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Second Chance For The Billionaire: A Billionaire Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

Page 28

by Alice Moore

  “As many of you are already aware, I’ll be looking for new employees for my firm. Although you’re all young, I’m hoping that your potential will be promising. For now, we’ll start with introductions. My name is Nicholas Dunn, and I own Dunn Financial Services.” Speaking loudly, clearly, I scanned the room again to look each student in the eye. Most looked away, but it was the few that dared to keep my gaze that had me most interested. “I’ll start with you.”

  The man that sat lounging in the front corner of the room straightened as I made my way over to him, and I had to frown. Apparently his confidence was misleading, but not unexpected.

  I was probably the most powerful man they’d ever personally meet, after all. That was nerve-wracking.

  “What do you think?” I made it around to those interesting view before William spoke up, and I shrugged carelessly.

  “Time for the less interesting ones, I guess.” Muttering more to myself than him, I wandered towards the nearest girl to stand behind her. Her computer screen was littered with spreadsheets, and I squinted to make out the incredibly tiny letters and numbers. Her sheet was crisp, and I glanced at her notebook to find it similarly neat and tidy.

  “You’re very organized, I see. What’s your name?” Big, silky, blonde curls bounced when she jumped, as if she didn’t notice me. Tunnel vision. Not bad, but not great, either. Staring down at her face, I took in her pretty, blue eyes and smooth cheeks with a slight smirk.

  “H- Hannah. Hannah Martins. Thank you, sir.” Ducking her head, Hannah blushed hard as I hummed in acknowledgement. Reaching for her mouse, I scrolled through her work while the smell of her soft perfume wafted into my nostrils.

  “Well, I’m liking what I’m looking at. How long have you been enrolled here?”

  “Three years. I’m in the excel program, and I’m going to graduate in a few months. I didn’t really expect you to show much interest in fresh graduates, Mr. Dunn.” The curiosity in Hannah’s voice couldn’t be masked, and I tore my gaze from her computer. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she leaned back in her chair to stare at me.

  “I usually don’t, but this school was recommended to me by several friends. What about your loans?”

  “I’m almost done paying them off. I’ve only got 8 grand left.” Surprise took hold of my expression, and Hannah smiled wide. “I work at a strip club. I met your brothers earlier this week.”

  “You’re the stripper Ethan was complaining about?” Her eyes widened, and I cleared my throat to expel the mild disgust that loaded my voice. “Relax. I didn’t go to college- I don’t know what it’s like to be faced with debt. James, at least, had some good things to say about you. That’s not something he does lightly…”

  James’ words slung against my skull, and I frowned lightly. Very rarely did James say anything about the strippers he met, let alone complimented one. And now, she was sitting right next to me.

  “I- I don’t know what to say… I’m flattered… But-“ Waving off her concern, I straightened to shake my head. Amusement swirled in my chest, and she pursed her lips tightly together.

  “Don’t judge me. I would never hire someone without proper reasons. It was nice speaking to you, Hannah. See you soon.” Walking away without another word, I reached to rub my face as Hannah’s eyes bored into my back. She was a curious, little thing, and I could see why James was so enamored with her. Not only was she pretty, but she had guts- enough guts to degrade herself for a greater purpose.

  Admirable… but not tasteful.

  I spoke to a few other students, but my mind lingered on Hannah with no hope of being swayed. Her situation wasn’t unique, but I couldn’t stop thinking of it.

  Striding out of the college with William by my side, I rubbed my palms together before finally speaking up.

  “I wasn’t expecting that.” William knew what I was talking about, and he grunted as we stepped off the sidewalk towards the street. The sun was at its highest, but the time only read 12:18o.m..

  “Are you going to hire her? I know you don’t like that kind of thing, Nick.” Shrugging at the question, I pulled out my keys to unlock my car. Climbing into my driver’s side, I wrapped my hands around the wheel tightly. Thinking of Hannah’s profession made me sick with disgust. Even then I could understand the allure of a debtless college education.

  “I’m going to base my not hiring her on her actual qualities- or lack thereof. What did you think of the others? I trust your judgement.”

