Season for Miracles
Page 12
He turned and smiled at her. Wow, she looked amazing. The woman had just gone though what he could only describe as her worst nightmare, yet she looked like a million quid.
Her smile died on her face and her eyes clouded. “Are you not stopping?” Disappointment filled her voice.
“It’s what Mum always says. You’re wearing your jacket as if you’re planning on leaving. Are you not staying for coffee after all?”
“I’m cold.”
Holly moved to the thermostat and turned up the heating. “There. Please, Kyle, don’t go. I don’t want to be on my own just yet.”
“OK.” He shrugged out of the jacket with a sharp hiss of pain. Blood now stained the sleeve of his sweater. He thought it would have stopped by now. He looked at it, then up at her, seeing the colour drain from her face.
“Kyle? You're hurt.” Holly swallowed hard and reached for the first aid kit, feeling horrible. She’d ignored the pain he was in, and had just worried about herself. What kind of a person did that? In her mind’s eye she could see the knife catch him and him falling with a cry of pain. “Let me see.”
“It’s fine. It’s just a scratch.”
“Scratches don’t bleed that much. Slide your arm out of your sleeve and let me see.” She noticed the hesitation and pounced. “Come on, you insisted the paramedics checked me over, but didn’t get checked yourself. Please? Please with sugar and cherries on the top?”
Kyle rolled his eyes as she tossed his words back at him, but did what she asked. Pain creased his face as he pulled the sweater off his arm.
Holly gasped as she caught a glimpse of his stomach. “Kyle...”
“It’s fine,” he said, easing himself into the chair. “A hot bath and a couple paracetamol and I’ll be good as new.”
“I’ve got some arnica cream. That will help.” She pulled it out of the first aid kit. “I’m not going to offer to rub it on for you, though.”
Kyle pretended to pout, but took the cream, rubbing it onto his stomach and chest himself.
Holly handed him a couple of paracetamol tablets and a glass of water. Then she turned her attention to the cut on his arm. It wasn’t deep, but it was long. He sat in silence as she bathed and dressed it. She smiled at him as she fastened the bandage. “There you go.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you want me to wash your sweater?”
“No. It’s fine.”
She watched him struggle back into it. “It’ll need soaking in cold water if you want the blood to come out.”
He gave her a curious look. “Cold water?”
Holly smiled. “Yes, cold water. Look, take it off and let me see to it. There’s a load of my brother’s things in the second bedroom. Borrow something of his for now, and I’ll show you. Third door on the right at the top of the stairs.”
“OK. Thanks.” He got up and left the room.
Holly poured the coffees and stood stirring them when he came back in wearing a black turtle necked sweater. It looked better on him than it ever had on Drew. He handed her his one and she turned to the sink.
Kyle stood by her side with a fascinated expression on his face as she rinsed the sweater in cold water, rubbing the sleeve it until all but a faint blood stain remained. “That’s amazing.”
Once all the blood was gone, she examined the cut in the wool. She filled the sink with warm water and detergent and left the sweater to soak. “I’ll fix the sleeve once it’s dry. It’ll be as good as new.”
“Thank you.”
Holly dried her hands and handed him a mug of coffee. She sat at the table.
Kyle sat beside her. “Are you OK, Holly?”
She sipped the coffee. “Right now, probably not.”
She studied the cup, her finger tracing around the rim. “Yes?”
“Talk to me.”
“I went to check the fuses, but they were fine. I called to you, but got no answer. Then I realized the mains switch was off and as you were with me, there must be someone else in the house. So I came looking for you. When I saw you on the floor, I didn’t know what to think. All thoughts that someone was in the house just went out of my head. Did he hit you so he could get to me?”
Kyle shook his head. “Nothing so glamorous I’m afraid. I tripped over your rug and went flying. I must have caught my head on something, but couldn’t have been out for more than a few seconds. When I came to, he was attacking you. I had to stop him.”
“I’m glad you did. You saved my life. But maybe you should see a doctor.”
“I’m fine, hon, really.”
“Good. Thank you for saving my life.” On impulse she leaned in and kissed him. Then she pulled away. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, I’m not.” He pushed a hand through her hair. “The police have him locked up, and he’ll stay that way. He’ll pay for hurting you and all those others, and he’ll never hurt you again.” He got up and pulled her to her feet. “Let’s go sit under that tree of yours.”
Holly nodded, walking with him to the lounge. She turned on the gas fire and they sat on the sheepskin rug by the tree with Kyle’s hand resting close to hers. They sat in silence for a while, drinking the coffee. He twisted to look at her.
He pushed a hand through her hair. “Holly...”
She looked at him. “That’s a serious tone, Kyle.”
“I know I’ve only known you a few days, but I can’t help the way I feel.” His gaze held hers. “I love you, Holly Carmichael. I love you with every fibre of my being.”
Something burst within her as he spoke and all these emotions flooding her fell into place. She knew without a doubt that what she felt was love and it was only fair she let him know. She lifted a hand to his face. “And I love you, Kyle Stevens.”
Leaning into him, Holly kissed his cheek, not wanting to appear too forward.
Kyle turned his face, his lips touching Holly’s. Her fingers wound into his hair as his hands slid down her back. Taking her parted lips as an invitation, he deepened the kiss.
When he released her, Holly was breathless and incapable of speaking. His smile lit his eyes and they shone with something she didn’t recognize.
“Are you all right, Holly?”
She nodded. Her name fell from his lips in such an amazing way, it lit another spark in her already flaming body.
He laughed. “Holly Carmichael, did I just kiss you speechless?”
Holly nodded again, and Kyle leaned forward and kissed her nose. “For a novice, you’re pretty good at this. Perhaps it’s because you’re the right woman for me.”
Holly looked at him. “Now I know what they mean by falling in love.”
Kyle smirked. “Some huge dog runs into you, knocks you flying and the...”
“Silly? I was thinking more along the lines of attractive owner sweeps you off your feet, saves the damsel in distress...”
“What was wrong with my dress?” she asked deliberately playing on his choice of words. She wondered if he’d get it—Distress...this dress.
“It was a kilt, not a dress,” he corrected, grinning at her. “And you looked lovely in it. Until you tripped up, tore your tights and ruined the look. Anyway, the attractive owner sweeps you off your feet, saves the damsel in distress from the dragon, or serial killer in this case, falls in love with the princess and they live happily ever after.”
Holly laughed. “You know, Stacey said that all I needed for Christmas was a nice bloke. I thought all I wanted was to no longer be afraid. Think I may have got both.”
Kyle wrapped his uninjured arm around her and pulled her close to him. They sat there for a while, not needing to say anything. Then Kyle looked at his watch. “I should go. It’s getting on for one a.m.” He gave her a long tender look, his eyes full emotion. “Are you going to be OK?”
“Yeah. I’ll lock up and go to bed. It’s been a long day. Would you pray
before you go?”
“Of course.” He grabbed her hands. “Lord, thank you for keeping us safe earlier tonight. We were both scared, but You preserved us, and we thank You for that. Thank You also, that this man is now in custody and won’t be able to hurt any other women in the way he hurt Holly and Jayne and the others. Continue to be with us tonight, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Kyle got to his feet and went to retrieve his jacket from the kitchen. Holly followed him to the front door. Before she had chance to open it, he pulled her against him for another, much longer, mind-blowing kiss, sweeping her up in the wonder of his love. His eyes sparked at her as he broke the kiss. “See it wasn’t Santa who put me under your tree.”
Holly smiled. “No, it was God. And Kyle, you were right. Miracles do happen.”
He kissed her nose. “Of course. It’s the season for them.”
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