to you, or see you ever again. It’s been over for months, Tyler.”

  Of course. I can’t believe I’d been blind. Who else might have the balls to keep my Jade from me? Tyler Wagner has some fucking guts coming in here when I’ve made it clear he’s not welcome. Guess I’ll have to repeat myself. My muscles tighten, my jaw locking with my anger…and another emotion I don’t want to name mixes in with the blinding rage.

  Jade pushes from Tyler, spinning on her heels and freezing at the sight of me.

  I’m not hiding. I want her to see me.

  Jade’s mouth falls open, but I’m distracted by Wagner’s escape. He lunges at Jade, shoving her forward before sprinting from the scene. She careens off balance, a short scream of terror ringing my ears as she topples, heading to the ground.

  I can’t break her fall, but I’m all over her. Sweeping a moaning Jade from the floor, I’m torn between leaving her someplace safe and giving Wagner chase.

  Lucky for my momentary lapse in decision-making, a trio of plains-clothed security races over to us—Jade’s scream the perfect alarm to rouse them. I point a finger in the direction Wagner fled, snapping, “Catch him, and make sure you don’t hurt him too badly.”

  They’re on it, their boots thudding after Wagner. Hopefully the pursuit won’t be in vain. Now, more than ever, I want wayward Wagner under my thumb.

  I get Jade into my office. It is on the first floor with my accountants alongside the security department, unlike Isaiah who works from his penthouse suite. Once I have the door locked, and the lights on, I settle Jade on top of my desk and press a button on a remote control to dim the glass wrapping my space. No audience permitted for what I have planned for Jade.

  Checking her over first, I push her curly locks from her frightfully large eyes. She hasn’t bothered to move from where I’ve perched her on the desk. That’s how I know something’s wrong. “You okay?”

  She nods, her bottom lip pushing out, trembling.

  “That was your boyfriend.” It’s a matter-of-fact statement.


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