  “I liked a few… took their names. It’s not as exciting as I made it out to be, I know- but you’ll be better for it.” Grunting at the admission, I didn’t try to keep the conversation going as my car engine roared to life. Pulling off the curb, I rolled my jaw absently as I thought.

  None of those kids struck me as exceptional, but that part didn’t matter. Qualities like that rarely showed themselves on the first meeting.


  Sinking into the couch, I rested my head back to close my eyes, and a long, tired groan escaped my chest. I barely had the energy to swipe away the sweat from my forehead. Behind my eyelids my mind was slow, and I took deep, calming breaths as the heat in my veins began to slowly cool.

  “Does it hurt?” Next to me Hannah radiated concern, and I flopped my head forward to stare at my knuckles. The skin was broken, blood welling up from the crevices, and I flexed my fingers absently before shaking my head.

  “Not anymore.” Her fingertips were soft, the stalks long and slender, and I pursed my lips together as she became stained with blood. The sight twisted my expression, and her lips thinned as the blood roaring in my ears gave way to the sounds of the gym around us.

  “That’s so sad. I’m sorry, James- I really am.” Her words were gentle, dismayed, and I let out a hot breath as she prodded my injuries. “I met Nick. He came to my college yesterday.”

  “Was he a cynical asshole to everyone as he silently peered over your shoulder at whatever you were doing?” Glancing at her, I watched Hannah nod with a small giggle, and I let my head fall back to close my eyes again. “He’s got high expectations of people he doesn’t even know. If he hires you, he’ll get better. He used to do that shit with me in high school. I punched him in the face, and he never did it again.”

  “What were you like in high school?” She surely was inquisitive, this Hannah. Taking a second to think on her question, I had to force myself to remember that far back.

  “I was a punk. I knew enough to know I didn’t want to learn more, and that was that. Nick hated it- we’ve always been opposites, so we were always butting heads. Whenever the school called our father, I’d get the shit beaten out of me, and Nick got bitched out about letting it happen. One time, right before I graduated, I made a fully functional gun out of random shit, and that’s when my dad finally understood I wasn’t meant for that shit. Two weeks later he got me into boot camp- the best thing that ever happened to me.” Just thinking about that incident pulled a harsh bark of laughter from me, and I reached to cover my face with my hand. “I wasn’t made to lead, I was made to follow.”

  “I get told that a lot, too… I never understood why people meant it as an insult…” In my mind’s eye I could see Hannah’s pretty face twisting from the strained confusion in her voice. A rough cloth dabbed my swollen, leaking knuckles, but the sting that should’ve shot up my arm was absent. “We live in a world where being a follower goes against societal thinking. Everyone has to be active, to get what they want without considering others’ opinions, so they can pave a way for themselves by themselves. But… I think that those kinds of people aren’t leaders. They’re… they’re rogues.”

  Peeking out from under my palm, I watched through narrowed eyes as Hannah smiled small. She seemed to do that a lot, and I wondered if she was physically capable of frowning. Reaching to stroke a fallen lock of straw colored waves, I inhaled sharply through my nose.

  “Rogues can’t be leaders, but that doesn’t stop them from trying.” Every word out of
Hannah’s mouth made me think, hard, and I exhaled roughly before changing the subject. “You don’t have to do that. I didn’t ask you to come here so you can patch me up and fry my brain.”

  Hannah’s tender touch paused, and I drew my brows together as she laughed, tossing her head side to side. My heart thudded hard at the sound, delicate and musical, and around her eyes crinkled deeply.

  She’s so pure and happy… how could she not be taken? The question had no answer, and my throat tightened before she spoke up.

  “I’m the one that agreed to come to the gym with you, James. I could’ve said ‘no’. Honestly… I kind of wanted to. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone else’s blood before…” Her voice didn’t waver, and I lolled my head to the side as she continued with her ministrations. It was hard for me to tell if she was having the time of her life or if she was uncomfortable; that smile of hers never left her face. I’d always thought of perpetually happy people as nuisances, deliberately blinding themselves to the horrors of the world that I knew all too well.

