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Broken Vows

Page 73

by Tom Bower

  briefs TB and presses him for decisiveness, 1;

  warns about lack of post-war planning, 1, 2;

  demands assurance war would be legal, 1;

  and war briefings, 1, 2;

  announces war officially over, 1;

  on Short and aid work in Iraq, 1

  Boys-Smith, Stephen: Straw urges to do better with asylum-seekers, 1, 2; meets with TB to discuss asylum-seekers, 1;

  works with Roche, 1, 2;

  on Straw, 1;

  welcomes tolerant immigration policy, 1;

  grants Somalians exceptional leave to remain, 1;

  on New Labour immigration policy, 1;

  improves decision-making process, 1;

  relationship with Blunkett, 1;

  on benefit voucher system, 1;

  replaced by Jeffrey, 1;

  on second Iraq dossier, 1;

  work in Northern Ireland, 1

  BP, 1, 2

  Bradford Royal Infirmary, 1

  Branson, Richard, 1, 2, 3

  Brazil, 1

  Bremer, Paul, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bremner, Rory, 1

  Bright, Martin, 1

  Brin, Sergey, 1

  Bristol Royal Infirmary, 1

  British Aerospace, 1

  British army: in Kosovo, 1, 2; in Sierra Leone and East Timor, 1;

  lack of proper funding for Iraq war, 1, 2;

  lack of experience for Iraq war, 1;

  pushes for full involvement, 1, 2;

  invasion performance, 1;

  plight in Iraq in aftermath of war, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  more funding reluctantly released by Brown, 1;

  military police murdered, 1;

  administrative muddle in British chain of command, 1;

  calibre of officers in Iraq, 1;

  TB pledges to send more troops to Afghanistan, 1, 2, 3;

  Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, 1, 2, 3;

  growing chaos round Basra, 1;

  withdrawal from Iraq starts to be considered, 1;

  Afghanistan deployment goes ahead, 1;

  desires to leave Iraq, 1;

  helicopter shot down in Basra, 1;

  extension of Afghanistan mission to Sangin proves disastrous, 1;

  escalation and mission creep in Afghanistan and Iraq, 1, 2;

  and NHS medical treatment, 1;

  lack of proper funding and equipment, 1;

  see also SAS

  British Energy, 1

  British Gas, 1, 2

  British Medical Association (BMA): TB under fire from, 1; obstruction to change, 1;

  and NHS Plan 2000, 1;

  negotiations over consultant pay and conditions, 1, 2;

  GP pay and conditions, 1;

  negotiates yet better pay, 1;

  hatred of the market, 1;

  new system for assigning junior doctors to consultants, 1

  Bromley, Princess Royal University Hospital, 1, 2

  Brooks, Rebekah, 1

  Brown, Gordon: character, 1, 2, 3; books about, 1, 2, 3;

  attitude to Smith, 1;

  appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1;

  TB’s role in economic affairs, 1;

  attitude to health expenditure, 1;

  relationship with TB, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and Robinson, 1;

  flat swap with Blairs, 1;

  and Ecclestone scandal, 1, 2;

  worsening relations with Mandelson, 1;

  and Robinson scandal, 1;

  Routledge’s biography appears, 1;

  conviction should have been PM, 1;

  and defence policy, 1;

  and energy policy, 1, 2;

  desire for revenge on Mandelson, 1;

  and immigration policy, 1;

  attitude to prison policy, 1;

  introduces tax credits, 1;

  appears to inject yet more cash into NHS, 1;

  pushes PFI deals for hospitals, 1;

  protects Robinson, 1;

  continuing belief in NHS monopoly, 1;

  his goals for the government, 1;

  role in Mandelson’s resignation irreparably damages relationship with TB, 1;

  gets involved in education policy, 1;

  personal agenda of redistribution, 1;

  and Kosovo intervention, 1, 2, 3;

  refuses to discuss Budget, 1;

  and forces of conservatism speech, 1;

  advice to Milburn about health policy, 1;

  refuses more money for NHS, 1;

  cancels Third World debt, 1;

  popularity, 1;