  “Have you seen your own blood before?” Hannah’s smile dimmed, and I silently wondered if her expression only had one setting. Watching her shrug, I twisted my hand to take hold of her wrist firmly. “What about when you were a kid?”

  The deep probe sent a bolt of alarm through my chest; it wasn’t like me to ask such personal questions. Against the pads of my knuckles Hannah’s pulse was steady, and she shrugged again.

  “My dad always made me close my eyes when I got hurt. It started to become a habit, and I’m always careful not to hurt myself. It’s hard to explain… He always said I was a fragile ray of sun…” As close to a somber laugh as I’d heard so far escaped Hannah, and I arched an eyebrow when her gaze flickered to mine. “He’s like you- a career Marine. He’s not a poetic man at all. He left the Marines when I was 8, got a job at a security firm ten minutes away, and never left home for more than a few hours.”

  “So, you’re a Daddy’s girl?” A shit-eating grin stretched my lips at that, and Hannah turned a pale red. “What’s your father’s name? Maybe I knew him.”

  “Eh-h… Master Sargant Gabriel Martins… I think?” My eyes narrowed, and I tore my gaze off Hannah to stare at the high, concrete ceiling. Martins came to mind with a viciousness, and blood gorged my muscles at the mere thought of him.

  We hated each other even as we went on deployment after deployment together. The last time we saw each other, the day he was discharged, he spit on my boots.

  “Oh- I know him, alright. He’s a tough son of a bitch… Hell of a Marine, though. I got a lot of scars from fighting with him. This one-“ Pulling Hannah’s hand up to my cheek, I didn’t even realize what I was doing until her fingertips brushed the jagged, raised mark. Blinking hard, I forgot what I was going to say as I marveled at how gentle she was before clearing my throat. “He cut me with a beer bottle after we had a few too many. That was… 12 years ago, now? You must’ve been six or seven at the time. It wasn’t too long after that that Martins said he was backing out.”

  Releasing Hannah’s wrist, I stiffened when she didn’t automatically pull away from what I was forcing on her. Instead, she scooted closer to drag her fingertips along the length of my five-inch scar, and I held my breath as hers cooled the sweat on my shoulder.

  “We were invaded…” The soft mumble caught me off guard, and Hannah gulped noticeably in my ear. “Someone broke into our house… my brother hurt the guy so bad he was in a coma for two months. He- he killed our dog, Scratches. Then, the guy that broke into our house pressed charges against Jake for attempted murder… and he won.”

  “You’re shitting me…” My heart thundered in my chest, and I clenched my hands into tight fists to undo the work Hannah had done on my knuckles. Grinding my teeth together, I tensed at the rush of adrenaline that seared through my veins, and the red haze in my mind blocked the puzzle pieces from coming together. Squeezing my eyes shut, I rubbed my leg furiously before Hannah’s quiet voice caused the episode to cease.

  “James… It’s fine. It was a l-“

  “Bullshit!” Cutting Hannah off, I shook my head hard before pushing myself to my feet. My outburst echoed around the gym, and the blood roaring in my ears did nothing to dull the sound. Curious eyes settled on my form, and I snorted roughly as I stared down at her. “It’s not fine.”

  Biting the words through clenched teeth, I took a sharp, hard breath before Hannah sprung up from her seat. Her smaller hands enclosed around my fists, eyes wide and begging as they bored into mine.

  “That’s not what I meant. I- I got… through… it.” Stepping close, she dropped her voice and rose up on her tip toes. She was so short it didn’t do anything, and I stiffened as my heart jumped into my throat. “Can- can we not talk about this… here? Please?”

  “Yeah…” Swiping my palm across my jaw, I took Hannah’s hand to head out of the gym. Sharp eyes watched us go, looking for any sign that this was less than consensual, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I couldn’t even recognize most of these faces despite coming here every day for the past month. Heading out into the cool, breezy city, I released the thin wrist in my palm to shake myself out.

  “…Sorry.” Muttering into the empty sidewalk, I flexed my hands and glanced down only to find small drops of blood welling up from my shredded knuckles. There was less than I would’ve expected, and I twisted to get the air knocked from my lungs by a gust of wind. “Do you want a ride, Hannah?”