  TB tries to force to hand over NHS money, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Bremner’s portrayal, 1;

  divisiveness of his policy preferences, 1;

  and climate change, 1;

  considers Post Office privatisation, 1;

  reluctantly agrees to abandon petrol tax increase, 1;

  attitude to immigration, 1, 2, 3;

  underfunding of MoD, 1;

  Robinson praises, 1;

  more arguments with TB, 1,

  TB’s need for, 1;

  refuses to allocate money for foot-and-mouth epidemic, 1;

  another row with TB, 1;

  TB retreats from sending to Foreign Office, 1;

  still refusing more NHS money, 1, 2, 3;

  TB decides to stand firm against his demand for TB’s resignation, 1;

  commitment to tax credits, 1;

  backstabbing, 1;

  involvement in education programmes, 1;

  TB attempts to discuss 9/11 with, 1;

  and Iraq war, 1, 2;

  grudgingly funds immigrant detention centres, 1;

  more fights with TB, over NHS and succession in particular, 1;

  relationship with Milburn, 1, 2, 3;

  marriage, and death of newborn daughter, 1;

  finally agrees to extra NHS cash, 1, 2;

  2002 Budget breaks own golden rules, 1;

  opposes Milburn’s NHS reorganisation, 1;

  economic forecasts proved wrong, 1;

  Iraq war as means for TB to win out over, 1;

  refuses more money for the military in run-up to Iraq war, 1, 2;

  attacks TB at 2002 party conference, 1;

  obstructs TB’s nuclear power plans, 1;

  poor value of redistributive efforts 1;

  supports part privatisation of London Underground, 1;

  Blunkett and Milburn try to persuade TB to sack, 1;

  relationship with CB, 1;

  TB again retreats from sacking, 1;

  allocates funds for Iraq invasion, 1;

  to be excluded from war plans, 1;

  Cabinet attitude to, 1;

  support for Iraq war, 1;

  goes on attack again against TB, 1, 2;

  2003 Budget breaks golden rules again, 1;

  another NHS row, 1;

  as protector of NHS spending, 1;

  opposes introducing the market into NHS, 1;

  Milburn sacrificed to TB’s need for, 1;

  Reid’s attitude to, 1, 2;

  TB’s fear of continues to affect health policy, 1;

  TB quashes his querying of education expenditure, 1, 2;

  Powell on his ambition to be PM, 1;

  blocks funds for army in Iraq, 1;

  argues with TB over British membership of euro, 1;

  tentative handover deal done with TB, 1;

  TB reneges on deal, 1;

  reluctantly releases more military funding, 1;

  triumphant 2004 Budget, 1;

  again presses TB to resign, 1, 2;

  row over energy policy, 1, 2;

  TB announces will serve full third term, 1;

  constant self-promotion, 1;

  TB moves against, with predictable results, 1;

  Peston’s supportive book, 1;

  made election supremo, 1;

  his effect on the economy and industry, 1;

  and Rover, 1;

  TB again toys with idea of sacking, 1;

  opposes TB’s proposed health changes, 1;

  worsening public finances, 1;

  more involvement in health policy, 1;

  more arguments over TB’s length of tenure and succession, 1;

  row with TB over economy and pensions, 1;

  agrees to fund Afghanistan mission, 1;

  snap pledge to increase funding for state schools, 1;

  again attacking TB, 1;

  TB attempts to make him more New Labour, 1, 2;

  encourages BNF’s sale of stake in Westinghouse Electric Company, 1;

  TB wants to win over to nuclear power, 1;

  again refuses additional military funding, 1, 2;

  finally gets departure date from TB, 1;

  popular lack of support, 1;

  at 2006 party conference, 1;

  TB’s attitude to him as successor, 1;

  rejects New Labour brand, 1;

  helps TB exit gracefully, 1;

  still opposes TB’s education policies, 1;

  2007 Budget, 1;

  performance as Chancellor assessed, 1;

  assures self of succession, 1;

  congratulates TB at his last Cabinet meeting, 1;

  as PM, 1, 2, 3;

  TB writes about in memoirs, 1;

  and Chilcot inquiry, 1

  Brown, Professor Margaret, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Brown, Nick, 1, 2, 3

  Brown, Sarah (née Macaulay), 1

  Browne, Des: appointed immigration minister, 1; and immigration policy, 1;

  appointed defence secretary, 1;

  and expansion of Afghanistan mission, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and Iraq, 1, 2;

  unable to push successfully for more military funding, 1;

  discusses Dannatt insurrection with TB, 1

  Browne, John, 1

  Buckley, Edgar, 1

  Buhari, President Muhammadu, 1, 2

  Bulgarian immigrants, 1

  Burns, Terry, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Burridge, Air Marshal Brian, 1, 2

  Bush, George W.: meets TB, 1; discussions with TB in immediate wake of 9/11, 1;

  ‘axis of evil’ speech, 1, 2;

  tries to raise support for Iraq war, 1;

  TB in constant contact with, 1;

  commitment to regime change, 1;

  TB meets to discuss Iraq, 1;

  TB’s unconditional guarantees to, 1, 2, 3;

  TB fails to persuade to go UN route, 1;

  calls on Saddam to surrender WMDs, 1;

  takes final decision to invade Iraq, 1;

  relationship with TB changes, 1;

  endorses Ulster peace plans, 1;

  TB dines with, 1;

  initiates report into US intelligence agencies’ errors over WMDs, 1;

  at G8 Gleneagles summit, 1;

  TB’s subservient relationship with, 1;

  video conference with TB to discuss Iraq, 1;

  ‘Yo, Blair’ greeting, 1;

  rejects TB’s offer to act as Rice’s advance man in Middle East, 1;

  TB fails to influence on Middle East peace plan, 1, 2;

  TB’s public farewell, 1;

  helps TB get job as Quartet envoy, 1

  Butler, Brigadier Ed, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Butler, Robin: character, 1; inquiries into Hamilton’s and Aitken’s probity, 1;

  first encounters with TB, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  on immigration, 1;

  selection of successor, 1;

  clash with Blunkett, 1;

  and CB, 1;

  on Dearlove, 1;

  on protocol for prime ministerial meetings with MI6, 1;

  on TB’s character, 1

  Butler inquiry and report, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Byers, Stephen: appointed trade and industry secretary, 1; and trade and industry policy, 1;

  approves Desmond’s takeover of Express, 1;

  loyalty to TB, 1;

  appoints administrators for Railtrack, 1;

  accused of misleading House of Commons, 1;

  criticises Brown at TB’s behest, 1

  Cabinet: TB’s style for meetings, 1, 2, 3, 4; ignorance of full Iraq situation, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  Boyce addresses on extent of UK involvement in Iraq invasion, 1;

  told troops are to go to Middle East, 1;

  level of support for Iraq war, 1;

  given précis only of Goldsmith’s opinion of legality of war, 1;

  shackled by TB, 1;

  committee to discuss health, 1;

  discusses Afghanistan mission, 1, 2;

  TB’s last meeting, 1;

  advance knowledge of Iraq war queried by Chilcot inquiry, 1

  Calais see Sangatte refugee camp

  Callaghan, James, 1, 2

  Camarano, Erik, 1

  Cameron, David: and Hutton report, 1; takes over leadership of Tories, 1;

  asks TB if backs Brown as successor, 1;

  and TB’s farewell to Commons, 1;

  and Rwanda, 1;

  and Libya, 1;

  TB asks for help to become EU president, 1;

  TB encourages to visit Kazakhstan, 1;

  and Vietnam, 1;

  and Nigeria, 1

  Campbell, Alastair: background and character, 1; diaries, 1;

  author’s attitude to, 1;

  appointed by TB, 1;

  on Butler, 1;

  role on TB’s staff, 1;

  on Wilson, 1;

  importance to TB, 1, 2;

  attitude to Mandelson, 1;

  and Diana’s death, 1;

  takes TB’s side in row with CB over Hunter, 1;

  and TB’s European single currency policy, 1;

  and Ecclestone scandal, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  working methods and loyalties, 1;