  Behind me Hannah smiled apologetically, wiping her hands with a wet wipe she must’ve pulled from her purse. The smell of disinfectant was harsh, but I kept my mouth shut; she didn’t have a lot of experience with blood, and even the few drops that colored her fingertips could’ve been uncomfortable.

  “I- I just… don’t like to talk about that. I’m sorry, James.” Furrowing my brows at the apology, I grunted as Hannah tossed the wet wipe into a nearby trash can. Eying her carefully, I hid my frown- she just didn’t seem like she’d just exposed a vulnerable, traumatic moment. “Uh-sure? I don’t have to go to work until 8p.m..”

  “I just have to stop at my apartment and clean up.” Heading for my car, I fished out my keys as Hannah jogged to keep up with me. She was slim but muscular; her legs might not have been long, but she had hips and a waist to make up for it. Watching her out of the corner of my eye, I wondered silently if she had faint abs underneath her turtleneck.

  “So, do you and your brothers live together?” My lip twitched, but Hannah didn’t notice as she busied herself with opening the passenger side door. She asked so many questions, and surprisingly enough I was more than happy to answer. Sliding into the driver’s seat, I turned on my car before opening my mouth.

  “Sort of. We live in different apartments in the same building. I don’t think I could handle living with Ethan’s lazy ass. If he put as much effort into the company as he does with his girlfriends- or even half the amount- he’d be a pretty competent businessman.”

  “He has more than one?” Nodding as I twisted to pull out of my space, I couldn’t help but show my frown at Hannah’s thoughtful expression. When one heard ‘happy’ and ‘unable to frown’, the word ‘innocent’ also came to mind right afterwards. “That’s a lot of effort…”

  “I guess he just finds women more attractive than success. Being in the military- most women look the same after a while…” Trailing off as I headed for the street, I blinked at the gasp that filled my car. Hannah’s dainty, slender elbow bumped mine, and a smirk spread across my face. “I said ‘most’…”

  “Yeah, I know. I heard you tell me I’m pretty.”


  James’ apartment was immaculately clean, but there wasn’t much to clutter the single, studio room. A bed was pushed against the far wall, and a dresser sat butt against it. The set up gave a surprising sense of privacy, and I glanced around as he sauntered towards the tall armoire. Awkwardness made me fidget as I stood just beyond the closed door.

Following his movements through narrowed eyes, I rubbed the tips of my fingers together as I recounted the day. James had called me to ask if I wanted to watch him box, and in my mind, I pictured him with big gloves and a mouth guard, trading weak blows with someone wearing protection pads.

  Oh- how wrong I had been. He went bare knuckle against a man whose padding did nothing to lessen the impacts. At first it was hard to watch, but as the hour slowly went by I found it harder and harder to blink. Every punch he landed was precise; every pivot of his stance crisp and on point. After a while, I realized that his fighting and my pole dancing were the same- we just loved to do it, regardless of what people thought.

  “Do you want a drink?” The question snapped me from my reverie, and I nodded silently as James walked to the refrigerator. “I only have water… and rum.”

  “Water is fine, please.” My response was swift, and James arched his brows at me before opening the box. His silent question weighed the air between us, but I only sighed a heavy breath. “I don’t really drink, and if I do- it’s usually wine.”

  “Let me get this straight. You’ve never seen another person’s blood before- you’ve rarely seen your own blood before- you don’t drink- you’re a stripper to pay for college… and you don’t frown…” Laughing at the assessment, I nodded even as heat billowed up into my cheeks. Across the room James reached into the refrigerator with his free hand, kicking the door shut with a low grunt. “Is it a stretch to say you’re also a virgin? I can’t imagine Martins… your dad- will have an easy time letting you go.”

  “My dad didn’t know for two years.” Thoughtlessly I spoke out, and James barked a laugh of his own before setting his clothes on the counter. Watching him wash his hands, I licked my lips absently as the muscles of his arms and back flexed and rippled. Tensing at the sudden rush that tightened my abdomen, I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts.


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