  Mandelson on, 1;

  and SAS killing of Serbian warlord, 1;

  and defence and foreign policy, 1, 2;

  on TB on world stage, 1;

  and Robinson scandal, 1;

  and TB–Brown relationship, 1;

  promotes Mandelson’s trade and industry strategy, 1;

  and immigration policy, 1;

  defends Robinson, 1;

  blamed by Mandelson for his first resignation, 1;

  Mandelson’s resignation increases his importance, 1;

  and TB’s first reshuffle, 1;

  criticised by Mandelson for spin re. government’s perceived elitism, 1;

  spin on TB’s foreign policy, 1;

  on Guthrie, 1;

  and Kosovo intervention, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  advises Shea on managing media, 1;

  helps with forces of conservatism speech, 1;

  attacks Winston for criticism of NHS, 1;

  Bremner’s portrayal, 1;

  and health policy, 1;

  authorises Cockerell film, 1;

  and fuel-delivery lorry drivers’ protest, 1;

  and education policy, 1, 2;

  argument about TB’s staff provokes him to threaten to resign, 1;

  and Hinduja affair, 1, 2;

  encourages TB to befriend Desmond, 1, 2;

  and 2001 election, 1;

  on Morris, 1;

  on Boyce, 1;

  and Iraq war, 1, 2, 3;

  tries to reconcile TB and Brown, 1;

  and Mittal donation, 1;

  support for Moore, 1;

  and foundation hospitals, 1;

  urges Morris not to resign, 1;

  and first Iraq dossier, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and foot-and-mouth report, 1;

  defends CB to media, 1;

  and Caplin, 1;

  relationship with CB, 1;

  advises TB re. Iraq invasion, 1;

  on TB’s exposure, 1;

  Boyce on, 1;

  supervises second Iraq dossier, 1;

  warns TB off discussing religion, 1;

  impatience with progress of Iraq war, 1;

  threatens to resign, 1, 2;

  shores up TB’s reputation in wake of lack of WMDs in Iraq,

  on Rumsfeld, 1;

  Gilligan–Kelly affair, 1;

  leaves Downing Street, 1;

  and Hutton report, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  exonerated by Taylor, 1;

  advises TB to resign, 1;

  and Butler inquiry and report, 1;

  and 2005 election, 1;

  warns TB party support for him waning, 1;

  helps TB with his commercial work, 1, 2;

  promotes Nazarbayev, 1

  Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, 1

  cancer, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Caplin, Carole, 1, 2, 3, 4

  car industry, 1, 2, 3

  carbon emissions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  carbon trading, 1, 2

  Care Quality Commission, 1, 2

  Carey, George, 1

  Carruthers, Ian, 1

  Casey, General George, 1

  Cassen, Professor Robert, 1, 2

  cataracts, 1, 2

  Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, 1

  Cavanagh, Matt, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Chakrabarti, Suma, 1

  Chamberlain, Neville, 1

  Chaplin, Edward, 1

  Charles, Prince of Wales, 1, 2

  Chartres, Richard, 1, 2

  Cheney, Dick, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Chilcot, John, 1, 2

  Chilcot inquiry, 1, 2

  Chilcott, Dominic, 1

  China, 1

  Chirac, Jacques: and Kosovo, 1, 2, 3; and Iraq war, 1, 2;

  TB rejects invitation to meet, 1

  Chisholm, John, 1

  Churchill, Winston, 1

  CIA: and Iraq, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; and Libya, 1;

  Senate Intelligence Committee report on WMDs, 1

  Civil Partnership Act (2004), 1

  civil service: New Labour’s relationship with, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; selection of Butler’s successor, 1;

  calibre in MoD, 1, 2;

  importance to TB’s government, 1;

  TB introduces new units to manage and modernise, 1;

  calibre at Foreign Office, 1;

  Turnbull’s changed role as Cabinet secretary, 1;

  performance and rewards, 1;

  at Home Office, 1;

  changing standards, 1

  Clark, Alan, 1

  Clark, David, 1

  Clarke, Charles: character, 1; on TB as judge of character, 1;

  moves to Home Office, 1;

  on Brown, 1;

  on Roche, 1;

  on TB’s fears of losing 2001 election, 1;

  appointed education secretary, 1;

  and education policy, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  urges TB to fight over tuition fees, 1, 2;


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